#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 30


“Hiding out, Alpha?” Gamma Hayden laughed as I stepped out of the cabin.

“That kitchen is not big enough for two Alpha’s and a Luna.” I chuckled, slapping Hayden on the back.

“Jared is not an Alpha.” Hayden responded sternly.

“Jared Valentine comes from Alpha blood, he’s as good as an Alpha and will be respected. He’s not here for my job, Hayden, you can stand down.” I ordered. Hayden bowed his head in respect as I stepped off the porch. I walked around the cabin’s property, eyeing the positions of Dru, Theo, and Ford’s wolves. They bowed their furry heads as I walked passed.

I sniffed the perimeter of the forest, picking up on a scent I didn’t recognize. I mindlinked the wolves,

“Care to explain the abnormal smell?"

“What smell, Alpha?” I growled at the incompetence of my patrol.

“You’re kidding me, right? There’s an unknown smell on the perimeter.”

“I’m sorry, Alpha, we don’t smell anything. Are you sure it’s not the Luna’s scent?” I rolled my eyes at perhaps the dumbest question I have ever been asked.

“You don’t think I recognize the scent of my mate?” Silence.

Finally, a sign of some intelligence. I focused on the scent again; burnt toast. It was slightly familiar….

“That’s what the witch smelled like when she came through the mirror.” My mate’s voice snuck up on me from behind. I turned my attention to her.

“That smell, it’s the same smell from my bathroom. Don’t you recognize it?” Josie’s gaze was far away as she searched the woods edge.

“You’re right, of course, as always.” I tried to pull her attention away with humor, but it didn’t work.

“Josie.” I stepped in front of her, taking over her view. Her eyes finally focused on me.

“Yes, sorry.” She shook her head and smiled softly.

“It’s going to be okay, I promise. We’ll keep the patrol here to look out for your brother and keep an eye out for the witch and the rogue. I’m going to double the patrols around the pack territory to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We’re going to keep everyone safe.” I trapped her face in between my hands and begged her to hear me.

“I’m not scared, August, I’m angry.” She said with a stern look on her face. Yeah, that makes more sense.

“Then, I promise to get you justice.” I said, pressing my lips against hers. She finally relaxed, collapsing her body into mine and moving her lips against my own. She broke away, breathless.

“I love you.” She whispered.

“And I love you and I love that you want to stay with me at the packhouse.” I smiled. She blinked at me, blushing suddenly as she remembered the earlier conversation.

“That is, if you still want to.” I backtracked, not wanting to pressure her. She grinned,

“Of course I want to. August?” I purred at the sound of my name leaving her lips,

“Yes, love?”

“Take me home.” I grinned even wider, picking her up and spinning her around as she giggled.

“Yes ma’am.” I snatched up her hand and escorted her back to the car. As we settled into the car, I heard Josie’s stomach growl. She covered it with an embarrassed look on her face, a blush covering her neck. I chuckled and pressed her hand to my lips,

“You never got that dinner I promised you.” She licked her lips and nodded eagerly.

“It’ll be ready when we get home.” I promised her, mindlinking the staff to deliver dinner to our room. I escorted Josie quickly upstairs the moment we got home.

“You brought dinner to our room?” She clapped excitedly as the smell of a hot meal rolled down the hallway. I laughed as she ran towards our room and ripped open the door. Before I even made it inside, she was already shoveling spaghetti into her mouth.

“Awh, my sexy doctor.” I smirked at her as pasta sauce dripped down her chin. She rolled her eyes at me and wiped her face,

“Don’t judge me.” She grumbled.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, my love.” I smiled, making my own plate and sitting down at the small table.

“You know, you have a very important job tonight.” She said, surprising me. I dropped my fork,

“Uhm….you want to….I do….what job?” I stammered, not completely sure I was understanding her right. She laughed at my awkwardness,

“You have to do sleep checks on me throughout the night, to make sure I don’t die from my concussion.” I looked at her in horror,

“That is not funny, Josephine.” She just laughed at my terrified expression.

“Besides, aren’t you supposed to stay awake for 24 hours after a concussion?” I asked her.

“No, that’s a myth. Just the first couple hours after the initial diagnosis and then sleep checks every couple hours for the first night.” She said casually.

“Pretty sure it’s not a myth.” I argued with her. She paused with the fork halfway to her mouth,

“Who has a doctorate in medicine?” She questioned, raising her eyebrow at me; her signature move that clearly states ‘you are an idiot’.

“You telling me Web M.D doesn’t qualify me to give sound medical advice?” I said, offended. She smirked at me and continued eating her pasta.

After dinner, I suggested we watch a movie. Josie picked out a romantic comedy and we settled in on the couch. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. In no time at all, she was fast asleep on my lap.

By the end of the movie, I had woken her up at least half a dozen times. She rolled over and saw the credits rolling down the TV screen,

“I said every couple hours, not every couple minutes.” She cursed at me, tossing the blanket I had wrapped around her to the floor and flinging herself down on the bed.

“Wake me up before 2:00 AM and the pack will be planning your funeral.” She growled, snuggling her face into the pillow and falling quickly to sleep. I smirked at my beautiful mate, settling myself down beside her and finally drifting off to sleep to the smell of strawberries and vanilla.

By 6:00 the next morning I had woken Josie up twice and was too anxious about her condition to sleep any further. I snuck out of bed and took a quick shower before slipping out of the room and into my office. I set an alarm on my phone to check in on her in three hours.

I was researching any evidence I could find on the witch and rogue that threatened Josie, or the deal they supposedly made with her father when Ethan knocked on my door.

“Yes, Ethan?” I sighed, looking up from my laptop.

“Your father says he found something, he wants permission to enter.” Beta Ethan informed me. I nodded curtly and shut the lid to my computer. Benji entered the room,

“Sit.” I ordered him, motioning towards the chair in front of my desk. I checked my phone, it was nearly 8:00.

“What did you find?” I asked.

“Anything Alpha Johnathan left behind in the packhouse was boxed up and placed in storage. We didn’t know what to do with it and it felt wrong to just throw it away.” I sighed at my father’s story, growing in patience.

“Anyway, I’ve been going through his things all night and found this.” Benji slide an white envelope across the desk. It was addressed, For when they come.

“They?” I questioned, holding the letter in my hand.

“I thought maybe it meant the witch and the rogue.” Benji suggested. I nodded slowly and flipped it over, noticing he hadn’t opened it.

“It’s Alpha Johnathan’s handwriting, I thought it was only appropriate for Josie to open it.” I nodded again, agreeing with my father, for once.

“I also found this.” Benji handed me an ancient looking book. I thumbed through the pages,

“What kind of language is this?” I asked, running my hand across the strange markings.

“I think it’s the language of the witch.” Benji replied.

“And how would you know that?” I accused him. Benji leaned forward, placing his hands on my desk.

“There was once a time when wolves and witches and even vampires lived relatively peacefully. Most of my childhood was this way. When Johnathan and I were boys, this pack had a very strong alliance with a coven of witches who resided in the Wilbur Woods. One day, our father’s, the Alpha and Beta, had all the women and children transported to the safehouse. For three days we stayed hidden, underground, until my father came for us,

“Alpha Maxwell, Alpha Johnathan’s father, was dead, so, at just 15 years old, he took control of the pack. Nobody knew how Alpha Maxwell was killed, I’m not even sure Johnathan knew at the time, but my father informed us that the alliance with the witches was terminated. He told us that the world we lived in was different now, witches, wolves, and vampires were to be segregated; any collaboration was outlawed.

“Any books we had about witches and magic were destroyed, the only ones that were saved were historical records. All of those books were translated. I don’t know what this book says, but I know that it was outlawed and I have no idea what Alpha Johnathan was doing with it.” I stared at my father with my mouth gaping open in a very non-Alpha like fashion.

“Why have I never heard about this?” I asked quietly.

“My father, as his last act as Beta and acting Alpha, swore us all to secrecy.” Benji explained. I sighed, unable to be angry with my father for obeying the word of an acting Alpha.

“I need to find a witch.” I said, remembering Josie’s idea.

“The laws….” Benji attempted to argue but I shut him down,

“Alpha Johnathan broke the laws, father, and now I have to as well to keep his daughter safe. Do not stand in my way.” I said threw my teeth. Benji stayed silent for a long time before standing up,

“I can show you where they used to live in Wilbur Woods, I have no idea if they are still there, but it’s somewhere to start.” I nodded at my father’s offer.

“Let’s go.” I stepped out of the office to find Beta Ethan waiting for my orders.

“Send Hayden to guard Josie’s room. Tell him she needs sleep checks every three hours beginning at 9:00 AM. She has a concussion so she needs to take it easy. Tell her I’m with Benji and to mindlink me when she’s awake.” Ethan nodded in submission and left the room.

“Lead the way.” I said to my father.

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