#13 The Dragon King and his Werewolf Princess

Chapter 21 Calix

I followed River’s scent through the house and flung open my office door to find Lavender curled up in a ball on the ground. She was bright red, her fur smudged slightly from the soot that was floating in the air outside. She was much larger than I thought, considering River’s small size. Her head popped up when she sensed me and she hopped off the ground, trotting over to me happily. The sight of her almost made me forget about my anger.


“Lavender.” I said her name and she gave me a wofly grin, her tongue falling out of her mouth, “Can River come back now?” I asked.

Lavender rubbed up against my legs and then backed away. I watched as her body contorted and bent unnaturally, the sounds of bones snapping and cracking filled the air, before River stood before me. She was bare ass naked which certainly didn’t help the situation.

I grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa and laid it around her shoulders. She tucked it around herself and stared me down.

“Are you okay?” She asked, but I was too distracted by what I saw.

Before she got the blanket around herself, I noticed the burn marks on the left side of her body. From her shoulder, down her arm, across her stomach, and cradling her hip were red burns boiling and bubbling.

“You’re hurt.” I ignored her question.

“Lavender will heal me eventually.” She shrugged.

“River.” I pinched my eyes closed and tried hard to contain my anger, “That was reckless.”

“I didn’t mean to stand in front of the window and get scorched by a dragon.” She said with an attitude.

My eyes snapped open and I knew they were bright red.

“Not that. Shifting and leaving Grier. Not going to the safehouse. Leaving the castle. Everything else that you did.” I was speaking smoothly, calmly, to keep from yelling.

“I had the ability to help. People were scared. I didn’t need to hide.” She argued stubbornly.

“You are my mate. You are the dragon Queen.”

“I am the werewolf princess!” She yelled back at me.

“You are the dragon Queen,” I repeated through my teeth, “And you need to be protected at all cost.”


I couldn’t listen to whatever she was going to say to me with that condescending tone,

“You put yourself in harm’s way and that’s not acceptable.” I interrupted her.

Not acceptable?” She spat at me.

“Grier is your protector. You need to do as he says.” I growled.

“I thought he had to do what I said?” She snapped, playing with fire.

“You got burned!” I finally yelled, “It could have been so much worse. You could have died!”

“So could you,” She spoke coolly, “But, we didn’t.”

“That’s your justification?” I scoffed.

“I don’t need to justify my actions to you.” She snapped before trying to brush past me.

I grabbed her arm and immediately regretted it. She hissed, recoiling from me in pain as I gripped her burn.

“River,” My voice cracked as I felt her pain, “I’m sorry.” I released her.

“Leave me alone, Calix.” She dismissed me sharply and stormed out of the office.

After she left, I slammed my fist into the wall and busted right through to the other side. Vix and Mag just happened to be standing in the hallway, peeking through the hole I had just created.

“You good, boss?” Mag asked with a smug smirk.

“Don’t poke papa dragon. He’s already gotta kill one advisor today.” Vix said,

“Who?” Mag looked curious.

“Me.” Grier entered the hallway.

I walked out to face them all.

“You stayed by her side the entire time. That’s your job,” I said between gritted teeth, “Next time, throw her over your shoulder before she shifts into a wolf and physically carry her into the safe house and restrain her if you have to.”

Vix, Mag, and Grier all blinked at me in shock.

“Calix…” Vix laughed humorlessly and abruptly.

“Are you serious?” Grier asked.

“Dead serious. I never want her in the line of fire ever again. I don’t care what it takes.” I spoke dangerously.

“Calix,” Grier released a heavy sigh, “I’m not sure that’s the best course of action.”

“He’s putting it too nicely. That’s a shit idea, Calix.” Vix stated plainly.

“Vix.” I growled warningly.

“Listen to me for a second,” Vix said, “Look at what she did. River saw a dragon for the first time in her entire life inside a realm she doesn’t know surrounded by people she doesn’t trust. Instead of running and hiding like any sane person would do, she shifted, for the very first time mind you, to protect a bunch of strangers,

“Calix, that’s not stupid, that’s brave, fearless, even. You don’t need a mate who runs and hides, this realm doesn’t need a Queen who cowers in the basement when her people are in need. Let’s face it, she’s exactly what you and this realm needs. That girl might have the soul of a wolf, but she’s got the heart of a dragon.” Vix gave me a sideways look that told me I’d better listen.

I glared harshly at my sister, my eyebrows furrowed and my mouth fixed into a prominent frown. I looked at Magnor and Grier who were still standing in the hallway observing the show. Magnor looked smug and Grier just shrugged at me.

“Do you two have something to add?” I snapped at them.

“Just that I think our sister is right.” Mag smirked, earning an eye roll from me.

“She was incredible, Cal. She stood bravely in the foyer of the castle helping anyone who needed it, guiding the frantic crowd towards the basement. I’m pretty sure she would have faced down a dragon if it came close enough.” Grier chuckled.

“That’s exactly what I’m worried about.” I grumbled.

“I was with her the whole time, like you said. I was there to protect and guard her if it became necessary. No harm would have ever come to her, on my honor.” Grier replied seriously.

I stared at him, conflicted. On one hand, they were all right. What River did was incredibly brave, albeit reckless, and certainly becoming of a warrior. She acted selflessly, disregarding her own wellbeing to protect people she didn’t know against a threat she didn’t understand.

But, staying alive is the Queen’s most important duty. Being protected and safeguarded is what’s expected of her. Her roles and responsibilities were just as important as the King’s, but none mattered more than her safety. My world would shatter and crumble around me if I lost that woman, especially if I lost her to a fight in my own front lawn. It was my most sacred duty to keep her safe.

So, how could I be okay with this? How could I be okay with her putting herself in danger? How could I be anything less than enraged?

“If she were anyone else, I would be proud of her. I would agree with you.” I finally responded.

“You’re not proud of your mate?” Vix asked, cocking an eyebrow.

My head snapped in her direction and I responded instantly,

“Of course I am!”

Vix’s expression turned smug,

“Well, there you have it,” She grinned, “You can be proud and terrified at the same time, but you have no right to banish her and scold her for doing no less than what you would have done.”

“I won’t ever let anything happen to my Queen.” Grier added.

“I know you won’t.” I sighed.

“None of us would. You should have seen how the people followed her, even in her wolf form. Our people will protect her.” Vix smiled.

“I can’t lose her.” I whispered, my voice cracking ever so slightly.

“You won’t,” Magnor shook his head, “I won’t allow it.”

“None of us will.” Grier’s expression was stern.

“But, Cal, there are more ways to lose someone than death. You of all people know that. This will push her away.” Vix said, laying her hand on my bicep.

I nodded at her, considering her words carefully. The three of them left me alone in the hallway and I knew what I had to do next.

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