#2 When the Moon Turns Red

Chapter 8


“Let’s go, Evie.” Sawyer said, grabbing my hand and running towards the guest house. I followed him blindly. I had no idea what was going on, but the sound of wolves howling in the bayou was enough to make me listen.

I had no idea why, no earthly idea, but I trusted Noah with my life. I trusted him when he said he would die to protect me. I trusted him when he told me that he felt the spark and the warmth in his chest just like I did.

Sawyer practically threw me inside the house, slammed the door shut, and locked it. He locked all the windows and closed the curtains. Sawyer started pacing in front of the door. I walked through the first floor of the house, trying to keep my mind off the howling outside. I ended up in the laundry room in the back of the house. There was a back door that had no curtains over the window. I peeked outside and screamed at what I saw.

Sawyer came running into the room, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me behind him.

“What? What is it?” He yelled, looking out the window. Standing outside were three giant wolves with their backs to the house. Sawyer actually seemed to relax when he saw them,

“It’s okay, Evie, they’re the good guys.” He said, pulling me away from the door and back to the living room.

“The good guys?” I yelled at him, trying to break free of his grip. He was impossibly strong as he led me back to the couch and pushed me down.

“Sit.” He ordered. I grumbled at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

“What the hell is going on?” I snapped.

“I’m not the one to explain all this, Noah is.” Sawyer said, pacing in front of the door again.

“Where is Noah?” I demanded.

“Keeping you safe.”

“Against wolves?” I responded sarcastically.

“That’s what he does best.” Sawyer grinned wickedly at me.

“Sawyer, this isn’t funny.” I yelled at him, standing up.

“It’s not supposed to be.” He said, his tone serious.

“You sure? Because this seems awfully like a joke.” I said accusingly. Sawyer stopped pacing and looked me in the eyes, finally.

“How is this a joke, Evie?” He almost sounded offended.

“Yesterday I told Noah that I nearly died from a wolf attack and now, all of the sudden, he’s some big bad warrior who can fight against wolves. Really?” I glared at him. Sawyer looked taken aback,

“You were attacked by wolves?” I removed Noah’s coat and exposed the scars left behind by the wolf’s claws. They started at my collar bone, spread over my shoulder, across my chest, down my stomach, and around my right hip. The scars traveled back up my back and ended on my left shoulder blade.

“I had no idea, Evie. This has nothing to do with that, I promise you. Although, it’s quite the coincidence, I’ll give you that.” Sawyer mumbled, returning to his pacing.

I tugged Noah’s jacket back on and plopped down on the couch. The rush of air brought Noah’s scent swirling around me. I inhaled it deeply, immediately feeling calm. He smelt like the woods, like the bonfire, only sweeter. It was strange, the woods had always scared me, even before my attack. I never liked the way it looked, sounded, or smelled. Somehow, though, when I smelled it on Noah it was the most amazing scent in the world. I pulled his jacket closer and used it to calm my nerves.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I screamed, curling into a ball and clutching my stomach.

“What’s wrong?” Sawyer cried, kneeling in front of me.

“My stomach, it hurts.” I managed to say between the gasps of pain.

“Let me see it.” Sawyer fought against my hands, prying them away from my stomach.

“There’s nothing there.” He observed.

“No shit.” I yelled at him.

“It’s Noah.” He said, his eyes going dark.

“What are you talking about?” I looked at him like he was crazy. He didn’t respond, only stared blankly at me.

Hello? Sawyer!” I shook his shoulders. His eyes cleared and he finally saw me,

“It’s okay, Evie, you’re going to be okay. I don’t know how to explain it, but you’re feeling Noah’s pain.” I gripped Sawyer’s shirt,

“Noah’s hurt?” I cried.

“He’s fine now. He’s already healed.” Nothing he was saying made any sense.

“I know, it’s confusing. The fighting is finished, Noah will be back soon.” Before Sawyer could finish his sentence, the front door was ripped off its hinges. Sawyer jumped up, ready to attack.

“Damn it, I just fixed that.” I heard someone say off in the distance.

“Everleigh!” Noah’s voice washed over me. Sawyer moved out of the way and Noah knelt down in front of me, grabbing a hold of my arms.

“It’s okay, you’re okay, I’m okay.” Noah repeated, rubbing my arms. The warmth of Noah’s touch calmed my body and the pain in my stomach subsided.

“What the hell was that?” I gasped, recovering from the pain.

“I’m so sorry, Evie, I had no idea you would feel that so vividly.” Noah’s response cleared up nothing. I grabbed a fistfull of his shirt,

“Tell me the truth.” I glared at him. Noah looked around the room,

“Everyone, get out.” He ordered. His voice seemed to change, it got deeper and his eyes darkened slightly. Everyone bowed their heads and left the house.

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