Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Confirmed sightings of Sephra and her men were becoming constant. A bloodcurdling confession of one of her dogs had put us on high alert. I never doubted his dying words. And neither had Ky. Sephra meant to have her revenge. Vowing, planning, and plotting to take back the stolen Omega’s. Ky would not let that happen. He decided that safety in numbers was the best way to protect his pregnant mate. Allowing and blessing an Alpha of his choosing, to pair bond with Karina. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I chose to train harder, longer. Knowing I was a skilled warrior gave me hope. When I faced her, I would kill her. I’d been up early. Having increased anxiety with pregnancy was probably normal. I left the bathroom, heading to my armoire to pull out my clothing. “You’re up early today,” Lathan said as he entered our room with a tray of food. “Are you feeling well?”

“Yes, I feel fine.”

“Here.” He halted my attempt at dressing. “I have made other plans for our day,” Lathan said as he took my hand and pulled me towards the table.

“Other plans?”

“Yes, sit.” He pulled back a chair for me, joining me across the table. I nibbled at the fresh fruit. I would’ve gladly heaped my plate if it wasn’t for the odd mood that Lathan was in. His anxiety was tainting his smell.

“You’re off today. Has there been another sighting?” I trembled with the anticipation and hatred I harbored towards the Omega traitor. A meeting was inevitable. Each sighting placed her closer and closer to our kingdom.

“No, we are doubling our security,” Lathan said brooding as he pushed his plate away.

“It’s all we can do right now.” I sighed, worried, and apprehensive.

“It’s not all that we can do Neisa.” Lathan’s uncertain eyes settled on me.

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously worried as I met his gaze.

“Your safety, our child safety it’s all I can think about. If I lost you, I would never live a moment of peace.” My heart tightened at the raw emotions I felt and saw.

“Don’t you think I feel the same about you?” I loved Lathan as much as he loved me.

“It’s not the same Neisa. I’m an Alpha, your Alpha. My instinct to protect you, it’s consuming.”

“Lathan … you are my Alpha, forever.” I said as I raised up to kiss away his doubt. He attacked me with his need to protect me. Pouring it into his kiss. It burned hot, surrounding me.

“Let me protect you, don’t deny me or my wishes,” Lathan said as he pulled away to look at me.

“I would not stop you from doing what you thought was right.” He was my Alpha. I could feel his longing to do just that. Protect what he loved. And if me agreeing with his wish, whatever it may be, could ease his fears, I would do it. His worry, stress, and anxiety were surging through the bond all the time, tainting the feeling of completion and harmony with its unwanted presence.

“Then do as I ask,” Lathan ordered. Not in the usual, I am an Alpha King, do as I command. But as a man filled with legitimate fear. I pulled away, instantly worried.

“Lathan, are you ordering me to leave?” I gasped at the instant heartache.

“Never my heart. We will never be apart.” He pulled me to his chest, chasing my fear of losing him away, promising me ecstasy instead. I needed to feel him, his skin. I tugged at the offensive shirt, damming it from keeping his flesh from mine. Lathan smiled at my frustrated state. Chuckling as he removed his clothing. “Pregnancy has made you greedy for me love.” He teased as he picked me up. My arms and legs settling on his massive frame.

“It’s not the baby’s fault; it’s yours,” I said as I stretch up to run my lips over my claiming marks. I kissed them, loving the feel. He was mine by right. Lathan loved it when I did this — filling me to the hilt with his massive size. Our mating was wild and frantic, pushing me to climax almost instantly. Lathan felt my approaching release. Pulling out, teasing me, denying and prolonging what I asked for. I growled nipping aggressively at my mate. Again, he smiled. Setting me back down on the floor. Hungry, demanding eyes searched mine. Long fingers touched my swollen lips. Frantic, needy hormones ruled my body, demanding pleasure and release. Lathan leaned down to my kiss. I sunk my hands into his silky hair, gorging on the feast of his lips. He ripped his mouth from mine. Turning me quickly, he pushed his engorged cock into my fleshy backside. A second before he took hold of it running it back and forth through my slick cover slit. I moaned. Lathan pushed me forward, and I grab for the table, arching my back, waiting for the feel of him inside of me. He rubbed at the mouth of my entrance. My body responds always pleased him. And he growled. The slick replied, running forth to praise him. He didn’t fill me. Only rubbed me into madness, “Be still Neisa.” He ordered gruffly as his fisted hand tortured my sex. The other hand grabbed my hips.

“Why do you tease me?” I complained.

“Surrender your body to me, and I will give you heaven.” His voice rattled my bones with desire. Lathan placed the head of his cock on my anus, applying enough pressure to alert me to his intent. Overwhelming me with nerves that had never been awakened before. “Surrender.” He ordered as he released my hip to rub my clit. I cried out. Needing release like I’d never needed it before.

“Will you hurt me?” I asked panting in my need.

“You will need to relax love. To take me all inside your tightness.” He was just as needy as I was. Again, he pressed forward, trembling with my moan.

“I surrender.” I panted, turning to look at my mate. A growl shook my body as his huge hand flashed before my eyes and cleared the table of untouched food and dishes.

“Lean forward.” He ordered, and I obeyed. He re-coated his cock in my abundance slick before he set to his mission. Large Alpha hands squeezing and pulling me apart. His finger’s digging in as he breached my tightness slowly. A mixture of tainted pleasure rocked me. “Relax love, take me.” He circled his hips gently coaxing the response he needed to gain ground. Each inch he gained was announced by the pleasurable hissed word yes! The sound of his victorious pleasure drove me higher with the last of my resistance conquered. He slammed forward pushing the table forward with his claim staked. I laid breathlessly still on the table. Overwhelmed by his desire and new feelings he was creating. Lathan circled his hips, letting me come to terms with the new invasion, gently rubbing me again. I found my climax sitting just beyond my reach. My body reached out for it with both hands. But Lathan stopped me. Pulling me up by my neck, forcing my back against his hot naked chest. “Your surrender makes me hard. Almost as hard as your ass makes me.” He growled before he bit my ear. I groaned. Reaching behind to grab his ass and pull him into me. He released my ear, pushing his hips into me. “Careful love.” He warned I craned my neck to reach his lips. He kissed me roughly before he pulled away. “Called to him. Do it quickly.” Lathan said. I hesitated passion had clouded my mind.

“What?” I asked confused,

“Called to him. The Alpha who is always on your mind.” Lathan said as he pushed into me with a slow deep thrust. I moaned loudly.

“You are the only Alpha on my mind.” I reminded him. He only chuckled.

“Shia,” Lathan called out. The door to our room opened immediately. The unclaimed I had not seen in months walked in. The sight and smell of our mating had him aroused. I blinked at the sight of the transformed Alpha. Shia stepped closer. Eyes blown wide in desire. Fascinated and excited by what he saw. “What are you doing?” I demanded as he single-handedly pushed the heavy wood table out of his way to reach us. Shia did not speak, dropping to his knees before me. Lathan’s hands cupped the back of my thighs, lifting me up. The other Alpha lapped at my exposed sex, sending me to bliss instantly. My orgasm was confused and lacking. I needed to feel my Alpha, needed to be knotted. Lathan smiled immediately knowing what I wanted. “Neisa needs to be knotted.” Shia rose, stepping back his eyes never leaving mine. I shuddered at the sight. Three months with Lathan’s guard had honed and transformed him. His untapped Alpha had been released. When he reached to undo his pants, I squirmed. Confused and unsure of what he was doing. “What are you doing?” I demanded.

“Fuck, don’t move Neisa,” Lathan growled; another roar of slick left me.

“Lathan?” I cried.

“This is what I demand with your surrender,” Lathan said his voice firm with his authority.

“I am yours.” I reminded him, continuing to wiggle away as I reminded him of that fact.

“Forever love.” Lathan murmured in my ear. “Go slowly; her body has never known such pleasure.” My bonded mate told the approaching naked Alpha.

“Yes,” Shia said as he reached for me. Panic and curiosity hammered through my heart. I had to be dreaming.

“Look at him, love. He is full of desire for you.” Lathan said as he moved deep inside of me. “Don’t refuse his desire. Reach for him.” He ordered me. “Do it now before I come.” I reached for him, torn between greed and desire, wanting so many different things at once. Shia took hold of my legs, setting them to rest on his hips, filling me slowly. He stilled, panting shallow breaths, knowing pleasure on a spiritual level for the first time in his life. His eyes rolled back in his head, feeding me an intoxicating rush of barbaric lust. He began to move slowly, deeply, finding more pleasure than he knew what to do with — feeding the hunger that he’d never known. Steady rhythm pushed and pulled me, taking my senses hostage and releasing a wild need that scared me. I gasped and moaned as the pleasure that was not of this world washed over my body. I locked eyes on the man who was not my mate — watching him wrestle with the same ecstasy. I felt wickedly powerful. Knowing I was the first Omega to take his knot. The intoxicating thrill of the fact threatened to drop me off the cliffs into a free fall climax. ” Look, Neisa. Embrace the power that makes you precious and rare.” Lathan said as he pounded deeper into me. I was already lost in the eyes that held mine, overwhelmed by the dangerous power and greed. My release blind-sided me. Hitting me hard, with its demand to blow apart my human body with supernatural sensation. I moaned, giving in to the first wave of release. Letting the feeling run free. Eyes rolled back, taking my head with it. I fell back against Lathan. Gasping as the sensation overtook me. “Claim her now.” The order was not even free of Lathan’s mouth before Shia attacked my neck. I felt pain bloom instantly into euphoria as the Alpha laid his claim on me. The strangled sounds of his pleasure drowned out my confused whimpering. The room filled with the tortured sounds of my body being claimed, again. A heavy, black fog stole my consciousness. Leaving me blind and spent.

What kind of dream was that? I wandered through my mental fog, trying to wake up. But my body was not on board with my mind. I guess it was still enjoying the X-rated dream. Pregnancy hormones were doing a number on my entire body. I sighed, deciding to let my mind rule. And I floated mindlessly through the sensation of a deep-set knot. Hands were roaming lightly over my body, trembling when a warm wet tongue licked my tender neck. I flinched, absently swiping at the painful spot that felt like another set of marks. I grumbled, wanting to return to the dream. “Be still love.” Lathan’s voice filled my head. And I nestled into the sound of it, refusing to open my eyes.

“Lathan, pregnancy has made my imagination crazy.” Eyes still closed, I turned into the sound of his odd purring. “How are you doing that?” I asked, still dazed.

“Doing what?” My Alpha asked me.

“Purring in two different tones.” His chest rumbled against my back.

“I’m not doing that Neisa.” I tried to move, but I was tangled in arms and legs. Confirming we were on the floor. “Why are we on the floor?” I asked, exhausted and tired.

“Because you have not invited Shia into our nest yet.”

“An invitation I long for.” The foreign male voice spoke. My eyes flew open to find blue eyes burning back into mine.

I sat in the bathtub shaking. Not even the burn of the scalding water could chase away the chill that shivered me. Lathan had let another claim me. The bite, still fresh and painful. Why? Why would he do this? Why would he tarnish the bond between us? I wept with the questions and pain. Did he think that I would allow him the same concession? To bond to another Omega, wasn’t I enough? Soul crushing sobs thrashed my body, sending the water to ripple. I avoided his eyes, not having the courage to look at him as he entered the bathroom. “Why am I not enough for you?” I asked. Knowing his answer could crush me.

“Who do you intend to claim next?” I demanded finding the idea of him touching another sick and wrong.

“You think I allowed him to bond with you so I could do the same?” He asked me appalled by my assumption.

“What other reason could there be?” I sobbed.

“Look at me.” He ground out the words, but I refused to listen. “Look at me Neisa, or I will drag you out of there by the neck, bend your sore ass over the sink and spank you until you scream.” The barbaric reminder of his past crimes against my body made me livid.

“You will not touch me,” I yelled at him.

“I will touch you until I die. That is my right Omega.” He moved so fast. Grabbing my head and forcing me to look at him. “You are mine in every way that matters. Your body, your mind, your heart it is all mine.” He seethed.

“Yet you think so little of me.” I cried in despair. “Allowing another to claim me.” I pointed out his sin. “I would sacrifice my heart to keep you safe. That is how much I think of you. That is the price I would pay to insure your life, and my child’s.” His voice thundered off the rock walls shaking me with the pain I heard there. He released me roughly. He roared, smashing his hand to the mirror above the sink. Glass exploded. His massive chest heaving, raging to control his emotions he crumpled to the floor. Glass breaking beneath his knees. “I love you, Neisa. I did not come to this decision lightly. Shia will keep you safe.” His words were nothing more than a whisper.

“Lathan… I don’t understand.” I told him honestly.

“Omega, you are so rare so desired and hunted. I cannot and will not risk your life, never.” My bond burned with raw pulsating pain. His pain, the pain he believed this was the only cure for. “Packs are always stronger than a lone wolf Neisa,” Lathan said, his large head bent in anguish. ” I cannot fail you or our child. Not when I have the power to see you safe, cared for, and loved.” I had to clear my head of my thoughts and just focus on Lathan. And after a few minutes of feeling his pain and fear, I believed I could see some of his doubt. Sephra’s hate for me made me a target. If she ever got to me, if she ever got her way, she’d torture me for her pleasure. Letting her degenerate Alpha’s rape, me to death. Killing the life, I was nurturing.

“Lathan,” I called to his kneeling form, unable to keep my pain out of my voice. “Please, I need you to talk to me.” I was begging for his understanding. Damp, forlorn eyes broke my heart. And I reached a hand for him. He hesitated only for a moment before coming to kneel by the tub. I grabbed his hand, pulling it to my cheek. “I love you Lathan, But I never dreamed I’d have to… share you.”

“You’re not sharing me Neisa.” I shivered.

“Why do you keep saying that?” He demanded.

“Because dammit, you were enough for me. I wanted to be enough for you.” I cried, pulling him to me. Desperate to feel his heart against mine.

“You are enough for me. I want no other.” He promised kissing, my wet hair. “You complete me; you are my mate.” He cried — his pain, his confession, his tears that was the death blow.

“But you Let him pair bond. You have to share me.” I whimpered.

“Neisa this practice is not uncommon.” He reasoned. “It is the only way some civilizations survive. You are so rare and coveted. Any Alpha who has had the rare privilege to mate with an Omega will crave one of his own.” The truth of his words was unnerving. “The feeling I get when I’m inside of you has so much more to do with my soul than it does with my body. You complete me on a spiritual level.” Lathan was right; our mating was spiritual. It was not just mating. I felt unique, loved, and complete. Just remembering the intensity of the first time. “You are an Omega; you are special and unlike a Beta or female Alpha. You can, and will accept Shia as your second. We will build this pack together.” He was ordering again. “Now come and meet your creation.”

Lathan carried my towel-covered body into our suite. I sank into the sound and feel of his purr. I felt Shia’s eyes on me. But I was unable to look at him. It didn’t matter; I felt the anchor of his bond begin to thump. A dull sensation that sat low in my chest. A fluttering behind my lungs. Foreign and out of place. I internal swatted at the invader, sitting on the lounger Lathan arranged me. Positioning me between his massive thigs. I leaned back against his chest. His hands, resting on my small baby bump. The dull thumping of the new bond picked up speed and intensity, digging in deeper. Shia purred louder. Proud and eager to build on the shaky foundation he’d laid; still, I looked away.

“Speak your mind,” Lathan ordered my new Alpha, trying to make this awkward moment a little easier to swallow.

“My mind is hers; she is all I see. All I want.” He replied, not shocked or embarrassed by his revelation. Shia’s uninhibited, newly discovered mating instinct filled the air of our suite with his pheromones, causing me to crave him physically. I felt the quickening of my pulse, the longing that tugged my sex. “How does that make you feel?” Lathan asked the man.

“Protective, possessive.” He replied.

“You will protect her, our mate?” Lathan demanded.

“With my body and my life,” Shia promised coming to stand over us, chest heaving in aggression at the thought.

“Why will you do this?” Lathan pressed.

“Because I love her.” Shia’s proclamation jolted me with a strangling fear that I didn’t understand. How could he love me? He didn’t even know me.

“Come closer,” Lathan ordered the man. Leaning down, he whispered in my ear.

“Look at your Alpha love; look at the fire that burns for you.” He spoke softly. I looked up mesmerized by the intense man. The last time I saw him, he looked nothing like the Adonis that stood before me now.

“What have they done to you?” I asked him. My question made him frown.

“They made me an Alpha fit to serve his queen. Are you not pleased?” He asked, truly worried. I shook my head.

“I am confused, not disappointed,” I said, seeing his relief flash across his eyes.

“Speak your will, and I will do it.” The new Alpha promised me.

“What do you want, Shy?” I asked him. “To protect you and love you.” His eyes never left mine. Making it obvious he believed what he was saying. “To be buried deep inside your body and heart. To feel you take me. To hear my name on your beautiful lips.” Shia was passionate and unashamed of his desire, believing his feelings without doubt or hesitation, fearlessly proclaiming his feelings. I trembled. My body, heart, and mind a confused mass of nerves and emotion.

“Neisa you are fighting. Your body and mind need to be one.” Lathan said gruffly.

“I don’t know how,” I told him truthfully. Shaking my head. “I am yours.” I reminded my first. Lathan was impatient, gripping my neck firmly. His other hand lowered to pull the towel off me, leaving me naked, open and exposed. Fighting was pointless, but I did it nonetheless.

“No.” He barked as he began to rub my engorged sex. I burned. His hands knew me finding me ready. “Whose neck bears your mark?” Lathan demanded.

“Yours.” I panted.

"Whose child grows in your body.” His hot words filled my ears.

“Yours.” I cried out.

“Whose heart has been claimed with your bond?” He continued.

“Yours Lathan.”

“I am yours forever.” He said, nipping at my ear.

“Please,” I begged as my hips rose and fell. Rubbing against his hand to find the release I desperately needed. “Alpha, call to your mate,” Lathan spoke to the other Alpha. A deep hungry growl rippled his chest. Gripping pleasure replied, filling Lathan’s hand with my slick. “Your body knows his call. As it knows mine.” Lathan said, pulling his fingers from my sex. I cried out. I watched Shia wrestled with the beast that consumed him. Heavy deep breathing heaved his chest. And I ached to touch him. To taste him and feel him. I pushed off Lathan’s chest, crawling the length of the lounger. All to reach Shia. I reached up fumbling briefly with the buttons on his pants.

“What are you doing, Omega?” Shia asked, shocked, and curious about my actions. Reminding my barbaric nature that I was the first and only woman to touch him. I released him quickly, taking his hardness into my hand. My sex clenched hard at the way he bucked into my hand.

“I want to taste you,” I said as I took him in my mouth. The shuddering roar that left Shia excited me to the point of orgasm. The virgin taste of his pre-come sparked a hunger that ached. Big hands cradled my head, holding on as I worked his shaft in and out of my mouth. Sucking and swallowing what he gave me. Shia moaned and groaned, guiding my head, watching me enjoy the taste and feel of him in my mouth. I felt him rapidly approaching release. The death grip stopped my mission.

“My queen.” He pled as he fought for control. “I need to be inside of you.” I needed the same if I was honest. I crawled up his body, standing on the lounger actually made me as tall as he was. Hungry eyes looked into mine a second before he took my mouth. Arms around his neck, I held on tightly. My heart pulled me back, reminding me that Lathan was in the room. I had to see him, turning to see my first. He sat, chest heaving devouring me with the fire that burned. Shia set my neck on fire, kissing and licking a trail to my breast. Nipping a sensitive nipple, I shuddered. Lathan pressed heavy on the bond, blessing the mating. The feeling blew through my chest.

“Shy, please,” I begged.

“Tell me how to please you?” Shia asked as he kissed me breathless. I pulled him to the lounger. Pushing him down, I quickly straddled his hips, rising up to guide him deep inside me. The sensation rippled through me, and I slumped against his chest, needing a second to let the tremors leave me. “Look at me Omega," Shia’s voice ordered me. I stayed still, shaking my head no. I wasn’t ready. But my hesitation was not allowed. The big hand of my first mate gripped my hair and pulled me back a second before Lathan’s voice reverberated in my ears.

“You’re Alpha is speaking to you Omega. Look at him. Don’t deny him the pleasure of watching his knot claim you.” Lathan ordered, holding me steady, making me do as they wanted. This must be an Alpha thing. Shia moved, continuing to rut me. Demanding my eyes watched the intensity. The growl that left him was total possession — demanding me to accept his knot. With my cry of release, I clamped down, joining us body and bond. Even with his release, Shia was still hungry. Kissing, licking, and touching me. Not fully letting me come down from my orgasm. I turned my trapped head to look at Lathan.

“You’re holding back love.” He accused as he craned my neck to kiss me as he reached down to flick my nub. I bucked into his hand. “No, please, no.” I panted I was oversensitive.

“Come for me,” Lathan demanded as he continued to manipulate my body. Shia took my breast to his mouth. So many hands and hypersensitive nerves sent me over the edge again, reducing me to a trembling, pulsating mass of nerves. My mind was as overwhelmed as was my body. I fell asleep resting on Shia’s chest. The smell and feel of my transformed Alpha.

“How do you live with this?” I heard Shia’s question vibrate through me. “My chest aches with the love I feel for her.” The softly spoken words rumbled from his chest to mine, pushing past the fog of sleep. Making my heart clench with uncertainty.

“It’s indescribable, the power that she holds over me,” Lathan replied. “So little, yet so powerful.” Lathan left it at that, resuming his purring, helping me drift into sleep. Hours passed when sensation began to wake me. Groggy and confused, I stirred coming to in the arms of my new lover. It wasn’t a dream? Embarrassed and unsure, I turned my eyes away quickly. Looking to find Lathan, but he’d left us, me.

“You must wake up and eat my lady,” Shia said as he gently caressed my arms. I mumbled, not really sure how to move us past my embarrassment. But my growling stomach had a mind of its own. The smell of food drew me out of the warmth of his embrace. I must’ve been dead to the world. I had not heard anything. The mess Lathan had made this morning when he mated me was cleaned up. And a fresh meal sat on the table. I stood, stretching sore muscles. Grateful for the robe that had been draped over me. I turned away, avoiding questioning eyes, moving towards the table. Big arms scooped me up before I made it far. I was shocked.

“I can walk,” I told him.

“I will have to release you back to your mate soon. Don’t deny me the pleasure of you in my arms.” I blushed for the oddest reasons. Deciding to ignore the way it made me feel. I looked away from his blue eyes. Shia sat us down at the table. Me still arranged in his lap. Apparently, he meant to feed me as well. “The king ordered you to drink this,” Shia said, pulling a pitcher of water next to my cup. The huge plate of food smelled amazing. I really needed this. And while it was true, I was incredibly thirsty and hungry. I needed to establish the hierarchy that truly resided in this room.

“First off, Lathan does not rule in this room Shia. I don’t take well to his proclamations and rarely listen to him.” He frowned, halting his action.

“He’s the king.” He said, stunned by my words.

“And I am Neisa.”

“He is your mate.” He continued

“And I am his. But I’m still Neisa.” I smiled at his confusion. He shook his head. “It is my understanding Omega’s must drink as much water as possible.” He said, filling my cup.

“That is true, especially with estrous,” I confirmed.

“And what of mating and pregnancy?” He asked, placing a piece of fruit to my lips. Watching with fascination as I opened, taking it from his fingers. I chewed slowly.

“I don’t know that I drink more than normal,” I said. “Pregnancy has changed my sense of taste, though,” I complained, chewing the sweet strawberry.

“How do you mean?”

“I frequently get a bitter, metallic taste, especially after I take that prenatal vitamin. It makes water taste like liquid silver.” I complained. “Which doesn’t make any sense.” Truly it didn’t. How a tasteless substance suddenly became a struggle to get down was a mystery. “But the taste usually leaves me by evening.” I shrugged, reaching for a piece of cheese.

“I would have given that to you, my queen.” He complained, clearing my throat.

“We’re going to have to establish some rules,” I told him.

“Rules?” Shia asked me.

“Like this.” I motioned to the way he was holding and feeding me.

“What am I doing wrong?” He frowned.

“I’m a grown woman. Not an infant.” I pointed out the obvious.

“You are a goddess among the mortals. You should be cared for as such.” He disagreed.

“I am a woman, a warrior. Do you know how many battles I have fought in?” I asked him. The need to be respected as such was a definite sore subject to me.

“Do you know that you are the first and only woman I will ever touch?” He countered my question. “Do you know how I have ached for you? Dreaming of your scent, longing to taste you again. Praying to be inside of you?” Shia demanded. I almost choked on the piece of cheese. I was finding it embarrassing to hear his unashamed honesty. Yet completely empowered by his conviction. I understood the rush of power Lathan must’ve felt when he claimed my innocence. Blushing pink I looked away.

“Why does my honesty embarrass you?” Shia asked. Blue eyes ever inquisitive. Trying to understand the complexity of my feelings.

“Why do you think men speak to me like this all the time?” I snapped. The instant the question left my mouth. Shia tensed with anger. The growl that rippled his muscles sent mine to respond. I gasped at my body’s nature.

“I will gut any man who dares think those thoughts of you let alone speaks them. You are mine; you are claimed.” He snapped. The frantic, wild beating of my heart had nothing to do with fear. The violent aggression that morphed Shia’s body demanded a reply. And I was mesmerized by the raw emotions. The smell and feel of his growl drew scented slick that perfumed the room. His emotions were already high. He turned predatorial, leaning forward to pull the intoxicating scent. The smell instantly blowing his pupils to three times the normal size. “I don’t know how the king has the strength to pull himself out of this room.” He said. “Tell me Omega, if I called to your body, will your slick run for me?” He asked. “Again?” I was already calling to his body. “Yes,” I told him honestly. His smile turned feral instantly, growling through the kiss that shook me loose. My body moved, willingly giving him what he wanted. He turned me quickly to ride him again. Shia filled me to the hilt in one gratifying thrust. Within a few minutes, I was climaxing and locking us secure in our mating.

“Are you pleased my queen?” Shia asked as he stroked my trembling body.

“Rule number three, my name is Neisa.” I reminded him. Grumbling, my order through my lingering post-climax.

“What about rule number two?” He asked me with a smile.

“No growling at the table.” I smiled at his raised brow. “We were supposed to be eating.” I reminded him.

“You were supposed to be eating and drinking.” He said as he dutifully pushed a glass of water into my hand.

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