#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 3


“Alpha Leo, please accept our invitation to attend a feast in Amber and Nick’s honor at Dark Moon’s packhouse.” Alpha Victor said from the front porch as he prepared to leave the next morning.

“Of course, Alpha Victor.” I mumbled. I didn’t really want to attend anything at Dark Moon, but it was important that our packs remained at peace.

“Fantastic. Tomorrow night then?” Alpha Victor asked.

“See you then.” I nodded, turning my back on the Alpha and retreating to the packhouse. Amber and Nick were standing in the doorway, sucking face again.

“Amber, let’s go. You’ll be reunited shortly.” Alpha Victor sighed at his daughter.

“See you tomorrow, my love.” Nick purred, making me physically ill.

“May this be our last goodbye.” Amber said with equally as pathetic goo goo eyes. Amber and Nick shared another kiss before she left in her father’s car.

“Come on, man, we have some things to prepare for.” I said to Nick. Nick nodded and followed me to my office where Jacks was already waiting.

“Tomorrow evening we will go to Dark Moon and entertain the Alpha for a brief dinner. Nick, you will bring Amber home and you two can have your pick at any of the available cottages or redo the Gamma quarters on the third floor.” I explained.

“Thanks, Leo.” Nick nodded.

“Jacks, you and I will take care of everything for a week so Nick can settle in with his mate.” I added.

“Sounds good.” Jacks agreed.

“Also, Nick, thank you.” I looked over at my Gamma.

“For?” He asked, confused.

“For mating with Amber so I didn’t have to.”

“Excuse me?” Nick attempted to restrain from yelling at his Alpha.

“They were here because my father wanted me to take Amber as my chosen mate and Luna.” I answered in a bored tone.

What?” Nick was losing it now.

“Calm down. I sent them away with a hell no.” I waved my hand, dismissing Nick’s attitude.

“Good.” Nick grumbled, slumping in his chair and crossing his arms like a pouty child.

“Any news on the borders?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Nope, all clear.” Jacks said.

Twelve years ago, shortly before I became Alpha, Dark Moon had a massive and tragic rogue attack. It led to the death of their Beta and his mate. It orphaned a little girl. Ever since then, we remained on high alert. Our borders were heavily patrolled against any impending danger. But, all was quiet. For 12 years, there were no rogue sightings and no threats against our pack.

Still, I wasn’t about to be the Alpha who let his guard down and allowed rogues into the pack’s territory. So, we stayed on alert and our warriors continued to be trained to perfection.

“Alright, that’s all for today. Get out of here.” I said to Jacks and Nick.

“Come on, it’s Nick’s last night as a single man, we’ve got to go out.” Jacks complained. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them. Nick shrugged,

“He’s got a point.”

“Fine.” I grumbled but couldn’t help the sly smile that plagued my lips.

The thing is, Nick and Jacks weren’t just my second and third in command, they were also my best friends since childhood. I ignored tradition, an admittedly normal attribute of mine, and refused to take the sons of my father’s Beta and Gamma. Instead, I named my own. Breaking the bloodline really succeeded in pissing my father off, but I didn’t care. I trusted Nick and Jacks far more than two men who never had to work for anything a day in their life.

An hour later, the three of us were at The Cave, a local pub that many of the wolves frequented. It was owned by a human family that had a long history of protecting our pack’s secret.

Our small town near Reedsport, Oregon was home to a mixture of wolves and humans. 367 acres of the Deans Creek wildlife preserve makes up the pack territory, another 200 and something belonging to Dark Moon. Meanwhile, the town it surrounded was fair game for all species.

Most of the humans knew about us or at least the legends that surrounded the town and its strange occupants. The families who came from old bloodlines passed stories down for generations that led all the way back to the pack’s founders. Transplants learned the legends like they were scary stories told around the campfire.

“Another round, Johnny!” Jacks ordered the bartender for more shots. Nick cheered as he threw back three more drinks.

“What’s wrong, Alpha?” Nick laughed at me as I traded a shot for a glass of whisky.

“We’re not 21 anymore, fellas.” I smirked.

“Dude, you were always a party pooper.” Jacks said, rolling his eyes.

“Shut up.” I grumbled.

“You’re just jelly that I met my mate and yooooou haven’t.” Nick sang.

“Did you just say jelly?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

Maybe.” He shrugged.

“Maybe no more shots.” Jacks laughed, plucking the glass from Nick’s hand.

“Hey!” Nick whined, reaching for the glass,

“I wasn’t done.”

“Yeah, I think you are.” Jacks motioned towards the bartender to cut us off. Nick started to complain, but Jacks threw him over his shoulder and carried him off to the parking lot.

“Dude!” Nick shouted just before he threw up all down the back of Jacks.

“What the hell!” Jacks basically threw Nick across the parking lot and shook out of his jacket.

“Oh man, that’s disgusting.” I gulped, trying not to gag,

“Just remember, Jacks, this was all your idea.” I pointed out.

Jacks raised his middle finger at me before dragging Nick into the back of my car. I hopped in and rolled down all the windows.

“You will jump out of this car before you vomit in it.” I ordered Nick.

“Yes, sir.” Nick slurred. I shook my head at the pair of idiots in my back seat.

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