The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Desperate Measures' by Marianas Trench)


“Get the satellites up"

I walk to a table and pick up the freshly printed Intel. “Who’s got the backgrounds?”


I walk to another table and take the report on the backgrounds of the necromancers who have made a beeline for Eastern Europe. From what I’m reading, none of this is good. The Forsaken are making a come back under Icarus' rule with some new monsters.

Just perfect.

“What the hell?”

I glance at the door to the council room as I grab a clipboard, sign a paper, and hand it back to the Cleaner behind the table.

Dorian, Krestin, Quaid, Demetri, and Giovanni walk in and stop at the start of my make shift Sentinel. They kick out legs, cross arms, and raise questioning brows as I rush from table to table keeping up with information coming in from the people I trust most.

“Zen? What is all this?” Quaid questions.

I look around at all the tables with computers and other equipment. There’s monitors on stands and wires all over the stone floor. I may have taken over a little bit. “Hunting.” I grin and take a report from a Cleaner that walked by.

“Here?” Demetri snorts.

I flip through the papers. “The council room has the best protection and I need time to know what we’re up against.”

“The Maximus mansion…” Quaid starts.

“Doesn’t know what I do.” I finish as I glance up. I walk up to Giovanni, slap the report in his chest and look at them all. “Are you going to stand there and gawk, or are we making a battle plan?”

“Tell me what to burn.” Krestin ticks his head with a smirk.

“These lycans. They are angel, no?” Giovanni reads as he walks into the middle of my battle room.

I type on a computer and bring up everything I know about the Nightflyers. “Yes. Part lycan. Part angel. They were first introduced into the system in 2023 during the battle of Zander’s father, Eternity. Eternity pulled them out of another dimension. A planet just like ours but opposite in every way. There were only four that we knew of until the battle.”

I pull up the pictures of four teenage boys. Quads. “The Preston Quadruplets. Lycan/Shifter hybrids on this side. Their mirror world doppelgangers are Nightflyers. The army that crossed over indicated that at one point they found females. They bred. Like Lycan Queens, they can have many pups in a short period of time. All the Nightflyers killed at the battle in the desert held the Preston DNA of these four men.”

“Damn. Boys get around.” Dorian snickers.

“Yeah. And they almost wiped us out.” I flip the screen to Riley. “We had no idea they existed in our dimension until I hunted down this woman. Riley Miles. 22. No fixed address. Was found in the lobby of a hospital on the floor in Michigan at one day old. Her mother was never found until now.”

I throw up another picture of a blonde woman. “Audrey Oakland. Aka The Black Mace. Aka Anne Ferguson. A shape shifter. Father… Jesse Ferguson.”

“Wait. Nate’s father? Nala?” Quaid asks.

I turn and fold my arms. “The very same. Audrey and Nate are twins. In 1901, their mother split them. She sent Anne to an orphanage and kept Nate. My guess, it’s better to keep the angel than the shape shifter.”

“Stupid woman.” Giovanni grumbles. “A creature like that is useful.”

“Not to a simple woman.” I inform.

“She’s a shape shifter. Where does the Lycan come in?” Krestin asks.

“Audrey did much the same as Jesse. Survived through the ages by shape shifting.” I hit a button and pull up reports and pictures. “28 years ago, she made a home in a town called Oxford. Just outside Axelridge. The town was attacked by Lycans. From the Intel from Riley, her mother was taken by one, Vincent Vinelli. He held her. Assaulted her in various ways and left her for dead.”

Giovanni chewed his cheek. “The New York lycans have always been a headache to this family.”

“That’s not hard. All lycans are headaches.” Demetri side eyes him and Giovanni sneers.

“Anyway.” I continue. “Audrey found herself pregnant and left Riley at the hospital. What Audrey didn’t know was just because she didn’t present as an angel, didn’t mean the DNA genes didn’t exist.” I pull up the DNA chains. “Her angel Nephilim genes were passed to Riley. These genes combined with Vinellis genes and now, she’s making baby Nightflyers.”

I pull up pictures of men and women all with blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Bloody hell. They all look alike?” Quaid cinches his brow.

I nod. “These people… are Riley’s. In the absence of genetically acceptable males, a Nightflyer female will asexually reproduce. Technically, they should all be female clones, but for some reason, she can produce males, too. We think it may be the angel gene. My guess is to be able to start the introduction of the species.” I throw up the biological profile.

“So, this woman was out there populating the planet with things?” Dorian asks.

“Yes. From what I can tell, it’s even quicker than any known shifter/lycan hybrid. The fastest on record is a man named Adam Spencer who matured at 3. Which is on par with purebred lycans. Hybrids, like Quinten Preston, his children, and the Preston Quads all matured at 5. Nightflyers are lethal at nine months.” I inform.

“Nine months?!” Quaid questions.

“It is the Battle Angel.”

We turn to Cora and Nathaniel walking in.

“What do you got?” I cross my arms and watch them join the circle.

Nathaniel steps forward. “Angel’s are genetic clones. They control growth. When a cherub is grown, it’s fully capable of becoming an adult in minutes. All the knowledge of Capricorn is essentially downloaded into its brain and its soul wiped clean of all emotion. Depending on how many the Angels may need, is how fast the Battle Angels allow the process to work.”

He enters the circle and turns. “Caliel. My guardian for many years and essentially… my father, too. He was a former Battle Angel turned Guardian Angel possessing my mother when she got pregnant with me and Audrey. His power combined with our DNA. I received a high concentration of Angel DNA. Audrey got the shape-shifting. But we do both possess the same powers. Audrey has never displayed any Nephilim capabilities, but it seems, Caliels power made it into Riley. Combined with the Lycan DNA, made the Nightflyer. It's why I can only shift into one. The angel won’t let me ahift into anything else.”

He walks to the monitor. “Because Caliel was genetically marked as a Battle Angel on his creation, his power is more intense than grown guardians. His bloodline is pushing its way through. His Battle Angel is creating these creatures. Which means if the angels ever felt the need, they, themselves, could make more.”

“How do you know all this?” I ask.

“Caliel told me… and Mikael. He’s actually very talkative.” Nathaniel cinches his brow.

“He’s cocky. He doesn’t expect us to live. So, why not tell you everything?” Demetri says calmly.

“But we hold his life in our hands.” Nathaniel questions.

“True. But he doesn’t believe it. He most likely believes that he’ll be found and rescued.” The vampire states.

“Regardless of why, he talked.” I walk to the monitors. I press a key. “These are the latest satellite images and reports are coming in of serious necromancer movement.” I shut the monitor off. “We need a plan.”

“Fighting them directly is probably not the most intelligent moves.” Cora warns.

“Agreed.” I answer.

“Miss.” One of my men hand me a paper.

I look it over then report. “Icarus is in Budapest. The level of traffic is unmeasurable. Icarus told me he was taking me to Transylvania. Why send everyone to Budapest?”

“The trials.” Quaid answers.

“The Sorcerers Trials?” I tilt my head

“Yes. Parts of them are being held in Moldova. A magical center. Not as strong as Arthur, but it serves as a recharge area. If Icarus is posturing in Budapest with his eye on Transylvania, he’s looking to attack in two fronts.” Quaid supplies.

“What do you mean?” Krestin asks.

“I mean that he will erect a wall in Romania while attacking Moldova. He's probably looking to force the sorcerers to break open the prison.” He looks around the group, and seems alright, but you can tell he's terrified.

“And acquire more magic.” Cora adds.

Dorian looks around the circle. “Then that’s what we do. We split and attack from both sides. We gather everyone. Cora can drop half in Moldova and the rest can attack from the other side in Romania.”

“The High Council of Sorcerers won’t allow an army to invade the country. Especially, during the trials. It’s in complete lock down unless you’re a sorcerer.” Quaid replies.

Dorian raises a brow. “Then you tell the idiots, if they don’t let us in, they’re dead. Simple.”

“Threatening them won’t work.” Quaid folds his arms and eyes him.

“Do whatever you need to, Quaid. We need in there. If we attack Icarus from the front, he’ll be pushed back. We can’t stop him if we don’t have forces behind him preventing him from running.” I supply.

“As long as we keep the war in Romania, you won’t have issue. Just don’t cross over into Moldova.” He shrugs.

“If he stays in Budapest, it is doable.” Cora agrees.

“Then that’s what we do.” I finalize.

“Where’s the painting?” Dorian asks.

“We're not exactly sure, but there’s a high concentration of Nightflyers in Transylvania. An old castle. My guess, it’s there.” I answer.

“Right.” Cora glances around the circle. “You all need to mark yourselves. All the runes you can fit. Necromancers in a group are more powerful and crafty. You need to be prepared.”

“Hand out the markers.” I smirk.

“We'll get started.” Cora smiles at Nathaniel.

“I have to check on Avery and bring him up to speed. I’ll be back.” I hand Cora the paper and leave the council room.

When I get to our room, he’s sitting at the table, hunched over paper, with papers all over. He’s writing with great concentration. My brows come together as I shut the door and stroll across the floor.

He pushes a paper away and grabs another one.

“Hey.” I lean to ger his attention with a little wave.

“Hi. How was the battle planning?” He asks as he continues to write.

I lean my hip on the table edge and pick up one of several itinerary plans. “It wasn’t a tea party, but I think we’re ready to move. What’s all this?”

“Plans… for during and after the wedding.” He mutters as he creates another list.

I'm filled with curiosity as I read it over. ‘”Avery… These are travel plans.”

“Yeah, and I want to make sure I have everything planned out.” He flashes a smile at me and scratches a few lines out.

“Ok, look.” I pull my phone out and lay it on the table. I scroll through the messages that have been flooding my phone since I texted that we were back together and serious. “I contacted my mother and she’s all over it. You don’t have to worry about anything. All you need to do is show up.”

“No. Not this time.” He shakes his head. “This is our day and I’m going to be hands on. I missed so much last time. I want everything to be perfect.”

“Ok, bridezilla.” I smirk, take his pen, then his hand. “I get you're excited, but nothing is happening anytime soon.”

“Soon is what I want, Zen.” He picks up his pen and searches the lists. “I’m not waiting another minute.”


He takes me off the table and sits me in a chair. “Let’s go. Tonight. We can catch a plane and be in Vegas in the Morning.

I laugh as I read a message from my mother looking for contact numbers. I search my phone for the number for the caterer. “I’m not getting married by a bad impression of Elvis. It’s fine. Between my mother and l, we can have the wedding done my summer.”

He pulls his chair closer, grabs my phone, and sets it aside. “I don’t want to wait, Zennie. I need to do this now.”

I study his eyes. “Why? Why are you rushing this?”

He rubs his nape. “I just… I messed up so badly. I took the one thing that was so precious to us and ruined it. I want to be your husband, and I need you to be my wife. I can’t wait six months.”

I lean my elbow on the table and fixate my stare on his eyes. “What’s wrong?” I study him harshly. He’s hiding something.

“Nothing. I’m excited.” He grins, kisses me, then turns to his papers.

I shake my head. “No. You’re hiding something… again. Tell me, or I’m calling it off. You promised no more secrets and lies.”

He sighs. “Ok. We’re facing an impossible fight against Necromancers and Nightflyers. I don’t want to die without being married to you. Is that good enough for you to pack a bag and hop a red eye with me tonight?”

I blink at him for a second trying to understand this sudden need to elope. He’s always been a big wedding guy. “No, Avery. We can’t leave now.”

“Fine. Get dressed in something white and we'll find someone in London.” He starts to stand me up and push me to the closest.

“Avery!” I stop him and turn. “Will you relax! We are not dying in this battle. I understand you’re scared and you might miss this, but I promise you. We will win this.”

He blows out a breath. “I want to marry you, Zen. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. One of us could…” He lowers his head.

“Ave… What’s this about?” I lean to find his eyes.

“I don’t think I can control myself, Zen. I could hurt you. So… I thought a lot about this and… I’m curing my wolf.” He meets my eyes and I try to absorb what he’s saying.

He walks over to table and grabs a paper. He brings it back and hands it to me.

I look down and read it. “Damica Dawn.” I meet his eyes. “The anti-wolf?”

He nods. “She can take him away. I don’t want to hurt you. But there’s a very serious chance that if my aging doesn’t catch up, my cancer will.” He holds my cheeks. “I would rather spend my last days in love with you than eating your face off trying to get you under the moon.”

I grab his hands. “What about the Lazarus pool, or… Atlas?”

He shakes his head. “The pool would cure my lycan gene giving me my wolf back. Id still end up dying with rapid aging. To fix that, I’d have to live in Atlas for it to work and I’m sure we both know what Titus is like.”

“No.” I blink the heat in my eyes. “You want to marry me then die? What happened to finding a cure for the cancer?”

“There isn’t, Zennie. It’s going to take me. I accept that. As long as I have your beautiful smiling face in my head when it happens, I’m happy with that. The thought of you living in fear of me… I can’t do it, Zen.” He cups my cheeks and locks his watery gaze.

I take his hand as my throat closes. “What if…” I raise my eyes. “What if I turned?”

“No.” He shakes his head and walks away. “No. That’s not an option.”

“Ave, it would solve everything wouldn’t it?” I say to his back.

“No, Zen! You don’t deserve this. You’re beautiful as a human. Don’t even think it.” He turns and leans on the table. He rubs his forehead and look out the window. “It’s not just my cancer. This… thing inside me… It’s too close to my father. I want him out.” He looks back at me. “I can’t have my father in me. I didn’t want it, but I was afraid to die. I was afraid to leave you. I'm still scared shitless, but this alternative is so much worse.”

I stand in front of him and lower my eyes. “You are not Draco, Avery. You never will be.”

“You don’t know that!” He yells as he hits the table and walks away. He turns. “Every year… Every day… The potential is there. Any moment, I could turn psychotic and try to kill the planet. Is that what you want?”

I snicker as I cross my arms. “Avery Kirkland. You have no more potential to kill the planet than Quaid does. You’re not your father.”

He walks up to me with his hand out to his side. “Look at my sister, Zen. Kidnapped and threatened to kill an entire boot camp full of kids. She tried to kill the Falcon Ridge council. My brother!” He spins around and walks away. “My fucking brother invaded peoples minds, then sent an entire fucking army to kill everyone in Black Rock for a girl that was so fucked up from my father’s venom, she helped him!! Lord knows what my nephews are going to become.” He turns back around. “Draco’s blood is poison, Zen. Poison. I may have been born wolfless, but I’m not free from it. None of us are. His entire bloodline needs to end with me. If I have to die because of it. I will.”

I walk up to him and smile. “You are the most selfless, heroic and brave man I know. You’re not poisoned.”

“For now. What about later? What if it takes me over. That could all change while trying to avoid mating you under the moon. I couldn’t live with myself, baby. It would crush me.” His eyes are so pained. He really believes his blood is evil. “If I get rid of the wolf, half my problem is gone.”

“But the other half?” I choke.

“It’s why I don’t want to wait. I want to say I do before I say goodbye.” His eyes glass over and I can’t help but wrap my arms around his waist. He rests his lips on my hair as he hugs my head. “I love you so much. I don’t want to leave you, but you don’t deserve a life of fear and misery. You don’t. I won’t let you turn yourself either. I want to be married as human or nothing. I’ve made up my mind.” He lifts his head and holds my cheek. “Please. Grant me my last wish and marry me as the man you knew before all this.”

His eyes well and I can barely hold my heart break. “Yeah, ok.” I force a smile and wipe my eyes.

He rests his head on my forehead. “You make me so happy. It’s time I made you happy for once.” He lifts his head and dries my cheeks. “Now, you pack, I’ll call the airport.” He kisses me and walks away.

“Sure.” I watch him walk to the table and a knock came on the door. I walk over and open it. “Quaid?”

He glances at both of us. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but war is afoot.”

I look back at Avery. “Right now?”

“Yes. Ricky showed up with a game plan and both kings are itching to fight, so… tally-ho.” He eyes us again and walks away down the hall.

I turn to Avery. “Looks like we have to wait after all.”

“Damn it.” He mutters.

I hug his waist. “Just don’t die.” I kiss his lips. “We'll be standing in front of a velvet Elvis soon enough. My mother is going to shit.” He chuckles and smashes my lips.

Behind the kiss, I’m suffering the most unimaginable devastation. I know enough about wolf anatomy to know that when he removes that wolf, his advanced age alone will kill him quickly.

And I’m not ready to say goodbye.

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