#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 33


Well, that was all certainly unexpected. I never in a million years thought Cameron would show up on the surface and offer to stay. He hated life above the sea and interacting with any other species. In hindsight, that’s why he was the perfect mate in my mom’s eyes. I had no idea what he was thinking, but I knew my own mind. Knox was the man for me, he was my mate. I had made my choice.

“Knox, I want you to do something.” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Anything, love.” Knox agreed easily, sitting next to me.

“I want you to mark me.” He looked at me in shock, like he didn’t believe he had heard me correctly.

“Come again?”

“You heard me. I want to wear your mark, I want to make our bond official.” I said again.


“Do I need a reason? Don’t you want to mark me?” I started to get defensive. Knox quickly shook his head and grabbed my hand,

“Of course I do, baby, but I’m just a little suspicious. Your other mate shows up and now all the sudden you want my mark? Are you sure you’re not having doubts, second thoughts?” I could tell it was breaking his heart to say those things, but he needed the truth.

“No, Knox, never. I’ve made up my choice. You’re my mate and my home. I want to be yours completely and I want you to be mine. Cameron showing up just made that more apparent. I don’t want anyone questioning our bond, including him. I don’t want you feeling jealous or anxious, either. I don’t want you thinking that I’m going to walk away into the sunset with Cameron and leave you, because that’s never going to happen.” I tried to explain what I was feeling.

“You don’t need to prove anything to me or anyone else.” Knox replied carefully.

“I’m not. Knox I want this, why are you fighting me?” I could see Alistair trying to push through and take control, his eyes flashing from black to green.

“I’m just worried that you’ll regret it or that you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I want you to choose me because you love me and not for any other reason.” Knox laid his heart out for me and I gently took it.

“Knox, I’m giving you all of me just as you have given me all of you. My heart is in your hands and I trust you not to break it. You are my home, my safe spot, and the love of my life. I have no other motives than wanting to be with you forever. I understand why you’re doubting me, I deserve that. I just hope you don’t doubt my love for you.” I sighed, holding onto his hands for dear life.

“I’ll never doubt you, baby.” He freed one of his hands to cup my face,

“I hear you and I want to mark you, I just want to do it right. I don’t want it to be so planned.” He said.

“Okay, whatever you want. Just know that I’m ready when you are.” I pressed my lips to his and felt his body respond.

“My little temptress.” He moaned against my lips.

“All yours, Alpha.” I said into his mouth, pushing my tongue inside and fighting for dominance.

“Oh no, baby girl, I’m in control here.” He growled, flipping us over so we were laying in the bed with him on top of me.

He pinned my arms above my head and trapped my legs under his weight. I was completely at his mercy. I moaned as his mouth explored my body, licking and sucking at everything he could reach. I wiggled and arched my back, begging for more.

“I’m going to take my time tonight, baby. I want you to beg for it.” He said against my ear in a raspy voice.

“Knox.” I whined, already trembling.

“I love you, Navy.” He sucked on my earlobe.

“I love you, Knox.” I was barely able to think straight but of that I was certain.

The next morning I woke up beside my mate. I wiggled under his strong grasp, attempting to break free. It was no use. I sighed in frustration and glared at his arm, I was pretty sure that just that one arm weighed more than me. Knox stirred, snuggling me closer.

“Knox!” I whined,

“I have to pee!” I heard Knox chuckle, his eyes still closed. He lifted his arm and I scurried out from under it, running to the bathroom.

“You okay in there, baby?” His voice called.

“I’m just going to the bathroom.” I grumbled. Sometimes his possessiveness was frustrating. I finished up what I was doing and walked back into the room. Knox was sitting upright on the bed, still completely naked.

“You got dressed.” He whined, noticing my pajamas.

“It got cold last night.” I complained.

“The thermostat is over there, just turn it up next time.” Knox nodded towards the opposite wall.

“Then you’ll get too hot.” I said,

“I don’t care.” Knox shrugged lazily, jumping out of the bed and strutting over towards me.

“I wish I could shower with you, my love.” He whispered, kissing me deeply.

“You can.” I said, earning a wide eyed expression from my mate.


“Just as I can make a bubble of air for you, I can do the same for my legs. I can shield them from the water.” I explained.

Knox grinned wickedly and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me back to the bathroom. I squealed as he dropped me into the large shower and stared expectantly at my legs. I shook my head at him and whirled my hand through the air. A transparent bubble wrapped around my legs, almost invisible if it weren’t for the sunlight catching the edges and casting a small rainbow.

Knox joined me and started taking off my clothes, his hands lingering on my body. Once we were both naked he switched on the shower. He was serious about bathing together. He washed my body thoroughly and scrubbed my hair. I gave him the same treatment.

“See? I can be good.” He wiggled his eyes at me dangerously as I ran the loofa over his chest.

“I’m impressed.” I said, deciding to make the challenge even harder for him.

I traveled the loofa down his stomach and over his hips, dipping down below the preferable belt. He groaned and closed his eyes as I washed his unmentionables. I teased him, grazing my fingertips across his sensitive skin.

“Baby.” He growled, his eyes completely black when he opened them.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in an innocent voice.

“You tease me.”

“Oh, like you did last night?” I glared at him playfully.

“So my baby is taking out her revenge?” He smirked at me with lust filled eyes.

“Maybe.” I purred, dropping to my knees. I had never done this before, but I was going to give it a whirl. From the sounds of pleasure Knox was making, I assumed I was on the right track.

“Navy.” He moaned, grabbing my hair tightly. He pulled me back and forced me to stand. He shoved me against the wall and I jumped into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist.

“My dirty little mate.” Knox’s voice was deep and husky, like it always was when he was overfilled with desire. He pressed himself into me and I cried out with need.

“I love you, Knox.” I purred.

“I love you.” He buried his face in my neck and kissed me, applying another hickey to his collection.

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