#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 3

Silver Moon - Fox

“At this rate we mindswell combine our packs.” Marigold smirked beside me as we watched another member of the Crescent Moon pack mate with one of our she-wolves. I kissed my mate’s temple and agreed,

“I think that’s a member of Luna Josie’s guard.” I observed, thinking that the she-wolf he mated with would be leaving us to join Crescent Moon.

We spotted Alpha August and Luna Josie watching the exchange and walked over to join them.

“I’m glad you two could make it.” Luna Josie smiled brilliantly at us after the introductions were made, “I’ve heard so much about the pair of you and your story.”

“I’m thankful for your pack’s allegiance and your Alpha’s assistance with the Council.” I said.

“Yes, we had another visit from them earlier this week.” Luna Josie frowned, looking upset. Then, a screaming toddler caught her attention and she hurried away.

“You must excuse her, our sons are quite the handful.” Alpha August chuckled deeply and Marigold grinned in response,

“We have two toddlers ourselves, and a newborn daughter.” She said.

“Our boys are two and almost three, and our daughter is only three months old. It seems we have a great deal in common.” Alpha August smiled at my mate.

“Your Luna said you had another visit from the Council?” I brought the conversation back to the topic at hand.

“Oh, yes. They had concerns about my Beta who is off looking for his witch mate. You two must stay the night and we can discuss everything in the morning.” Alpha August offered. I looked down at Marigold who nodded.

“Okay. We have some things we learned from the Fae that could be useful.”

“For now, let’s just enjoy the party. My mate will have my head if I let shop talk ruin her day.” Alpha August laughed but I knew he was serious. I myself knew the fury of a mate all too well.

“I understand.” I shook Alpha August’s hand and guided Marigold back to our table.

“He seems nice, they both do.” Marigold said as she took her seat.

“I think so, too. You and Josie will have a lot in common with the children.” I observed.

“They need to know about the prophecy.” Marigold’s face turned serious and I nodded in agreement,

“Tomorrow.” I squeezed her hand under the table, “For now, let’s do as Alpha August suggested and enjoy the party. It’s our first night away from the kids since Levi was born.”

“I know.” Marigold frowned and I could tell that being away from them was bothering her.

“They’re spending time with their uncles, Sol and Bay, you know that they’re in good hands, Mari.” I kissed her cheek and she nodded.

“I know, I just worry.”

“Come on, I think I can help with that.” I grabbed her hand and led her away to the bar. After a few glasses of wine she was much more relaxed and moving freely on the dance floor.

“Is it true that your Beta is a female?” Ty, one of Luna Josie’s guards and the new mate of one of the she-wolves from my pack, asked.

“And that she’s mated to your Gamma?” Scout, another member of the guard, added. I chuckled at the pair of them.

“Ferra is my twin sister and, yes, she’s mated to my Gamma, Stone.”

“Wicked.” Scout laughed, more than a little drunk.

“Scout and Ty, I wanted to offer my blessing of your mate bond with my pack members and offer you both a place in my pack. But, I will also release Sarah and Mia to your pack if that is their wish.” I said and Marigold smiled in agreement.

“Thank you Alpha.” Sarah, an omega in my pack, nodded her head in respect.

“We have discussed this, Alpha Fox, and Sarah and Mia have both agreed to stay with us since we have been on our Luna’s patrol guard since she first arrived here. We don’t want to leave our post.” Ty, the more sober of the two, replied.

“Thank you for your kindness, Alpha.” Mia smiled softly at me, “We will miss you both.” She added, looking over at Marigold.

“We just want your happiness.” Marigold said, squeezing her hand across the table.

“Oof, there goes another one.” Someone whistled from behind us as another set of mates found each other.

“Still no luck, Avery?” Scout asked the man behind us.

“Nope. Even Ford found his mate with someone from Valor Moon. You know, that old yippy pack in Florida?” Avery rolled his eyes, “Rebecca.” He slurred, taking another sip of his whisky.

“Dude, relax. We found our mates too, remember?” Ty narrowed his eyes at Avery in warning.

“Everyone is whipped but me now.” Avery sulked off.

“Forgive him, he’s the last member of the Luna’s guard to be mateless.” Scout sighed.

“I’m sure he’ll find his mate soon.” Marigold smiled confidently.

“I hope so, otherwise he’ll be insufferable.” Ty said.

“If you four will excuse us, I owe my lovely Luna a dance.” I smiled over at Marigold, having the sudden urge to hold her in my arms. She pressed her lips together in a thin line, hating the idea of dancing. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the table, anyway.

“I hate dancing, Finn.” She whined dramatically.

“I know, that was just an excuse.” I laughed, ducking into the edge of the forest and hiding behind a tree.

I pressed her back against the tree trunk and ran my hands down her refined red dress. It was tight, hugging her curves perfectly, with a sexy slit from her hip all the way down to her toes. I slipped my hand behind the folds of the fabric and caressed her bare hip. Marigold gasped, resting her head against the tree and closing her eyes in pleasure.

“Better than dancing, my love?” I teased her, nibbling at her neck.

“Mhm.” She hummed, unable to form words.

My lips found hers and I ravaged them, forcing my tongue inside. She moaned against me and I chuckled, dipping my kisses down her neck and across her chest.

“Finn,” She moaned, “What if someone sees?”

“I’ll gouge out their eyeballs for looking at what’s mine.” I growled.

“Great plan.” She deadpanned and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked just as my fingers found their way into her panties.

She gasped loudly but didn’t respond. I looked up at her face to see her biting her lip. Her eyes met mine and she shook her head with a wild expression on her face. Suddenly, the bushes and trees around us came to life, hiding us in a cove of greenery.

“Now, no one will see.” She smirked devilishly at me and fiddled with my pants, swiftly unbuckling them.

“My dirty little fae.” I replied in a husky tone before taking her to new heights in the middle of Crescent Moon’s territory.

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