The Wolves of London Book 2: The House of Striker

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Magic Dance’ by David Bowie)



The pretty cashier waves to me as I enter the boutique and start looking over the racks. “Uh… Hi.” I wave quickly.

I don’t like being in countries where I don’t understand a single person. It’s frustrating. But I just don’t have the patience to learn another language.

“Salut. Nous recherchons des vêtements de voyage. Je suppose… taille 5?” Avery smiles as he leans on the counter.

Always the smart guy. And flirt. I snort to myself and go back to looking.

“Oui. Bien sûr. Le long du mur du fond et des trois étagères à côté.” She answers with an equal amount of flirtation. I roll my eyes and grumble to myself.

“Merci.” He pushes off the counter and walks to me. “She says travel clothes are back here and on those three racks.”

“That’s great. I’m sure you could have gotten the info without the flirting.” I side eye him and walk to where he indicated.

“We’re in Paris. It’s a giant city of flirts!” He shakes his head and snickers.

“Whatever.” I mumble and start looking through the pants.

He pulls out his phone. “Ok. We'll hit a few more stores, grab some rich French food, and the next train should be at the station by the time were done.”

“Awesome.” I grab some hangers of shirts and pants. “I’m going to try these on.”

“I’ll be here.” He waves as he sits on a small soft bench.

“And flirting with cashiers.” I mutter as I walk by.

“Zen, come on.” He says to my back as I walk

I try to calm my jealousy as I walk down a small hallway with several doors on each side. I walk in and look down as I turn, shut the door, hang the clothes and turn around.

My jaw hits the floor when I don’t see a dressing room, but a field with some sort of park off in the distance.

The back wall is open and I slowly walk to it. I stick my hand out the opening and don’t feel anything but air. The wind blows and my hair moves off my shoulder. I grab it as my brows furrow and my eyes widen.

‘Do you like my game?’

I tilt my head as a soft tiny voice travels on the breeze. As I step out of the dressing room and onto the shaded grass, I think I see movement in the park.

‘It’s fun, right?’

I walk into the sun and feel its heat. If I’m dreaming, this is very real. I cross the field, making a beeline for the park. I see someone on one of the swings. I glance around for any indication of who it is, or how they got there, or even where I am. Not seeing anything but grass, I continue on my trajectory.

The squeak of the swings joints on the bar above get louder as I approach. I look with curiosity as the details of a girl in a white dress starts to become clearer.

She has brown hair, brown eyes and looks to be about 12. I stop at the edge of the swing set and look for parents.

She slides her bare feet across the dirt under her to stop. She turns her head to me and smiles. “Hi. Like my game?”

I watch her lean on the chains and slowly swing back and forth. “Game?”

“Yeah. The game we're playing.” She grins.

I narrow my eyes. “Who are you?” I walk around the circle of sand, but keep my eyes trained on her. I also slide my hand up the back of my jacket for my…

“Looking for this?” She holds up my baton and I look over my shoulder as I grab at nothing.

I turn back to her and snarl. “Give it back.” The little brat thinks she can steal from me?

“I will when we discuss the rules for my game.” She swings a little more and drops my baton in the sand beside her.

“What are you?” I ask asi step in the sand.

“I'm Nova.” She says, then pumps her legs to start to swing again.

“What’s a Nova?” I step closer. My eyes fall to my baton and back up to her.

“No, silly. That’s my name. Nova.” Her long hair blows around her head as she pumps faster.

“Nova.” I chew my cheek and walk around to her side. Closer to my baton. “Ok. What are you, Nova?”

I keep my eye on her and my weapon and watch for the window of opportunity. Whatever this thing is, it isn’t going to have an easy fight.

“Ok. Rules.” She starts as she leans back and swings a little higher.

“Rules? What rules? What game?” I flop my arms to my side and look around. “Am I in the twilight zone or something?”

She slows her swing and turns her eyes to me. “No. Kansas.”

I slam my hands on my hips. “Kansas?!”

“You’re funny.” She giggles.

I cross my arms and kick out a leg. “Ok, kid. Start making sense or I walk back through the Narnia closet.” I scowl as I throw my thumb over my shoulder.

She jumps off the swing and picks up my baton. “Ok. Rule number one. You can’t tell anyone you’re playing the game.”


“The one we’re playing.” She stops for a second then continues to walk around the sand circle. “Rule two. You only have one choice and no take backsies. Rule three. You can’t tell anyone what you found out or it will ruin the bigger game.”

I wrap my arm around my waist and hold the bridge of my nose. “I hit my head. Avery's rushing me to the hospital. I’m dying. That must be it. I died from the bad clothing styles and this is hell.” I drop my arm. “Am I right?”

She giggles again and skips around the circle.

“Where’s your parents?” I ask as I watch her closely.

“I don’t have any. I have a friend.” She answers.

“Whose your friend?” I think I can grab her if she comes close enough.

“Nathaniel. He’s playing his own game, now.” She stops and sits in the swing. “That’s why I play with you.” She smiles and I lick my top lip.

“I think you need to go find Nathaniel. Go…screw with his head.” I narrow my eyes and fold my arms.

She blinks at me. “I want to play with you. You’re more fun.” She leaps off the swing and approaches me.

“I don’t want to play.” I say defiantly.

She mirrors my posture with my baton in her hand. She looks me over closely. “I think I want to be you when I grow up.”

My lips shrink and I stare at her. “You do?”

“Yeah. Then I can kick all the battle angels buts.” She smirks.

I cock my head. “Battle angels?” I scrunch my brow and study her. “Angels… aren’t real.”

The corner of her lip tick up. “They are. Even you have one. He’s right there.” She motions to my right and I spin around.

I look around the empty, open space and slowly turn back around. “You’re messing with me.”

“Nope.” She grins and waves at nothing.

I look over my shoulder then turn back to her. “Well… whatever. I don’t have time to play games, kid. Go find your friend.” I turn and walk back to the dressing room.

“But you’re winning!” She says to my back as she follows.

I spin around and glare at her. “Winning what?”

“The game. The others aren’t doing so well.” Her face softens as she mumbles.

“Others? You have others in this hell?” I glare further and she grins.

“You’re friends. Everyone’s playing. And you’re winning. You’re closer.” She informs.

“Closer to what?” I snap.

“I can’t tell you. It will ruin the surprise.” She bounces on her toes and I feel my irritation rise.

“What surprise?” I grit.

“I can’t tell you that either. All I can tell you is that you’re winning.” She supplies.

“Ok. What’s the name of this game?” I look down my nose at her.

She cocks her head. “Dare… or Truth.”

“Isn’t it truth or dare?” I correct.

“Not my game.” She shakes her head.

“Fine.” I tick my head and my brow. “If I’m the winner, then I quit.” I say smugly as I lift my chin, turn and start to walk away.

“But you haven’t done the dare yet?!” She yells.

I turn back around. I eye her as I walk back. “Dare?”

“Yeah. Dare.” She confirms.

I stand in front of her and look down. “What…Dare? I thought I choose what I do?” I clench.

“I make the rules and I choose for you. You have to do the dare.” She stands firm.

“Ok. What’s the dare.” I say with defeat.

She looks up at me with this cool, smart ass look. “I dare you, Zen Striker… to find the truth.”

“Truth… what truth?” I cinch my brows.

“I can’t tell you, but I can give you a hint.” She smiles.

“Ok. So spill.” I motion a hand to her.

“I can't just tell you. I have to whisper it to you.” She says. “It’s a secret.”

I look around at all the acres and acres of empty space with no other souls in it but us. I turn back to Nova. “There’s no one here. I think your secret’s safe.”

“There’s people.” She says. “They’re listening to everything we say and I don’t want them to hear this yet.” She waves me to her. “Come. I’ll say it in your ear.”

“There’s no one here, kid. You got a screw loose?” I arch a brow and think she needs a serious psychological assessment.

She giggles. “You can’t see them silly. But they can see you and me. They’re watching. I don’t mind, but I don’t want them to know everything. Come on.”

I groan and lower myself to her. “Fine. Whatever gets me away from you faster.”

She cups her lips and leans into my ear. As she whispers her hint, my eyes widen. I slowly pull back and look her over. “I don’t understand.”

“When the time comes, you will. Find the truth, Zen.” She says quietly.

I stand straight as she starts to shimmer into watery invisibility and disappears.

‘Find the truth for the bigger game and tell no one.'

Her voice travels across the field and I flop my arms to my sides. “What the hell does that mean?”

I stood there for a moment as the breeze blew my hair and clothes. I still run this whole experience through my head as I walk back to the dressing room. I’m still absolutely confused as I step into the tiny change room, grab my clothes off the hanging on the door and turn. All I see is a mirror and my reflection. Kansas is gone. I reach out and hover my fingers a mere half inch from the glass. I stop then drop my arm. “Nope. I might fall through and end up in Oz or something.”

I spin around and walk put of the dressing room. I’m bewildered and concerned as I slowly walk down the hall to the store.

“Hey. Did they fit?”

“Huh?” I look up at Avery standing in front of me. Thoughts of what Nova said pop into my mind. “Uh… Yeah. They fit.”

“Great. I’ll ring them up for you.” Je smiles and take the clothes from me.

“Thanks.” I say quietly.

He looks me over. “You ok?”

I snap out of it and the corner of my lip ticks up. “I’m good. Just… tired.”

He chuckles. “Shopping wearing you out, huh? OK. I’ll pay for these and we'll skip the rest. We'll go eat.”

“Sure.” I meet his eyes and get lost in them. I want to cry but I can’t. “Whatever you want.”

“Zen?” He gives me a confused look.

“I’ll meet you in the hall.” I mutter as I leave the him at the register.

I walk out of the store and sit on a bench. I lean on my thighs and tap my fingertips together. Laughter catches my attention and I watch a happy couple walk toward me. They both smile and walk by hand in hand. I watch them leave and she grabs his chin and kisses his cheek. My eyes heat and I lower my head.

“It’s really not fucking fair.”

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