#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 23


When I made it outside, it seemed like the entire pack was gathered in front of the packhouse along with the 20-plus Archers, more than fifty members of Zale’s pod, and dozens of Warriors.

Aidian was addressing the four groups. Cain and Raven stood at the forefront of their groups and Tirian joined his fellow pod members as their appointed leader. Madge had returned with his search group and was listening intently to his Alpha from the head of the group that was made up of Sparrow pack members.

“This group of rogues is led by a man named Quarter Jenson and he fancies himself a Captain of the organization known as the Legion of Darkness. We don’t take the involvement of this group lightly, however we don’t fear them, either. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they stand for, they have kidnapped our Luna and we will prevail!”

Aidian was like a new person after my little “pep talk” and was able to effectively rally the support of all the different groups gathered at the Sparrow pack,

“This so-called Captain, this self-appointed false Alpha, has declared war not only on this pack, but on all of us: the Warrior pack, the Archers, the House of Ohlson, the Sparrow family, and the werewolf Crown itself! They have openly expressed their opinions against the welfare of the species and they threaten our peace, they threaten Adira Sparrow, sister to your Alpha, fellow Archer, fellow Warrior, and the Lady of the House of Ohlson!”

Aidian looked over at me with a furious scowl and the people cheered. I was startled at being named as the Lady of the House. Obviously, it was the truth, but it was also the first time it had been declared publicly. I glanced at the pod members and noticed their fierce determination and loyalty as they demanded the blood of the rogues who dared to threaten me. They didn’t even know me, but they still bowed their heads to my leadership.

The Archers put their bows in the air and chanted, pledging to bring an end to whoever threatened a fellow Archer. The Warriors howled to the sky, Cain the loudest among them as they swore to avenge their sister pack. The Sparrow pack stomped their feet on the ground so loudly that it sounded like thunder was rolling through the mountains.

Aidian continued,

“Quarter and these rogues have chosen to take up arms against a family that is stronger than just one species, stronger than just one name, and stronger than just one leader! They have chosen to take a stand against all of us and, as a reward for their challenge, they will see the true might of unity. Dragons, wolves, Warriors, Archers, humans, it doesn’t matter where you come from or where you call home, today we are of one heart and one mind!”

The crowd cheered again in agreeance,

“These imposters declare themselves loyalist to the species, but we know that to be false. They have taken something precious to me, my Luna. They have threatened someone precious to me, my sister. They have come after something precious to all of us, our peace. Today, let them know the consequences of their actions. Today, let them feel the might of our forces, the power of our hearts, and the strength of our loyalty! Today, let them fall!”

Aidian had successfully riled up the dragons, wolves, Warriors, and Archers, and I couldn’t have been more proud of how he showed up for his people. I joined him at his side and beamed widely at him.

“I wanted to thank every last one of you for hearing our call and coming without hesitation. Whether you be an Archer under my command, a wolf who comes from my home, a Warrior who trained beside me, or a dragon who has just learned my name, you’ve earned my loyalty and my favor, if you didn’t already have it. What Aidian says is true, this threat is more than just against one Luna or one person, it’s against all of us and all of us must fight against it,”

I looked over at the House of Ohlson,

“Today, you pledged your loyalty to me without knowing the contents of my soul. I stand before you, a stranger who has just been declared your leader and the mate of your Chieftain. I stand before you as a new face that you have sworn your lives to without question and without pause. In return, I give you this promise: I will defend and lead you with honor just as I have done with the Sparrow pack, the Warrior pack, and the Archers before you. I promise to stand beside your Chieftain with integrity and to support this pod just as you are supporting me and the Sparrow pack today.”

Zale stood up tall beside me, looking out over his pack expectantly. I hoped that he wouldn’t use the link to make any sort of threats or demands, but even if he had thought about it, he wouldn’t’ve had the time. A second later, the entire pod put their fists over their hearts and bowed their heads, unanimously submitting themselves to me as their new Lady of the House.

Zale put his arm around my waist and tucked me close to his side, leaning down to whisper in my ear,

“I know that I’ll fall to my knees for you without question.”

His voice sent chills down my spine and I felt my body tremble against his, but I said nothing.

“The rogues are set to be at the meeting house at daybreak with our Luna. They expect Addie to come alone and trade her life for Marcy’s,” Aidian addressed the crowd again and low, threatening growls rumbled from the pod, “But, they will be sorely disappointed. Our forces will be waiting for them, instead.”

The crowd cheered, pumping their fists into their air as they agreed with the plan.

“Dinner is being prepared in the dining hall and all of the guest rooms inside the packhouse are available, as well as tents that will be set up out here. Eat and get some rest. At nightfall, we’ll go over the plan.” Aidian said,

Aidian walked over to us and we were joined by Tirian, Balin, Cain, Madge, and Raven.

“Let’s go to my office and come up with our strategy.” Aidian said and we all nodded in agreement.

I nodded at Zale to go ahead with Balin and Tirian, wanting a word alone with my brother. Zale squeezed my hip before dropping his arm and heading into the packhouse. I waited until Aidian caught up with me.

“Proud of you.” I spoke casually to Aidian, bumping my shoulder against his.

He smiled down at me, but his expression was tired and distressed,

“You inspired me.” He attempted to laugh.

“No, Aidian, you inspire me.” I replied seriously.

Aidian’s smile faltered from his face and swallowed back his emotions.

“If you hadn’t shown up with your support and knocked some sense into me, Addie, I don’t know what I would’ve done.” He confessed quietly.

“You would have pulled yourself together, I know you would have and with one phone call you would’ve had just as much support showing up for you. But, the thing is, Aidian, you’ll never have to figure out how you’ll handle things without me because it won’t happen. I’m not going anywhere, ever.” I promised him sternly.

Aidian’s frown deepened and he shook his head,

“You can’t promise that, Addie. If we’ve learned anything over these last few weeks it’s that you can’t promise to never leave.”

“Yes I can,” I argued, stopping him so he was forced to look into my eyes, “Me, Mom, Dad, Marcy, and everyone else who loves you will always be with you.”

I put my hand on his heart and he laid his overtop of mine, nodding as he understood my meaning.

“Addie?” Cain walked up behind us, gently probing for my attention.

Aidian offered me a small smile before patting my hand.

“I’ll see you in there.” He said, then turned towards the packhouse’s front door.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Cain said and I shrugged,

“When are you ever sorry?” I teased him and he smirked,

“I have my moments,” He said as we began to walk up the steps towards the packhouse, “I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

“With what? You’ll have to be more specific.” I replied grimly.

“With everything, I suppose. But, I didn’t know that you mated with a dragon Chieftain.” He said,

“It just happened at Aidian’s ceremony.” I sighed, thinking back on the last few days.

Cain’s eyes widened,

“Oh, wow,” He muttered, “Quite the introduction to life as a mated woman.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, it hasn’t been very smooth.” I grumbled.

“I’ve heard good things about the House of Ohlson and he’s here, so that’s a good sign. Are things going okay? He’s treating you right?” Cain’s face grew serious and I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Yes, Cain, he’s treating me right. Were you going to threaten him with a stern talking to if he wasn’t?” I mocked him.

Cain shrugged,

“I have my talents.”

“And I have mine.” I reminded him.

“Oh, don’t I know it,” He knocked his shoulder playfully against mine and smirked at me with the devil in his eyes, “I’m just saying, I’m around for more than just impending wars.”

“I know, Cain.” I replied.

“Anyway, I am happy for you, Addie. You deserve to find your mate and to be happy.” He said with a serious expression.

I looked sadly at Cain and put my hand on his arm, pausing as we stood in the hallway outside of Aidian’s office,

“You’ll find your mate soon, Cain.” I said sympathetically.

“I know, I have faith,” He said with confidence, removing my hand from his arm and giving it a squeeze, “No one deserved to find a mate more than you did.”

“I don’t know about that, but I’m navigating through it.” I chuckled and Cain shook his head at me,

“Have you tried living with it?” He asked and there was something telling behind his expression.

“Have you been talking to Lucille?” I grumbled, referring to their similar messages.

Cain laughed loudly,

“She’s a wise wolf.” He said, releasing my hand.

“That she is.” I muttered.

Cain opened the door to Aidian’s office and we joined the chatting grow inside.

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