#11 Meet Me in the Emerald Forest

Chapter 12


Thursday morning came and I found myself feeling almost nervous about Lukas’ arrival. A part of me hoped that he turned out like all the other guys and disappointed me by not showing up. But, the realistic part of me knew that he wasn’t that type of guy. I dressed in a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a long green tank top with thick straps. I was lacing up my sneakers when the doorbell rang. I sighed and took a deep breath before answering the door.

“Good morning.” Lukas grinned, handing me a Starbucks cup, “I took a guess.” He added with a sheepish expression.

“Oh, thank you.” I smiled, taking the cup from his hand.

“You ready?” He asked. I nodded and grabbed my bag from the coat rack by the door.

“Let’s go.”

Lukas was driving his truck again and I instantly eyeballed the lifted tires. I was a short woman, okay, I struggled getting into a normal sized truck. Lukas walked around the front of the truck with me and opened the door. Before I could even contemplate how the hell I was getting in without a runner, Lukas offered me his hand and supported me into the seat.

“Thanks.” I laughed, “Short girl problems.”

Lukas laughed openly and I was memorized by the sound like an idiot.

“My pleasure.”

Once he was settled into his seat and ensured that I was wearing my seatbelt, he started up the truck and pulled away from the curb.

“I have to admit, I’ve never been to physical therapy before.” Lukas said, glancing sideways at me.

“Me neither.” I shrugged, “But, honestly, you can just wait in the car.”

“Oh, if that’s what you want.” I didn’t miss the disappointment in Lukas’ voice. I avoided looking at him as I wondered what he was thinking.

“I just figured you’d be bored.” I mumbled.

“Not a chance.” He said in a voice that forced me to look over at him.

“My appointment is an hour long.” I warned him.

“I’m sure I can entertain myself somehow.” His tone was very suggestive, I just wasn’t sure what exactly it was suggesting.

We drove in somewhat awkward silence until we reached the doctor’s office. It only took about twenty minutes to get there but the air was very thick in the cab of Lukas’ truck. He pulled into the parking lot and turned off the truck, helping me out like he did before. Together we walked into the office and I gave my name to the receptionist.

I was shocked that Lukas wanted to join me in the appointment. For someone who’s never been to PT before he sure knew a lot and was surprisingly helpful. The therapist gave me several exercises to try and Lukas was there to help me complete them. Even the therapist was impressed.

“Thank you for all your help today, Lukas.” I said as we exited the offices.

“I’m just glad that I could help you.” He smiled as he opened the door to the building for me.

Our fingers brushed against each other when we walked through the parking lot and a shower of sparks traveled up my arm. I shivered and stepped away so there was more distance between us, a little freaked out by the sudden burst of electricity.

“You really didn’t have to. You’ve gone above and beyond, I mean, we don’t even really know each other.” I said,

When we approached the car, I leaned against the door, refusing to let him open it, and leveled him with a cautious gaze.

“Maybe not, but I want to get to know you.” Lukas stepped closer to me so there was little space between us. He flattened his hand against the door right beside my head and leaned in.

“Why?” I gulped, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

“I just feel drawn to you.” His voice was low and husky, his body arched over mine so our eyes were level with each other.

“People don’t talk like that.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

“I’m not people.” His lips curved up into a crooked grin, “Don’t you trust me, Clementine?”

“I don’t trust anyone.” I answered honestly.

“I’ll change that, I promise.” He said in a smokey tone. I shook my head at him, suddenly feeling a little light headed.

“You’re over confident.” I said,

“I don’t think so.”

“You know, it’s not normal for strangers to attend physical therapy with another stranger?” I pointed out and Lukas threw his head back laughing,

“I am certainly not a normal person.” He said when his gaze returned to mine.

“All I know is this is not going to be an every week thing.” I laughed before pulling open the truck door and looking expectantly at Lukas for his help.

Well, as it would turn out, it did become a weekly thing. It was three weeks later and Lukas never failed to show up at my house at 9:30 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. He helped me through an hour of PT and then took me to lunch afterwards. Most of the time, he ended up staying at my house for a few hours going over cases or just having some good conversation. I had to admit, it was good conversation. We had an unmistakable, undeniable connection that, quite honestly, scared the hell out of me.

“You okay, Clem?” Lukas asked as we sat at our usual diner spot.

“My shoulder is just feeling it a little extra today.” I said, rubbing my shoulder.

It was no longer bandaged and the stitches had long since dissolved, leaving the small and fading scars as the only evidence left of my injury.

“Did you take the pain medicine?” Lukas asked, his eyes pulling together with concern.

“Just some Advil. The other stuff was starting to make me feel sick.” I confessed, earning a disapproving look from Lukas.

“Maybe you should call your doctor.” He suggested and I rolled my eyes,

“You’re such a worry wart.” I mocked him.

“Someone has to worry about you. Lord knows you aren’t going to do it.” He stated simply.

“Back off.” I grumbled and he laughed at me.

The waitress came back with our chocolate milkshakes before we even had the chance to order them. I guess our orders didn’t really change much from day to day. I cupped the glass in both hands and pulled it close to me so I could use the straw without picking it up. Every once in a while, I would catch Lukas staring at me as I sucked up the chocolate milkshake with a tense expression. I swear, his eyes turned black and sometimes a sound suspiciously close to a growl came out of his mouth.

“Aren’t you tired of this, yet?” I asked, moving the attention away from me before I started blushing.

“Of what?” Lukas asked innocently.

“Of carting me around to PT?”

“Absolutely not.” He answered quickly.

“Don’t you have anything better to do during the week then spend it stretching out my shoulder?” I laughed like I was joking but it was really a serious question.

“Not a single thing.” Lukas shook his head, his expression remaining unchanged as he focused on me.

“No? Don’t you have a reservation to lead or something?” I cocked an eyebrow.

During our time together, I learned that not only has Lukas’ family lived on the reservation since it was founded nearly 200 years ago, but they were the ones who originally founded it. Ever since then, his family, the Emerald’s, were the leaders of the reservation. After I learned that, I tried to convince him to ditch me, thinking there was no way he had enough time to be basically a governor and my chauffeur. But, he declined quite persistently.

“I’ve got people for that.” He answered with a cocky expression and I couldn’t help but snort in reaction.

“Oh really?”

“Sure. Garrick and Mateo are my backup.” He shrugged.

“Who?” I asked, still laughing.

“My best friends. Their families have been around since the beginning, too. They started the reservation with my ancestors and continue to be the second and third in command.” Lukas explained as he played with his milkshake straw.

“Sounds a little bit like a communist party to me.” I said and Lukas practically choked on his milkshake.

“I guess I can see how you would think that,” he chuckled, “But, I swear it’s not. At least, no one’s complaining and demanding a leadership change.”

“Are they allowed to complain?” I challenged him and he continued to smirk at me,

“You should come by and see for yourself.” He offered and I immediately started back peddling.

“Oh I don’t think…..”

“No, no. If you’re going to start throwing around words like communism you have to visit.” Lukas was shaking his head and not giving me much of an option to say no.

Before I could respond, someone came crashing into the diner and went straight for our table.

“Garrick?” Lukas looked concerned and I recognized that name as one of the best friends Lukas had just mentioned.

“We have to get you two out of here.” The man with brown hair and dark eyes was looking from side to side like he was on the lookout for threats.

“What’s going on?” Lukas jumped up and pushed Garrick out of the way. In a second he was pulling me from the booth and keeping me close to his side.

“Josh and Jake picked up on some rogues a few miles away. I sent the patrol out and they just reported back that there are rogues on the edge of town.” Garrick said, but 90% of his words made no sense.

“Lukas?” I brought his attention to me as I tried to tug my arm from his grip.

“Clementine, I need you to trust me right now.” His eyes were black again and his face was serious as he locked eyes with me.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

“I promise to explain everything, but right now I need you to trust me to keep you safe.”

“I am perfectly capable of keeping myself safe.” I argued, starting to feel like a caged animal.

“I know that, but not from this. Please, Clem.” His eyes softened as he begged. I pressed my lips together and didn’t reply. Instead, I stopped fighting his grip and allowed him to pull me from the diner.

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