The Shameless Hour: A Sports Romance (The Ivy Years Book 4)

: Chapter 30

AFTER DINNER, Lianne and I had retreated to our rabbit warren under the eaves.

My crazy neighbor blasted celebratory dance music in her room. Every three minutes she popped through the bathroom door to update me on how many people had uploaded pictures of Beta Rho’s humiliation to various social networking sites. “It has its own hashtag!” she shrieked from her room. “They’re calling it BroDoh! God, this is so cool.”

It was amusing how pumped up Lianne was. This was a girl whose Oscar-night dress was tweeted by tens of thousands — a girl who showed up in People Magazine on a monthly basis. And she was all riled up about a little football game mayhem.

As for me, I just felt… unsettled. I’d scored every point I’d gone for today. But here I was, pacing my room again, monitoring my phone for threatening calls.

There weren’t any. Not a one.

“There’s a funny thread on YikYak!” Lianne announced from her room. “People are rewriting our message. Like, ‘Fucktards since 1915 would have worked just as well, with fewer characters.’” She let out a gleeful laugh. “And on Twitter the women’s soccer team would like to throw a party for whoever was responsible.”

“Cool.” It was pretty great to hear my efforts were appreciated. But at the end of the day, what had I really accomplished? I wrecked their self-aggrandizing party, and I proved they were morons. I probably made two hundred new enemies in the process.

Oh, the drama. In my heart, I wasn’t cut out for drama. I just wanted to be close to my friends again and feel comfortable with myself.

There had been precious little comfort and happiness this year, and all of it had come from one man. My heart gave a creaky little squeeze when I thought of Rafe. If I was lucky, he’d come barreling in here in the next half hour demanding that we finish our Urban Studies project.

Wait, what? My brain did a slow replay of that strange little desire. But there it was. I’d become accustomed to seeing one particular devilishly handsome face every day. And except for that glimpse in the dining hall, I hadn’t gotten my daily fix.

He’d probably turn up soon. And if he decided to work on something else tonight, I’d see him tomorrow. That was soon enough, right?

Of course it was.

But ten minutes later, I was eyeing the clock again, calculating how long ago Rafe’s shift had ended. Maybe he’d gone out with his teammates?

Maybe he was chatting up some cute Alison lookalike and asking for her phone number.

“Shit!” I yelled. Why the hell did that idea bother me so much?

“What is it?” Lianne yelped, dashing into my room. “Did anyone call?” Her blue eyes were round with worry.

“No,” I said quickly. “Just, um, stubbed my toe.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “Don’t scare me like that. By the way, I’ve counted twenty-seven uploads to YouTube.”

“Awesome,” I said.

“This is the best day of my life,” Lianne said from over my shoulder. “Who else needs to be pranked?” she asked. “I’m ready to do it all again.”

It was official. I’d created a monster. A very small one, with flawless skin.

By midnight, I was a twitchy basket case. While the interwebs continued to erupt with glee over my victory, my own phone was utterly silent.

And Rafe had never showed.

The urge to see him had reached painful proportions. Why hadn’t it occurred to me that when I’d sent him away he might actually stay there?

I was lonely tonight. Sure, I could have called a few of my hockey friends. Pepe or Trevi would have been surprised to hear from me, but they probably would have been happy to see me.

But Pepe and Trevi weren’t who I wanted to see.

Rafe was probably asleep by now. Here I was, having some kind of freaky revelation about how much I cared about him. And he was right downstairs.

“Fuck it,” I whispered to myself, shoving my feet into my Converse high-tops. “I’m goin’ in.”

I was half-way down the stairs when I realized I’d get some strange looks from Rafe’s roommates when I showed up in a tiny little tank top and flannel PJ pants. But it was really too late to worry about that.

There was an encouraging stripe of light underneath their common room door. I knocked.


I knocked again. Since I’m not exactly famous for propriety, I tried the door, which opened in my hand.

The common room was empty and both bedroom doors were shut. I thought I heard male voices, but when I tiptoed to Rafe’s door, there was only silence. The sound must have been coming from Mat’s room.

The right thing to do was to go back upstairs and wait to talk to Rafe in the morning. But… in for a penny, in for a pound. I tapped on the door. “Rafe? It’s Bella. Can I come in?” I listened to the silence. Then I opened the door.

Both beds were empty. “Fuck!”

Mat’s bedroom door opened, and he stuck his head out. “Can I help you?”

“Where’s Rafe?” I probably should have apologized for breaking and entering. But when you’re trying to re-enact the romantic ending of a chick flick, there just wasn’t time.

“Um.” His roommate ran a hand through tousled hair. “The library?” he guessed.

“Which library?” I demanded.

Mat gave me an irritated look. “How would I know? He likes Central Campus.”

“Thanks!” I called over my shoulder. I ran out of the room, and down the stairs. I’d forgotten my coat, and it was cold out. Very cold. But the romantic heroines of movies didn’t worry about that sort of thing, so neither would I. Beginning a nicely paced jog to Central Campus Library, I had to hold my boobs in crossed arms, because I’d neglected to wear a bra.

Awkward, but I made good time.

Central Campus Library was not a small place. I began on the ground level, searching every carrel, chair and table. It wasn’t too crowded, given the hour. But I did not spot Rafe anywhere.

Okay, I was officially off the chick flick script. And people were starting to stare.

On the lower level, it was the same story. I couldn’t find him anywhere. The library would close soon. The only place I hadn’t searched were the weenie bins, so I began peeking through the little windows of each one. I was discouraged. Maybe Rafe was out at a party.

Halfway down the row, I had to stand on my tiptoes to see a weenie bin’s occupant because someone had slumped over on the desk. Peering in, I saw a set of broad shoulders, and a gorgeous masculine face asleep on a book. I opened the door a few inches. “Rafe?”

“Mmm?” he said.

I went into the tiny room and slid the door closed behind me. “Rafe?” I whispered, putting my hand on his shoulder. He felt warm and solid beneath my touch.

He lifted his head from the textbook, and I watched him wake up fast. “Bella? Are you okay?” He turned in his seat, and his eyes swept me from top to toe, as if looking for damage. “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong. Here was a boy who had done so much for me, only to have me reject him. And when I woke him from a sound sleep, the first thing he did was try to figure out if I was in need of help.

God, I was such an idiot.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I whispered. “I just wanted to see you.”

His eyes went squinty for a second, as if he was trying to solve a math problem. He propped his head in one hand. “It’s late,” he said, closing his eyes again.

“I know, Captain Obvious. It’s late. But I hope it’s not too late.” I dropped both hands to his shoulders. My thumbs stroked the skin of his neck, while his head tipped forward to land against my stomach.

“I don’t know what you’re saying,” he whispered. “But I like the visit.”

“I’m saying…” I began. But I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I’d never told a guy that I’d wanted to be with him. Except for Fucker Tanning. And I’d long blocked all the sweet things I’d ever said to him out of my brain. When I was in love with Graham, I’d never told him. I’d never hinted. Not once. Too risky.

Rafe waited. He waited by reaching up to slowly trace the line of my forearm with his thumb. It felt distractingly nice.

Focus, Bella! “I’m saying that I think you were right. We’re, um, compatible.”

Rafe smiled without opening his eyes. “You think so, huh?”

“Yeah,” I said softly.

“All right,” he murmured. “What do you want to do about that?”

“Uh.” Wasn’t it obvious? “We can be together.”

“Huh,” he said, opening his eyes. “I don’t know, Bella. We need to be sure that there aren’t any misunderstandings, here. I’m not sure that ‘being together’ is clear enough. Spell it out for me. You’d be my…?”

“Well…” I cleared my throat. “I’d be your…”

Rafe grinned.

I pinched his shoulder. “You’re enjoying this.”

“A little bit.”

“Do we need labels, though? I’m trying to say that we should be exclusive. I want that. But a girlfriend is someone who is always on the phone with her boyfriend, or waiting for him to call. Or always talking about him, or making sure their plans line up for everything. She never says yes to anything without checking with him first…” Yeah, it’s really no surprise I’d never signed up for that.

Rafe tipped his handsome chin upward, so he could see me clearly. “There is only one thing you have to do, and that’s care.”

That was all? “I do care.”

He smiled again, and it was like the sun coming out. “I know, baby. Now come here.” Rafe pulled me onto his lap and wrapped both arms around me.

For a moment I hesitated. I’d been a one-woman show for so long I wasn’t sure I was ready to fold myself into a man’s embrace. But he was warm and sturdy, and I tucked my head against his shoulder and sighed. I suddenly realized the feeling was really familiar. I’d been leaning on him for months without ever admitting how much.

And this was really nice.

His big hand cupped my head and then stroked my hair. His lips found my forehead, and the kiss he placed there was so sweet I felt a lump in my throat.

Remind me why I’d resisted this?

“You feel good right here,” Rafe murmured. His hand skated down my spine, leaving tingles in its wake.

“I was lonely for you tonight,” I admitted. “I kept wishing you’d show up and demand to work on our spreadsheets.”

“You are a sexy girl,” Rafe whispered, and I laughed into his neck.

I lifted my face to his. “It’s true what they say about me. I like big, long columns of numbers. I want to make your interest rate spike.”

With a chuckle, he kissed my forehead again. “You’ve got my attention now. But I was never giving up on you, belleza. I thought I needed a night to regroup. But I was always coming back for you. To try to win you over.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been so dense.”

He shook his head. “Nothing dense about you. You schooled those boys today. People are going to talk about it for weeks.”

That might be true, but I didn’t want to think about it right now. Instead, I put my lips on his jaw. Then I tasted him, enjoying the scrape of his whiskers on my tongue.

His breath hitched. “Belleza,” he whispered hoarsely, making me shiver. Then he tilted that sexy mouth down to mine and kissed me slowly. His lips were warm and firm, and so very Rafe.

“Mmm,” I sighed against his lips. I wondered how it would be between us now that we knew each other’s secrets. Maybe Rafe would be tentative. I hoped not.

He deepened the kiss. I opened for him, and his bossy tongue tangled with mine. One big hand slipped around my waist to palm my quivering belly, and the gentle pressure sent waves of electricity zinging through my core, lighting up my fun zone.

Not tentative! Nope!

Rafe stoked our kiss, his lips coaxing mine, his hands skimming, teasing…

A loud moan reverberated off the weenie bin walls, and it came from me. The single night we’d shared in September had lived on in my mind, so hot and wild that I’d wondered if my memory had embellished it. But now I knew it hadn’t. Inside the thoughtful, quiet Rafe I’d come to know lurked the sensual beast I’d remembered. As he kissed me, those strong arms were in motion, squeezing my hips, pulling me against his sturdy chest.

I turned my whole body to face him, seeking even better contact. Tossing a knee over his lap, I managed to straddle him properly. His arms clamped around me, his hands landing on my ass. He squeezed, and we both groaned.

Our kisses were as deep as the ocean. I hadn’t let my guard down like this — truly letting myself go — in so very long. I’d been tied up in knots for so many weeks that it had come to seem normal. But this was glorious. I basked in the circle of Rafe’s arms and let him know exactly how happy he made me.


The intercom’s warning was barely enough to separate us. After several more drugging kisses, we finally broke apart, both of us panting. “We should go,” Rafe said.

“Yeah,” I agreed. But then I kissed him again, because my mouth overruled my brain.

Rafe chuckled against my lips. “Come on,” he said, slapping my backside. “Let’s get out of here.”

I’d never heard a better idea in my life.

Rafe shoved his books and computer into his backpack then followed me out of the little room. He put an arm around my waist, and together we climbed the stairs and walked out into the night. “Where’s your jacket?” he asked, eyeing me. “Wait. Where are your clothes?

“Um,” I said as he stopped to shuck off his jacket and drape it over my shoulders. “I was in a hurry to find you.”

“You ran over here alone, in your PJs?”

“Rafe, it’s two blocks.”

He put his arm around me again. “Can I remind you that it’s important to stay off a certain fraternity’s radar right now?”

“Nope,” I argued, steering him down the street again. “Think about it. Do you really want your first move as my boyfriend to be an argument? That’s going to hold up your trip to pound town.”

He laughed. “Hearing you, belleza. On the other hand, if we don’t keep you safe, it’s going to be that much harder to have a whole lot of sex.”

“I’m fine, Rafe.”

“You are very fine,” he answered, his voice rough.

The next two minutes were a comical pantomime entitled “Two People Who Want Sex Fumble Through a Gate and Two Doors.” Thanks to electronics, the first two locks were easy. We ran up the stairs, passing Rafe’s door and finally making it to mine. The key was on a stretchy loop around my wrist, but my need for instant gratification was overpowering. I stopped on the landing and grabbed Rafe.

With an achy groan, he pressed me against the door. “Bésame,” he demanded.

I forgot everything except for the perfect mold of his lips and the feeling of his hard body against me. When his bossy tongue invaded my mouth, there was no more shame. There was no fraternity, no scandal and no football game. There were only his broad hands coasting possessively down my body and the rumble of longing in his throat.

Until Lianne opened her door.

“Guys? Oh…!” I heard her laugh, but I was too busy to worry about it. “So I guess now is a bad time?” On another snicker, the door closed again.

Rafe had finally noticed we were still outside my room. He swept the keychain off my wrist and opened the door. He steered me inside, then kicked the door shut. I threw his jacket over the desk chair, and a second later we were on the bed. Finally! Rafe rolled on top of me immediately, his big body pressing against all my favorite places. And then it was all kissing and moaning and hands wandering everywhere. And I couldn’t get enough. Except…

“Rafe?” I whispered.


“How come you were a virgin until September? Is it because of religion?”

“No, baby.” He gave me a series of slow, drugging kisses so good I almost forgot I still had a question.

Somehow I found the will to put a hand on his hard chest and give a little push. “I’m not trying to be nosy. I just need to know. Because if you are going to feel bad again after this…”

He smiled down at me. “That’s not nosy. That’s just caring. See, you’re already good at this relationship thing.” He bent down, rubbing the tip of his nose under my chin until I squirmed because it tickled.

“Are you going to answer the question?”

“Sure.” He pushed a piece of my hair out of my face. “Two reasons. Opportunity, and respect.”

You never had the opportunity? A hottie like you?”

He grinned. “Thanks, belleza. I had girlfriends in high school, and I was willing to give them the goods, but they weren’t ready. I liked these girls, and I wasn’t going to force the issue. It’s not easy being a Catholic, immigrant girl. They hear the whole ‘good girls don’t do that’ from birth. I wasn’t going to break up with them just because they wouldn’t…”

“Put out,” I supplied.

“Yeah.” He smiled again, and my knees melted even further. “We fooled around whenever we got the chance. Just never rounded home plate.”

“Ah.” That explained his impressive kissing skills. Actually, it explained a lot. Rafe was passionate in a controlled way. Like a banked fire that’s always hot enough to burst into flames.

He kissed my nose. “And then Alison was a different story. She just didn’t like sex.” As he said this, he dragged a single finger down my tank top, over the peak of one breast, and down my tummy. I shivered.

“She didn’t like it?” I gasped. “I’ve heard that’s possible. But it’s so hard to imagine.”

“No kidding, right?” He kissed my neck again, making me shudder with desire.

“What were we talking about again?” I mumbled.

No recuerdo.” Rafe kissed a line across the upper edge of my tiny tank top. Then he cupped a hand over my breast and began to nuzzle me, his nose dipping between my breasts. He kissed his way up to the peak, and I wanted that little shirt gone. I wanted all my clothes gone. Right now.

“Let’s take this off,” I begged, grabbing the hem of the shirt. “Hurry.”

Chuckling, he dropped his lips to my belly button, which I’d just exposed. “Who would rush something like this?”

Lots of people, actually. Including me. If he didn’t undress me soon, I was going to burst from impatience. His fine mouth dropped kisses just above the waistline of my pajama pants. Moist, teasing kisses. I shifted my hips around, hoping he’d move lower.

It wasn’t every day I decided to have a relationship with someone. I felt like celebrating. Right now.

To make that point, I hustled my tiny tank over my head, and received an appreciative growl, since there was no bra underneath. “Damn, bellezaTu me vuelves loco.”

I put a hand behind his neck and tugged him down, right where I wanted him. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, and the jolt it gave me traveled everywhere. And I let him know.

“You like that?” he whispered.

“Ahh,” I moaned as he switched, bathing my other nipple. “Anywhere you put your tongue is good with me.”

Rafe chuckled. Then he kissed his way down to my hip bone, tugging down the waistband of my pants just an inch or two. Kissing and nibbling, he crossed my lower belly, his beautiful mouth stopping to worship me just a few inches north of the fun zone.

He hovered there, kissing and teasing while I squirmed, wondering what would happen next. I wanted his mouth on my body. But for the first time in my life, I was nervous, afraid to ask for what I wanted. A long bout of celibacy meant I hadn’t even shaved lately. I was probably rocking a bush worthy of Chewbacca. Maybe Rafe wouldn’t find me attractive…

I didn’t get to finish that dismal thought because my PJ pants were yanked away. I heard a grunt of satisfaction at the discovery that I wasn’t wearing underwear, either. And before I even knew what had happened, a gentle, soft kiss parted my legs. “Oh, belleza,” he sighed, dragging a thumb through my wetness. “Tan hermosa.” He tongued me then, and I almost died of happiness. “Tan sabrosa.”

It was certainly not the first time I’d ever had an enthusiastic mouth between my legs. But those sexy words and soft kisses and ohhhh.

I had never felt so beautiful. Rafe had seen every ugly detail of my life this year, and a few from past years, too. Yet here he was, worshipping me like none of that mattered.

Gripping the quilt, I raised myself up on my elbows to watch. And what a view to behold. Smooth, muscular arms braced my pale skin. Rafe’s face was flushed, and there was a naughty gleam in his half-closed eyes.

I canted my hips toward his mouth, and Rafe growled. He was nibbling and sucking gently, and I was crazy for it. “Damn,” I whispered. Every wet slide of his mouth brought me close to the edge. I’d been starving for this. For him. I wanted everything. All of it. Right now. “Rafe?” I panted.

“Can’t hear you,” he said between licks.

“Want you.”

“You got me.” Strong arms braced my thighs in place, and he lowered his mouth onto my body again.

My entire fun zone quivered with joy. “Ohh,” I gasped.

“Mmm,” he encouraged. “Dámelo.”

Give it to me, he’d said. So I flopped back onto the bed and let myself sink into all that sensation while Rafe worshipped me. It had been a long time since I’d truly let go with someone. But tonight it was as easy as rolling off a log. I reached down to ruffle my fingers through Rafe’s hair, and he gave a quiet moan. That was all it took. I lifted my hips off the bed and gasped as waves of sweet release began to roll through me.

In the background I heard some very sexy Spanish curses, followed by the sound of music starting up in Lianne’s room. When I floated back down to earth, Rafe was still nuzzling my thighs, planting soft kisses everywhere he could reach.

“Whew,” I said, flopping an arm over my head. “Why are you wearing so many clothes?”

He looked up at me and grinned. Then he swung off the bed and lifted his T-shirt over his head.

His rippling abs made my mouth water. “Keep going,” I demanded after he’d tossed the T-shirt aside.

He unzipped his jeans, dropping them to the floor. Then he toed off his socks. I could see the shape of a very impressive erection practically bursting out of his black briefs. But to my dismay, he left those on.

When he perched on the edge of the bed, I sat up to meet him. “Rafe?”

“Mmm?” he asked, leaning in to kiss me.

I could taste myself on him, and just the memory gave me a new jolt of longing. “When I attacked you on your sofa, I got in trouble for complimenting your dick.”

He laughed against my lips. “Let’s forget about that day.”

“Fine but…” I kissed him again. “Is it okay to admit that I’m really looking forward to playing with it?”

Rafe put a big hand on the back of my neck and drew me close. “Everything is different now.” His voice rumbled into my ear. “Take what’s yours, belleza.”

Oh, hell yes. I dropped my hand into his lap and caressed his hard cock through the cotton.

His abs clenched, and he let out a hiss.

I slid to my knees on the floor, palming him. Then I began kissing those gorgeous abs, moving closer and closer to the waistband of his briefs. Above me, Rafe braced himself on taut arms, his breath hitching as I moved ever closer to the target.

Jesucristo,” he muttered. When I ducked my head to trace the hard length of him with my lips, he moaned my name.

Payback was sweet.

I tugged his waistband down to reveal the object of my affection. God. He was just as gorgeous as I remembered — thick and long, with a bead of precum right on the head. I leaned down to lick it off, and he gasped when I made contact. I could barely wrap my hand around his incredibly hard dick.

It seemed we’d both been yearning for this.

Kissing the tip, I teased him some more. Then I bathed him with my tongue, and every muscle in Rafe’s body went rigid. Wrapping my hand around the base of him, I realized blowing this boy was not going to be easy. Welp. I’m just the woman for the job.

Opening wide, I sucked him down.

The moan Rafe let out could probably be heard all the way to Grand Central Station.

I popped off him and gave his stomach a gentle shove. “Lie back. And let me have these.” I tugged on his underwear.

“You don’t have to…”

I looked up into his lust-filled eyes. “Do you honestly want me to stop?”

“No.” He put a hand on my hair. “But I won’t last.”

Leaning into his hand, I smiled up at him. “You won’t last right now. But later tonight, when we’re fucking, you’ll last even longer.”

He blew out a hot breath. “That’s a plan I can get behind.”

“Mmm,” I said. “I do like it from behind. But enough talking.” I gave his chest another push and he reclined onto his elbows. Three seconds later I had his briefs off and his thick cock in my mouth.


Rafe was practically levitating off the bed as I tongued him. As he cursed and writhed beneath me, I sure did appreciate his enthusiasm.

Relaxing my throat, I took him deep. Cupping his heavy balls in one hand, I moaned around his dick.

“Fuck, belleza,” he panted. “Tan bueno. Demasiado…”

He torqued his hips in a sexy rhythm, and I was on fire again, too. A turned-on Rafe was just so, so sexy. He didn’t try to play it cool. He showed me exactly how much he wanted this. His breath hitched, and his thrusts became short and erratic. I knew the signs — he was close. So I gave him a good, hard suck.

On a groan, Rafe nudged my cheek with his hand — a wordless warning. Damn, my new boyfriend was considerate. But that only made me more eager to finish him. I swirled my tongue around the head of him while he panted. Then I took him all the way to the back of my throat again and moaned.

He came on a shout, his stomach going rigid. I swallowed again and again until finally he collapsed, legs splayed out, one arm over his eyes. “Dios,” he mumbled.

For a moment, I rested my cheek on his thigh. Rafe’s hand smoothed my hair out of my face. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

He grunted. “Never better. Just don’t ask me to get up.”

I climbed up on the bed and gave his flank a little slap. “Move your hot self over a little.”

“That I can manage.” He moved over a foot and then pulled me into his arms. “There aren’t words for how good I feel.”

That made me surprisingly happy. “Didn’t you ever get a blowjob before?” It was none of my business, and probably hypocritical of me to ask.

“Not a good one.”

That made me laugh. “You’ve been hanging out with the wrong girls, Rafe.”

“Truth.” He pulled me closer, pressing his lips to my forehead. “What is that song Lianne’s playing?”

I listened, then snickered. “It’s Marvin Gaye’s ‘Let’s Get it On.’”

His eyes were closing, but he chuffed out a laugh. “She cracks herself up.”

“Yeah,” I whispered, running a thumb over his cheekbone. Over my boyfriend’s cheekbone. I was going to have to repeat that word to myself a whole bunch of times until it didn’t seem weird anymore. “Sleepy?” I asked him.

“Mmm. I wish I wasn’t.” He opened his eyes and stretched. “Just give me a few minutes. I can rally.”

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, admiring Rafe’s naked form through the doorway. He did look tired. And it was almost two in the morning. When I came back to bed, I tugged on my quilt. “Hottie, lift up a second.” A minute later, we were tucked under the covers, and I reached up to click off the lamp.

“The more comfortable you make me, the quicker I’m gonna fall asleep,” Rafe said.

“I know.” I curled up to him. “Thing is, I just realized that we get to do it again tomorrow. And the day after that. And the one after that.”

“I like the sound of that,” he said.

“Me too. So rest up. You’re going to need your strength.”

My boyfriend’s chuckle made his body undulate beneath my head. I rested my hand on his heart, and Rafe’s fingers made loving strokes down my spine. It was glorious. “I’m glad you’re here,” I whispered.

“No place I’d rather be, belleza.” His voice was thick with emotion.

His words curled around me like a blanket. They settled over my soul, beginning the work of filling all the dings and scratches I’d sustained these past few weeks.

People say that revenge is sweet. And they’re right. But lying naked beside the boy who guards your heart is even sweeter.

I pressed one more kiss onto Rafe’s pec, and then let him sleep.

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