The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 38

The beast within. 


**Should a mated Omega die or become seriously harmed while mated to an Alpha, beware of the Alpha’s wrath. None will know his pain; none will understand his torment. Those around him will feel his pain. the most. Most mated to a dead Omega die, the unfortunate live. Pray for the Alphas death, for his soul has been sliced in two. ** 

It took James twenty minutes to hand me a small bundle of clothes. Nothing too flash, a simple pair of leggings, one of Fraction’s t–shirts and some underwear. I feel weak, I won’t tell James or Doctor Lee though. I need to get Fraction, if the Omega book Doctor James gave me is right then Fraction is suffering more than they know. 

I pull the curtain back and see James standing with a wheelchair, “I can walk you know.” He gives me a very serious look and says, “if you don’t sit in it, you’re not going.” I begrudgingly drop myself into the chair, as a young nurse places a blanket over my knee and James. wheels me out of the medical practice. I won’t ever admit it but I’m thankful for the chair, I’m not overly sure my legs would have carried me through the centre let alone to the packhouse. 

“Why are you walking us?” I ask James as we start the short walk to the packhouse. The grounds aren’t very big so it’s always around a ten- minute walk from anywhere to get to the packhouse. 

“Fraction broke my SUV and to be honest I don’t want to get too close to ask for his keys.” James just admitted he’s actually scared of the Alpha. Fraction must be in a bad way. 

“This is all my fault. James.” I admit aloud. 



The beast within 

“It’s not your fault Anna. No one could have predicted he would turn like this.” James keeps pushing us onwards as he consoles me. 

“It is. It’s my fault because I’m Omega. The book Doctor Lee gave me says, that if an Omega dies or gets hurt then you should pray the Alpha mated to her dies,” I take a deep breath, “He’s like this because I wasn’t there to soothe him.” 

“If that’s the case he should come back himself when he sees you.” 

We continue on in silence, soon we arrive at the packhouse and there is a distinct lack of noise. Fractions rage has cleared the house. James. takes me round the back and up the ramp onto the porch. 


James you walk from here? I’ll be here to catch you if I need to.” asks. I don’t answer him, I stand and walk past him on shaky legs. I stride through the kitchen, faking confidence and head down to the basement. I can hear him before I even open the door leading to the cells. He sounds tormented, like he’s screaming at the Goddess herself. 

“Has he shifted to Leo?” I ask James who is behind me. 

“No, he’s still himself physically. Anna I’m going to stay right here, if he sees you with another male, it might not go well.” I can’t say I disagree. I nervously open the door leading to the cells. 

I spot his cell instantly, it’s not dark and grimy like Max’s cell was. He has a plush looking single bed draped in red satin; the bedspread looks like the one from our room. He has a small television and even has a bookshelf. His eyes follow me the second I come into view. His once green eyes are shining yellow. The noise makes sense now, James was wrong. Fraction isn’t hére, Leo is. 

“Leo?” I say in a small voice. Leo takes a long sniff and slowly walks towards the cell doors; he reaches through with one hand; “Mate” he says. His voice is slightly different, it’s gruffer and deeper than 



The beast with 


“Yes Leo, I’m your mate.” I tell him, I haven’t moved within touching distance as I don’t know how Leo will behave yet. 

“Winter. Mate.” I’m not sure why he’s talking in single words, Winter 

can form sentences when she’s not being b*tchy or cryptic so Leo should be able to as well. 

“Winter is my wolf form, she’s here. I can’t shift though. It will hurt our pup.” I tell him, cradling my bump. 

“Mate, hurt. Pup, hurt.” 

“No Leo, our pup is perfectly healthy. So am I. Maybe you can let Fraction come out and he can see for himself.” Leo lets out an unholy howl, I cover my ears and drop to the floor. 

“No! He fails. My mate now.” 

“Fraction didn’t fail Leo. Fraction is the reason I’m standing here in front of you. I need him. I need him to hold me and our pup. Please Leo. Give him back to me.” I’m crying. I’m on my knees, I’m basically begging my mate’s wolf to let my mate come back to me. 

I watch for the longest time as Leo just looks at me. Soon his eyes change from yellow to green and his face seems to lose some of the anger it was holding. 

“Little wolf.” Fraction says, I get off the floor and head towards him. “No! Stay there, I can still feel Leo. He’s so mad at me. He thinks I failed our mate. It’s not safe to be close to me right now.” 

“But I need you.” I whisper yell at him. 

“I know, little wolf. Let me get Leo under control and I will never leave your side again.” He sounds so resigned. 





* 288 Mouchers 

“If you’re staying down here then I am too.” He turns his back on me, “I can’t leave you anymore than you can leave me.” He doesn’t say 

anything, he just sits on his bed. 

After a little while the main door to the cells opens and James walks in carrying an armchair with a blanket and extra cushion. He sits them next to me and leaves without a word. I take the offering as intended and get off the floor and make myself comfortable. I use the extra cushion to support my back and drape the blanket over me. I instantly feel calmer. James comes back and leaves a tray on the floor with some cheese, crackers, cookies and grapes. There is even a jug of milk and a cup. The same as before he doesn’t say anything he just leaves. 

“Did you tell him to do this?” I ask aloud to Fraction. 

“I won’t have my hungry, pregnant mate sitting on the floor.” He’s still not looking at me. 

“How did you know I was hungry?” I ask, picking at my mini feast. 

“I didn’t.” Well, I guess Leo saw more than I thought. 

“Going to come out yet?” 

“No!” He lies down on the bed and rolls over. Soon the soft sound of snoring fills the cells. 

I finish my mini feast until I feel like I’m going to go pop. I then sit back in my armchair and snuggle down. if Fraction is going to sleep them so am I. 



– An Omegas job. 

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