#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 6


I didn’t have time to think about what he had just called me before the screaming started. My head whipped around and I took a few steps forward with Zale hot on my tail.

“What the hell is that?” I mumbled before Aidian was bombarding my mind.

“Where are you, Addie!” He shouted, “These are the same rogues who attacked before. Get your ass out here!”

My eyes narrowed and my hands curled into fists. I was about ready to take off when I felt a strong hand wrap around my upper arm. My head snapped around and I turned my glare on Zale.

“What’s going on?” He asked, his voice low and gruff.

“Rogues are attacking, the same ones who killed my parents.” I spat through my teeth, ready to take him down too if he got in my way.

“Let’s go.” He said instead of arguing, releasing my arm and leading the charge.

I stared at the back of his head in shock for a few seconds before he paused and called over his shoulder,

“Are you coming?”

I ran to catch up with him.

“My bow is by the french doors.” I said and Zale nodded,

“I’ll get you there.”

The second we left the treeline, I was smacked with the sights of battle. The rogues had larger numbers than I thought, larger numbers than they should be capable of and they were using those numbers to viciously attack my pack. I quickly spotted Aidian’s large gray wolf taking on half a dozen rogues with Silver’s lighter gray wolf at his side.

“Addie!” Marcy slammed into me and I grabbed her arms, steading her.

“What in the hell are you doing out here?” I shouted, shooting a glare at Madge who was behind her.

“She won’t go.” He growled.

“Not until we get everyone to the safehouse,” Marcy said, shaking herself from my grip, “It’s my job.” She told me proudly.

I silently kicked myself for mentioning that to her. Aidian was going to kill me for this.

“Guards, to me!” I commanded a group of wolves beside me; they didn’t hesitate to circle around me and their Luna, “Madge, you take the front and I’ll take the back. Marcy, you stay in the circle of guards.”

“Addie…” She started to argue, but I held up my hand,

“Those heading for the safehouse, find your Luna and follow her!” I ordered through the link.

“Let’s move, everyone else will follow.” I said, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze.

“Thank you.” She smiled at me before turning around and following Madge.

I looked over my shoulder at Zale who offered me a sly smirk,

“I’ve got your back.” He said,

I shook my head at him and moved into a defensive position. Wrapped around my wrist was a single rose-gold bangle. It looked like an unassuming piece of jewelry, but it was much more than that.

The Archer’s were gifted enchanted items by the Emerald Coven after it was reborn by a witch mated to a wolf. Once her coven was strong enough, decades after the war, she gave the Archers artifacts that would aid them in battle. Each Archer who completed their training and was given their code name at the initiation was walked into the enchanted objects room where an artifact would choose them. They would keep that object until their death, even if they left the Archers

Six months after I was taken in by the Archers, I was initiated as the Emerald Archer and set loose on the enchanted objects. Instantly, I was drawn to this bangle and it to me. The second I touched it, it slipped itself around my wrist and that was that.

The bangle unwrapped from around my wrist and snaked down my arm, coming to life under my command. It wrapped itself through my fingers and took the form of whatever weapon I needed. I snapped out the rose colored rope and it hardened into a solid metal staff made of silver instead. I twirled the staff once in my hand and then held it out defensively in front of me, ready to take on whatever sorry rogue came after me or my Luna.

The first rogue to make it through the barrier regretted it instantly. Holding the staff like a baseball bat, I swung and connected with the wolf; shattering his hindleg. I whipped around to finish the job, but Zale was already on it. A flame came to life in his fist and he set the rogue a blaze. We shared a stiff nod before continuing towards the packhouse.

By now, there were dozens of crying children, waddling pregnant women, and disabled elderly pack members in the center of our attack force and we had nearly made it to the french doors.

I heard a howl behind me and quickly turned around, holding my staff in the attack position. I didn’t even have time to react before Zale had punched the rogue wolf right in the snout. I heard the connection like thunder in the heavens. The rogue’s neck snapped from the force of the blow and he dropped dead.

I blinked at Zale in shock and Lucille whimpered in my head; she was wildly attracted by the actions of our mate. She made it damn hard to think of anything, but him naked. He cocked an eyebrow at me and I shook my head, going back to work.

After a few more rogue take downs, we reached the doors.

“Get the Luna inside the safehouse and guard it.” I ordered Madge and six of the guards.

“Be safe out there, Addie.” Marcy said from just inside the packhouse.

“You too, Luna.” I winked at her and then ushered the rest of the pack members inside.

I turned around to defend their retreat and was face to face with Zale who was holding my bow up between us.

“How did you….” I wrapped my hand around the dark green bow in awe.

The staff went slack and wrapped itself back around my wrist.

“You said it was by the door.” He shrugged, sliding the quiver over my shoulder.

“You shouldn’t….” My eyes snapped over his shoulder, interrupting my inquiry.

Seconds later, I had an arrow notched and sent it flying right over Zale’s shoulder. He jumped in shock and spun around just as the arrow sank into the side of a rogue who was rounding to attack Zale.

“Nevermind, we’ll talk about it later.” I mumbled before walking past him with another arrow notched.

After several minutes of fighting, I felt an intense emotion plague my body and I instantly started searching for Aidian.

“What is it?” I asked, finding him on the other side of the yard.

“There.” Aidian’s voice merged with Daeman’s, his wolf, coming out as a snarl.

Daeman froze and was glaring towards the edge of the forest. I followed his gaze and saw two large black wolves lurking in the shadows.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“They were here before,” They snarled, “They killed Mom.”

With that, I understood his rage and it bubbled up inside of me, too. I saw red and Lucille was growling, begging to be let out.

“Not yet, Lucille,” I said, “Patience.”

“What is it, Kyrre?” Zale’s voice was low as he walked up behind me, laying a gentle hand on my arm.

I still had no idea what the hell he was calling me, but I ignored it for now.

“You’re so angry.” He said, his grip tightening on my arm as the matebond surged between us.

“Those two are responsible for my parents death.” I spoke calmly through my teeth.

“Adira….” He started, but I ignored whatever he said next.

I was too busy forging a path of rage and blood through the battlefield. I killed every rogue who dared to stand in my way like they were nothing more than an ant under my boot; I didn’t even raise my bow. I sliced through the rogues with my dagger or stabbed them with an arrow, whatever I needed to do to get them out of my way quickly. When I didn’t kill one dead, I felt Zale’s fire finishing the job behind me. Without a look, I knew he was on my sixth.

The two black wolves didn’t even flinch when I cleared the space between them and me. One turned around and I watched his movements closely. A second later, he shifted and I avoided looking at anything other than his face.

“The wayward daughter has returned home.” The shifted wolf cackled.

“Who the hell are you?” I demanded.

“It doesn’t matter who we are.” He said and I shrugged,

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” I notched an arrow and aimed it at his head, “You’re dead either way.”

The man looked fearful for a second before he doubled over with laughter, clearly faking the fear. That made Zale stand up tall beside me, he and his beast were both on edge, I could feel it.

“Oh, you really are full of yourself, aren’t you?” He said, standing up right, “You’re strong, unlike your mother. She begged for her life.” He sneered.

I dropped the bow and arrow, but before it could hit the ground, it disappeared. I lunged on the man, slamming his body against the nearest tree. The black wolf beside me snarled, but Zale positioned himself between the wolf and me.

“Watch your mouth.” I spat.

“Don’t you want to know why we came?” He said in a mocking tone.

“Not really.” I sounded bored.

Yes, I wanted to know, but not more than I wanted these two dead.

“We knew killing off your precious parents would bring you home.” He laughed crazily and now my interests were piqued.

“Why did you want Aidra home?” Zale’s voice sounded dangerous coming from behind me.

The man’s eyes darted between me and Zale before finally landing on me again.

“Because with you comes the Warrior pack.” He said,

“You must not think too much of me if you think I’d need the Warrior pack as back up.” I said,

“Oh, no, not as back up,” The man tsked, shaking his head, “But, I’m sure they’d show up to attend your funeral.” He said menacingly.

“My funeral?” I laughed humorlessly, “Who has who by the balls here?”

“I don’t know, what do you think?” He said with a suspicious look on his face.

“Adira.” Zale’s voice was just as concerning.

I yanked the man from the tree and turned us both around so I could face Zale. His expression was hard to read, but his eyes gave away his worry. He nodded his head towards the yard and I followed his gaze.

I was so wrapped up in my interaction with the black wolves that I hadn’t noticed the fighting had stopped. It wasn’t that the battle was over, it’s that it was at a stand still. Pack members were still shifted and growling dangerously at the rogues, but they wouldn’t engage. Not now that the rogues had their Alpha in a choke hold.

There were several rogues that stood taller and stronger than the rest surrounding Aidian who was on his knees, naked and bloody. I felt the color drain from my face and the man in front of me started to laugh. I shoved him out of the way and stumbled several steps forward.

“We don’t want him, we just want you. He doesn’t have to meet the same fate as your parents.” The man’s voice came up behind me like a creeping shadow.

“I’ll kill all of you for this.” I snarled the words like a promise.

“How did you put it?” The man walked around me, “Ah, yes. Who has who by the balls, now?

I looked at Zale from over the man’s shoulder and his eyes were bright red like he was seconds away from setting the man on fire.

“What do you want?” I snapped my attention back to the man.

“I thought that was clear? You, dead.” He answered casually.

“That’s not going to happen.” Zale snarled.

“Yes, well, perhaps not today,” The man began, but Zale interrupted him with a loud roar,

“Not ever.”

The man ignored Zale like he was nothing more than a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. He blinked a few times before continuing like Zale had never spoken,

“We let your brother go and you let the rest of my wolves retreat without consequence.”

My eyes moved back to Aidian who looked near death and I felt fear clench my heart. I knew I could take these two out without blinking and Zale could probably clear the field between us and Aidian, but I wasn’t convinced that we could do all of that and keep the rogues around Aidian from killing him.

I had no choice.

I released a heavy sigh and backed completely away from the man and the black wolf, nodding towards Zale to do the same. Zale looked pissed and apprehensive, but he obeyed anyway. The man grinned,

“I knew you were a reasonable woman,” He smirked, “Oh, and when you’re doing your research on me, call up your friends at the Warrior pack and ask them about Quarter Jenson.” He winked.

Quarter and the black wolf strut away, motioning towards the rest of the rogues. They backed away from our pack wolves until they hit the trees, then they all turned and fled.

I looked at Zale once before taking off across the yard, heading straight for Aidian.

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