#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 25


I sat in silence for most of the drive to the packhouse, twisting my hands in my lap. It wasn’t officially my first time back to the packhouse, considering I stormed the place when we found out Benji had been keeping me from August. But, it was my first time back in any official capacity. August respected my need for some silence to gather myself for my return.

I recognized the massive driveway to the main house instantly. It was well over a mile long and trimmed with large trees on either side. The packhouse was at the end.

It was a large, brick building with three floors. The first floor was the main meeting space. It’s where the pack held large dinners and gatherings, where the Alpha’s office and meeting room was, home to the large kitchen and library, and several leisure rooms including a game room and movie theater. The second floor housed the ranking members of the pack, the Beta and Gamma and their families, the Alpha’s parents and siblings, along with any visiting ranking members from other packs. The third floor was the Alpha and Luna quarters.

Twisting off the main road were several other driveways that led to different villages on the pack land. Each family had their own pod of cabins. As children grew up and got married, they either moved to their spouses pack or another cabin was built within the family unit. Surrounding the packhouse were the training grounds and outdoor event space as well.

August navigated the car to the back entrance of the house, allowing us to enter with less of a fuss. Beta Ethan and Gamma Hayden were waiting at the entrance for us.

“How are you feeling, Alpha?” Ethan asked, hovering over his Alpha. August dismissed his concerns,

“I’m fine. Dr. Taylor here wants to get some blood to see if she can localize whatever slowed our healing.” August winked down at me and I rolled my eyes.

“Of course, right away.” Ethan was already mindlinking the hospital wing, alerting them to our impending arrival.

We made a beeline straight for the hospital wing, which was in the back of the packhouse. Luckily we didn’t have to venture near any of the public spaces to get there. I wanted to take care of the medical business before August announced me as his mate to the house.

There were two men waiting at the entrance to the hospital. Something about them seemed very familiar. They shared August’s dark features and mischievous smirk. The concerned looks on their faces turned immediately to confusion when they saw me on August’s arm.

“Gus! We heard you were injured.” The first one spoke, cocking one of his eyebrows. Gus?

“Who is she?” The second man spoke, nearly talking over the first who proceeded to glare at him from the side.

“I’m a little hurt that you don’t remember me.” I smirked, having easily recognized August’s younger brothers, Wyatt and Logan. I dumbfounded them both into silence. I heard August chuckle behind me as I started mindlinking his brothers; showing them memories from our childhood.

“Josephine Valentine, the Alpha’s daughter.” Logan’s voice was barely audible.

“Josephine Valentine, the girl who could kick both your asses.” I grinned at them, earning an eye roll from Wyatt.

“Back from the dead and mated to our brother, how about that.” Wyatt said.

Logan punched him in the arm for his bluntness and I could practically hear August’s glare from behind me. I wasn’t surprised by Wyatt. He was always the loudmouth, wildchild; a symptom of being the youngest sibling. Logan and I were only a couple months apart in age but couldn’t have been more different. Logan was quiet and reserved, always going on about saving himself for his mate.

“You and August are mated?” Logan spoke up.

“Apparently.” I shrugged. August wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I looked up at his face and smiled, letting him know that I was really proud to be coming out as his mate to his brothers.

“That explains so much.” Wyatt grumbled to himself,

“Did Dad know?” He said louder. August and I shared another look, one of frustration and anger.

“Awh, I see why Dad’s been in the doghouse for the past few days now.” Wyatt seemed to be having a conversation with himself.

“I need to take his blood.” I sighed, pulling August into the hospital and away from the stimulating conversation with his brothers.

“What a bunch of idiots.” August grumbled as we walked through the medical wing.

“They’re your brothers….Gus.” I mocked him, earning an embarrassed look from my Alpha.

“Don’t even.” He grumbled, punching the bridge if his nose.

“Alpha, the Beta said you needed blood drawn.” The pack doctor had everything set up in the corner of the room.

“Yes, Dr. Brown, but I brought my own sexy doctor to do it.” I elbowed August in the stomach, begging him to stop calling me that.

“Oh, I see….” Dr. Brown trailed off. I held out my hand towards him,

“Dr. Taylor, Josephine, mate to the Alpha, future Luna, etc., etc.” I shook the dazed doctor’s hand before snapping on a pair of medical gloves. Dr. Brown wandered away, unsure of how to respond, while I started rummaging through the supplies he had sitting out for the lab work.

“Sit down.” I ordered August, motioning towards the chair in front of me.

“Yes, ma’am.” I shot August a glare and held the needle up between us. August eyed the needle nervously.

“What? Is the big, bad Alpha afraid of a little needle?” I smirked.

“I wouldn’t say scared, exactly….” he mumbled. I laughed at him, cleaning his arm with an antiseptic wipe. I tied the tourniquet around his upper arm and straightened out his elbow. I poked at the crook of his elbow and lined the needle up to the best vein.

“Little pinch.” I said, out of habit, before sticking the vein with the needle.

“Damn, you are my sexy doctor.” August growled. I locked eyes with him before yanking the needle out harder than I normally would. He jumped in the chair and yelped.

“I told you to stop calling me that.” I grumbled. I pressed a piece of gauze against the needle hole and wrapped it up tightly. When I was done securing the medical tape on the gauze, August grabbed my face and pulled me towards him.

“But it’s true.” He said softly, rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip.

“You can’t call me that in front of people.” I negotiated. August planted a kiss on my lips,

“Deal.” He said, his breath blowing across my cheek. I was breathless when he pulled away and I could feel the heat of a blush on my face.

“Are you ready?” He asked me, standing up and taking my hand. I swallowed hard and nodded,

“Yes.” I squeaked. August chuckled at me,

“You were born for this, Josie.” His words gave me the confidence to stand a little taller as we walked out of the medical wing and towards the front of the packhouse.

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