When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 23

Annabelle Virgo

Pain coursed through my whole body but I couldn’t give up. I had to give back what was taken.

My mind was blocked from Rasal’s. Though he stood beside me. I realized that he was hissing a prayer, his eyes were yellow-green. Hydra grew stronger but I had to tame it, it’s Stars moved like the three heads of a hydra. I closed my eyes and imagined the representors of both Constellations dotted out in the Stars. Hydra as the serpent it was and Ophiuchus as a man grasping that serpent.

One Star at a time I took the Celestial Energy from Hydra and it started going to it’s true Constellation. Most of it radiated in the sky, and it’s not like we’d get the Constellation’s descendants back. But what I could do was restore its energy back and not let Hydra win.

Spots danced in front of my eyes as three of the Stars in Hydra blazed, sizzling in the sky. Celestial Energy flowing from it.

Hydra’s and Ophiuchus’ Sign burned on both my hands. I was tempted to fall to the ground and pass out. Legs shaking, I stayed on my feet.

I counted how many Constellations I had given back. It was only two, still an achievement.

Spots danced in front of my eyes and my vision blurred. I let go of Hydra and slowly released Ophiuchus. Tristan rushed to my side, holding me and touching my face to see if I had been hurt.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I back away, almost tripping.

“Not bad, Virgo,” Phoenix said, smirking.

“Thank you,” I mumbled, rubbing my temples.

“I’m proud of you,” Tristan said. I smiled.

“I didn’t really get that far.” I shrugged.

“Well, Jaxon did take half of the Constellations so it’s not going to happen overnight,” Amara comforted.

I opened my mouth to say something but instead my Hydra Sign pierced my skin, sending spasms up both my arms.

I heard a new voice in my head, no, they were Rasal’s thoughts. He was getting a message from another Star Spirit which transmitted into me.

He’s punishing you for ruining his plan. It was Alastiar, Star Spirit of Hydra. He spoke through pain. He’s threatening to take more now.

Rasal twisted and turned on the ground. His stones glowing in different colors. Anthony and Lewis hovered over him as Amara and Phoenix grabbed me.

“I’m fine,” I repeated for the thousandth time. Still Tristan insisted that Anthony give me a checkup. I lay on the matress, staring at the tent as Amara sat beside me. Raelynn and Phoenix were trying to diffuse a feud between the twins, their bickering wasn’t helping my headache.

Amara growled. “Can those two be quiet?”

Lyla screamed and made us all go deaf for a minute, Lyra started sobbing. Phoenix and Raelynn stepped into our side of the tent.

“I wish this curtain was soundproof,” Raelynn complained, fiddling with the separation cloth.

“Why are they fighting?” I groaned.

“Basic sibling wars but...” Phoenix hesitated.

“But?” Tristan chided, arms crossed.

“But they’re taking it way too far!” Phoenix finished.

“Lyla chopped off Lyra’s hair and then Lyra got revenge by ripping her clothes. Now they’re punching and kicking each other, Lyla has a black eye.” Phoenix shook her head and sighed.

“You just need rest,” Anthony told, lowering the stethoscope.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tristan asked, leaning it.

“I’m fine, just a little tired.” I yawned. He touched my forehead and smiled before Anthony dragged him away.

“You’re not supposed to be in the girls tent for so long,” Anthony scolded as they walked out.

“You were there too!”

“For a medical emergency!” he added.

“You’ll need help,” Amara said suddenly.

“With what?” I knitted my eyebrows.

“With restoring the Constellations,” she said.

I sighed. “I’m the only one who can,” I reminded, closing my eyes.

“We can help,” Phoenix added.

“Yeah, together we can defeat them,” Raelynn added.

I snorted. “Yeah, right.”

I sat up, narrowing my eyes. “Look what happened to me,” I snapped. “You’d die.”

She froze in shock, clenching her fists.

“Belle.” Amara put a hand on my shoulder, I swatted her away. Phoenix stood, huffing. Raelynn tried to hold her back.

“What makes you think you’ll survive?” I got to my feet, her electric blue eyes flashed in front of mine. I put Rasal aside. “I could’ve died and you think you’re-”

“Yes, all the more reason you need help,” she spat.

“Stop,” Amara spoke through her teeth.

“I don’t need your help,” I argued. “I’m the last person who can do it and I have to do it on my own.”

“Fine!” she yelled and marched off, muttering curses.

“What has gotten into you?” Amara scolded. I lay on my side, trying to ignore her.

“Just leave me alone.”

I avoided everyone the next day. I didn’t see Tristan, Anthony said he wasn’t well and needed to rest. I trained with Rasal and tried twice to take as much energy from Hydra as I could but the consequences were the same, except this time I didn’t have any help.

“You can’t do this on your own,” Hellen told while I was Stargazing.

“They can’t help me,” I said.

“They can try. You have to let them,” she insisted.

“I’m the last serpent bearer. Only I can.”

Rasal tried to talk to me but I blocked him out.

“Annabelle, I know you’re hurting right now but you can’t be this stubborn.” She stepped in front of me with a stern expression.

“This coming from you?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Excuse me?” She was taken aback.

“You think you can change Alec, you’re delusional. You’re not listening to what I’m telling you about him. You think he’s a good person,” I bellowed. “And you have the audacity to call me stubborn?”

“I thought you were cut out for this but I guess you have to much pride in yourself than you do in the people who have been waiting for you and are ready to fight with you,” she snapped.

“I didn’t ask them to wait! I didn’t ask them to fight! I didn’t ask for any of this!”

She shook her head in disappointment and walked away. I was glad that the training area was empty since I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. I despised Alec and Jaxon for putting me through all this.

Why didn’t they kill me too? They should’ve killed me that night. I would be in peace right now. I wouldn’t have to deal with this. I should’ve died too.

I didn’t bother wiping away the tears, my hair stuck to my face with them.

I felt as though cold mist was tickling me. I looked up and staring down at me were two familiar faces. I recognized them from Celestial Gardens.

“What are you doing here, Grandma?” I asked.

“We were called,” Grandpa answered.

Their tall bony figures with oval heads were smiling at me, hands folded. I ran my hands through them and they began to flicker, turning to mist.

I called them, Rasal spoke.

“Why?” I stomped.

“You wish to die?” Grandma raised an eyebrow. She looked like the older version of Mom, maybe I’d look like that when I’m older. Wrinkled, faded eyes with grey streaks in my red hair.

“I wish Jaxon would’ve killed me too,” I said. “I wished Dad had never stopped him.”

“Astra,” Grandpa spoke. I tensed at the name. “Everything happens for a reason.”

“The Stars kept you alive all this time because if they didn’t there would be no hope anymore,” Grandma added. “There would be no one to lead.”

I tried talking to her, Master, Rasal spoke aloud. His thin lips moving absurdly. She takes after her mother, she doesn’t listen easily.

They both started laughing.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

“I think you should talk to Hellen too,” I said to Grandma. Her smile faltered.

She coughed, lowering her gaze. “My sister is sensitive when it comes to her son,” she said defensively. “I think everyone is with their offspring. She can’t let him go that easily.”

“Who’s side is she on, then?”

“She will do what is right, I know that,” she finished.

“I can’t believe that,” I told.

My arms crossed. After a while Grandma spoke, “You can’t believe that or you don’t want to believe that?”

I stared at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What I mean is that maybe you don’t think that the child of a tyrant can be changed or that perhaps he’s different,” she explained.

Rasal and I spoke in unison, “But he’s exactly like his father!”

“I met him. We both tried, tried to be nice, to be friends but...something happened to him. He tortured me and I don’t think he’s an easy person.”

“Give him time.” Grandma folded her hands.

“Belle, we’re here to tell you that you can’t lose hope,” Grandpa said.

“Thanks for the words of wisdom.”

“Your mother wanted to be here but she’s not fond of direct contact, she thinks it’s unnatural,” Grandma told. “She hopes to see you one day.”

“Not soon though,” Grandpa added, smirking.

“Imagine after the war,” Grandma said. “You’ll have a whole life ahead of you.”

She tried to pat my check, her hand went right through me. “Good luck,” Grandpa said and they turned to mist.

Rasal, I started. The next time you plan a family reunion please let me know.

I would’ve asked if you would’ve talked to me, he said.

I left the training area. Everyone was gathered around the fireplace at the centre of camp. I noticed Phoenix wasn’t there, the twins were missing too. I sat next to Tristan and Amara.

“Finally come to your senses,” Amara sang. I nudged her in the chest.

“Huh?” Tristan wondered.

I talked it out with Phoenix. Lyra and Lyla weren’t paying attention to anything but each other, pointing out flaws and screaming. Nathan was afraid to help but Lewis and Anthony convinced him. Hellen offered to help but I refused.

“You didn’t have to be so rude,” Raelynn scolded.

“Yes, I had to actually.”

I walked up to Tristan, his eyes were dark like he hadn’t slept in aeons. He walked slowly, legs shaking and his fingers twitching.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded.

“You’ll help?” I asked.

He smiled and nodded as if it was obvious. “Anymore stupid questions?”


We took our positions in the training area, the way we did while opening the barrier in Crimsyn State.

“Are you sure this will work?” Nathan asked.

“Absolutely,” I said. He stared at me in disbelief. I cleared my throat. “I hope so,” I rephrased.

They all activated their Constellations. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Virgo was supposed to come right after Leo, which came after Cancer. I tried not to tense at the realization that it wasn’t there anymore. If one of the twins were here Gemini-after Taurus-would be of help.

The seven Constellations were powering Ophiuchus, which in return was taking the Celestial Energy from Hydra. We slowly gave back the Constellations but we only got a single one back, it was too much pressure after that. I released Ophiuchus and fell to my knees, convulsing. Rasal twisted and turned, as if he was being electrified.

I imagined Jaxon scolding me for this, You will be punished for this.

Then Alec, You’re not strong enough for this. You should’ve listened to me.

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