We Are NOT Alone

Chapter 6

At that moment, Josh heard a knock at the front door. He looked around for a shirt to put on as he’s already gotten ready for bed and is only wearing his sleeping pants. The impatient person knocked again a bit more forcefully and pressed the doorbell twice. For a moment, Josh experienced a sort of panic. This is the kind of thing that happens in those franchise horror films. The boyfriend is texting with his girlfriend. Then, suddenly, there is an axe murderer wearing a scary mask at the door. For some reason, no matter how much the boyfriend tries to convince the girlfriend not to open the door, she does it anyway; and, then, she meets her maker. Josh arrived at the door and peeped out through the peephole. No one was there. He looked around the field of view as best he could, but spotted no one. Then he heard the handle rattle and the button unlock, and the padlock lever flip. He started to feel a real genuine panic, so he flipped on the light hoping to scare the intruder away when the door popped open and a familiar body fell into the room.

“Mintaka!” Peter shouted grabbing his fiancé and squeezing them together so tightly Josh could barely breathe.

“Pumpkin? How are you here? You scared the daylights out of me. I started to imagine I was being stalked by a homicidal maniac back from the dead or something”

“Muriel and I found the band so fast, we moved the cake-tasting up, so I could come home as soon as possible and be with you, of course.” Josh squeezed him back.

“I cannot believe it. You must be so tired.”

“Only a little. I had to make M. dinner since I had promised breakfast tomorrow, but I wasn’t going to be there, and then she let me out of doing the dishes and clean-up so I could hit the road back. Actually, the traffic wasn’t too bad.”

“You tricked me!”

“Yep! Not the first time and probably won’t be the last time either!”

“Totally not fair, but I’m so happy I don’t mind.”

“Do you always plan to greet serial killers at the door half-naked?”

“Only the drop-dead gorgeous ones.”

“Do I qualify?”

“Obviously, I’m here aren’t I?”

“Ok, let’s hit the sack. I’m bushed.”

“Me too. I had a day of very heavy lifting.”

“Those invitations were that heavy?”

“That and I also helped Angel rearrange her entire living room as a way of repaying for her invitation coaching.”

“You are such a doll. What am I getting myself into with this?” They walked leaning on each other back and forth to their bedroom. “I think I’m going to rinse off quickly and join you under the covers in a minute.” Josh nodded pulling out his journal and writing a quick entry before Peter returned. He wrote about how surprised he was and happy that Peter came home a day early, then he put the pen inside and closed the book. He could hear the water running. As the minutes wore on, however, he became surprised that Peter was taking so long to ‘just quickly rinse off’. He decided to go and check on him. As he got close to the shower, he realized what happened.

Peter was sound asleep…standing up…in the shower. It is not so unusual when you think about it. Lots of mammals sleep standing up just fine. Plus, this was not Peter’s first time. The first time that Josh knew about it was the day Peter went to interview for his first-ever, venture capital firm internship. Peter’s father had set the whole thing up and it relied completely on his reputation and connections. Peter had wanted to stay up, what Josh thought was a little too late, celebrating that he had gotten the interview. Josh had urged him to wait and not risk messing it up and giving his father more fuel to direct his ire at him. “Better to celebrate getting the internship vs. the interview, anyway,” he had cautioned. While Josh made sure the alarm was set to wake them up, he did not anticipate that once he got Peter up, Peter would subsequently fall asleep in the shower for twenty minutes ensuring that, short of having a helicopter at his disposal, there was no way he could make it to the interview on time. Not only was he late, but he was still a bit wet upon arrival adding to his disheveled appearance. Fortunately, it had not mattered. Peter’s father’s status carried the interview even though two things were immediately in conflict: while Peter actually was imminently qualified and probably a better money manager than his father was after twenty years in the business and eventually a certified financial genius well on his way to being anointed the youngest partner in the firm’s history, first impressions still matter. He created a needlessly uphill battle to climb fighting off foe after foe. It was not until he had brought in more than $50 million in investment equity that everyone else at the firm settled down and finally accepted him for who he truly was.

Josh reached in and shut off the water. Then he wrapped his big enchilada in an enormous, thick, beach towel. Josh did not really feel like getting wet himself at the moment, but he had to step into the shower to get Peter out. Still, he managed to avoid getting soaked by inching around and using Peter as kind of a shield as the last few drops of rain poured down. As he turned Peter to exit the shower area, Peter started to move his feet instinctively and Josh steered him slowly step by step out onto the bathroom rug where he then dried him off well from head to toe to prevent his love from getting any dry skin problems. By now, Peter was starting to wake up a little though still a bit dazed. “Hey, I was having a very nice dream in there,” Peter said in a bit of a grumbly voice.

“Oh, Pumpkin, I’m sure you were, and you can continue that in a few minutes when you are safely back in bed, and not costing us $5 a minute for the water bill and cuddling with me which, I think you prefer anyway.”

“Ok,” Peter replied, “You are right about saving the water bill.” Josh then navigated him to his side of the bed and sort of opened up the covers and pushed him in. Peter turned over before Josh could pull the covers up he pulled Josh in next to him putting Josh on the wrong side of the bed. Josh did not care, however, he just succumbed to his will. He ran his fingers a few times through Peter’s damp hair and worried that it might still be too wet and he might catch a cold. He got out of bed and nabbed a hand towel from the bathroom rack and returned to dry Peter’s hair a bit more making it look very messy and free form in the process which he found turned him on instantly. Pulling off his sleeping pants, he snuggled down so they were side by side, body to body, face to face, member to member, and started to kiss him. Peter responded in kind matching Josh’s movements in sync. Josh began to wonder if this were all a ruse designed to get them into exactly this position.

“Did you do this on purpose?” Josh smiled whispering the words into Peter’s ear as he nibbled around on his neck and ear. Peter turned his head from side to side indicating no pre-mediation. Josh trusted him not that it mattered at all. “I trust you, now make love to me.” Peter’s eyes fluttered at hearing those words. People always assumed upon meeting them that even though Josh was physically taller and somewhat more muscular than Peter, he was the pitcher in their relationship. The truth was, however, that Peter was usually the catcher. In fact, they went nearly three years into their sexual relationship before Peter ever tried pitching to Josh. He loved the feeling of having Josh inside him so much and seeing the look on Josh’s face when he came, that he never wanted to change that. The first time he tried it though after Josh had begged him for months to just try it and see how he liked it, he finally decided to go ahead. By then their relationship was so solid, it seemed like even if it turned out badly, it would not matter. So, he went for it. He realized in the process that he had been both selfish and missing out the whole time. Selfish, because he was depriving Josh of that pleasure, and missing out because the pleasure of the opposite role was just as amazing. He loved the feeling of being inside of Josh just as much. Most of the time, they would sort of routinely take turns or just go with whoever was feeling more one way or the other, but, of course, on their best days they would flip back and forth each taking turns with each position. This was truly their favorite way.

Peter’s libido was now fully in charge of their bodies as he navigated and led this newest journey into discovering each other all over again. They neither could understand people who said that having sex had become too routine. There was never anything routine about their love-making except that they had developed any number of maneuvers that could be put into an infinite number of combinations all designed to drive each other wild and activate their senses to the highest possible level of mutual sexual arousal. They never worried about the time unless they had to be somewhere and suddenly could not resist ripping each other’s clothes off first — something about the danger of being late heightened their eagerness.

At this moment, Peter decided to rocket things forward and get Josh very ready using one of his patented hand-and-mouth routines. Wrapping his hand around the base of Josh’s scrotum using just his pointer finger touching his thumb, Peter then used his mouth and tongue to service the overall pleasure of Josh’s member and Josh’s mouth. Back and forth, back and forth until Josh was about to burst. “I’m getting close, Pete, oh damn close, Pete, oh, fuck! Pete, fuck, I love you!” Josh never swore except when he was close. So, Peter squeezed tightening the finger noose around the base of Josh’s engorged member trapping the blood flow in his erection and then he pulled up just a bit. This nearly caused Josh’s eyes to pop out of his head with pleasure. His whole body would shudder and throb in unison to the now throbbing hardness. At that exact moment, Peter would use the pre-cum that was now flowing freely from his own member to lube up Josh’s welcoming peach hole. This was another feeling that drove both of them wild when on the receiving end of it. They had never experienced this for the first few years of their relationship because they were practicing every safe-sex practice in the book. Once they became monogamous partners, however, they decided there was no longer any risk for sure of them transmitting any associated diseases this way. They got tested just to be sure, and they had been faithful ever since.

Therefore, this feeling of self-produced lubrication and opening up to each other in this way was an unexpected discovery that both agreed deemed to be called momentous. Seconds later, Peter was fully inside of Josh whose internal muscles hugged, throbbed, and welcomed Peter’s member like a long-lost friend. Unlike in the porn movies where the pitcher often spreads the catcher’s legs far apart so the camera can catch angles to try and prove there is actual penetration when catching, they preferred to wrap their legs tightly around the pitcher blending their thrusting motions together into a frenetic oscillation as mesmerizing as watching a metal ring toy go downstairs. At that point, it would also become the catcher’s job to now create the pointer finger to thumb vice ring around the base of the pitcher’s plunging penis.

There was a delicate science to this for both. The idea was to reach at least ten major pelvic thrusts deeper each time before agreeing in unspoken terms that the next would be the one when they would both release their grips and let the exquisite nature of mutual ejaculation commence. When timed perfectly, the result was utter cosmic euphoria. Never having tried drugs, both of them believed that this feeling was the greatest high their brains would ever know, and they absolutely loved it, the one shooting his love inside the other and the other shooting between them. Josh had proven to be the more bountiful shooter between the two of them which, truthfully was a bit of a downer for Peter. He wanted to equal his lover in every way possible.

He read up extensively on the topic seeking ways to increase output; however, no matter what he tried, Josh always seemed to have one or two, even more, streams to put out. They had both borne witness to this fact many times when they would please each other using just the manual or oral methods. Josh never lorded his prowess over Peter, he just produced what he produced. This time, however, it seemed something miraculous was happening as Peter seemed to shoot load after load after load. With each thrust, Josh’s member would reply with its own serious ribbon of steamy fluid, but then, Peter seemed to have three or four more. On the second one, Josh just closed his eyes tightly. Realizing this time, Peter was going to be the major producer and he was done, he was going to feel something new. This was uncharted territory for them. His interior muscles were nearly flabbergasted as they expanded and contracted to receive each thrust and feel Peter’s power inside him. He squeezed his arms and legs tighter and tighter around Peter’s body not wanting these feelings to ever end, and he thought at the third thrust, they might not.

“Fuck yeah, one more blast Pete, you can do it. Please, for the love of the universe, give me one more.” Josh’s body was now throbbing and shuddering uncontrollably, every muscle in his body was in on the action as was every neuron for the sensations and every blood cell for maximum blood oxygenation.

“I got it babe, one more, Joshua, one more for my beautiful, gorgeous, hella sexy babe,” Peter exclaimed as he thrust up one more time and deeper this time than he thought he had ever been exploring inside the body of his pleasure partner. The subsequent blast was perhaps the most powerful and explosive punch he had ever delivered. The jet stream was so strong, Josh thought he could feel it all the way to the back of his throat. Then, Peter just held himself up inside there for the longest and most pleasure-inducing feeling Josh had ever received. Normally, Peter would have been so spent that, disappointingly, he would become flaccid within a few seconds and then pull out, but this time, his engorged member was holding strong. Josh giggled with madness never having felt anything so incredibly pleasurable in his life so he decided to do something instinctively he had never done before. He reached down and used their technique creating the middle finger to thumb ring around the base of Peter’s member. Not too tight, but just enough. He squeezed and then released a little and did this a few times. Each time, Peter would shudder himself and squeeze Josh and seemingly push just a little further inside him. Josh did this a few more times while planting his tongue firmly in Peter’s hungry mouth, and engaging him in a kiss for the ages. The fourth time, however, something even more unexpected happened. Something neither Peter nor Josh had ever experienced or heard of anyone experiencing. Peter’s member entered a new stage of hypersonic stimulation. Almost like a shuddering machine gun, his member began throbbing incessantly and shooting out micro jolts of cum one after another. This new and incredibly satisfying feeling pushed Josh to nearly yelp with his own internal orgasmic pleasure. This cycle of thrusting and sputtering and juicing continued non-stop for another twenty-seconds or so before, at last, Peter’s cock relaxed and rested. He remained inside Josh for a few more moments before withdrawing all the while locked an indestructible embrace.

Josh opened his eyes almost immediately and looked longingly into Peter’s. “What was that?” He shuddered from head to toe. Peter squeezed him very tightly and then said, “Love, I have no idea but that was the most fucking incredible feeling I’ve ever, ever, ever had in my entire life. Damn, I love you!” He kissed Josh so deeply and fiercely as to flood every cell in Josh’s body with molten love.

“Me too, babe. It was fucking unbelievable. And you made gave me so many assgasms all at the same time. I want to do it again. Right away.” Peter giggled which caused Josh to giggle more.

“Who knows if we can ever make that happen again? This may have been a once in a lifetime thing .”

“Well, thank goodness I got to feel that if that is the only time, it was unforgettable.”

“Babe, whatever made you think to suddenly grip me that way at that moment?”

“I don’t know. I just had this overwhelming urge to see what would happen.”

“Well, now you know what happens. Next time, I’m going to try that on you and see.”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Of course, you will be. Damn, I love you.” Peter said kissing Josh again this time more gently and sweetly as if to say thank you as well.

“Fuck, I love you too, Pumpkin.”

“What’s this? Swearing outside of love-making?”

“My mind is still in it.” Josh giggled.

Peter pulled Josh’s hand. “Back to the shower lover boy?”

Josh jumped up, “Last one there is a …”.

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