When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 11

Lyla Gemini

I had no clue who these people are, who I was fighting for or even if I was on the right side. I had no memory of the past few days. But now that I’m here, I have to train. Practice makes perfect. All I was aware of was that there was a war and I had to fight with people whose names I couldn’t commit to memory. There was that girl with the black red hair...Phoenix. She’s the only one I liked around here. Phoenix understood my style of fighting, rough and tough. I had to admit that she was hard to beat, but I would never say that out loud. I was better than everyone at the mini training area they had set up. I was drenched in sweat by the end of the day. My side of the small tent always smelled of roses and lipgloss. I was suspicious of the blondie with abnormal eyes since she looks like the type of person to spray perfume everywhere. I tried not to gag at the disgusting scarlet and crimson hair on the heads of pretty much all the girls, some boys too. I really didn’t understand the point of it.

During battle, soldiers are supposed to be stealthy and subtle but if they have red in their hair the enemy can see them marching into their territory from a mile away. The whole idea was preposterous.

“Who messed up my things?” I shrieked as I looked through my backpack, now filled with colourful tracksuits and oils, lotions and Stars know what!

The girl sitting next to me, reading looked up. She swallowed nervously, “No one did.”

“That’s not true,” I tossed the bag aside. “My things are missing.”

“What is she babbling about this time?” Phoenix had walked in.

“Someone had stolen my things.” I gasped. “Who dares to do such a thing?”

Phoenix huffed and rolled her eyes. The other girl with dyed blonde hair sat up and exhaled.

“I closed my book for you so this better be worth it.” she warned.

“I’m sorry but who are you?”

She rolled her eyes, “Amara.”

“Name rings a bell,” I racked my brain.

“Yes, maybe because you’ve asked that question a thousand times over the past few hours.”

“Will you help me find this thief?” I punched the bag.

“There is no thief.” Phoenix laughed.

“This is not funny!”

“Yes, it is.” Phoenix retorted with a giggle.

Amara crumpled up some paper, making a ball and threw it instantly at Phoenix.

“Stop laughing!” she whispered loudly.

“But it’s hilarious.” Phoenix complained.

“I’m glad my misery brings you joy.” I probably was pouting.

“Why don’t you ask your other half where your belongings are?” Phoenix smiled wickedly. Amara’s eyes widened and her mouth was agape. She got up another paper ball and threw it at Phoenix, this time catching in her hair.

“Will you stop it?” she got to her feet. “We are not torturing my friend for your own amusement.”

Phoenix looked like she wanted to say something.

“We are not friends! I barely know you two.” I said as I got up.

“We may not know each other but you two-” Phoenix pointed between me and Amara. “-have known each other for half your lives.”

“What is she talking about?” I wondered. Before anyone could answer, memories that didn’t belong to me flooded my head and a voice chanted in my head. I almost ripped my hair out. My knees buckled and I screamed as Amara tried to calm me down. My head was throbbing and I could feel my thoughts mixing up.

“Why is this happening?” Amara cried. Phoenix sat down as the screams escaped from me, she was rubbing my back as if it would help the pain.

I had experienced this before...or at least I felt like I had. Maybe I hadn’t, but when I racked my brain for a memory that confirmed that this had happened to be before, it didn’t feel like I was the victim. My insides churned, all my body parts felt like they were being stretched, as if someone was pulling on my bones and organs.

“If she screams a little louder Hydra’s guards will attack.” Phoenix said through gritted teeth.

“I don’t know how to calm her down.” Amara worried, she sounded like she had been crying. I didn’t know when my tears had come. I shouted as the excruciating pain overcame me. Skin crawled and my bones would snap any minute.

“Go get help!” Phoenix said. Amara came back with two tall figures who hovered over me as I lay in the fetal position. Their conversation was muffled, all I could hear was constant buzzing. My meal came up to my throat but wouldn’t travel past that. Sweat stung my eyes and salt gathered around my lips.

My skin stretched as if it was trying to escape, my body would split any second. Two tall figures grabbed me, exchanging information and scribbling in a book. I barely had vision and I felt like I might throw up any minute. Someone was repeatedly saying my name, two people in unison. They touched my forehead and one held my head in their hands. I sucked in a deep breath as the pain left my body, starting from my toes and ending at my temples.

The four worried faces came into focus in front of me and I yelped since they were literally breathing on me.

“Get away!” I kicked as I realized I was laying on the floor. Straightening my clothes, I wobbled on my feet. Amara had her hands out, ready to help me balance myself. I sneered at all of them. There were two guys, one with dark skin and glasses, the other tall and muscular with a notebook. They were staring at me, their eyes fixed as if I would run away and they didn’t want to lose me. Pathetic.

“What are you two staring at?” I snapped, my voice booming. “Don’t you have shame? Staring at a woman like that!” I groaned, “Men!”

“We’re just trying to help,” the one in glasses said.

“I don’t want your help,” I spat.

“You need it,” the tall one added.

I held back an eye roll. “No, I don’t.” I insisted. “You can leave now. This is the girls tent, in case you didn’t notice.”

“Oh, they noticed.” Phoenix muttered. The guys started whispering a conversation, stealing glances at me like they were trying to find a flaw.

“Oh, for Gemini’s sake!” I yelled and shoved them out. They fell in the mud, judging by the sticky sound.

“Lyla, they were here to help.” Amara sniffed. Her eyes swollen and red, face stiff with dried tears.

“Help with what?”

Amara looked at me like I had grown a second head. “You were having a paroxysm.”

I groaned, my arms crossed.

“That is ridiculous,” I said. “I just got overexerted.”

Phoenix laughed and snorted, “You’re so stubborn.”

“Look who’s talking.” Amara and I said in unison.

Phoenix stepped towards us, eyes narrowed and retorted, “At least I’m not denting the fact that there’s practically another person living in-” Amara covered her mouth with her hands, pushing back her words.

“Ow!” Amara jumped back, falling onto the mattress. I looked at Phoenix questioningly. She stopped laughing when she noticed.

“What?” she shrugged.

“You bit me!” Amara whined.

“You started it!” Phoenix argued. “I had no choice.”

Amara struggled to get up. “I told you that in front of one, do not mention the other.”

“Pfft” was Phoenix’s answer.

“I’m going to go freshen up while you two continue rambling.” I announced and hurried away. I think I heard Amara slap Phoenix on the back and the feud continued.

The cold water touched my palms and I shuddered, my nose wrinkled at the smell. The Sign on my wrist seemed to sizzle as the liquid washed over. It had been glowing and burning lately, and after my. . . incident in the tent, I sometimes felt like the symbol of Gemini, represented by Twins were trying to split from each other.

Lyra thinks that this is her body. But it’s mine too. It’s ours. But, we’ve been trapped in it for too long.

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