We Become the Night

Chapter 22:

The Snow Moon

Garrett gasps and chokes. “My father? Cal,” he turns to me, “I had no idea. I swear.”

“It’s okay,” I tell him, taking his hands. “I believe you. Shaw, when did you say that happened?”

“Around four hundred years ago.”

“See? You said that you’re only two hundred years old. There’s no way you could have known.” I tell Garrett. He nods as he calms down.

“That means that my father is responsible for all of it. The changelings king, the wars that sparked because of it, everything. Cal, I never knew this. He never said anything about all this. At least not to me. Now I wonder how much my sister knows or if my mother knew at all.”

“Shaw, Lou, you both have been around for a while, right?”

“That’s right, your majesty. I was with the very first Polynesian settlers on the islands of Hawaii. I mean we didn’t call it Hawaii then, but still,” he kind of trails off a bit. I stare a little, kind of dazed.

“Uh huh, okay. Well, then I have to ask. Shaw, you said that only a member of the royal line can bite the next ruling member, correct?”

“That’s correct, sire.”

“What happens if someone not of the royal lineage bites a member of the royal line?”

“They wouldn’t be king or queen. They would just be a regular changeling.”

“Then who the hell bit me? I thought all of the royal line was gone.”

“It’s possible that it was someone with royal blood, but no claim to the throne.”

“What do you mean?”

“If a member of the royal line is bitten by someone who isn’t of the royal line, they will be a regular changeling, right?” He looks at me and I nod. “Well, they still have royal blood in their veins. So, if they in turn bit someone of the royal line, that changeling would then be crowned.”

“So, what you’re saying is that the changeling that bit me is of the royal line, but was not crowned themselves?”

“Yes, your majesty. That’s correct.”

“Has that happened before?”

“It has. It’s rare that it happens, but it has happened before. Not during my lifetime, but there have been stories.”

“You guys have given me a lot to think about. Thank you.” Before either Lou or Shaw have a chance to respond, the house empties out of every changeling that has been here. It seems like there are more than there was this morning. Kali walks up to us with Balan. She gives a small bow of the shoulders before she sits.

Balan is a different matter. He’s staring at me in awe. Obviously, he felt the pull of his king, but it seems like he never expected to be near the king. It doesn’t help that his king isn’t much older than himself.

I smile at him to help put him at ease. He tentatively smiles back. I scoot over on the bench and pat the space between myself and Garrett, inviting him over to sit with us. He looks at Kali, who smiles and nods. Balan scurries over to us.

“Hi, Balan. Do you know who I am?” I ask him as he settles himself on the bench. Max and Garrett are both smiling at him as we wait for him to answer. He nods fervently with all the conviction of a seven-year-old.

“Yes, sir. You are King Caleb and Kali says I’m supposed to be super extra nice to you.” I laugh loudly as Max and Garrett chuckle. Kali doesn’t look as amused as we are.

“Yes, Balan, I am the king. But I want you to call me Cal. Just plain old Cal. If it’s alright with you, I’d like you to stay with me. I’ll watch over you. So will Max.” I gesture to Max sitting on my other side. “And Garrett.” I point to Garrett sitting next to Balan.

“What about Kali? Won’t she come too?”

“That’s up to her, but she’s more than welcome to come stay with us too.”

Balan looks up at Kali with what can only be described as puppy dog eyes. Damn, I don’t know how anyone can resist that look. I think to myself and chuckle softly.

Kali kneels down in front of Balan and places a hand on his shoulder.

“Balan, I’d love to stay with you and King Caleb. As long as there’s enough room for everyone.” She looks at me. I turn to Garrett, questioningly.

“Yeah, no worries there. I have plenty of room for everyone,” Garrett answers. “Quite frankly, I’ll be glad to fill up the house. It’s been so long since I’ve had anyone living with me.”

“Wonderful. Now, I should probably address the rest of the changelings.” I tell them as I get up. Balan must have really taken with me in the last few moments since we met because he gets up with me and looks at me. I can tell he wants to come with me. Which is fine with me, easier to keep an eye on him. I nod to him and take his hand. Then we walk to the edge of the patio and face the backyard, where the rest of the changelings are waiting around and chatting.

“Hello everyone,” I say without projecting my voice in the slightest. It turns out I don’t need to. At once, all the changelings in the yard stop talking with each other, turn to face me, and keel down like I saw them do in the front yard.

“Thank you everyone. Please, there’s no need for that. Stand or sit comfortably. We don’t have much time before the moon rises.” Most of the changelings sit where they are. A few that want to stand move to the sides or back so the that they aren’t in the way of the others.

“First, I’d like to say thank you to everyone for making the journey out here. I know that many of you have traveled quite a distance to be here. I’ve been talking with a couple of changelings that remember what the last king was like, and I would like to say that I hope one day you can all think of me as he was thought of.

“There are a few things I’d like to clarify before we get ready for the change.

“First, there are a few people here that you all need to know. The little one here,” I look down at Balan, who is now clinging to my leg while hiding behind me, every once in a while, peeking his head out, “is Balan. He will be in my care. I expect him to be treated as though he were the prince.” Balan looks up at me with wonderment in his eyes. I nod to him. I look back at Kali, Max, and Garrett to see them nodding gently in agreement.

“The three sitting there, Kali,” Kali rises, “Max,” Max stands up, “and Garrett,” Garrett follows suit, “are to be shown the same respect and loyalty that is shown to me. Of course, I do expect everyone to show respect to each other, regardless of stature.

“Now, we only have a couple hours before the moon rises. That said, I have something special that was given to me that may help everyone with the change.” There is a low stream of chattering as people wonder what I could be talking about. I hold up my hand with the rainbow moonstone facing outward. The sun glints off the stone, casting light back at the crowd in front of me. The shimmer causes a hush to fall upon the changelings.

“This ring holds a rainbow moonstone wrapped in silver threads. Though I don’t know exactly how it all works, the spell that runs through the ring is supposed to allow me, and by extension all of you, to control the wolf.” There’s an explosion of noise and everyone, including Kali and the older changelings start talking loudly at once. Only Balan and I are silent. Balan is clutching my leg with one hand and his ear with the other. The loud noise having startled him. I place my hand on his head to calm him and lift my other hand to get the attention of the changelings in the yard. One by one, they quiet down.

“I’m sure all of you have questions. I sure as hell do. Unfortunately, we won’t know any answers until it’s tested. As a precaution, the majority of you will be going to an area that is open and widespread. It’s about an hour’s walk from here. There won’t be any people around there. This is only a precaution in case the ring does not work. If it does, there won’t be any need to isolate after tonight.” It’s silent for a few minutes, then a bout of cheering that can probably be heard from the bar rings out. Again, I put up my hand to quiet the crowd.

“That all said, I think it’s best you get going. I will see each and every one of you back here in the morning. Garrett will give a few of directions. Just stick with each other and you will be fine.” They all bow deep at the waist, and a few come up to Garrett for the directions. I turn to Kali.

“Kali, you, Balan and I will be in the basement to start. If the ring works, Garrett will unshackle us so that we will be comfortable.”

Kali stares at me, dumbfounded.

“Shackle? You mean you want us to go into the basement of some guy’s house that I’ve just met, let him shackle me to the wall, and then, maybe, be allowed to go free again?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up.” She narrows her eyes and studies me closely. “Look, if you don’t trust Garrett, do you at least trust me? I know I haven’t known you long, but do you think that, as your king, I’d let anything happen to you?” She stares at me a few moments longer. Finally, she relents.

“Fine, but if this ring does what you say it will do, he lets us go immediately. If not, well, I don’t want to threaten my king, but you get the point.” She turns to Balan, her expression softening. “Come on, hun, let’s go see what we can find for you for dinner before the change.” She holds her hand out for Balan. He looks at me. I nod to him to let him know that it’s okay. He grasps her hand, and, together, they go into the house.

“Wow!” I jump as Max comes up behind me and claps me on the shoulder. “She sure is feisty as hell. Mmmm mmm.” He makes a sound like he’s enjoying a particularly good steak and licks his lips.

“Down boy.” I laugh. “I think she might be a little too much for you to handle.”

“I know what I’m doing.” He waves me off as he follows her inside.

I turn back to Garrett. The rest of the changelings have gotten the information they need, and Garrett is now sitting by himself on the bench. I smile lovingly at him; he returns the gaze. I go over to him and snuggle in his open and waiting arms. I sit on his lap and lean my head onto his.

“Crazy ass day, huh?” he asks. His right hand is resting on my thigh and his left hand is stroking my back.

“You said it. Damn. I had no idea that ruling a small race would be so exhausting. Do you think they’ll be alright? I mean, like they won’t get hurt or anything?”

“They shouldn’t. I sent them to a tract of land that I’ve owned for around sixty or seventy years. No one, not even Jamie or my father, know it’s there. It’s several acres. They should be just fine. As long as the ring works, and they don’t try to kill each other.” My head shoots up. I look down at Garrett, concerned.

“Do you think that’s a possibility?” Garrett tilts his head up to mine and kisses me lightly on the lips.

“No. Alexis knows what he’s doing. The ring will work. He’s even made some dragons rings.”

“He’s made dragons rings? For what?”

“The dragon form is exceptionally large. It’s very difficult for the dragon to hold the human form. That wasn’t too much of a problem hundreds of years ago when there was more open space and humans knew of their existence. Now, however, it can be a problem. Especially for those that aren’t skilled in holding their forms. The rings are made with dragon stone. The stone stores the dragon energy so that the human form can take over. It makes it easier for them to shift.”

“Oh wow.”

“That, plus the fact that his magick has kept my ass from getting fried on a regular basis, is my I trust that this ring will work.”

“Thanks, Gare. I love you.” I smile as I lower my mouth to his. I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I hear a throat clearing behind me. My head snaps up, and I whip around to see Max standing in the doorway.

“Just thought I’d let you know that according to the news, the moon rise is in about twenty minutes.” He says before turning around and heading back in.

“Well, we should probably feed you before you change.” Garrett says to me. I sigh as I shift off of his lap. I feel something brush against my leg, and I look down. Garrett moves to block my view of his lap, but it was too late. I don’t say anything to him, just raise my eyebrow. He grins sheepishly at me. I stand up, lean down, peck a kiss on his lips, and say, “Tomorrow. Providing everything goes well.” He nods while smiling. I walk to the house before I’m in a similar situation as him. Before I go inside, I turn back to see him watching me. I smile again at him. He smiles back. I turn and head in.

I follow the noise inside to the kitchen where I see Max and Kali messing around with Balan. From the look of the sink, they had a full meal before the roughhousing began.

Max is donned in full knight armor, made of cardboard, and chasing Balan around the kitchen with a cardboard sword.

“I will defeat the dragon. Fear me dragon.” Max raised his sword and advanced towards Balan. Balan giggles loudly and shoots around the table to come up behind Max. Balan leaps on Max’s back and shouts “I win! The dragon wins!” Max gives and exaggerated groan and grasps his chest. He falls slowly while making sure Balan doesn’t fall off and lays on the floor.

“I admit defeat. You win, dragon.” Max lays on the floor with Balan bouncing up and down on his back. I fold my arms and lean against the doorjamb. Balan sees me standing there and abandons his conquest to come running towards me. He takes a flying leap and lands right in my arms. Max gets up, picking up his now broken sword.

“Aw, it broke.” Max says with a frown. Kali comes up to him and pats his cheek.

“Don’t worry about it, big knight, we’ll get you another one.” She laughs. She goes to the fridge and fixes a large beef, turkey, and ham sandwich and places it on a plate with some ripple chips. She brings it to me. She takes Balan and hands me the plate. I thank her and sit at the table to eat.

While I’m chowing down on the sandwich, Garrett walks in.

“I see you’ve got yourself tucked in nicely to a sandwich.” He laughs at me stuffing my face.

“I see you’ve calmed down a bit.” I say around a mouthful of food and laugh at him. He frowns and grumbles good naturedly then throws a couch pillow at my back. It bounces off and lands on the floor behind me. I laugh again. He joins in, along with Balan, Max, and Kali.

“Cal, I’m going to take Balan and Kali and show them the basement. When you’re done, come on down.”

“Okay, Gare.” Max comes over to the table and sits down by me. I glance at the clock on the microwave.

“Ten minutes.” I tell him.

“Can you feel it? Like before it starts?”

“A little. I can tell it’s getting close.”

“Dude, I gotta cop to something.”

“What’s up, man?”

“I think I’m falling for that kid. I never thought of myself as a father type, but I gotta say, that kid makes it easy.”

“I can certainly understand where you’re coming from. I’m right there with you. I’d do just about anything for that kid.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“That Kali isn’t too bad to look at either, huh?” I elbow him in the ribs. He shoots me a dirty look.

“We’ll talk about it more tomorrow. As long as Kali doesn’t take your head off first.” He throws his head back and roars with laughter. I shake my head in response and head the way the Garrett took Kali and Balan.

I reach a fork in the hallway, not sure which way to go since this is an area that I never went to while staying here. Garrett comes towards me from around a corner.

“Hey. They’re this way. We need to get you down there.” He reaches for my hand and leads me back the way he came.

Down in the basement, he leads me across the concrete floor and through a thick metal cage door. Kali and Balan are sitting on the floor talking. They aren’t sitting that close, and I wonder why until I notice that there are thick shackles around their ankles.

I can feel the wolf coming forward, and I urge Garrett forward. He quickly, and to be honest, a little too expertly, clamps the shackles around my ankles. He backs away and while looking in my eyes, closes the door of the cage. He adds a padlock that I’m fairly certain would stop a herd of stampeding rhinos.

“I’ll wait here. Just in case.” Garrett tells us, his eyes still on mine.

“How will you know if it works?” Kali asks.

“Cal tried to take a chunk out of me all three nights last month. If he doesn’t, it works.”

I nod at him as I feel the changes. Then something occurs to me, something I honestly should have thought about sooner. Upon thinking on the last time I turned and Garrett’s promise to his father that I wouldn’t be a problem, made me think of when he told his father Max wouldn’t be a problem.

“Garrett, your fa...” I get out just before the changes take over.

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