Unnatural Instinct: Wish

Chapter 10

It looks like some kind of goblin. Or maybe a gremlin. Definitely a monster!

The book has goblins in it too, but they’re always under the Dark Prince’s command. The little goblin makes a creepy chittering noise that turns your heart cold.

You press your back up against the door. ‘Help me!’

Its green eyes stare at you. Strangely, it reminds you distinctly of the woman with the pig mask, which somehow makes it more terrifying. It’s sitting on its haunches, a pair of long ears sticking up at the sides of its head. Its head is cocked, as though trying to work you out. It has stubby arms and legs, at the ends of which are large, powerful-looking paws with sharp claws.

You stare at those claws—they look like they could rip you to shreds. Its pig snout pinches back as it bears a row of sharp teeth.

All you can do is suck in a terrified breath as it darts towards you. You cover your face with a scream as it leaps. You stagger against its weight, your back slamming into the door. It’s all over you, shredding at your clothes, ripping at your hair. You arms and legs sting as it tears at your skin.

You scream again, clutching at the shredded fabric as your dress falls away. There’s a constant clicking noise as the creature opens and shuts its mouth spasmodically. You can feel its skin—and it’s sticky and cool, like a frog’s. It’s powerful hands are bruising—and it stinks! Like it’s just crawled out of the marshes outside.

Is it going to kill you? Are you going to die here in this mirrored hall? What happens if you die in your dreams? Could you die for real? You can’t die! You’re supposed to see your niece and nephews. You can’t go like this!

You scream again as you slide to the floor. There are worse things, you suddenly realise. There are worse things than not having a job or a boyfriend or money. I just want too see them again. Please, let me see them again.

‘Enough!’ booms a voice.

With a squawk, the creature leaps away. You close your eyes against the sudden sharpness of light as the chandeliers burn bright. Through your narrowed eyes, you glimpse the creature barrelling back down the hall like a frightened dog.

Standing in the mirrored hall, tall and intimidating, his lips thin, his eyes bright with fury, is the Dark Prince.

He takes long strides towards you, hands balled at his sides. You cover your head, trying to conceal your tears.

‘It will pay,’ he says in a gentle voice, crouching in front of you.

He takes your wrists, trying to pull your arms away from your face.

‘Leave me alone!’

‘Let me help. You’re bleeding.’

You suck in a sharp breath when you realise the little monster has completely ripped away your clothes. Yanking your arms from his grip, you fold your knees into your chest and wrap your arms around them, covering yourself.

‘Let me help.’

And that’s when you notice the blood. There’s so much of it! Your arms are stained red. You can feel something warm and wet trickling down your abdomen. There are handprints of red on your legs. It makes you feel dizzy. Still holding your legs, you lean your head back against the door.

‘I want to go home.’

‘Let me help,’ he says again in a more commanding voice.

You can feel the pain now as the shock wears off. A sting that turns to a nasty throb that you feel in waves all through your body. With a gasp, you release your knees, letting your legs fall away. You can’t look at him. Too embarrassed. Too ashamed.

Like he did with your feet, he presses the tips of his fingers against every gash and scratch and bruise. The pain subsides, replaced with a burning, tingling sensation that is almost pleasurable. Soon, you feel nothing except for the heat in your cheeks and your pounding heart.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says.

It’s too late to care about your nakedness now. You can feel the rise and fall of your breasts at every breath like you’ve never done before. You feel his eyes on you.

‘I want to go home.’

His voice turns chilly as he stands. ‘You cannot leave. I’m to keep you, remember? As is your wish.’

You turn your tear-streaked face to his. Remember, it is only a dream.

‘You’ll like it here,’ he says. ‘Much better than the world outside. Remember? Remember what they’ve done to you?’

Before you can answer, he swoops over you and hoists you into his arms as easily as a doll. His smile is disarming. His voice rings musically in your ears: Remember what they’ve done to you?

You turn your head as the door behind you opens with a click. Then you’re back into his room. His room. You know it now. Carefully, he deposits you onto his bed. You lie back down into his pillows, covering your breasts with your hands, your ankles twisted over each other to hide your groin.

‘I will take care of you,’ he whispers, brushing his fingers through your hair as you meet his startling gaze.

The little monster seems so far away now—the same with your family. Why were you so scared? The Dark Prince is all-powerful. He’ll protect you. Your skin burns hot as he rests his hand upon your shoulder. His gaze is smouldering and you know what he’s about to do. What he’s after.

You said you’d keep me. What did you mean by that?

I think you know what I mean.

He leans in for a kiss. The air catches in your throat as you part your lips in turn. Your mouths brush. Your tongues connect. His grip on your shoulder tightens. There’s a faint ringing in your ears, which gets louder and louder as he crawls into bed with you.

You wrench your mouth away from his. ‘What’s that noise?’

‘Ignore it,’ he says as he leans in for another kiss.

‘I can’t.’

You close your eyes. The next time you open them, the Dark Prince is gone.

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