Chapter 15: I know why the caged Reaper Sings

You Never Called Me

You must remember me.

The doubt in the darkness.

The millions of could have been

The Countless should of been.

The girl you didn’t have

the guts to approach.

The brass ring,

you hesitated to reach for.

The goal you felt out of reach.

You called me

the impossible dream

You called me

the uncrossable stream.

Unfortunately, in the end

you never really called for me....

did you?

How many times

did you stare,

How many times

did you want and need?

I could have

been yours,

I could have

been everything to you.

Afraid of shun

Afraid of failure

You never tried.

You called me

the impossible dream

You called me

the uncross able stream.

Unfortunately, in the end

you never really called for me

did you?

What is that thing,

What is that trigger, that instant

That makes us choose between glory and despair...

Between what was...

and what could have been?

How many times does it play over in our minds?

What makes us turn away from reaching for it all...

and makes us lament what might have been?

The stars

could have been your oyster...

The planet

your play thing...

But you never felt you could...

So why despair in what could have been?

You called me

the impossible dream

You called me

the uncross able stream.

Unfortunately, in the end

you never really called for me....

did you?

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