The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 42



The buzzing of my alarm wakes me up at 9am, the kick in the shin from Anna was to make doubly sure I’m awake. I glare over at my sleeping mate and contemplate if kicking her back is too mean… 

‘Maybe don’t kick our pregnant mate.‘ Leo chimes in with a yawn. 

‘I wasn’t going to. Just thinking about it for about a second.‘ I tell him, as if he thought I’d actually kick her. I lean over and k*ss her cheek before jumping out of bed. 

“Come back, cold now.” Anna grumbles, I look back over at her, and she hasn’t even opened her eyes. 

“Can’t little wolf, we have visitors coming.” I tell her as I pull on a t- shirt and jeans. 

“Sure. Just give me five minutes.” I chuckle to myself as I leave the room. I bet she has no idea what I even said. Doctor Lee mentioned that women get tired a lot during their 2nd trimester so I’m just going to let her sleep while I get sorted for Alpha Darryl. 

When I round the corner to my office I’m really confused, there is what appears to be a door sized grey wall where my door once was. 

“Erm…hello?” I call out, hopeful the person I can hear grunting from the other side can hear me. 

“Fraction, thank Goddess. Do me a favour and push on this for me.” Says the muffled voice of James. Using two hands I give a push on the plush wall, and it pops into the office on top of my rather stunned 




“New beanbag?” It’s bigger than I thought.” I tell James, stepping around him, he’s slowly trying to wriggle from underneath it. 

“Yeah, I thought it was a touch smaller as well, do you think Luna will like it?” Just then a little female squeal hits us. We turn and see Anna standing in the doorway. 

“It’s perfect!” She excitedly screams while launching herself at me. She’s peppering k*sses all over my face as I support her with my arms. 

“It’s nothing, I knew you wanted one,” I glance at James who is staring daggers at me, I arch my brow at him. Damn right I’m taking credit for this, he is not getting my hugs and k*sses. 

I place Anna back on the floor once James is done setting up the beanbag and she drops into it. I swear it eats her whole, she falls into the middle and the sides come up to swamp her in plushie goodness. 

“Oh yes, yes I like this a lot.” She says curling further into the beanbag. I settle myself at my desk as I chuckle at her. Happy mate, happy life. 

“Anything else happen last night?” I ask James who seems to be staring at Anna like she’s grown six heads. 

“Oh. Ah…no nothing. Alpha Darryl called, and he should be here a little earlier, around 9:30am last time I spoke to him.” 

“Great, when he gets here, you and he come straight to my office,” I tell James, “Oh and Lewis too if Darryl thinks it’s needed.” 

“Sure, while we wait shall I get some coffee for us?” I just look at James, I can’t believe he actually asked that. 

As James leaves I turn my attention to Anna, I’m about to ask her if she 


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wants to join us when Darryl gets here when I realise, she’s fallen back to sleep in her little plushie heaven. I walk over to the sofa and squeeze between it and the bean bag to drop the blanket over her. It’s only ever been used by her and stays draped over the sofa when she’s not using it. The smell of bacon and Dark Columbian Roast is followed by my mother as she enters the office. She just stands in the doorway look at me for a second, trying to figure out how to get past the sofa and a sleeping Anna with the tray she has. 

“Here mother,” I say leaning over the sofa, “thank you for doing this. I did send James.” 

“Oh, I know. Alpha Darryl and Lewis just pulled up so he’s showing them in. There is something for everyone on the tray.” She again looks. at Anna, “I don’t know how you’re all going to get past her but take it from me, never wake a pregnant mate.” 

“Yes, mother. “I say to her, retreating back. 

Just as I settle into my desk chair with my coffee and bacon sandwich James enters my office followed by Darryl and Lewis. 

“Welcome gentlemen. I know it’s a bit of a squeeze but apparently my pregnant Luna likes to sleep.” I chuckle. 

“No problem at all.” Darryl says as all three–squeeze past and plop onto the sofa. All three of them on the sofa with a sleeping she–wolf next to them is quite comical actually. 

“Help yourselves, my mother made sandwiches and coffee for us all.” I say as they start in on the tray, I removed Anna’s sandwich and glass of milk and popped them on my desk. It’s likely they will go to waste as she will sleep too long but it’s the thought that counts. Once we have all finished eating, I give the Alpha in front of me all of my attention. 

“Alright, what can I do for you?” I ask Darryl. 


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“A few things actually,” he replies, “firstly I wanted to let you know we got all the she–wolves back to their families or packs. I have two with me who were orphans from Alpha Rickson’s pack, since he’s not there I have taken them in my ward until they become of age.” I nod as he continues, “I understand Eliza is still here?” 

“She is, I have told her should she want to leave all she has to do is say. It turns out Rick is her mate and it’s a bit messy with everything she has gone through.” I tell Darryl, James and Lewis are just sat silently watching us. 

“Alright, that’s one mystery solved then.” I look at Darryl. 

“Has someone expressed concern for her?” I look at James who shrugs, he doesn’t know about this either. 

“No, not exactly. The head warrior of South Claw was concerned when she wasn’t with the females we dropped off. So, I just wanted to be certain she is still here.” I again nod, that makes sense. “I’ve spoken with the other Alpha’s in the area who have spoken to their females. and pups, and it turns out three other packs have females who were sold by Callum. Two are with their mates and turns out they got to them through challenges on both counts.” so who ever bought those females i dead, thank Goddess, “the third is a woman who showed up. at Alpha Steven’s pack at the age of 16, the wolf who bought her told Steven she was a family cousin. Until I started asking questions, he had no reason to doubt this. I believe the female has been taken from the home and is being supported by Steven and his Luna.” Thats a lot to take in, Callum has been a busy Alpha. 

“Do we know where these women came from?” I ask Darryl, 

“Hati, we think. The woman at Stevens pack recalls being in Hati at a young age and being brought to America in a crate.” James’s eyes go wide as he looks between me and Darryl, I swipe my hand down my 




“Damn it. What a mess.” I say aloud. 

“I agree but it does work in our favour.” I look at Darryl. “I’ve spoken to the Elders, and they have agreed to a reconvene on the Moon Gathering just to hear everything we have on Callum.” 

“That’s what, six days from now?” James says. 

“Correct. Fraction, I hate to ask this, but we need Anna there.” Darryl 



“She has invaluable information.” 

“I said no damn it! I won’t put my pregnant mate in the middle of what could turn out to be a battlefield.” I’m getting angry now, I watch as Lewis stands up and unfolds his arms. Ah so that’s why Darryl’s head warrior is here. “Sit down Lewis before I take you standing as a direct challenge!” I growl, he doesn’t sit down so I growl louder. 

“Fraction! Stop growling at them!” We all turn to look at Anna, I didnt even realise she woke up. “He is right, and you know it. I will be in no danger with you there.” 

“Anna, this is not up for discussion.” I tell her. 

“You’re right it’s not.” She says. “I’m coming. I won’t let that Alpha walk free again so he can do to others what he did to me and those other women.” I turn back to Darryl. 

“I guess we are both coming.” I tell him through gritted teeth. 

“Sorry Fraction but you know this is for the best, we can finally nail 




this bastard.” he turns to Anna, “Also, lovely to meet you, Anna.” Anna just nods and smiles having snuck the bacon sandwich off my desk, she has her cheeks full of food like a little hamster. 

It takes three hours, but Darryl and Lewis are finally leaving, we sorted out routes and escape plans should it go badly. I wanted Anna to know exactly how to get out of the clearing. Darryl agreed that since he wants Anna there Lewis will be the one to help Rick guard Anna while I’m talking to the Elders. It will also be their job to get Anna to safety should a fight erupt. I’m drawn out of my thinking with a knock to the door. 

“Will today just end already.” Anna chuckles at me. “Enter.” My mother opens the door and sticks her head in. 

“Are you two all done? Can I steal Anna for a chat about her Luna ceremony?” I look at Anna as my mother speaks and she has a wide eyed, deer caught in headlights look on her face. 

“Actually, we just need a little longer mother.” I lie quickly, my mother nods and withdraws. I turn to Anna, “I just lied to my mother for you.” She uncurls herself for the bean bag and walks towards me coming around to my side of the desk. 

“Oh? And what do I owe for such a nicety?” She’s got a seductive glint in her eyes and her voice has lowered slightly. 

“I’m sure you can think of something.” I tell her, she makes a show off thinking before she drops to her knees, “Anna you don’t…” 

“I want to, now shush and let me play.” I scoot my ass closer to the edge of the chair and widen my legs, if she wants to play. I won’t stop 


She smiles up at me as she slides my shirt up my chest to reveal my stomach, she leans in and leaves warm wet k*sses on each of my abs. 


When she gets to my jean line, she starts k*ssing along it as she undoes the buttons, she lifts up and looks at me. She has her hands on either side of my jeans. so I lift my hips slightly as she pulls my jeans down. I- spring out fully hard and ready for her, I went commando today and right now I’m thankful I did. 

“Goddess, Anna.” I sigh out as her tiny hands wrap around my length, she can’t quite close her hand around me, so she uses both to start. slowly stroking me up and down. She lowers herself and starts k*ssing and licking my balls as she strokes, every now and again she adds a twist that makes my hips jerk. “You’re driving me crazy.” I tell her as she makes eye contact with me, as she watches me, she drags her tongue up from my balls all the way up my shaft and swirls the precum off the end before swallowing. 

  1. up. 

“Watch Fraction.” I open my eyes; I didn’t even realise I had closed. them. She keeps her eyes locked on mine as she opens her mouth wide and swallows me down, she gets about halfway and then bobs back I place my hand on the back of her head, not pushing, just holding. I tilt my head back not able to keep eye contact with her, I almost came the second she engulfed me in her warm wet mouth. She’s bobbing up and down on my shaft getting further and further each time, she’s using her tongue to tease my end, she’s getting faster and faster. 

“Anna…” I warn, it’s the most I can do right now. She’s blowing my mind. She lifts off, takes a deep breath and then drops down on my cock. I feel the back of her throat and then I feel her swallow, the second I feel her throat constrict around my cock it’s all over. I roar my release into her, she sucks down every drop I have to give, my hips are bucking on their own accord. I take my hand off her head as she slowly starts to withdraw, she lifts off me and sits back on her knees looking up at me. She makes a show of licking her l*ps. 

“Goddess Anna. That was…” I lift her up and sit her in my lap, I claim her mouth in searing k*ss not caring that I can taste myself. “You are 




perfect.” I tell her before taking her mouth again. 



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