The Poisoned Princess: A Snow White Retelling (The Skazka Fairy Tales)

The Poisoned Princess: Chapter 33


“How does it feel to be a queen?” Queen Calista asks, coming to stand beside me. We’re in the ballroom now; the room is filled with laughter and dancing. There are tables at the side, full of food, and the rest of the week will be filled with celebratory dinners throughout the land. The castle has never seen so much life in it before, not as far back as I remember, and I feel grateful and slightly overwhelmed.

“It feels like it’s meant to be,” I reply honestly, turning my attention to her. “I’m still so grateful you’re here. I’m quite the fan.” Maybe that’s not something I ought to admit, but I can’t help it. I’ve been fascinated with her and her story my whole life.

“You are kind, Queen Ivanna.” Queen Calista smiles, reaching over to squeeze my upper arm. “If I may be so bold, can I give you a hug?”

I can’t even reply like a civilized individual. Instead, I gasp and nod probably a little too eagerly. The woman steps forward, enveloping me in her arms, and I think this is what it must be like to be hugged by a mother. She holds me tightly against her for a long moment, as if she knows just how much I need it.

When she finally steps back, she reaches up to push a few strands of hair out of my face, before she cups my cheek.

“I do not know if anyone has ever told you this, but I am proud of you. This kingdom will flourish under your care, I have no doubt of that.” She glances over to the side, and I follow her gaze to where Kroshka is sitting on top of the miniature throne that’s been placed at the front of the room, so I have a place to rest. I watch as the queen smiles at the bunny, and I swear Kroshka smiles back. Then, Queen Calista turns back to me.

“A wise and kind queen. May you rule for generations.”

The tears slip past before I can stop them, and Queen Calista wipes them away gently.

Spasibo.” I can barely get the word past my lips; I feel so overwhelmed with emotion. Then, I feel a presence at my back. I know immediately it’s Dimitri. Everything feels lighter somehow. Queen Calista steps back with a knowing smile.

“Take care of each other,” she says, before she steps over to where her husband is talking to one of the ambassadors. I watch as he reaches out a hand to her, as if he senses her coming, and when she takes it, he pulls her to his side automatically.

“That’s going to be us in thirty years,” Dimitri says right into my ear. My body breaks out in pleasant goosebumps.

“It better be,” I reply, turning just enough to see him throw me a quick grin. His hand settles on my waist, as he pulls me back against him. I drop my hands over his and slide it across my stomach so I can hold it in front of me.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Queen Ivanna?” he asks.

“I am. Did you see Kroshka intimidating Sokolko earlier?”

Da.” Dimitri chuckles. “Don’t tell Kroshka, but I am also very intimidated by her. But at least Sokolko and she are now separated and both enjoying their dinners.”

I chuckle, too, because of course it’s my tiny bunny that’s intimidating the huge dog. I glance over where she’s sitting on the throne and the self-satisfied look she sends my way tells me she knows exactly how Dimitri feels about her.

I’m so happy both Kroshka and Sokolko seem to be staying. For a moment there, I thought Skazka might call them back, but I guess they’re ours now.

“Queen Ivanna,” a voice calls from the side. Queen Calista’s daughter-in-law, Princessa Miraslava, steps up to me. Her long blonde hair falls around her shoulders in messy waves and her light blue ball gown sparkles as brightly as her smile. Her husband, Prince Luca, stands behind her. He looks every bit Queen Calista’s son, dressed in the dark blue uniform, much like the one Dimitri is wearing. Prince Luca gives me a customary bow and congratulations. The two cling to each other as if they’ve been apart for ages and have only recently reunited. It makes me smile.

“I’ll leave you to girl talk,” Luca says, placing three kisses across his wife’s face, before he looks over at Dimitri. They seem to share an understanding, as Dimitri drops a quick kiss to my temple and follows the other prince.

“It is so good to have you here, Princessa Miraslava,” I say, giving her a small bow.

“Please, call me Mira.”

“Only if you will call me Ivanna.”

I can tell she wants to protest, but she smiles instead.

“What do you think the two of them are talking about so secretly?” I ask, glancing over to where Dimitri and Luca stand together.

“Probably how much they can’t stand being away from you two for even a minute.” Mira and I turn at the voice, just as Ekaterina, the ambassador’s daughter, struts up to us, wearing a dark red pant suit, her long hair slicked back in a high ponytail and her high heels clicking against the marble.

“It’s the only correct answer.” Mira laughs. I join in, giving Ekaterina a quick once-over and I am once again impressed by her whole image.

I met her just two weeks ago. Queen Pelageya had had dealings with her parents, but Ekaterina has never joined them at the palace. I took an instant liking to the girl, who’s very knowledgeable in the ways of the human realm. We’ll be having plenty of conversations about her travels later. Queen Nikita of the Volkovskova Korolevstvo follows close behind Ekaterina, glancing around like she’s lost something.

“Okay, no one panic, but my four-year-old has escaped and has been stealing pastries, so she is beyond hyped up on sugar. If you see a little demon child with wild curly brown hair and a red tulle dress that may or may not be covered in stains darting around, for your own safety, don’t make eye contact. She’ll steal your soul,” Queen Nikita says by the way of greeting, and even though she sounds a little out of breath, she looks completely put together. She’s wearing a red gown, that wraps around one shoulder, leaving the other bare with a straight skirt that fans out at the very bottom. Her brown hair is curled and pinned on one side with a sparkling rose clip. She looks incredibly capable and not like someone who’s been chasing a child around.

“This party could use a little disaster,” I say, and she gives me a grateful smile. Just then, a child pops out from behind one of the couples, racing for us. She looks like a miniature version of Nikita, yet opposite in every way. The red tulle dress is in fact covered in stains and there is icing on one of her cheeks. She darts around us and away, laughing in the most childlike free way, before we can even think to grab her. Hot on her heels is King Gavriil of the Volkovskova Korolevstvo, a little out of breath. He pauses, giving me a bow. His dark hair is disheveled, as if he’s been running a hand through it. He’s lost his suit jacket somewhere and is now only wearing a black button up shirt, rolled up at the sleeves.

“I apologize for this,” he says. “My wife is the perfect mother, and this is all on me.” He stops near Nikita, dropping a very hot kiss to her lips, before winking at her and darting away.

“Wow, you have him trained,” Ekaterina comments, sipping from her glass.

“He came fully assembled like that,” Nikita replies, looking lovingly after her husband. I follow her gaze and watch as both Gavriil and Luca chase after the little girl, while Dimitri laughs…which makes the other two come back and grab him, dragging him behind them as they take off after Gavriil’s daughter.

“I think that’s the best entertainment I could ever have,” I comment, and the girls laugh. I turn my attention to the last girl who has joined us, one I only met this morning. Her long blonde hair is braided, a few stray wisps escaping, with tiny jewels adorning the hair in few places. She’s wearing a pink gown with a full flowy skirt and large flowy sleeves that fall off her shoulders, leaving them bare. She seems a bit shy, and slightly tired. She’s been dancing with every eligible gentleman here since the moment we stepped into the ballroom.

“Princessa Alyona, how are you enjoying yourself?”

The girl turns to me and sighs. “Would it be too much trouble for you to pretend to require my presence by your side for the next ten dances or so? I can’t deal with these suitors anymore.”

I glance over her shoulder at the tall and handsome man that has been shadowing her everywhere she goes, and I swear he’s trying to hide a smile. I assume he’s her bodyguard, as he is dressed in a simple black button up shirt and trousers, no sight of royal insignia on his clothes.

“Your parents are very determined to find you a match before your nineteenth birthday, aren’t they?” Mira asks, a sympathetic look on her face. Princessa Alyona’s story is well-known among the royal families. Even I had heard it as a little kid, I just didn’t realize it was real.

“Note for the future: baby parties,” Princessa Alyona says, “don’t have them. Keep your children away from any witches that might curse them out of spite.”

This time, I definitely notice the smile on her bodyguard’s face, and it carries a little more warmth than I’d expect, which makes me wonder about the story there. But I don’t think it’s my place to ask. At least, not now. Maybe one day, when we become better friends. Because even after only knowing these ladies for a few days or weeks, we have already begun to establish a friendship. I believe it will help us as rulers and as women, and I am so grateful for that.

I turn to the right, as if pulled there by some invisible thread, and watch as Dimitri steps back into the ballroom. His hair is a bit disheveled now, and he’s grinning. Luca and Gavriil are beside him, and Gavriil is holding his daughter in his arms as she wiggles against him, giggling. Dimitri’s eyes find mine through the crowd, and I know my whole body is flushing at that look.

There are so many possibilities in our future. I can’t wait to discover them all with him by my side.

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