Wolf Cabin (Sinful Wolf Pack Romances)

Wolf Cabin: Chapter 13

That night Finn does not come to bed. I wake up and find the bed beside me empty. The cabin is quiet, and I have no way of knowing whether the men have decided to go out to hunt again or not.


As far as I understand it there is no regular time for it. The pack goes out whenever they want. There are other cabins dotted around this mountain where others are staying.


I begin to wonder how many she-wolves are with the pack. Has Finn been enjoying their company while he’s been out on the hunt? Is that why he is unwilling to fully commit to me?


I have no doubt that I love Finn. I want him even now, and have since I saw him on the first day of High School and got my first ever crush. He never looked at me twice back then.


Then just weeks ago he finally asked me out and I thought my dreams had come true. But I had expected our relationship to develop along traditional lines as those are the only ones I had ever known.


Perhaps I’ve been measuring our relationship by the wrong yardstick.


Finn is a werewolf after all. He had told me about the first time he had seen sex in real life. It had been several years ago when he had first reached his manhood, and finally been invited onto one of his uncle’s special hunts.


He had told me that a sexy young she-wolf had flirted with his uncle all day, and that night she had led his uncle on a rapid chase deep into the woods.


Finn had followed, as did his brother who had been faster than him. He had lost sight of the other three among the trees.


He finally caught up, and found his uncle claiming the she-wolf, both of them in wolf form.


She had been a virgin, Finn said, and told me how his heart had soared to listen to her howl as his uncle had taken her. She had spread herself open for the much larger wolf, seeming to revel in his victory as much as he had.


His uncle had growled in her ear and they had both simultaneously transformed back into human form.


Finn had been confused by this, but the sight of his uncle riding her from behind, their bare human bodies glistening in the moonlight was something he’d never been able to forget.


Then his uncle had lain down on the ground and the she-wolf had climbed on top and started riding him. And to Finn’s surprise his brother, who had been watching nearby, also transformed into human form and joined them.


The two men had fucked her at the same time, one from the front and one from the back, and Finn had described how much the she-wolf had loved it.


I had watched his mesmerized face as he told me that story, and realized how much he had loved seeing that. How much he longed to see it again.


Is that why he has been going out on the hunt rather than spending time with me?


I had never thought that I could really give Finn what he wanted, that I couldn’t go all the way with another man like that.


Dancing intimately with other men in clubs, letting them touch me through my clothes and sometimes even slipping their hands underneath to my bare skin was one thing. But I had shied away whenever their touches became too intimate.


Because in reality the thing that had excited me about it was that Finn was watching, and that it was his hands that I wanted on me, not theirs.


But now it is different. With Hunter and Logan I am insatiable. Their scent and touch drives me wild with desire. The way they held me while making love made me feel like the only woman in the world.


And it is lovemaking, even though sometimes it is hard and fast. I know it is not just sex with them because of the connection I feel between us.


I want them and I want Finn. How is that even possible? Is Finn only ever going to want to watch me with other men?


I need more from him than that.


Right now I miss having Finn’s big warm body in the bed beside me. The thought of going back to college and not being his girlfriend any more is unbearable.


The thought fills me with a bleak loneliness that threatens to overwhelm me. After having lived life with Finn, I can’t imagine life without him.


Tomorrow will be our last day here. The day after that we go home. This trip was supposed to be about finding a place in Finn’s heart.


What if the events of the past few days have made him think twice about whether he wants me to be his girlfriend anymore? What if the knowledge that I have been with his uncle and brother is too much for him?


My pillow is wet from my tears. I get up and quietly put my slippers on and pad downstairs to the lounge. I’m half hoping that Finn is on with the hunt with the men because at least then there is a chance he has not given up on me.


But I find him fast asleep on the couch.


My heart feels like it is breaking. That he has chosen to sleep here rather than upstairs with me can only mean one thing.


His phone is still in his hands. Undoubtedly he was messaging Celine before he fell asleep. With tears streaming down my face I turn and run as quietly as I can back up the stairs.


The next morning when I come down for breakfast Finn and Uncle Logan have already gone out. This makes me feel relieved and upset all at once. Finn must be purposely avoiding me.


I am surprised that Hunter and Brandon are still here, having coffee and toast in the kitchen.


When he sees me Hunter picks me up and spins me around. He kisses me on the mouth long and slow, my body pressed against his. Throughout it all I feel Brandon’s eyes on us both. I am blushing deeply by the time he stops.


Hunter takes me to his chair, right next to Brandon. He puts me on his lap facing him with my legs spread either side of his hips. He kisses me again, and I sink against him, glad of the comfort and warmth of his embrace.


When his cock gets hard and starts jutting against my panties, I break away, panting and aroused.


I know what he wants. He must have been thinking of it all night since the show Uncle Logan and I gave him yesterday, but that doesn’t mean I am ready to get frisky in front of my stepbrother.


I step away from Hunter and busy myself making some fresh toast and eggs.


As I take my seat at the table I keep my eyes on my breakfast, the better to not have to look at Brandon.


“So, erm, are you two going to join the hunt later?” I ask nervously.


“No,” says Hunter with a smile. “Uncle Logan and I thought you must be bored with being cooped up all day, so he told me to take you out skiing. Brandon will keep us company.”


Brandon says nothing. He just glowers at me.


“I don’t know how to ski,” I say in a small voice.


“Then why did you come out here?” says Brandon harshly.


“I wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend,” I say meekly, knowing how that sounds.


“And here you are, all alone without him,” Brandon says tauntingly.


There is a lump in my throat, and I feel tears beginning to swim in my eyes.


“We had an argument,” I admit.


“Brandon, buddy, ease up,” says Hunter. “The whole point of today is to cheer up our little lady. And by the time we’re done, she and Finn will have found a way to make up.”


I look up at him gratefully, giving him a tremulous smile. He leans over to plant a gentle kiss on my lips.


“Don’t mind your stepbrother,” he says in a whisper that is loud enough for Brandon to hear. “By the time today’s done, maybe we’ll have found a way to cheer him up too.”

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