Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 20. God sent opportunity

We decided to begin our quest from the west and the land of Beast kin, Terrania.

According to Gina and Tarragon, the Serpent clan is located in the southwest of Terrania, in an area called the Emerald Swamps, which took its name from the vast area of swamps with a very beautiful emerald green from the flora under the water.

The climate is humane and cool and perfect for these cold-blooded creatures. There are different settlements under each clan of the Beast kin and even though they belong to the same clan, some of them have different way of living and traditions.

As long as the Serpent clan concerns, they don’t have many differences from settlement to settlement. They feed on fruits and greenery, but also on meat, so they hunt small animals like rats, squirrels, snakes, birds, rabbits and others. They hunt individually or in small teams.

They are not really hospitable and after all this chaos they have become more unreachable.

They are strong and flexible warriors and in water they are unbeatable. The scales that cover their bodies is like a physical armor and a common sword or blade can’t penetrate them. They can’t transform because they already have the form of a serpent humanoid.

Their long tail helps them to fight or to feel the vibrations on the ground. They have also some incredible regeneration ability. They are mostly spearmen but it is not rare for them to use other weapons.

I am worried because of their lack of hospitality but we can talk it out when time comes.

Now, we are traveling with the carriage while I am wearing the hound of my cape. From here on, we are going to meet settlements of the demons or army patrols, so as human I can be their target.

During our journey I heard a lot of different traditions of the Serpent clan from Gina, who didn’t like much this clan, because sometimes they can be can really cold-blooded.

Before we get to Terrania’s territory, we cross vast empty fields that I guess that once upon a time, they were full of vivid green grass and colorful flowers. But now, I can see only dry soil. It is miserable and heartbreaking. I can’t really be used to this ugly view.

Suddenly, Gina’s ears twitch. Then, she turns her attention to a direction.

-“A battle is taking place some kilometers from here.” She says with a worried look on her face.

-“Demons?” Tarragon asks.

-“Mm. I think that a demon army is fighting with some Lizards.” She says.

-“We must avoid them.” Tarragon says.

-“We can take a detour but it will take more time.” She says.

I don’t even ask if we need to help those who are fighting. I don’t like fighting and I don’t like to be hurt. So, I will follow Tarragon’s instruction without complaining.

-“Oh, I think I see something in front of us over there.” I point with my finger and the next moment we can see some Lizard kids. I don’t what they are doing there, only some kilometers away from a battle field. There is also nobody to protect them.

-“Serpent parents don’t spoil their children. On the other hand, they let them survive alone at the age of three already. The strong ones will survive and become the strength of the clan while the weak ones just die.” Gina explains.

So it is not really strange to see serpent kids alone.

-“I think there is a myth about the Serpent clans. It is said that in Emerald Swamps grows a kind of plant with the ability to make you forget. I think its name is lotus. At a period of chaos, when Terrania was forming, so they can survive, the Lizards ate the only plant that had been growning at their teritotry and it was none other than lotus. So, even though they ate it in moderation, they started to have some aloof and stoic behavior towards each other and of course to their kids and family. From then on, the Serpent clans became indifferent and cold-blooded.” Cielo says in my mind and I share this story with the others.

They seem to know it.

-“Well, it is a myth so we can’t know for sure.” Tarragon says.

-“Oh, there are some soldiers surrounding them.” Lucida says and I turn my look on them and on the Ork Soldiers who are approaching aggressively the children.

I tighten my fists as I can’t stand to let these children without protection but on the other side, I am afraid to take part in a battle. I want to ask the others to help these children.

As if he heard my thoughts, Tarragon points out his finger. I freeze in my place as I see the Ork soldiers dead on the ground. Those kids did it?

-“As I said, they need to survive, so they train their whole life with some real battles.” Tarragon reminds me.

It was unbelievable. Those lizard children are warriors from the age of five.

-“We must leave before some Ork soldiers appear.” Gina is saying with worry.

We follow her advice but in the next second, I can see an arrow hurting one of these little lizards. There is a hidden shooter. I bite my lips as I see this little creature getting on his knees bleeding but the other kids don’t care. They left him alone.

I am in a dilemma. However, I jump off the carriage and run toward that kid. He shows some hostility against me when I approach.

-“You are hurt. Let me help you.” I sweeten my voice but he is still suspicious.

I take out a vial with a healing potion of median level. He is still hesitant but he must be in a lot of pain because of his wound. In the end, he takes the vial and pour it into his mouth. His wound starts healing in front of our eyes.

-“Now that I am healthy, I can be your prisoner.” He says and I get surprised. Prisoner? What does that mean?

-“It is one of their rules. If a Lizard loses from a battle, he can’t but swear submission to the winner.” Gina informs me.

-“But I didn’t fight him or win over him.”

-“Well, he got help from another person. It is also a kind of defeat.” She says again.

-“I don’t want him to be my servant. I don’t care about their rules.” I say and I return to the carriage when I see him be healed.

-“Wait!!! You can’t humiliate me like this, woman!” The little lizard shouts and runs toward us. He is ready to attack me but Gina stops him.

-“What submission? He is ready to kill me.” I say with some anger. My words make him realizing his mistakes and he kneels on the ground.

-“I don’t need a rebellious servant.” I say. Tarragon drives the carriage away.

-“Wait! I want to correct my mistake. If you accept me, I can be your faithful servant forever.” He tries to convince me.

-“I don’t need you however, you can pay your debt with another way.”

-“Say it!!!”

-“I need scales from a Bone-Reforming Chameleon.”

The lizard boy thinks for a moment.

-“I can guide you. In my village, there is one Bone-Reforming Chameleon.” He says and the rest of the company smiles at me and my idea.

-“Then, guide us.” I say and with enthusiasm, the boy takes the way to his village.

-“You can be cunning, too.” Gina sneers at me.

Well, we need to get close to the Serpent clans but they don’t welcome any strangers. We don’t even know in which settlement we can find the Bone-Reforming Chameleon.

This was a god sent opportunity and I took it.

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