#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 19

Crescent Moon - August

With Ethan by my side and Hayden staying close to Josie, I wrangled my supporters with the rest of the Alphas. My brothers, Mason, Logan, and Wyatt, and their mates Laine, Samantha, and Mia, arrived yesterday and were the first to respond to the call to duty. Josie’s brother, Jared, was also with us. His mate and their daughter were heading to the safe house with Navy. Sybil and Hayden’s mate, Kasey, were with Josie along with her Luna guard. I addressed my warriors,

“Supporters of the Council are attacking the borders of New Moon as we speak. We need to be prepared for large numbers who have no desire to be taken alive. They will fight to the death and want to destroy every single one of us. We are witnesses against the Council and they want us taken out. We have the help of all the packs who have gathered here today. We have the strength and the power, all we need to do is have faith in each other.” My warriors nodded enthusiastically.

Around us were the other Alphas who were making similar speeches to their warriors. An eruption rattled the crowd as the warriors cheered and pledged their loyalty to the cause. Everyone was ready for a fight. I glanced sideways at the other Alphas and we shared a nod just before the fields in front of us descended into chaos.

Paws pounded the floor in a thunderous applause, growls and viscous snarls clapped in my ears as the Council’s wolves and rogues flooded the field. Beyond the wolves, I could see a line of elders in their flashy robes observing the scene. They must have called in all of their debts with the vast amount of packs they poisoned with their hate. There were hundreds of wolves at their disposal and not a single elder willing to get their own hands dirty.

“I want those Elders alive.” I snarled in a low, dangerous voice. I heard the other Alphas give the same order to their warriors.

In a single motion, I shifted into Arlo and let out a horrific howl. I spared one glance towards my Luna who nodded at me with a stern scowl. Ethan shifted next to me and then my brothers and the rest of the warriors. I stomped the ground with my front paw before lunging forward and into the fight. Ethan’s wolf, Jesse, pushed his head against my hindlegs as a show of support.

Beside me were three other wolves who matched me in size. I looked around for Leo and noticed that he was ahead of us and much larger, larger than any Alpha wolf I had seen before. Arlo could sense it, he was our King Alpha. Noah’s wolf, Remi, Fox’s wolf, Hunter, and Knox’s wolf, Alistair were all running at the same pace as me with their Betas at their side.

Somewhere behind me I could sense the Lunas. Austyn was the only one who could shift into a wolf but she hadn’t joined the fight yet.

The ground started to shake, but this time it wasn’t from the paws of the werewolves. Thunder and lightning cracked in the sky just as the clouds opened up, drenching the fields with powerful raindrops. Arlo looked up towards the sky and realized that he wasn’t getting wet, none of our allies were. Only the rogues and the other Council wolves were affected by the sudden rain storm. Arlo turned his head to the side and saw a glowing figure with wild hair; Marigold.

Marigold was standing between her brothers who had taken control of the environment around us. King Solaris had sparks coming from his fingers when suddenly the entire field was surrounded by a border of fire. Prince Bayu’s eyes glowed white before a strong wind ripped through the trees and tall grasses, blinding the rogue wolves.

The green glow around Marigold got brighter as the trees and vegetation came to life around us. Roots popped up from the ground, tripping the enemy wolves while the trees reached out their branches like claws, grasping any wolf within reach. The trees behind the elders reached out towards them, grabbing a hold of the elders and containing them in a viney prison.

Before the warriors even made it to the rogue wolves, a quarter of their pack was already wiped out from the fae’s attack. Our front line of attack slammed into the first of the rogues, and the fighting began. Arlo latched onto the scruff of the closest wolf and, in a single bite, ripped out his jugular. One after another, Arlo ate his way through dozens of wolves.

I looked to the side and saw Josie fighting swiftly beside her guard, half of whom were in their wolf form and the other half were still humans. Hayden’s wolf, Brooks, snapped at any wolf who came near her back. Arlo barked in awe as our Luna took down another wolf twice her size with a clean swipe of her blade. I shoved off a rogue who was running towards me so I could join my mate. We fought side by side.

“Arlo, look!” Josie shouted, pointing to something behind me.

I snapped the neck of another wolf before turning around. Behind me stood Navy’s siren family, her parents, her brothers, and their mates. The youngest girl, Nadia, wasn’t with them and I had to assume she was sent to the bunker.

The sirens had their arms outstretched and their eyes were glowing blue. The same blue surrendered the raindrops around the rogues. The water seemed to come to life around the enemies, blinding them and searing their skin like acid. The rogues howled in pain as the droplets burned their fur.

“We have some badass friends.” Arlo yipped in my head.

“You helped bring everyone together, Alpha.” Josie purred through the mindlink.

“I couldn’t have done it without you, Luna.” Arlo replied, sending dirty images through the link.

“Alpha!” She giggled in surprise before shutting off the link and returning to battle.

Arlo returned his focus to the scene around us, looking for the other Alphas and Lunas to see how they were doing. Evie was surrounded by a horde of warriors, unable to shift nor was she a great fighter, but her Luna voice was an asset to the fight. She was shouting orders at the rogue wolves and they were submitting like puppies at her feet. Any wolf who submitted was immediately chained up with silver. We wouldn’t murder a wolf who wasn’t fighting back.

Remi was close to Evie’s side, killing any wolf who dared to lunge in her direction with ease. Among the Alphas, I had the most fighting experience and training thanks to my time with the Warrior pack. But, the others weren’t to be underestimated. Noah was swift and direct with his attacks, never leaving any weakness exposed nor time for his enemy to get the upper hand.

Hunter was a few feet away from the three faes, defending his mate and her brothers effortlessly. He had the most wild fighting skill, he was a playful wolf who liked to enjoy the take down. That’s not to say that he was sloppy, no, he knew exactly what he was doing. Hunter was mischievous and skillful as was his human counterpart, Fox. As his nickname suggested, he was the quickest wolf around and very sneaky. You could almost see the laughter in his eyes as he teased the wolves before killing them.

Alistair was an old soul, just like his name. He looked bored 99% of the time, like he had a million other things he could be doing besides killing you. Without Navy out in the field, he was the least distracted and most murderous. He had no emotions in his eyes, they were simply dark voids as he ripped apart the enemy. He moved around the field gracefully with no ties to any particular spot, since his Luna wasn’t there for him to hover around.

Then there was Leo’s wolf, Quinn who was black as night with starry golden eyes. He was terrifying to behold, even for me.

A dirty blonde blur ran past me and demanded my attention. In a matter of seconds, a wolf that was at least as large as Quinn joined his side. I had no doubts, this was Austyn’s wolf, Ember and she screamed Queen Luna. Ember nearly swallowed a rogue hole as it lunged towards Quinn. Arlo laughed at the exchange, actually feeling sorry for whatever rogue got in her way.

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