Wolf Castle (Sinful Wolf Pack Romances)

Wolf Castle: Chapter 11

Afterwards they sense that I need some space and both kiss me before leaving me to sleep.


I thought I would drop off right away, but I find myself tossing and turning for the rest of the night, feeling confused.


I had not meant to sleep with them both, and certainly not together. And yet when it was happening it had felt so good, and there had been nothing I wanted more than that.


I don’t know how I’m going to face them both tomorrow. I certainly don’t know how I’m going to face Uncles Max and Karl.


My only comfort is that I still have the mask on, and none of them seem to have recognized me.


I wish I could call Lola. Of my three best friends, she is the only one who might have a tiny chance of understanding how I feel.


Lola had broken up with her high school boyfriend after being kissed by his best friend. She had felt so guilty about it.


But something she had said had made me think she had been attracted to both of them. Now I wish I had asked her about it.


Did she feel confused? Had it been too impossible to pick one to love over the other? Did she fear it would ruin the guys’ friendship?


Being attracted to multiple men had been okay while it was a fantasy in my head. But now that it is real I don’t know how to handle this.


I pick up my phone, wondering if I should send her a text.


Suddenly the thought that the text might actually make it back to our world makes me anxious. Maybe Lola wouldn’t understand after all.


I sigh and put my phone away.


It would have been so good to hear her voice. No matter what, I know she would be sympathetic if I called her. But she would probably tell me to come home. I am not sure I want to.


I drift in and out of a light sleep.


In the early hours of the morning I hear a noise near the front door of the suite. I jump out of bed and drag on my robe.


When I peer out of my room I find a couple of servants have arrived to clean things quietly.


I take one of them aside, dragging him to the main corridor outside the apartments, and ask if he will take me to see Juniper.


“Why?” he asks, looking surprised. “Are you unhappy here?”


“It’s not that. I like them. But I’m confused, and she said I should ask any of the staff to take me to her if I needed it.”


“Do you wish to leave?” he asks.


“I’m… I guess I just need some advice.”


“Madame Juniper is far too busy for that.” The servant frowns at me disapprovingly. “Is any of your four gentleman giving you trouble?”


I blush. “Of course not. It’s not that.”


“There you are!” exclaims a loud voice behind me.


I spin around in shock, and am mortified to see Roxy behind me.


She looks like she has been up all night partying and being debauched. Her lipstick is smeared and her corset top is frayed, the ties hanging loose as if they have been half-heartedly fastened.


She recognized me.


My mouth drops open. I touch my mask. It is still firmly in place.


And then I remember Juniper saying that the mask would only keep my gentleman from recognizing me. She meant it wouldn’t work with anyone else.


The servant seems to assume I am done with him. He disappears back inside Uncle Max’s apartment.


Roxy giggles at me, and runs her eyes over my flimsy silken robe and mussed up hair.


“Why are you wearing that ridiculous mask? Was somebody indulging in some roleplay last night?” she says saucily.


“Shhh!” I hiss.


“So who is your mystery man?” she coos. “Or should I say mystery men? Did he say four!”


Her voice rises at the last syllable, and I worry that it is loud enough to be heard inside the apartment. Perhaps even loud enough to wake four sleeping werewolves.


“Hush,” I beg her.


“I want to hear all about it,” she says, not bothering to keep her voice down.


“Not now.”


“Yes now,” she insists. “I’ve been looking for you all over. You weren’t at the ball last night. I thought we’re going to meet in the evening?”


“I was busy.”


“Busy getting laid,” she says. and lets out a shrill laugh. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? I want to hear all about it.”


“Not here,” I plead.


“Fine.” She rolls her eyes at me. “We can go down to breakfast I suppose.”


I offer to meet her there, but she insists on waiting for me while I get changed. Leaving her outside, and not too pleased about it, I hurry back to my room.


To my relief find that a fresh new outfit has appeared in my wardrobe. Last night’s dress must’ve been their version of an evening outfit. This one is similar, but it is powder blue. The neckline isn’t so low-cut and the skirt is longer, yet it still clings to my every curve.


When I meet Roxy at the front door, she gives me a wolf-whistle. “Where can I get one of those?”


“This is my uniform.”


“I’d heard they provide the staff with costumes,” she says saucily. “And now I know why.”


“What about yours?” I ask, looking at her lacy corset. Beneath it is a fluffy feathered skirt which is slashed high, right up to her hips. It doesn’t look like the sort of thing she has ever worn before.


“I can’t complain,” she says grinning widely. “My sexy werewolf decided he wanted to dress me up too.”


“Where is he now?” I ask, looking down the corridor behind her. I am suddenly horrified at the idea that he is going to randomly turn up here too.


She looks displeased, and gives a little shrug.


“We’ve been having fun all night, but he’s got so much energy. He’s probably still out there somewhere. I was on my way back to his rooms, but now that I’ve found you, maybe I’ll just keep him waiting.”


She leads me down long corridors and down several flights of ornate staircases. Finally I hear the bustling sound of many people gathered in one place.


We end up at a large brightly lit dining room, hung with crystal chandeliers that are aglow despite the sunlight flooding in through numerous tall windows.


I try to take a glimpse outside, eager to see what Otherworld looks like. But Roxy impatiently drags me away from it.


She finds us a small table and casually flags down a waiter. She places a large order of things that I know she’ll not eat more than a bite of.


“This is the life,” she says, sighing blissfully. “If I’d known that otherkind lived like this, I’d have got myself one earlier. So tell me everything.”


“There’s nothing to tell.”


“Don’t give me that! Do you want me to come back with you and see for myself?”


“Okay, fine. There are four men in the apartments that I’m in, and I’m supposed to serve them. I mean, I’m their maid.”


“And I’ll bet they’ve enjoyed your maid service,” she says with a smirk.


I blush bright red and she bursts into laughter. Then her eyes narrow.


“Really? With all of them?”


I shake my head quickly. “With one of them last night. And then two more of them in the middle of the night.”


I admit the last part hesitantly, not wanting her to judge me, but hoping for her advice. Roxy is so sexually confident. If anyone can tell me what to do, it’s her.


“You slut!” she says loudly. “I cannot believe that you’ve slept with three men in one night.”


My mouth drops open in surprise. This is not what I expected. We have always kept each other’s secrets, not that I had any. I had thought she’d have my back.


She reaches over to snatch at my mask, and I lean back and hold it against my face protectively.


“There’s no point hiding behind that now,” she says nastily. “It’s not like it even covers your face.”


I don’t bother to tell her that it’s magical and it covers my face where it matters most.


“So was it good?” she asks.


Suddenly I have an urge to show her that I can have a good time too. Why should I be ashamed of it? Isn’t that why we both came here?


I nod, my cheeks becoming even hotter. “It was unbelievable. Better than I ever imagined.”


She raises her brows, a grudging respect seeming to come into her eyes.


“I never thought you were the type for a threesome,” she says thoughtfully.


“I’m not. It’s just these men are really special.”


She laughs incredulously. “Don’t be silly. It’s just the glamour of this place. After we get out of here, you wouldn’t find them attractive at all.”


“I would!” I say hotly. “They’re really kind and funny and generous.”


“Generous with their cocks,” she says.


“You wouldn’t understand,” I mutter.


Fortunately two waiters arrive with heavily laden trays. I am grateful for the reprieve. They deposit teas and croissants and cereals and sausages and eggs and many other things on our table.


Roxy commands one to poor her some coffee. After they leave I pour myself some tea.


I discover that I am ravenous. I help myself to a plate full of toast and scrambled eggs and sausages, and a couple of small flaky croissants with delicious jam spread on top.


Roxy watches me eat with her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. When I’m finished she says, “Why don’t you come back to mine and meet my friend?”


I shake my head. “I have to head back. They’ll be wondering where I am.”


“So let them wait. You’ve got to treat them mean to keep them keen. And anyway, I think you’ll really like my friend.”


My eyes widen. “What do you mean? You don’t want me to…”


“Why not?” she says sharply. “You’ve already done it last night. And I think he’ll be really excited about a threesome with you and me.”


“How can you even say that? I can’t sleep with a stranger!”


“You did last night,” she says nastily. “You slept with three.”


“That was different,” I say hotly. “I told you I like my men. It was special with them.”


“You’re such a deluded stupid romantic. You’re not a virgin anymore, so stop with the sweet little innocent act.”


“It’s not an act.”


“Yes it is. You’ve always acted as if you’re the sweet one and I’m the slut. But you’re just as horny as me, so why can’t you help me out now?”


“That’s not–”


“It’s not like anyone will find out. You can keep your stupid mask on.”


I get to my feet, shoving myself back from the table so hard that all the crockery clatters.


“You’re supposed to be my friend,” I say, my voice wobbling. “But you don’t know me at all!”


“Calm down,” she says.


“I can’t believe you asked me to do that.”


“I can’t believe that you think what you have with these guys is love or whatever. They’re here to fuck. Everyone in this whole place is here to fuck. They don’t give a crap about you, but you’re too naive to see that I’m on your side.”


“You’re only ever on your own side!” I shout, stalking away from her. “Leave me alone. I don’t want to see you again!”

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