The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 53

(Chapter song ‘Lightning Crashes' by Live)


I chew my nail as I pace. My gut is sick and I can’t get the image out of my head. So much blood. I stop and look to the metal double doors hoping someone will come out.

When it doesn’t happen, I rub my nape and continue wearing a hole in the floor. The door busts open and I turn my head. A couple of nurses come out and I let out a breath. I look away and wrap my arm around my waist. I stop, close my eyes and look to the ceiling. ‘Please, let them live.’

“Avery! Any word?”

I look down the hall as Krestin, Quaid, and Darius rush toward me.

I shake my head. “Nothing. I’m about to lose my damn mind.” I blow out a frustrated breath and turn. As I turn back, Zander, Dorian, and Demetri join the group.

“What happened?” Zander asks.

I flop my hand to my side. “I don’t know. We were laughing and picking stupid names, then she got up and the bed was soaked. I mean soaked, Zan.” I cover my eyes with my hand and place my other hand on my hip as I try to rid my mind of the terror.

He rests his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t lose faith, alright. It'll be OK. I have hope.”

“Zen’s strong. She’ll pull through.” Krestin reassures.

I suck in a broken breath and try to remain calm.

“The wee one?” Quaid asks quietly.

I shake my head. “I don’t know. She went to the doctor two days ago. Everything was fine. Now, they say she’s bleeding from somewhere. This is all my fault. I should have known my wolf would heal everything. Damn it, why wasn’t I more careful…”

“It’s not your fault, Avery. Theses things happen.” Dorian replies.

“Yeah, well. I don’t believe that for a fucking second.” I walk to the waiting room and sit. I lean on my knees and hold the back of my neck in my hands. I’m fighting so hard not to tear through those doors and demand to see my wife and child.

Dorian sits beside me. “You and Zen didn’t come all this way to fail now. She’ll live, mate. Trust and believe that. Your baby will bounce into this beautiful world and you amazing wife will be holding her. Believe your heart. She’s not out yet.”

I lean back. “I’m trying.”

“Mr. Kirkland?”

I whip my head to the hall and see the surgeon standing in the door way.

“Please have good news.” I say in a panic as I meet him.

He smiles. “Mother and baby are doing just fine.”

I let go of the breath I was holding. “Thank God.” I lean a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He smiles. “You’re a lucky man.”

“I am.” I laugh as the rest of the council gathers around me.

He looks at us all. “Zen’s placenta tore off the uterine wall. It ripped a hole in her uterus. This caused blood to pool in her abdomen.”

I cross my arms and listen intently. “How did this happen?”

“There’s no cause that I could find. Sometimes these things just happen. Pregnancy is a very real risk.” He states. “But we managed to stop the bleeding. I'm afraid the next one… might not be possible. The risk is a lot higher now.”

I nod. “I… I can accept that.”

He nods back. “The baby suffered a few minutes without air, but she’s fine. All vitals are normal.”

“A girl?” My eyes light up and a big grin grow on my face.

“Yes, Mr. Kirkland. You have a daughter.” He smiles back.

My heart swells, but I silently let out a sigh of relief. A girl. A girl is good.

“Thank you so much.” I shake my head as I fight my emotions.

“You're welcome.” He smiles. “I do have to explain something to you before you see them. You need to be prepared.” His tone changes to a more serious one which has my nervousness rise back up.

“Prepared for what?” I ask in confusion.


I slowly walk down the hall as people pass with balloons, teddy bears and other gifts to celebrate new life. As I slowly walk to the room where my family is, I think about what he told me.

‘It’s a rare defect among shifters, but seen often in other species of animals. The absence of pigment is only cosmetic.’


I pass fathers kissing mothers and holding their babies. All I can feel immense guilt and my mind spins on what I’m going to do. It’s not fair and not what I wanted. How could I do this to her?

‘She will have a full quality of life. Her functions won’t be hindered.’

‘You’re certain they’re red?’

‘Yes, Mr. Kirkland.’

Every step is another punch to my gut. I’ve ruined her life before it even began. How could I be so selfish?

I stop at the room door and mentally prepare myself for what I’m about to see. For a fleeting moment I think… What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to handle this? I didn’t even know what he looked like. Now, my daughter… The way I feel…

I push open the door and Zen is laying in bed. She silently sleeps as I see the pink blanket move in the bassinette beside her bed.

‘We will be following her development. It’s an interesting case. I’ve never heard…”

‘There was only one that existed…’

‘Were they family?’


I slowly and silently walk to the bassinette. The little toes kick the blanket and the slightest of coos comes from the tiny crib. The soft sound hits me right in the heart.

‘She’s still the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen. You should be proud.’

‘I am…’

‘The only thing we may have a concern about is her wolf. I wouldn't expect much, in that regard.’

‘I don’t think we'll have a problem…’

She squeaks and her little hand lifts up, then drops down. When my eyes fall on her, I wrap my arm around myself and rub my lips. My eyes well and she stares at me. She doesn’t make a sound. She doesn’t move a muscle. Her tiny baby lips fall neutral. All she does is blink two gorgeous red eyes at me.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I smile and give her a little wave. I can’t…I have to…

I bend over, fix her blanket, and carefully lift her out. I place her on my chest and rest my lips on her snow white silver hair. “I’m sorry.” I hitch as I close my eyes and more tears fall. “So sorry. I tried to spare you. I really did.”

I rest my cheek on her head as I walk around the room. “But I promise. As long as I live. You won’t end up like him. You won’t. I will fight for you tooth and nail. I’m your father and I will always be there.”

I cradle her in my arm and she yawns. She wiggles and I chuckle. “You’re tired, huh? My princess had a big day. Trust me, little girl. I’m your biggest fan. You are going to do so many great things for the world. Nothing’s going to stop you. Everyone’s gonna love you. Everyone is going want to be your friend. I promise. I’m backing you 100 percent. I’m in your corner, always. Everything I will ever do will be for you. Everything. No one’s messing with you. Not while daddy’s around.”

I cuddle her into my chest as I pace. “My little princess.” As I pet her soft hair, I feel it. The love growing. The devotion to this little girl.

I questioned it before, but now I know what I have to do.

My world is in my arms and I couldn’t be prouder. She'll have the best life. I’ll make sure of it. Nothing will stop me. Not my family. Not my father. I promise to give her everything she could ever need.

“Hey…” I walk around the room with her. “I guess that means you’re the queen heir to the Striker House. Amazing, right? I love you so much. You and your mother are my most precious possessions. No one will take you from me, Gabriella. No one.”

“Gabriella… I like it.”

I turn and a big smile lights up my face. I take Gabriella over to her mother, and drop to my knee at her bedside. “Can you hold her?”

“I can’t try.” She whispers.

I lean to her lips. “I love you so much. Thank you for this. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” I can barely hold back the tears.

“You’re welcome. I expect…all the ice cream.” She smiles through labored breath.

“Done.” I laugh and kiss her.

Gabriella starts to cry as I gently put her in Zen’s arms. “Shhh…” She says as she gently bounces her.

“Look at you. Mom mode already.” I chuckle.

“Trust me. I have no idea what I’m doing.” She smirks.

I pet her hair and rub Gabriella’s cheek. “Don’t worry. I got you, too. We can do this.”

She looks to the baby. “Why Gabriella?”

“It was my mother’s name. Gabby… for short.” I say softly.

She places her hand on my cheek and I kiss her. “It’s beautiful. I love it.” She fixes Gabby's white hair. “She’s perfect.”

Gabby’s red eyes flick between us like she’s trying to figure us out. I lean to her. “Don’t worry, kid. We aren’t always this messy.” I smile as I shake her little hand and she grunts

“Most days we are.” Zen laughs.

“Ok. Most days.” I kiss her forehead. I take a big sigh. “This is going to be one hell of an adventure.”

“I just hope is a nice adventure.” Her brows stitch up and I do the same. “It’s not going to be easy for her… Being different.”

“No. It’s not. But it’s our job to make sure she’s understood. People will see her for who she is. Not what she looks like. I’ll make sure if it. If they have a problem with it, I’ll step in and they can deal with me.” I say with conviction. “This child… This little girl. She’s my legacy, Zen. I need to make her life as perfect as it can be. I’ll teach her to be the best Queen the Striker house has ever seen. People will follow her and respect her. I have a duty to both of you and I won’t fail. I’m doing right by both of you.”

“I’m holding you to that.” She threatens with a smirk.

“I would never lie about this. You and Gabby are top priority. We will get our lives back on track and give this little girl an empire she can be proud of.” I grin.

“Humans don’t have empires. At least not for a few thousand years.” She laughs.

“It’s making a comeback. Starting today. The House of Striker will lead in the house of humans with Gabby in front where she should be.”

“You're starting to sound like Zander.” She chuckles. “I can’t wait to see that.” She rests her head back and I can see she’s tiring.

I take Gabby from her. “You rest. I’ll call a nurse to feed her.”

“I love…you.” She says as she starts to drift off.

“I love you, too.” I mumble on her forehead and kiss it.

As Zen completely passes out from pain medication, I get another moment of alone time with my daughter.

I gently rock her in my arms as I stroll across the room floor. “You’ll rule with the greats. I can just see it now. You'll sit on the council and make powerful changes. The world is yours, Gabby. It's all yours. This time it'll be different. It'll be different because I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ll be at your side supporting you, backing you, and helping you… Fighting for you. You'll never be alone. I'll follow you to the end of the world.

I stop and look out the hospital room window. “You really are the best thing I ever did in my messed up life.” I hold her on my arm, so I can see her eyes. They lock with mine and it feels like she truly understands me.

I gently run my hand across her forehead and cheek. My eyes hit my ring as it rests on her skin. I lift my hand and run my thumb over it. I smile as I study my queen heir. “You’re strong. You’re powerful. You’re definitely better than what I will ever become. You’ll sit on that throne with so much conviction and confidence, they will have no choice but take you seriously. The entire world will know you and you will have so much love, they will have to listen. But wherever you go. Whatever you do. Always follow your heart and don’t let anyone get in your way from doing what you love.”

I hold her tight, glance at Zen, then look out the window at the world my daughter will eventually enter. “If you remember anything… remember this…”

“Daddy loves you.”

I look at my reflection and see the gold light from my eyes. I gently run my thumb over my ring and feel a stir.

A slow smirk grows on my lips as I hold my baby a little tighter. I feel everything. It’s growing and it will be my fuel to give this baby everything she deserves. I know what I have to do. And no one can do it but me.

I place my lips on her hair and look into my glowing eyes.

“Daddy will always… love you.”

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