#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 26 Calix

When we reached the Seaside Harbor, River’s first request was to see the ocean and the beach, something she’s never done before. I laughed as I watched her kick off her shoes and squish her toes in the white sand. She ran barefoot down the shoreline, splashing in the water when it got close enough. I couldn’t help but want to join her, removing my own shoes and chasing after her.

“I want to live by the beach!” She sang as she danced in the water.

“Then live by the beach we shall.” I laughed openly at her joyous expression.

“We can build a castle here, a small one, so no princess will ever have to live without it again!” She commanded.

“Your wish is my command, my Queen.” I promised, bowing playfully.

She lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and laughing as she collapsed in my arms. Instantly, I supported her weight, wrapping one arm around her waist to steady her. She leaned back in my grip, her hands held out to her side like she was flying. I wrapped my other arm around her body and watched her with admiration.

“The ocean air feels so differently than anywhere else.” She hummed with her eyes closed.

“It does.” I agreed in a throaty voice, my emotions beginning to get the better of me as I watched her.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me questioningly. She reached her hand and trailed her fingertips over my face, exploring my cheekbones and jawline with each stroke of her finger. I pulled her up towards me so our chests were pressed against one another, the palms of my hands running up her back.

“You’re so beautiful, mon p’tit bout.” I cooed, bringing one hand up to her face to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

She smiled at me and I knew instantly that, as long as she kept looking at me like that, everything would be alright.

“No one has ever looked at anyone the way that you look at me.” She whispered almost inaudibly and I think she surprised herself with her confession.

“And no one ever will again.” I assured her before crashing my lips to hers.

We shared a passionate kiss for the first time since the attack and it was clear that we both needed it, man and animal. Her fingers tangled themselves in my hair, a feeling I’d never get used to, and her body vibrated against mine. We fit together like a puzzle, her curves perfectly etched to fit against my body, my mind perfectly attuned to understand her needs and desires. She gasped and a sweet little moan escaped her throat, causing me to shutter with need.

I pulled away from her mouth and trailed kisses down her neck, nipping at that little spot that makes her squirm. She gasped again and I chuckled as her skin began to turn red from the warm flush creeping over her body. I could smell her desires and I knew she wanted me nearly as badly as I wanted her, but it was too soon, we were too new, she was too new.

I returned to her face and cupped it gently in my hands, placing one last sweet kiss on her swollen lips. I smiled at her, giving her butterfly kisses on her nose, her cheeks, and her forehead before pulling her against me. She nuzzled her head into my chest, fitting perfectly underneath my chin.

“My little Queen.” I whispered into the top of her head.

“I’m not so little.” She argued, trying to wiggle away, but I wouldn’t let her.

“Don’t fret, my dear, good things come in small packages. You’re little and precious.” I kissed the top of her head.

“You’re just monstrous.” She huffed, giving up on her struggles.

“All my might, mine and my beast’s, is so I can protect what’s mine to protect, my little, precious mate.” I spoke softly into her ear.

She sighed, but it was soft and content instead of her usual sound of irritation. I kissed her cheek before releasing her, allowing her to take a few steps away from me. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were wild, and I took satisfaction in knowing that I caused it. She stared at me for a long moment before shaking her head, grumbling incoherently, and stomping away.

I followed after my mate, as was my duty, until she was ready to get back on the road. We settled in for the three hour trek to the Snow region.

“I guess I don’t need to prepare you for the temperature change here.” I said,

She glared at me,

“Nope. I’m well aware. Not sure why I couldn’t have dropped down at the beach where it’s sunny and 75.” She grumbled.

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t. I was still all too enraged by everything that happened when River first arrived here.

“There’s a cabin in the Snow forest, at the base of one of the mountains, that we’ll stay at for the night. There’s plenty of food and warm clothes there, wood for the fire, and anything else we would need in case we’d get snowed in.” I replied absentmindedly.

“Snowed in?” She looked concerned.

“The weather is unpredictable here. It’s completely possible that we’re stuck here for a day or two. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe.” I assured her.

“You could’ve mentioned that before.” She mumbled.

“We might not. It’s just as likely that we get up in the morning and can leave,” I looked wearily at her, “There’s plenty of room in the cabin, if you’re worried about sleeping arrangements.” I added.

“No, it’s alright.” She waved her hand dismissively.


“I said it’s fine.” She snapped, but I knew it wasn’t.

I grumbled in frustration and raked my hand through my hair. Her mood swings were giving me motion sickness.

“Please tell me what’s wrong.” I begged.

“I just find it interesting that you arranged for us to possibly be stuck in a small cabin together in the snow. How romantic.” She bit the words at me.

“The guards will be here, in a second cabin right next door, you won’t be alone, and I didn’t arrange anything, River. I’m just preparing you for all the possibilities and I did tell you that we’d have to stay over somewhere.” I wasn’t exactly sure what she was so angry about this time.

“I thought you meant like in a hotel or something, where we’d have seperate rooms.” She muttered.

“There are separate rooms. But, if you’re that worried about it, I’ll sleep with the guards and you can have the entire cabin to yourself or Vix can stay with you. I’d never put you in a compromising or uncomfortable situation.” I softened my expression as I spoke to her.

River studied me before releasing a heavy sigh.

“I just keep waiting….” Her voice trailed off.

“Waiting for what, my dear?” I asked gently.

“Werewolves aren’t accustomed to waiting for the marking and mating process, it’s something that usually happens quickly. As she-wolves, we’re warned about the tempers and possessiveness of male wolves, of our potential mates. That they might not want to wait, that they might try to be forceful, that they might be aggressive. Women are taught how to defend themselves, how to get help if necessary, but most of the time the she-wolves are susceptible to it. I guess I just keep waiting for you to act like the men I was warned about.” She confesses with her eyes cast down to her hands which she was fiddling with in her lap.

“River, look at me,” I demanded, my tone stern.

When she refused, I pinched her chin in my fingers and forced her gaze to meet mine. Unshed tears were shaking in her eyes and my heart broke,

“I will never force you or be aggressive towards you. Yes, I want you, don’t ever mistake my patience for not finding you desirable, but I care more about your comfort and your needs than anything else. I want to know you, your heart and your soul, I want to take my time learning about your body, I want to earn your trust and your love before anything else; and then I want to earn that, too. You don’t ever have to be fearful around me, my dear, not about anything and certainly not about this.”

I needed her to hear my words, I needed to force her to listen to me, to feel my sincerity in her heart and in her soul.

Her eyes went wide and I felt her entire body begin to tremble.

“You don’t deserve this.” She whispered so quietly.


She removed her face from my grip and scooted away from me on the bench.

“I’ve been unfair to you and I’m sorry. You don’t deserve it, Calix, you deserve so much more than me.”

“No, River, don’t say that,” I shook my head desperately, “You are exactly what I need. I don’t deserve you, you’re right, but only because you are so much more. You’re my second chance at life, at love, at happiness.” I pleaded with her.

She just kept shaking her head and moving away from me. I didn’t realize she was moving towards the door until it was too late.

“I’m sorry, Calix.” Her face was soloum.

Before I could react, River threw open the door and pitched herself out of it. I screamed her name and lunged towards the door just as the carriage came jolting to a halt. I squinted out across the snowy tundra just in time to see her red wolf vanishing between the snowflakes.


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