#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 19


“Favorite book?” I countered, proud with my idea of playing twenty questions.

“Does a movie that came from a book count?” August laughed while watching the road. I looked at him sideways,

“You don’t like books?” I asked.

“Not much time for reading.” He shrugged.

“Fair enough. Yes, a movie counts.” I gave in.

“Harry Potter.” I laughed him,

“That’s a cop-out.”

“It’s true!” He said defensively. I had asked my last question and it was August’s turn for his twentieth question when it turned serious.

“Do you want a family?” I looked over at him, surprised. His eyes never left the road but I could tell he was blushing.

“You’re asking me if I want kids?” I clarified. He glanced over at me,

“Is that okay?” He was concerned about asking the wrong thing.

“Of course it’s okay,” I smiled reassuringly at him,

“And yes, I want kids. Lots of them.” August grinned widely,

“Excellent.” I laughed at him. I wasn’t sure if the idea of lots of babies excited him or the idea of making lots of babies. I blushed at the thought and avoided looking towards August. I took a deep breath and decided to change the subject.

“I’d like to ask a serious question of my own.” I said. August glanced over at me,

“Anything, love”

“Is Arlo happy with our mate bond?” August looked over at me in shock. I yelped as he quickly pulled the car over and turned on the hazard lights. He undid his seat belt and turned to face me.

“Excuse me?” He asked. I looked down at my fingers.

“You say that you’re okay with me being human and having to experience the bond differently than other wolves, and I believe you. But, the fact of the matter is, you’re mated with someone who doesn’t have a wolf. Arlo doesn’t have a mate.” I said quietly to my hands. August grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

“Arlo does have a mate, you are his mate just as you’re mine. You may not have a wolf, but you are of Alpha blood and we can both sense that; Arlo can sense that. He knows that you’re more than human. That’s enough for him. He loves you just as much as I do.” August’s voice came to a halt as he looked at me in horror. My eyes widened as I searched his face.

“Damn it.” August mumbled under his breath.

“August….” I didn’t know how to respond.

“I’m sorry, Josie, I didn’t mean to say that.” August confessed.

“You didn’t mean it?” was all I heard. August quickly shook his head and ran his thumb sweetly across my cheek.

“I absolutely mean it. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you, maybe even before then. Arlo and I have both loved you our entire lives. I would have said it the very second I laid eyes on you, but I knew you weren’t ready to say it back.” His words were perfect, I looked at him guiltily. August was quick to confront my fears,

“And that’s okay. You don’t need to be ready to say it yet.” I sighed at the soft smile on his lips.

“I want to. The wolf in my blood wants me to, but the human in me says to wait. The human in me is panicking that it’s too much too fast while the wolf in me is screaming for me to just trust my instincts.” I admitted.

“You’ll know when it’s the right time, Josie, and I’ll be here, patiently waiting. I told you before, I’m here for all the human moments and all the wolf moments. Whatever you need, I’m here, and so is Arlo.” August said all the right things but, still, I felt guilty and conflicted. I attempted to look away, but he wouldn’t let me.

“Do you want to hear it from him?” August asked. I quickly nodded and August’s eyes turned black.

“Arlo.” I smiled at my wolf.

“Mate!” Arlo yipped, excitedly kissing my lips. I giggled under his touch. He pulled just far enough away to speak,

“I told that idiot human of mine to confess our love for you on day one, I didn’t want this to happen.” Arlo huffed.

“August was just trying to respect my boundaries.” I said.

“I love you, mate. I’m sorry I have a harder time being patient than August. The idiot is right about one thing, though, you are enough. I sense the wolf in you, even if she’s not completely there. You feel the mate bond more than a human does but less than a wolf, and your senses are stronger than a human but not as strong as a wolf, you are not completely human nor are you a wolf. You are exactly perfect for us. And, who knows, maybe you’ll get a wolf after we mark you.” Arlo shrugged and I looked at him, confused.

“What does that mean?”

“It’s rare, but sometimes a human gets their wolf after being marked by their wolf mate, if they have a strong werewolf gene lying dominate in their blood. You come directly from an Alpha, an old Alpha blood line at that, and your mate comes from new Alpha blood. It’s entirely possible.” Arlo spoke quickly and eagerly, but I wasn’t convinced. I had never heard of a human getting a wolf after being marked and, even if that was possible, I’m not sure I would want it.

“I don’t want you to rely on something like that happening, Arlo. It’s not a guarantee.” I argued.

“I know, angel, I’m not relying on it. I told you, you are enough and perfect just the way you are. I can sense your wolf blood and that’s enough to satisfy me.” Arlo’s voice turned to a low growl deep in his chest. Just like that, August came pushing through the surface.

“Sorry about him.” He mumbled, shaking his head at his wolf.

“It’s alright.” I said.

“Did he help?” August asked. I nodded but said nothing.

“Josie….” he started, but I cut him off. I had something to say.

“Wait. I need to say this. I can’t tell you what you want to hear yet, August, but I can tell you this. I’m confused by a lot of things, but of this I am certain. You complete me. I’ve been missing a piece of myself and, in you, I found it. I feel at my happiest when I’m with you, I feel safe and warm and cared for whenever you’re around. It hurts to be away from you. My human brain is telling me how ridiculous that sounds. It’s telling me that I sound clingy and irrational and, quite frankly, unhealthy, but I don’t care. I can’t say it yet, but I can give you this. I can give you, me.” I took a shaky breath as I finished my speech. August was grinning at me like a giddy puppy and it was making me feel exposed.

“You’re all I need, baby. Those are just three words, you just gave me the whole world.” He crushed his lips to mine and I felt his passion for me exploding through my body. The way his fingers sent sparks across my skin, the way his smell made my brain stop working, the way his lips silenced my fears.

“Feeling better now?” He asked me, his voice as dark as his eyes. I nodded, biting my lip. He groaned and I giggled, pushing on his chest. He fell back in his seat with a thud.

“We’re gonna be late.” He said, clicking his seatbelt back into place. I shifted in my chair, settling back in.

“How much further?” I asked, returning the conversation to normal.

“About 20 minutes.” He replied casually.

“Good, then I have 20 more minutes to be serious.” I decided to just rip all the bandages off at once. August sighed but there was a slight smile on his lips.

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