Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The moon was high and bright. The cold of the night chilled us to the bone, morning was a long way off. But I’d be dammed if I’d leave this tower without a fight. Not only was I mad because Lathan had beat me like a dog, but he’d made me weak, soft. I’d spent many shitty nights out in the elements. A month living like a queen had turned me into a baby. I hunkered down with my bad mood, sore ass, and broken sister. Definitely the worst night of my life.

“My queen.” A familiar voice called softly to me from below. Alerting me, I scrambled to my bow. “Shia?”

“The king ordered me to bring this to you.” He lifted a huge blanket up for me to see.

“No.” I refused it without really thinking. The warmth that would offer was tempting.

“My queen.” Shia sounded worried, almost wounded. “This is my first appointed task. If you refuse it, I will not be allowed to train with the guard.” I could hear his disappointment. Oh, Lathan was in so much trouble.

“Bastard,” I mumbled. That was dirty, even for the king. Shia fired an arrow into the wooden eve of the tower. Karina immediately pulled the rope up to us. I was keenly aware that it was not only Shia’s eyes that fell heavily upon me. Lathan watched me from the shadows. I cannot deny the pull I felt. The need to be near him. The ache that only he soothed. But neither could I deny the pain, and betrayal that throbbed in my heart. I had no doubt he could feel it too. It would keep me and him uneasy tonight. Karina untied the huge thick blanket. Re-coiled the rope around, tossing it back down. Pulling my eyes from the shadows, I looked to the man on horseback. “Thank you, Shia.”

“My queen.” He nodded his head in respect before gently tugging on the reins, nudging his horse. I watched him ride to the outpost gates. They opened, and he left with two more riders. I said a silent prayer for him. The warlord knew we were here.

“Neisa!” Karina called from behind me. “Guess we won’t starve.” She said, looking down at the care package that Lathan had tucked into the bedroll.

“That’s all you Karina. I packed my lunch.” I had only taken the blanket because he used poor Shia. I would not eat any of his food, eyeing the bribe with anger.

“Do you have any idea how much I missed you?” The young woman asked me. And I laughed.

“Tell me; I’ve got all night.” We talked until Karina’s full stomach hit her. Tucked into our bedding, we drifted off. I was restless, unable to get comfortable. Hours later I finally gave up, living as queen had perks and downfalls. The most glaring one was that I’d become soft and spoiled. My muscles complained loudly, and I squirmed on the hard floor. Sleep was a lost cause. I carefully extracted myself away from my sister. God’s only know how long her peace would last. I’d been up hours before the sun. Even with Lathan’s bribe, I had been cold. Not from the temperature but the strain in the bond. The physical separation between us made it worse. I had always cared for the women in my charge. Omega’s, Beta it didn’t matter, trying to be tuned to them as a group and individuals. I prided myself on knowing how to help them. That alone had been emotionally challenging. But since I had been claimed and bonded, I realized how much more intense a bond was. It had been very powerful all on its own. Now that I’d claimed Lathan it had become telekinetic. All I did was feel — an odd sensation to process feelings that weren’t always mine. Lathan had not slept much either, if at all. The two-way bond vibrated with raw emotions that clashed with mine. Lathan truly believed he’d acted justified, and within his role as my Alpha, to discipline me. Well if he wanted me to of acknowledge his feelings, then he could damn well acknowledge mine. I was not going to change my heart or my mind. Regardless of how I ached to be near my mate, he’d hurt more than my flesh. He’d damage my trust and his integrity. I was ready to get my day started. Even in a crow’s nest, I could stay active. I left Karina sleeping fitfully to go to the end of the tower, stretching out my wrecked body longer than usual, taking a moment to warm up cold muscles before I did a set of push-ups, and then sit-ups. Bless the stars did I hurt. I could imagine how bad my backside looked today. It felt like someone had taken a bat to it. I tried hard to work through the pain. At daybreak, I started scouting with the binoculars and scopes. Amazed how far I could actually see. The unclaimed had a hell of a vantage point from here. A bird’s eyes view into the Shadowlands. I never realized how close my sisters had been to danger. A worried chill made me shiver. I could have been late. Too late to stop the horde from crossing into the Shadowlands. If Sephra’s dog had done what he did, they’d all be dead. Karina should be martyred for her suffering. The sacrifice she’d been forced to make had single-handedly been what saved seventeen lives. I would do whatever I needed to see her pain repaid. I sat on a perch high above the outpost, watching it move seamlessly as they efficiently exchanged information and rotated guards. What an interesting group of men. Men who’d been dealt a rotten hand. Humans living in a genetic limbo where they lived unclaimed, denied the opportunity to be known as Alpha or Beta — left in a lifetime of transition that would take them nowhere. I may not have been thrilled when my dynamic revealed me to be Omega. But I would rather be Omega then unclaimed. Especially if that uncertainty meant my family unjustly abandoned me. How many of these men shared a story like Shia’s? How many had been disowned because they had received poor genetics? I placed my hands on the little life that I held. Not even able to understand. I loved what I was growing in my womb. Alpha, Beta, or Omega. It was mine. And I would never fault it. I promised my unborn, my eternal love. I sat cradling my stomach, lost in thought for a spell. Wondering and dreaming of what the future had planned for me. My daydreaming stopped when the gates were opened. I watched Shia enter through the gates, knowing what his wagon carried. I was instantly sick to my stomach. I knew what lay under the tarp that covered It. The stench of death contaminated the air, turning my stomach with the smell. Lathan had ended my rebellion. Knowing how badly I wanted to bury my sisters. Silently I joined the Omegas, crying over my murdered friends. Painful minutes ticked by as I looked at the horror in front of me. I’d known these Omegas in life. Strong, vibrant, and loyal. It was incredibly painful to see them marred and dead. “Lathan, we need a place to prepare them.” The shock and disbelief weakened more than just my voice.

“Of course. Captain, take the Omega’s to the stone house.” Lathan softly ordered.

“Sir,” Shia responded as he stepped forward. Reaching for the tarp, I still held. “My queen, may I?” The tall, blue-eyed soldier asked. I reluctantly let go stepping back to let Shia cover them. Muffled sobbing strangled my heart as I watched Shia lead the horses to the edge of the camp. I intended to follow my sisters. Only stopping when Lathan grabbed my hand. My emotional state was as wrecked as our bond. Knowing Lathan could feel this too.

“Neisa, you will forgive me.” Lathan proclaimed.

“In time.”

“Now.” He demanded.

“Don’t give me your high-handed bullshit Lathan.” I quietly snapped at him. “You cannot, and will not tell me how to deal with your betrayal.”

“I did not betray you.” He visibly recoiled, looking genuinely appalled by my wording.

“You did.” I retorted. “And when I come to terms with that, I will let you know.” I meant to leave it at that. Turning to leave.

“I brought you your fallen as a sign of respect, and my love for you.”

“Thank you.” I said. Lathan’s hand-dug in harder, crushing it with the necessary force.

“Do not belittle my efforts or my affections.” He warned me.

“I didn’t realize I had,” I told him truthfully as I look bravely into eyes of the emotionally clueless Alpha. “Thank you for risking the lives of your men to bring me, my sisters. This means a great deal to us, to me.” I said weathering the hurricane that was my mate. “But it doesn’t change the pain that you caused.” I felt my heart clenched with the fresh memory. Not even trying to hide the fact or the way it made me feel. “I need time.”

“And what about us,” Lathan demanded. “Do you intend to make me suffer?”

“I never intended to make you do anything Lathan. We are here because of you.”

“Fucking madness.”

“We have sisters and brothers who need us now. Please let me mourn my dead.”

I reached for the hand that sought mine. It was Karina’s. I gripped her cold hand tightly. Seeking something comforting as I stood with my shaken sisters. The stone house was a small structure used by the unclaimed. Housing and caring for their dead. An unfortunate reminder that war and death were unavoidable. How many lives have laid on these hard stone tables? Being washed and prepared, being cried over and mourned? How many pointless deaths had been caused by greed, power, and lust? The question made me feel hopeless as I wept over my sisters. The Omega’s and I washed and cared for Evon and Cassia, gently tending to their bodies, taking great care and time to prepare them to be re-gifted. When we finished, Esme spoke. “Sisters, tend to yourself. We will give our dead back at nightfall.” I walked hand-in-hand with Karina and Kambry, equally torn between our collective worries, fear, and uncertainty. The entire day had been spent in preparation for funerals. With the sun already setting, I had no time or energy to deal with Lathan. I avoided the inevitable argument with him, bathing and dressing in Kambry’s room. I sat numb and cold on the edge of the bed, waiting until the sky turned black. When the earth called to me, I silently joined my sisters.


I watched as eleven Omega’s silently moved into the center of the camp. All of them wearing white gowns, feet bare and hair falling freely down their backs. Captivating yet haunting. The Omegas were enchanting creatures — sirens of the earth. I approached with the bonded Alpha, and the unclaimed. Feeling like an intruder in my own camp. The Omega’s looked on us with apprehension.

“Omega’s, we wish to honor your fallen if we may.” Silent looks moved through their ranks before Esme walked forward.

“King Lathan. Omega’s and Alphas were never intended to live apart. But we are a special breed of women. Blessed by the moon. We have sacred ways and traditions we must adhere to.”

“We do not mean to intrude. Merely stand by our mates.” I said, looking directly into Neisa’s eyes.

“Very well.” The mystic spoke for them all. “Alphas, what you are about to witness is sacred. You are not to interfere.” Esme told them sternly.

“Alphas, do you understand?” I asked my men. A resounding yes moved the ceremony forward. The mystic returned to her station.

“The time to mourn our dead has passed. No more tears will be shed for Ebon, and Cassia. We will honor the lives that we knew as Ebon, and Cassia. Giving back their spirits to the moon and earth.” The mystic spoke clearly. “Sister Neisa.” Neisa stepped forward. Even though she looked sad, she remained strong and beautiful — my mahogany haired Omega with multi-colored eyes.

“Omega’s, I’ve have proudly fought and lived among you all my life. I have grown up with you. Faces that are forever in my heart and mind. It is an honor to be able to present, and re-gift the light of our sisters, Ebon and Cassia. May the moon cast their light deep into the heavens. Burning brightly for us to see.” Neisa moved forward bowing low to whisper something to them. Next, she laid her hand on the swelled stomach of each Omega, again speaking to the child that died with its mother. Watching Neisa pay homage to these women was horrifying. Seeing murdered Omega’s still swollen with child was sickening. And I could not fathom the evil that moved a hand to kill a mother and her unborn. One by one, the Omega’s all took turns speaking to their dead. Esme spoke when the last Omega said goodbye.

“Omega’s we are all reflections of the moon. Each one of us is a star — gifted light by the goddess herself. The stars known as Ebon and Cassia have faded from this life. We humbly asked the goddess to accept their spirits, and rebirth them when the time is right.” The woman responded in unison before moving to the deceased. Picking up, and carrying the bodies to rest on the wood pyres. An eerie humming started as Esme took a torch to each one of them. The camp stilled as the Omega’s begin to sing a mournful song in an unknown language. But the melody was soul-wrenching. Causing my heart to clench and ache from the sound alone. The fires engulfed the bodies roaring high into the night. I watched as the smoke and spark rose. “The goddess is grateful to have her children returned. Thank you for returning them.” Esme said.

The fires had burned out, leaving the camp and all that remained sullen and depleted. I watched as the Omega’s pushed the ash into the holes that had been dug next to the pyres — regifting the ashes to the earth. I ached to comfort Neisa. This had been incredibly taxing on my mate. And understandably so. It was draining on the leader to be strong and brave for those under your rule. I, however, knew my rebel mate. I could feel her pain and struggle. And while she needed me. She was not ready to admit that or accept me. Neisa was still very angry, and confused by my love and duty to her. Again, she struggled with her place in this world and in my heart. It would take time for both of us. The moonlight ceremony was all but done. I was anxious to get Neisa alone, knowing that we needed to talk. I pushed my intentions out through the bond. But the feeling she pushed back were wrong. Cold and fearful. Emotions I did not understand. I heard an Omega whimper in shock. We tensed, turning to where the sound came from. Esme froze, Joslyn rushed to the side of a red-haired Omega named Isla. A look of wonder and fear written clearly on the old Mystic face.

“The veil has fallen.” A cold eeriness engulfed us, sending me to action. I rushed forward, needing to protect my mate. Neisa felt me. Turning towards me, she raised her hand. “Stop. Don’t.” She halted my approach.

“What is happening?”

“The veil has fallen.” She repeated. Neisa placed a hand on my chest, keeping me to her back. I watched spellbound and anxious as Isla’s body was lowered quickly to the ground.

“What is happening?” I demanded for a second time. Looking at the Omega’s body began moving in jerking, spastic motions.

“Isla is a medium,” Neisa whispered to me, taking her hand off my chest, turning her attention back to her sisters. All fell silent as we waited for the unknown. Muscles contracted violently as the ghost of the dead took possession of her body.

“Who has lifted the veil?” Esme asked, stepping forward, reaching her hand down to the lying Omega. Eyes that were not of this world looked up at her.

“Ebon old sister.” The voice of the dead Omega spoke.

“Be at peace with us.”

“I can’t.” She said as she pushed her self of the ground.


Ebon’s eyes were heartbroken. Filled with bitter pain. Resentful that she been forced from this life by a traitor’s hands. Murdered in cold blood. Ebon was an exceptional soldier. She’d had a rough start in life. When she defected to our lands, she’d been abused. A spirited and willful Omega. She’d excelled in our army. The structure and purpose had made her happy. She’d been content to call us family. Even though her abrasive attitude may not always show it. She was a loyal Omega. Always protecting us. I saw that the warrior had returned to us tonight.

“Karina, at my feet, now.” The spirit ordered.

“Ebon?” Karina’s voice was a scared whisper. Ebon stood rigid and tense as she waited. Eyeing the anxious group. Looking at the Alphas with trepidation. Dead eyes stalked Karina’s worried footsteps. When she spoke, it was in our tongue.

“Karina your pain is not different or unique. You are not the first to know it, and you will not be the last. Do you understand me?” I felt my stomach lurch with her words, watching how they shook Karina. We all knew the truth. It was hard to watch her look down in shame, feeling the weight of someone else’s sin on her body.

“Yes, sister,” Karina said. But Ebon was not done. She pushed forward.

“If your knife finds your vein, you will be damned to the Wastelands forever.” I could not hold back the fear that surged in my heart. Karina had been flirting with ideas that would devastate us all.

" You, your line, your entire being will be forgotten.” Spirit grabbed Karina by the throat, squeezing until Karina fought frantically. Lane dared to aid Katrina. But Ebon’s spirit hissed at him, startling the Alpha. Ebon spoke to him in English. “Don’t make her lesson more painful.” She seethed, turning back to the struggling Omega in her hand. “Can you feel your body screaming for air? The struggle, the fear. The waiting hand of death. That’s what my Alpha felt as well, as my child. Remember that.” Ebon warned Karina, releasing her grip. Karina dropped to her knees, frantically gasping for air. Ebon stumbled back falling to the ground. Isla purged the spirit of death. Esme and Joslyn gently lowered Isla back. I moved to Karina, taking the shook Omega into my arms, holding her tightly as she grasped what had just happened. Her secret was no more. The escape she believed death would give her was a doom worse than this. And I was ashamed that I had not seen her pain for what it was. I consoled my sister as the others closed in around us. Isla would be out for a while. Being a physical gate was taxing on her. With their nerves on edge, the able Omega’s worked. I held Karina so long that my muscles ached. But I did not let go until she stopped crying. Our dead had been properly seen to. Midnight was settling on us. I desperately wanted a moment to regroup. A minute to sit in absolute silence and not feel anything. But when I heard disbelief fill Joslyn’s voice, I knew that that was not going to happen. “The veil has fallen.” The panic in Joslyn’s voice was understandable. Spirit never visited twice. Isla’s chest moved in shallow, rapid breaths. It happened so quick I was unsure who called out my name. “Neisa!” I cautiously dropped to the ground, reaching for spirit’s hand. “Neisa! Thank the gods.” The Omega dialect, and musical voice confirmed I was talking to Cassia, glowing through Isla’s eyes. It was very surreal to be looking at Cassia’s eyes. Eyes that I hadn’t seen in weeks.

“Cassia,” I said, unable to stop the surge of tears that filled my eyes.

“Sister, you have to leave. You have to move. Zoltan has dispatched a war party. By daybreak, they will be positioned along the northern route.” Cassia’s warning sent all the Omega’s to angst. My heart bolted, beating to the rhythm of war. The northern route was the only way to the capital, the only road that provided safe travel for pregnant Omega’s. “You have to leave now.” The Omega’s at my side awaiting my orders. Ready to obey. I pulled Cassia to me for the last time in this life. “Thank you, sister.” “Be safe,” Cassia said as she left Isla’s body. I lowered the spent body of our medium back to the ground. “Omega’s, we leave in 20 minutes.”

“What?” Lathan demanded as he pushed through the line to get to me. I knew that the northern road was in Lathan’s kingdom. I had been looking at the maps with Kambry. But the Shadowlands bordered his. The horde could easily cross over, and post their Alphas on the road. “Stay with Isla. I will be right back.” I told Joslyn as I pushed off the ground. “Zoltan has sent an ambush party. By morning they will have men positioned along the northern route.” I informed him. His Alpha’s and unclaimed tensed instantly. We left them staring as we prepared to leave. I was back in less than ten minutes, joining the rest of my sisters, finding Lathan there waiting. “Esme, what does Isla need?” I asked as I dropped to her side. Isla looked like shit. Her body had been through a lot in the past weeks. Being kidnapped, collared, and chained in a wagon. Having to fight her way out, and now she’d been taken by spirit. Twice in less than an hour. I was praying to the goddess to give her strength.

“Sister, she cannot travel. Not in her state.” Esme said as she tended to her patient. Overwrought with emotions and stressed out, I snapped at her.

“I will not leave her behind.” Damning the fear that surged in me. My outburst had been seen by all. I was very aware that all my sisters were here — some of them with their mates.

“You must. Spirit has weakened her body. She and the baby need to recover.” Esme spoke softly, pleading her case for them both.

“I do not leave my sisters behind.” I ground out my feelings, swallowing down the bitterness. I was not in the right headspace.

“Neisa, there are more than 200 soldiers at this post. They are safe.” Lathan could not breach my walls through the bond. But he could use his authority as king. A position he rightfully held. He would use it. “I will send my guard to retrieve them in no less than a week.” He tried to reason with me with my worried, and distracted mind. I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw. Resentfully and pissed off that I was forced into this position.

“Sister, I will stay behind as well,” Kambry said as she moved forward. “I will help Neisa, I will help Esme.” The risk with high either way. But I could not risk Isla and her unborn child’s life. They’d already been through too much. I bit back the tears. Turing to see my brave sisters looking to me for strength and hope.

“Omega’s report,” I called out the order. Horses were saddled with speed. Time was slipping. I steadied myself, focusing on what I could actually control.

“Neisa.” Isla weakened voice called to me as an unclaimed gently lifted her into his arms. “Tell Alex I’m well and waiting for him.” I nodded my agreement, and she was taken to the villa.

“Kambry.” I hugged the young woman tightly to my chest. She did the same. “Be safe.” I made her promise as I kissed her head, and stroked her hair.

“I’m not afraid. Not anymore, Neisa.” She whispered back. And I pulled away, cherishing her strength. “No, you’re not,” I said proudly. “Omega’s never stand alone.” I didn’t dare look back at the lies I was leaving behind. “How far is it to the Capital?”

“More than a hundred miles,” Lathan said as we mounted up. “Joslyn?” I called back to the very pregnant Omega.

“I will not give birth without my mate.” She promised me.

“I’m holding you to that warrior.”

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