The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1224 - 1224, Death’s Entrance

Chapter 1224, Death’s Entrance

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks contemporary romance

Like a match made in heaven, they deigned the world with their presence as He Xiaofeng sneered. Chu Qingcheng looked away, unable to meet Zhuo Fan’s eyes. He Xiaofeng had her soft hands gripped in a vice, preventing her from moving away.

[Rotten lowlife!]

Zhuo Fan grimaced, feeling like decking the bastard. But he recalled the bigger picture and reined in his anger.

He’d get his chance sooner or later.

[This isn’t over.]

“You don’t look too pleased to see me, ha-ha-ha…”

The two landed and He Xiaofeng mocked them as he said, “I’ve been staying over at the Ruby Cloud Sect for a few days. Finding Miss Qingcheng so charming, I had my senior uncle return. Are you perhaps against my coming?”

The two bowed at once, “Never!”

“Then let’s return to the matter at hand, shall we?”

He Xiaofeng looked at the light pillar, “Demonic Emperor, Gambling Emperor, who can explain what exactly you are doing here? What is this?”

[Pompous bastard!]

They had no choice but to bow, with the Demonic Emperor beginning, “Saint, I found that offering the map to Sacred Mountains was not enough to show my devotion, therefore I spent the last six months pondering hard before I found the Nether Sea entrance. I was only thinking of taking the lead in removing any dangers that might appear, paving the way for you.”

“Oh, you cracked it without the map? Demonic Emperor, I tip my hat towards you.” He Xiaofeng’s tone dripped with sarcasm.

Zhao Chen continued, “It’s because of my deep devotion to Sacred Mountains, my endless pursuit to work for them that gave me the courage and blessing to help you. My meager mind could have never come up with the solution otherwise, ha-ha-ha…”

“Good boy, toadie.”

He Xiaofeng sneered, “You’re the last disciple of your master, no? I never got to see him, but I heard that the Demonic Emperor of old was arrogant even against Saints, always so self-important. How did he even get a disciple like you?”

Zhao Chen winced then shook his head, “That’s why he died. I want to live, so I would never betray the Saints’ kindness.”

The Enchanting Empress sank in thought as well.

Unlike the staunch Demonic Emperor old, this one had no backbone, becoming someone’s dog. But were they any different?

They turned into dogs much sooner, perhaps, with only Zhuo Yifan remaining firm in his stance.

The Enchanting Empress and Gambling Emperor lowered their heads. Zhuo Fan squinted and sighed.

Coming back to Sacred Domain, the only thing he feared was theHeavenly Sovereign finding him out. His main purpose was to find Qingcheng, but it wasn’t his true reason for coming back.

Providence worked in mysterious ways. Maybe he had returned only to finish what Zhuo Yifan had started.

“Looking at you so meek, I guess I’ll believe you for now.”

He Xiaofeng sneered at his dog, turning to the light pillar, “This is the Nether Sea entrance? How do we go in?”

The Demonic Emperor bowed, “We don’t know. We’ve been trying to figure out when sir came.”

“So then do you have any idea?”

The two shook their heads. Gambling Emperor proposed, “The entrance might be a teleportation array, taking us to Nether Sea.”

“Oh, care to test that theory, Gambling Emperor?”


“Yes, you.”

“No, Saint, better leave it to our men, just in case…”

“I told you to go and you refuse?” He Xiaofeng barked, “The Eight Emperors are the next strongest here, beside me. If you’re alright, then I’ll be fine. If you’re in trouble, I’ll be cautious.”

[Curse you, using me as your guinea pig!]

The Gambling Emperor’s face sank as he resigned himself. He walked to the light. It might be fine, but it could also kill him.

He still had to go either way.

The Gambling Emperor walked in, with hesitation and anxiety.

Light enveloped him and he found everything to be fine. He looked around to find himself in the same place.

[Eh, what’s going on here?]

He Xiaofeng shouted, “Gambling Emperor, did you find anything? Can you see the way in?”

“No, there’s no difference from outside, only a bit stiffer.”

The Gambling Emperor shook his head with a frown. Moving his limbs, cracks echoed, like something snapped.

A fading glow then fell from the star above and then hit his body.

The Gambling Emperor’s fine hair turned white just then, his fat body shriveled as wrinkles appeared on his face.

The Gambling Emperor panicked and rushed to leave, but just as he raised a leg, he crumbled to dust. Even his clothes were disintegrated.


Everyone gasped, even He Xiaofeng.

He aged and died in mere moments, under their very eyes.


Everyone felt their skin crawl. He Xiaofeng shook as he glared at Zhao Chen, “Demonic Emperor, what the hell is this? Are you positive this is the Nether Sea entrance?”

“Saint, I am. Passing through must be done through a test, I fear.”

Zhao Chen looked at Zhuo Fan, “Steward Zhuo, what is this? Why did he turn to dust just by stepping in?”

Zhuo Fan pondered with a grave look.

Shuang’er lit up and pointed at the star above, “It’s the death star. It would unleash its death energy on any that want to enter the Nether Sea, taking their lives. Because there was so much of it, seeping into his bones, he died as if he aged thousands of years, even rotting his bones.”

“Even the entrance has a test?”

He Xiaofeng nodded and said coldly, “The Nether Sovereign’s seat of enlightenment must be amazing indeed. Not just anyone can enter.”

He Xiaofeng took out the original map and recited:

“In Nether Sea’s depth, the endless hell,

Where lost souls roam, their fate foretold.

Who dares to tread upon our shore,

Shall be condemned to suffer more,

With mortal eyes forever blind,

In the abyss, their souls confined!

This is clearly a warning. No man can step into the Nether Sovereign’s seat of enlightenment, lest they die. Even finding the Nether Sea entrance was pointless, since one just dies in the end. Since we can’t go in, forget it.”

He Xiaofeng sighed and looked at the light beam with desire.

The rest shook their heads.

The Nether Sovereign’s legacy was taunting them, but life was more important. Without it, the legacy was moot.


Zhuo Fan shouted, his eyes shining, “Maybe there is a way!”

“You know how?” He Xiaofeng sneered, “The Nether Sea killed an Emperor and even I don’t dare step in, but a puny Bone Tempering cultivator has what it takes? Die then, humph!”

Zhuo Fan smiled, “The Nether Sovereign is an ancient Sovereign, so not anyone could just enter into his seat of enlightenment. One needs his guidance to pry into the mysteries of the world and enter.”

“His guidance? What is that?” He Xiaofeng started.

Zhuo Fan pointed at the map, “Didn’t you just read it?”

“This is a warning for no one to enter!”

“A true warrior does not balk in the face of absolute death. You see it as a warning, while I see it as an invitation.”

Zhuo Fan grinned, “Nether Sovereign showed us the way inside.”


They all stared at Zhuo Fan in disbelief.

[Where does it say that? There’s no mention of it at all…]

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