We Are NOT Alone

Bonus Chapter 23

Peter’s POV Pages

First, a confession in the way of full transparency. I have no idea what is going on, nor why I need to write this statement. Josh told me that it was part of some deal he made to keep our privacy, but how this is privacy writing this down, I am not sure. Also, because of that, he let me read his pages to give me ideas about what to write. He sure tried to avoid getting to the so-called sticky details, didn’t he? So, here is my perspective on our intimate activities on the eve of our forever partnering ceremony.

Not unlike Josh, I don’t want to write them and want to avoid it. I encourage everyone to just skip these parts altogether. He says I have to write something; and, apparently, he promised I would write about the beginning.

First, I want to say that I absolutely love and adore Josh. I call him Mintaka on account of the set of moles on his chin which is in nearly the exact alignment with the three stars in the constellation, Orion’s Belt. I love his chin. Do you want to know why? Well, Josh has what is commonly known as a natural smile. He has no idea how lucky he is to have that. People with natural smiles have a superpower in this world because they always seem happy no matter what. People like people who look happy and to see other people smile. Biologically, many scientists have studied the smile. No one could figure out really what this smiling behavior is about. Well, smiling is very complicated. It seems easy, but no way. You can research it.

I feel like Josh and I are giving you a lot of homework to research stuff. That’s only because we both believe and subscribe to the adage ‘believe 90% of what you see, 50% of what you read, and none of what you hear’. Is that an adage? I think I read it somewhere. Maybe it’s only 50% true. LOL. So, don’t trust us, research it yourself.

Smiling, for most people evokes somewhere around, I think 40+ muscles? I know, I didn’t think there were even that many muscles in the face. So, to make a smile for normal people takes a lot of work. These few lucky people with natural smiles, however, no work at all. So, they automatically get all of the advantages the rest of us have to get 40+ muscles to all work together to make a smile happen. And then, when we do, sometimes our smile is strange, creepy, canted (slanted) although I personally think canted smiles are adorable, and so on. Because of his natural smile, Josh looks very happy even when he is sad, lonely, confused, upset, and angry. It took me a while to figure this out. I used to think that nothing phased him, he just was made of rubber and nothing affected him. He literally smiles when he’s crying. I love his smile. It’s infectious as hell. Most people want to be friends with Josh. They see that gorgeous, electric smile and they just want to be around him.

I guess it turns out that there is a basis for smiling. Apparently, babies get more attention and love from their parents, more cuddling, more adoration, and more care when they smile. Therefore, evolutionarily, there is an advantage to babies who smile often and their development vs. babies that don’t smile or smile less frequently. So you can imagine the advantage of the permanent smile.

Because he’s always smiling, I had to learn another way to tell when he is really happy. Fortunately, it was not challenging. Josh maybe for the same reason, when he was very young, started giggling. He may smile when he’s down, but he doesn’t giggle. His giggling drives me wild. His jaw with those stars vibrates a bit up and down. Why does this drive me wild? I have no idea. To be honest, do any of us know why certain things are huge turnoffs or turn-ons? Maybe a good counselor can help find the source. My experience, however, is that everyone loves Josh’s giggles too, not just me. Why? Again, who knows? Let me think about it. He looks cute. He looks happier than happy. He looks adorable and sounds adorable when he giggles. It’s just so natural and effortless when he does it. It makes everyone feel at ease and happy and, to be frank, loved. I do not mind if other people feel his love. His heart is huge, and he has a lot of love to give. Getting 1% of his love would be enough to sustain me. I also love that other people love him almost instantly. It makes my job more challenging. I cannot take his love for granted, and I do not. At the end of the day, ever since we fell in love and declared that love for sure, as many people can love him as want, I know that I am the one, he loves back the most. I am insanely grateful all of the time that he picked me from all of the amazing people there are in this world. It’s also pretty cool, I think, that he knows how much I love him. We make a great set of forever partners. Our love is so multi-dimensional. We love so many things about each other. He’s totally right about the part about putting our partner first. There is never a thing I do, where I don’t think about him first, and vice-versa. Which can be frustrating sometimes. We struggle with certain decisions because we do not want to assert our idea over each other’s ideas. I believe he will want pasta, and he believes I will want a salad, so where to go eat, someplace that serves pasta and salad? Problem solved, maybe except as it turns out, what we both really wanted is pizza. Even so, 99% of the time, this way of operating works out perfectly. And once we realized how in sync we are anyway, we don’t worry about it as much because we’ll probably be on the same path.

Can this be said equally when we are intimate? Super absolutely! He already told you that I was late to the sexual awakenings of my body and his. When we started, I really likes it when he blew me. I mean really liked it a lot. To be honest, I had quite a few from girls before Josh, and I thought they were pretty good. But, I discovered after Josh that I had no idea what oral pleasure even was. I don’t know how he got so good. Maybe he’s only that good with me. I’ll just tell you that at that time in our relationship, I couldn’t get enough. One time we had a fairly long conversation about the future of our relationship if this was the only intimate act we performed. Of course, he smiled. It was not a real smile though. Of course, he wanted more, and more importantly, he wanted to feel more from me. I could not blame him. The first thing we did as a bridge to other stuff, believe it or not, was me bottoming for him. Does that surprise you?

Honestly, all of the stereotypes, even though Josh is taller than I am, when we were 16, we were about the same height, and because he’s goofy, smiley, and always giggling, even though he’s an exceptional athlete, people just always assumed I was the top in our relationship. So, no, I decided to try it with him making love to me. We called it that too. Making love. Why? Because that’s what we wanted sex to be about for us, not just pleasure or making dares or fulfilling expectations. So, one day, after he blew me, I invited him to make love to me. I presented him with a condom, and the look on his face was one of the wonders of the world at that moment. You cannot imagine how darling hella sexy he looked. “Are you sure, Peter?” He said to me. I said, “Yes, I’m ready, please. I want to feel what it feels like for you to make love to me.”

Well, the truth is, it did not go all that well. We didn’t know a lot about the other parts of our bodies at the time. We hadn’t worked much out. Nonetheless, it was ok for me, and no sooner did Josh come inside me which I did not expect at all because I was not at all sure of the mechanics and if my ass would be a welcome vs. hostile place for his penis, did I start to think about how to make it better for both of us. I could do this, he could do that, we could do this. The point is, I wanted to do it again. Josh was very happy. He admitted that he really did not know what he was doing very well, and he welcomed my every suggestion.

After three or four times of experimenting, we got into a groove, so to speak. I remember the first time when we finally figured some things out and it was amazing. First, he blew me, so I had already come. Then, he started making love to me, and just as he was about to come, I said, “Pull out, I want to come together and see it. I want to see what’s happening.” He looked shocked, but he did it. Leading up to that moment, we had been kissing and his insane six-pack, washboard abs were rubbing against my member as he penetrated deeper and deeper into my ass. The feeling in my member was amazing, and I felt all kinds of new sensations that I loved. My member started getting harder and harder and more and more excited. I felt I was going to explode again. That’s when I urged him to pull out. He pulled on his member to shoot on my stomach and rub his member against mine. It was all instinctive and I have to tell you that was a seminal moment (no pun intended) for me. As our rock-hard member rubbed together we both started to shake and shoot. Josh shot and shot and shot. I shot two times maybe. This was the first time I ever witnessed the breathtaking sight of us shooting simultaneously. This mutualistic bliss then became a hope and requirement for us to achieve every time we engaged in intercourse.

Over the years, we learned so much more. We tried a whole bunch of things we heard about and stuff we just discovered on our own. Two things we never lost sight of were mutualistic pleasure and simultaneous pleasure. These are fundamental to our love-making now, and I guess forever. I cannot over-emphasize enough, though, that there is sex / intercourse / love-making what ever you want to call it, and then all of that with someone you actually love / are in love with / knows, loves, cares, and respect you equally. I think I can speak for both of us when I say these are nearly two entirely different things. Being intimate and in love magnifies the feelings one thousand times at least. It feels amazing to the body, the mind, the soul, and the spirit. To know that you are causing such pleasure for someone you love and they you, feels amazingly gratifying.

Last night, in my opinion, was no different in that sense.

Here we go…

So, Josh carried me into the master bedroom.

You know this is such a stereotype. In old movies, the groom always carried the bride over the threshold on their wedding night. Well, neither of us was technically the bride nor groom. We were FPs. Who should carry whom? Well, I really wanted to be carried by Josh. I don’t know why. I love it when he picks me up. It makes me feel loved. It makes me quiver to feel it. I love to sit in his lap and cuddle and snuggle with him with his strong arms wrapping around me and protecting me. He makes me feel so safe. I love it when he nuzzles me and chews gently on my ear lobes as I sit in his lap, and I love to know that he loves these feelings back. So, when he picked me up into his arms to carry me over the threshold, it just felt like a new beginning. I understood the tradition. It does feel really amazing to be carried into a new phase of life by someone you are incredibly in love with.

He spun us around and then placed me on the huge bed. He laid down on top of me straddling me at the hips and kissing me deeply.

We used to race to see who could get their tongue in whose mouth first. Now we just alternate. How do we keep track? It’s not difficult.

After kissing for a while, he sat up on his heels straddling me like a horse and pressing his hard member against mine. Honestly, I thought he looked like a hungry big cat planning to eat me. He looked amazing. So strong, so confident, so beguiling. And here we were in Hawaii living out many of our dreams and fantasies all at once. The feelings were as overwhelming as they were exciting.

I think the first turning point after that for me was when he said, and I will never forget these words, “I am so grateful and so fucking in love with you.” Josh generally does not swear. Me? I swear all the time. Not as much as I used to because, well, out of respect for Josh. He doesn’t like it. Therefore, when he swears I can tell he really is being very serious no matter what that smiling face says. I had to kiss that face again, so I pulled him down for another kiss. It was my turn to go exploring in his mouth against his tongue, and I took full advantage of my turn. Something felt strange to me. The lighting was too much and too cold. So, I put him on pause and turned and pressed the ‘romantic light mode button’ on the keypad above the nightstand. It also illuminated the faux fireplace which began to cast shadows of dancing flames on the wall. That one alteration suddenly changed the mood of the room to one filled with more peace and bliss. Josh looked insanely hot to me. He was glowing somehow like an angel. I can say that from that moment, I started to get a little foggy. The flow of every emotional and hormonal part of me all at once.

As we lay there together, I felt him go to remove our board shorts.

Can I just take a moment to talk about board shorts? I feel like Josh got to really explain some things, such as his TMI NSFW foot fetish explanations, I feel it’s only fair for me to talk about my affinity for board shorts.

So, board shorts. Board shorts are kind of pivotal for me in my development as a gay person. You might think it’s kind of strange, but I think guys look insanely hot in board shorts. To me, they are the most perfectly gorgeous pants ever designed. Not only are they structurally perfect, and I will explain more about that in a moment, but the fabric is divine. The patterns, logos, and designs — are all extremely sexy. I don’t know, you can research it, there we go again, but my feeling is that they were designed in the 1950s in Hawaii for surfers and surfing. They were unique as they had no inner undergarments like a lot of swim trunks — personally, I find those super uncomfortable.

I also am not a huge fan of the feeling of the famous small swim brief that is so popular. I think they look ungainly and reveal too much or too little. The board short, on the other hand, is pure perfection. It comes to the top of the knee (or sometimes even to it or a little under it). It shows a guy’s length well. The fabric is shimmering and looks regal and hot. It seems to work naturally with a guy’s body. It keeps everything in place. That tie-up drawstring — essential to help keep them on when one is surfing, looks sexy. If you are like me, and you like a tie-up pirate shirt or lace-up hockey jersey, and think for whatever reason they are very sexy, well, the board short has the same concept.

Board shorts have somewhat the same effect as a girdle for women. They hold the guy’s front and back sides together in a smooth and sexy shape that drives me nuts. Something also about the design of the stitched waistband and the way it creates this seamless ring around the waist slimming it and projecting the ab muscles. Who thought of this? Was this designed for surfers or by someone who wanted to make surfers look hella sexy? I don’t know, I don’t care. Actually, take some time and look at board shorts. Not the interpreted modern ones some companies are producing these days, I mean the traditional real ones. You can see the stitching usually thicker white or black thread that holds the waistband outline and then follows it down. You will see the fly region is stitched around and outlined. Why? On some, these are completely fake and don’t even open. Who thought of this? The insanely sexy feature provides a visual locater for what’s behind that ‘door’. That stitching then continues between the legs. Well, of course, it’s holding the two sides together and creating the package. Side stitching and border stitching around each leg opening at the bottom. These lines all create a certain illusion about the shorts that is mesmerizing. I’m not a fashion designer nor do I know a lot about fashion. I can say this, however, board shorts are perfection.

One of the things Josh and I found an instant connection with was our mutual love for board shorts. He also thinks they are perfect. He loves to wear them and he loves to see me in them. Of course, I love to see him in them too, obviously! I think between the two of us we own about fifty pairs. I am not kidding. Josh, of course, loves the beach, watching surfers, and surfing a little. We both surf a little. We are boys from southern California. It’s like being from Canada — you sort of need to play ice hockey. Unfortunately, I am not good at it. I quickly decided that I could be a fan rather than a surfer. Josh, of course as he is will all sports, is pretty good, but he doesn’t love surfing. He likes to watch the surfers more. Of course, it’s all about the barefoot guys, I know, I bet you guessed it. And most people in California who surf these days wear wetsuits not board shorts. So, board shorts have grown to be worn more by beach bums. We are beach bums.

One of the drawbacks of board shorts? They are not as easy to take off as basketball shorts. BTW, I also like the look and feel of long silky basketball shorts. I think, they too, with the right color scheme especially all black with a white side seam stripe are divine. Me personally? I will rotate between my favorite pairs of each on weekends.

Unfortunately, we’ve never come up with a perfect way to take board shorts off easily and quickly when we need to. This fact always makes Josh giggle. So, of course, I am not motivated to figure out a faster board short exit strategy.

So here we are on the bed just about to commence our first night as forever partners, and we cannot get too far too fast because of board shorts. Let that be a lesson. He starts to giggle which then makes me giggle. We flip onto our backs to untie and remove, which then allows me to get on top of him and straddle him as he was me before. Unfortunately, I forget this might inspire him to tickle me. Which he did right between the ribs. He tickled me for as long as I could take it before I had to resort to my secret weapon. My knowledge that he loves my feet. So, I wrapped my legs around and put my feet on his chest — one on each pec muscle. He stopped tickling me instantly and went for my toes. Yes, I know how to take advantage of his weaknesses just like he knows mine. I presented him with ten things he likes to nibble and he could not resist. In fact, he sees it as an offering. I enjoy watching him suck my toes as much as the feeling — which is insane just as Josh described. It feels weird at first, strangely pleasurable. In fact, I felt very guilty like this shouldn’t feel good, it’s weird, but, it does. It also feels amazing knowing that he really likes it. So, I begged him to 69 toes with me. I suck his, he sucks mine. He didn’t even pause for a millisecond, he just rolled over putting his feet out there for me.

We sucked each other’s toes for a while, at least a few minutes. I could feel he was getting really hard. This was one of his favorite types of foreplay ever in his whole life. He especially liked it when I sucked on his baby toes and his second toe, you know, the one next to the big toe. I like sucking on his baby toe the most. For some reason, as much as I don’t totally get his foot fetish, I do love his baby toes. They are insanely cute. The more I suck on them, the more he loves it. His whole body gets into it. All the while, now our engorging members are pressing against each other which is a very mutually pleasing feeling that then begins to take over. As much as Josh likes sucking on my toes, he likes sucking on my member more, and I his. So, I started to work my way down his insanely gorgeous legs, and they are. I kiss each centimeter or so as I work along like enzymes that read the DNA, my lips are reading his legs following the map to his awaiting hot member. He realized what was happening and followed my lead lagging behind only a fragment. At which point, I finally reached his crotch area and, well, where to go, where to start, everything is there and perfectly arranged for a smorgasbord.

I was told a few pages. I’ve already exhausted my page quota for the week. I’m not a writer. I am not the best at describing or explaining things of this nature.

So, I admit I don’t know if I can really bring what happened next to the page well, but I sucked on Josh really well. I turned him onto his back and put my hands on his wrists to spread him out. Then I kissed him on the mouth well and all the way down his midsection to his abs and belly button. I kissed all over his stomach. It is so lovely, so smooth, so strong, so sexy. His midlines and v-lines are out of this-world sexy. I love to trace them with my tongue. All roads seem to lead directly to his gorgeous member. I love to nuzzle, lick, and trace each line of it. I love to take his head into my mouth and dart my tongue from point to point all along the head and into his slit.

(Please stop reading anytime if this is getting too much for you. Like Josh, I won’t be offended, this is our stuff, our intimate stuff.)

I’m still not sure why I’m writing this.

I love to drill a bit down into his slit with my tongue. The first time I ever tried this on him it was instinctive on my part, I wanted to see what it would feel and taste like. I could tell by his body’s reaction instantaneously, how much he liked it. He had never felt that before. It was amazing. I loved it, and he loved it. We loved it. I really love sucking the head of his member a lot. It is so smooth and when he starts to release some pre-fluid my gosh. His pre fluid taste divine and feels amazing. It’s just a little bit thicker than water but much smoother and silkier. I like to smear it all over the head of his member and as much of everything where else around this area as I can. Mostly, I like to lube him up and get him ready to go inside me. By this point, he’s aching to spew his load. I had to make the call…in or out. I squeezed his very, very hard member from base to tip showing it that I was its boss for the moment. It behaved, calming down a little but still staying hard as a rock. I decided for this night, it should be inside. This whole lovemaking time was as symbolic as it was to be pleasurable and loving. Therefore, the inside would be more epic, grander, and more symbolic. It was also, to honor our first time of being fully intimate. So, I rolled over onto my back and pivoted a pillow under the small of my back. Josh kneeled between my legs and spread me open.

Then, he laid down on top of me and started nuzzling my neck and jawline and then kissing me so passionately rubbing his very hard member against mine. He had power over me, and I liked to feel him in control of my body. I had power over his too. I grabbed each of his butt cheeks one in each hand and started driving his member from behind. I knew how to steer his member and achieve maxim overdrive as our two powered into each other like dueling cobras. I wanted this to be reminiscent of our first time but without the clumsiness nor the newfound methods of maximizing orgasms or numbers of loads launched. This was not a race, a competition, or a fight to the finish. This was to be respectful of the process and honor our intimate history together. He was positively gushing with pre-fluids. Soaking everything. It was so beautiful so magical so lovely. So loving! Gosh I love and adore him so much. Everything.

Suddenly, he reached down and pushed his glistening wet head against my trap door. The wet and probing feeling of that hard, smooth, but loving battering ram — a complete contradiction in all terms — pounding against my iris gate of sphincter muscle, but it was no match to the wetness and the smoothness of his missile which pierced through easily allowing him to tunnel into my hole. It felt absolutely incredible. It brought back the memories of the first time we ever did this and I totally enjoyed it. After a few ‘failed’ attempts, I learned it was all about relaxing and giving in to the feelings while then also contracting and contorting the muscles inside to provide maximum pleasure to his tunneling member. I loved it as he would thrust ever deeper and hit my g-spot with this powerful, smooth ramrod. Josh loved being inside me. I could tell by his occasional moans and shudders not to mention the look of intensity of will on his face with his eyes shut so tightly I worried his eyes would pop.

Occasionally, we would fall asleep that way. I loved the feeling of having him inside me. I can barely describe it. We found that we really fit together perfectly. Our sizes are completely matched and fit as if pre-measured or pre-destined. He kissed me deeply and held my hands interlocking our fingers as he pumped in and out of me slowly, rhythmically, to the beat of our hearts. Poosh, poosh, poosh. He would not pull out completely but very close each time, but each time he seemed to go eye-poppingly deeper and deeper my internal ass muscles and my trap door started to oscillate with inexplicable pleasure. And then he released inside me. Oh, dear universe, the feeling inside was pure euphoria, but the look on his face as he came up holding my hands down and then came down to kiss me again and again, was that of a pure warrior angel, a godly merman from the sea, I don’t know how else to describe the most gorgeous and beautiful man in the world.

His body shuddered as he shot his first loads and plunged his sword deeper inside me. He freed my hands and took to holding the back of my neck. As he came down to go up again, I pressed with both of my hands on the small of his back. Then for this final thrust, I plunged both of my middle fingers into his hungry hole which I had been semi-secretly lubing up with his pre fluids. He did not realize this was going to happen. It was something new and spontaneous that I suddenly got the idea to try. As he plunged his final deep mission into me, my fingers plunged into his hole nearly as deeply. At that moment his member started to erupt explosively and he moaned a moan I had never heard before. I held my fingers inside him and wiggled them a bit. His rocket responded inside my body thickening and relaxing, he moaned again and again and thrust inside me deeper and deeper as I responded with my fingers deeper and deeper, a final wave shuddered over him rising up from his toes the full length of his body with every muscle convulsing until I thought he wasn’t going to be able to breathe.

Then he just went limp from head to toe his member still inside me and my fingers still inside him. His face was next to mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck from behind and kissed me softly and sweetly. I started to pull my fingers out figuring he might grow tired of that new feeling, and he told me to please leave them inside him. He had never expected that and the feeling left him with so much previously unknown pleasure. I obliged him exploring around for his G spot which I hadn’t even tapped this time. When I found it, I thumped on it a few times. He shuddered and kissed me and pressed every available part of himself against me. Then I pulled my fingers out of him and pulled him up and into the shower. We washed each other from head to toe with thick lather and followed our usual routine, though quickly and without long pauses to explore our favorite parts of each other’s bodies. Then we dried each other off very perfectly and ripped off the bed sheets and tossed them into a pile. We put on a new set of sheets and then fell on top of them. I am not sure, but I think we fell asleep for a little while. At least I did. I was perfectly exhausted and perfectly in love with my most amazing and endearing forever partner.

Josh and Peter’s POV Conclusion

Among our gay friend circle, which is not very large, we are known for being head-over-heels in love with each other. The couple that can’t keep its hand off each other. It’s true. We can’t. Is there a rule we missed? We rarely if ever seek the limelight when it comes to our sex life, our love-making, or our intimate relationship which we consider to belong to us. However, on occasion, we have shared with our close friends some of the discoveries that bring us enormous pleasure and amplify our love. We do so because we hope by our example, others may learn to explore their boundaries and bodies and discover the kind of love-making techniques we have so they may push themselves to discover their own.

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