
Chapter 33

Demon Pov

Zack and the others greet me from the windows of their rooms dramatically opening the windows and pretending to be princesses needing to be rescued.

Shadow shakes his head laughing, “Fucking weirdos”

What that make us? We one of the leaders of the weirdos.

“probably even bigger weirdos”

Ignoring them I walk into the hotel and look at the receptionist desk. A lady in a suit walks up to me before I could look around the room, “Mr. King?”

I feel my eyebrow raise on its own, “That’s me.”

She nods and grabs a key ring from her waist and holds it out to me, “Mr. Walker said that you would be coming soon and that you would like a copy of the keys to all the rooms that your friends are in. So here are the keys theses rooms will permently be yours and no one will have access to these room except you and your friends as Mr. Walker requested. Is there anything else that we can do for you or your friends, Mr. King?”

What the hell?

Amos must be this Mr. Walker dude.

“what else did uh Mr. Walker tell you to do?”

“He said to not bother cleaning the rooms while you are all here only when you all leave will we be able to clean the rooms. And that room service will be put on his tab as well.”

“so Amos doesn’t own the hotel?”

“No but Mr. Walker does invest a lot of money into the hotel and without him we would be out of business. His family has helped the hotel owners for generations so Mr. Walker gets everything that he would want or need from us without hesitation.”

She has a smile that looks forced but practiced on her face and she is standing bone straight in heels that look like they have been hurting her feet all day.

“Thank you, two things, My…”

Oh say wife so everyone can know

What no! we didn’t even ask her yet

And whats your point?

Sighing, “My fiancé is going to be here a little later will you tell her where we are?”

She nods, “of course Mr. King and the second task?”

“Once she gets here take a break and if you can find some shoes that won’t hurt your feet wear those or at least take them off and rest. Human beings are cruel and don’t care for others that have to do their jobs. Actually, go rest for a hour or two and if you don’t have any reservations for later today then close the hotel and finish things up early so everyone can go home and rest until they have to come back, okay?”

Her perfect face broke into shock, “Um are you sure, Mr. King we don’t mind working.”

“I’m sure just wait for my fiancé and then you can all leave.”

Don’t forget about their pay

“oh, and all of you will still be paid for all of your shift, so don’t worry about that either.”

I walk to the silver elevator as she was saying thank you.

Finally able to look around I could tell that the hotel itself was very clean and nice not as nice as a five-star hotel but could be one if it wasn’t right by the woods and in the city instead.

It may not be a five star because it only has five floors and it’s by the woods that is also by the haunted vampire house.

Maybe you right but it works for us so we will leave it be for now.

Once in the elevator I push the 5th floor and waited.

Mika says that they have company. It’s a witch.

Are they in danger?

He chuckles, “No but she is annoying both Mika and Onyx.”

“Lord okay we’ll see how that goes.”

The elevator dings and opens to a very exquisite hallway.

All the money went to the top floor to make it seems like a pent suite.

Seems like it.


Nathan runs out of one of the rooms, “we missed you.”

He tries to hug me, but I sidestep him and watch as he went thump against the wall.

“You so mean.” Hiccup “I just wanted to give you a hug.”

Shaking my head chuckling, I dodge Zack and watched him land beside Nathan, “Are all of you drunk?”

“Not all of us Alpha.” Sonja and Ragnar walks out of the same room these two came out of.

Sonja shakes her head, “They found some wolfbane to put in their drinks last night and has been annoying ever since.”

I look at the two weirdest dumdasses in our bunch and find them asleep. Shaking my head, I grab a leg on both of them, “Let’s go to the room and wait for Onyx to come. While we wait, we can talk about somethings.”

Ragnar shakes his head and walks into the room with Sonja and me following.

The room as two king size beds in it with a large window to look out of and the bar is across the room from the beds with a tv hanging from the wall behind it. The other doorway in the room has a good size bathroom with a tub, a shower and two sinks side by side.

Leaving the two on the floor I go to the window and wait to see Onyx’s deep blue eyes, “Sonja go get the others and bring them in here. Get somethings over with.”

The door opens and closes. The silence is calming in a way if you ignore Ragnar’s boring stare and the two idiots snores. May be the last time I will get peace and quiet like this for a while.

Few minutes pass with the door opening and closing until Sonja comes back, “this is everyone.”

Looking at the room there are about 15 wolves in the room and Nathan and Zack magically woke from their slumber.

“Alright, So this will be your last chance to back out of this. Onyx and I have decided to go with the whole pack thing for now. So if you don’t want to follow me and onyx leave now.”

I wait for any of them to leave but no one did.

“Okay next we are going to destroy the Night, Blood, and the Elite Pack and kill any other pack that gets in our way. If you have a problem with that then I say leave and go back to Knox.”

Again no one objected or left so I continued, “Amos will be joining our pack along with two other vampires, in this pack there will be no such thing as a slave, nor will anyone discriminate against the vampires. Once we gain their trust hey will see us as family and we will see them as family as well. If you have a issue with that then leave because I will kill you if I hear anything like slavery or discrimination happens. Anyone have a problem with that?”

The room was just as silent as before I started talking, sighing, “Okay well do any of you want to say anything? There won’t be any punishment for speaking your mind so long as you are respectful.”

That cause all of them to smile.

“Why are you weirdos smiling like that?”

Zack’s weirdo smile gets bigger as he says, “we all know you and Onyx will be great leaders.”

They all nodded just as Onyx walked in with flame girl and a witch from the smell of her.

Irritated, “Demon we have a problem, tell him”

The witch told us that the moon goddess came to her in person just to tell her that the Alpha King is planning to turn every pack that isn’t the Night Pack, Elite Pack, or the Blood Pack into slaves for himself and the three alphas.

The witch said from her spot on the wall, “They believe themselves to be gods or something and that the moon goddess approves of them doing this.”

Nathan rolls his eyes, “First off what that got to do with us and secondly why didn’t she just go to them herself instead of trying to send us?”

She shrugged, “she did multiple times apparently and they believed that she was a witch trying to deceive them. Alpha king said that she must have been paid by the smaller packs to deceive him. And then tried to kill her.”

“Did it work?”

Sonja shakes her head, “obviously not since she still asking for help.”

The witch took a deep breath and released slowly, “Anyways no one would listen to a word she said and since she cannot physically make anyone do anything she isn’t able to stop what is to happen.”

Zack yelled, “Bullshit, if she gave a fuck then she would be able to change a lot of shit. She just wants someone else to clean up the shit she made.”

“All I know is that when she made supernaturals she also gave us the ability to make our own future with a mate of her choosing. That is most likely what is biting her in the ass because now no one believes in her anymore and they aren’t even accepting their mates anymore. She says that she doesn’t want to take away anyone’s freedom or have any of her children be hurt but the only way for this to stop and be the way it was supposed to be is if the Alpha king is dead along with at least 2 of the three packs are wiped out.”

She goes to say more but I cut her off, “Stop. The way its suppose to be? How was it supposed to be? And why does she care suddenly? It’s been like this for what a century and now the bitch wants to fix something.”

She opens her mouth again, but I speak, “You know what I don’t care about that. What I do care about is what that has to do with us and why should we help her after all the shit she made us endure and did nothing to help or stop it.”

She held up a hand and I can see the cation in her eyes, “I aint happy about this either. I am just the messenger. Also, little side note she says she has been trying to fix it but had to do it one creature at a time. For the vampires most of them got wiped from the war with the hunters well that was because Luna put in the hunters’ head that the vampires were going to turn everyone, and no one was safe. For the witches she tricked them all into a civil war that took half of our population. And now she said that she wants you to kill about half of the werewolf population.”

Onyx scuffs, “so her answer to the problem is to wipe out the bad and fuck everything else.”

The witch leans her head side to side, “basically yeah”

Zack, “Well that’s bullshit.”

Ragnar finally speaks from his little chair by the door, “even if its bullshit we will still follow what the Alphas have decided”

The others nodded to each other before turning to me and Onyx.

Ragnar deep brown eyes bore into us, “what you decide to do we will follow”

I watch onyx look around the room before a slight smirk goes on her face.

She so cute when she smirks

You’re hopeless shadow

Onyx turns to me, “and so are you because you agree with Shadow. And I will follow you to the end. So if you want to wipe half the population then let’s do it and not think twice about it.”

I scuff as shadow laughs at me, “we’ll kill the packs and anyone that gets in our way, especially if we don’t like their way of things. We aint doing it for the moon goddess we doing this for ourselves. Everyone agree?”

A course of yeahs fill the room without a single second of hesitation.

“Good we’ll train and make plans for this later, today rest and enjoy yourself but don’t harm or harass any of the employees here in the hotel. And witch?”

She smiled with a weird glint in her eye, “yess”

“Whats your name?”

She started bouncing around like a rabbit on crack, “My name is Esmeralda, darling and just so you know I am joining you pack. This is going to be so much fun.”

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