#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 10


The next morning my father was waiting for me at the palace gate. My mother was nowhere to be found. Father smiled at me with sadness in his eyes. He opened his arms for a hug and I snuggled against him.

“She loves you, Navy, she just can’t be here to say goodbye.” He whispered over the top of my head. I wiped the tears from my face and pulled away.

“Thanks for coming.” I smiled pathetically. Father kissed my cheek,

“Be safe, my child. You always have a home here and we’re always here if you need any help. I’m so proud of you for facing your fears and taking this chance to follow your heart.” He gave my hand one last squeeze,

“Love you, Dad.” I smiled.

“Love you, too.” He said before swimming back inside the palace.

I started my journey to the surface, swimming towards my cove. I swam along the outskirts of the village and imagined where Cameron was right now. When I reached the edge of the village, someone was waiting for me.

“Grandma?” I was shocked to see my grandmother, my father’s mother, alone,

“What are you doing here?”

My grandma lived by herself in the village. She was too strong and stubborn to move into the palace with us after her mate died a few years ago. She enjoyed her freedom and I was inclined to agree. I saw myself in her and I aspired to match her courage, especially after I learned about her werewolf mate.

“Lochlan visited me this morning to tell me what you were doing.” Grandma said.

“I’m sorry I was going to leave without saying goodbye.” I sighed, ducking my head. Grandma pinched my chin and smiled at me,

“Nonsense, child, I’m so proud of what you’re doing.”

“Father told me about you.” I whispered, not wanting to upset her.

“I’m sure he did. That’s why I’m here. There’s something you need to know.” Grandma said, releasing me.

“What is it?” I asked, eager for her wisdom.

“I haven’t spoken much about my past endeavors on the surface with my werewolf mate because of how painful it is to talk about.”

“You don’t have to talk about it, Grandma, if it’s too painful.” I stopped her. She waved her hand,

“You need to know this. Many have speculated as to what happened to me up there and why I came home. You need to know that it’s not because of what your father thinks. I didn’t come back because I missed home. I would have stayed on the surface with him forever if I could have.” Grandma sighed, sitting on the edge of a rock as she regained composure,

“I did have a child with him, two, actually. When our second child, a daughter, was just a baby, his pack was attacked. During those times, the species were very unstable. The werewolf council had recently taken over and were determined to exile all other species from the packs. There was a lot of resistance and a lot of fighting. The other species became weary of war and began segregating themselves as well,

“My mate was the Alpha and word got out that he was mated to a siren. The werewolf council disapproved and threatened to execute him and disband his pack if he didn’t exile me and have my title of Luna revoked.” I was staring, shocked, at my Grandmother as she told me her tale. I couldn’t believe that the werewolves were so cold hearted.

“What did you do?” I asked, although I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

“I couldn’t let him die for me or lose his pack. It wasn’t just us who would be affected, his entire pack would be forced to live as rogues or beg another pack to take them in. So, I renounced my title, left my children, and returned to the ocean. A year later, I was given a second mate, your grandfather, and we had your father,

“Navy, I had the opportunity to live out two great love stories. I don’t regret the life I lived here with your grandpa. I miss my mate and my two children, I regret not being a part of their lives. I’m telling you this because I want you to know that it wasn’t fear or homesickness that took me from my mate. I don’t know what the surface is like now, I don’t know if things have calmed down, so I want you to be careful and aware, but not afraid.” She smiled at me, squeezing my hand.

“I am scared, Grandma.” I admitted for the first time.

“Oh, honey, there’s nothing to be scared of. Being loved by a werewolf is a great gift. You will never be more protected, worshiped, or loved. Werewolves typically only get one mate and he will treat her better than she’s ever been treated in her life. He will show you pleasures that you never thought you would experience.” She winked at me and I blushed deeply,

“Grandma!” I shrieked.

“Darling, you’re going to have to get over your shyness. Werewolves are very confident creatures.”

“Mother says that they are controlling.” I said.

“Your mother only knows what she’s read in books and been told by her tutors” Grandma scoffed, dismissively waving her hand,

“Werewolves are fiercely protective. He won’t like anyone else looking at you or touching you, he’ll want a guard to stay with you at all times, and he won’t feel settled unless you’re with him. But, controlling? Not in my experience. My Quinton gave me anything my heart desired. Anything I wanted to do, I did, anything I wanted to have, he got for me. If anything, I was in charge of him.” Grandma was smiling ear to ear as she remembered her mate, Quinton.

“Thank you, Grandma.” I smiled, feeling relieved.

“Give me a hug, sweety.” She hugged me tightly and gave my behind a little swat,

“Now, get going. Your mate, and your future, is waiting.” I waved goodbye and continued my journey to the cove.

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