The New Druid

Chapter 7:

Una woke up, still atop the tree. Any signs of Eburacon had been erased. She searched for the exit desperately, but never found it. She sat crossing her legs and wrapped her knuckles on her head. Ideas of how to get down evaded her. Had the druid saved the village? Where was he?

“Hello, girl.” A voice said.

Una jolted upright and looked around. She was the only one there.

“Come over here,” it said.

“Where? I don’t see you. Who are you?” Una said.

“Peace girl. Do not look, you will not find me.”

Una spun around and looked at the rainbow tree in the center of the treetop. “Grand elm?”

“That is close enough. I don’t expect you to understand just yet young druid.”

Una’s brows furrowed. “Druid? Me?”

“Yes, I have blessed you with my gift. Eburacon was so grateful for you. He had overstayed his time on this plane.”

“What happened to him? Where has he gone?” Una said remembering the empty rags waving in her hands.

“He is with me now, as you too will be one day.” the voice said.

“I’m his replacement?” Una concluded.


“Then the village...”

“No, the curse on the sheep has not been lifted.”

The vision of the red drop splashing into the pool appeared in Una’s head once more. “It was you. You poisoned the sheep...”

“It was necessary.”

“Necessary? We faced extinction. That could have gotten us all killed” Una teared up.

“Yes, but Eburacon would have expired shortly. Your village had forgotten their promise. So I reminded them.”

“Reminded... What are we to you? Sheep? You almost doomed us.”

“I view all animals the same. As should you, druid. Besides, It brought you here and with that I am satisfied.”

“OK fine. you got yourself a druid. Lift the curse.”

“I cannot.”

Una bit her lip and shook her fists. “Eburacon said--”

“Only my druid can lift curses outside my reach.”

“Then what do I have to do?”

“Go to the wolves on the outside of the roots. Their lives are at an even greater risk than that which faces your village.”

“You expect me to help those monsters.”

“Animals,” it corrected. “They have their place on the island as you and I do.”

“No, those things are killers. I won’t do it.”

“You have no choice.” The leaves rustled in anger causing a sudden gust. “If you do not your people will die.”

Una braced herself for the wind and her hair whipped in her face. She glared at the tree and pouted. “Fine. How do I leave.”

“Jump.” The tree said opening a hole in the leafy wall.

“Um, Aren’t we kind of high up?” Una walked to the edge of the tree and looked down. The village below looked like a column of rocks and the cobble post was barely visible. She wondered if Cathal had chased after her. Of course, he had, but what would he think? She would have a hard time explaining this to him.

“There is a condition to being a druid.”

Una spun on her heels and looked quizzically at the tree. “Condition?”

“Unless you are in this tree, you may not take the form of a human.”

“What do you mean?”

“Imagine an animal your fond of, one you’ve come to understand.”

Una closed her eyes and pictured a sheep, she spent days looking at the animals and she was sure she knew everything there was to know about sheep. When her eyes opened she didn’t feel any different. But when she tried to speak the only sound she made was ‘Baaa.’

“Impressive, very few get it right their first try.”

‘Baaa’ Una said.

“Do not speak. Animals communicate in other ways.”

Una closed her eyes once more, picturing herself. And when they opened she looked down at her human hands. “Then. I can only talk to you. I can’t ever speak to another human again?”

“There are other ways to communicate, but yes, the next human you speak too will be your replacement.”

tears welled up in Una’s eyes. She knew she said she was willing to sacrifice herself, but this was horrible.

“Peace druid.” Once you learn to communicate with animals, this lonely feeling will disappear.”

“My father is not an animal.”

“You’ve already agreed to cut your ties with the humans. That is the price of this gift.”

“You’re heartless.”

“I am. The circle of life is heartless and if you do nothing it will claim your town, winter will come and nature will claim it’s victory.”

“How can you be so cruel. Those are people down there.”

“It will be a shame to see them go, but another people will find my land and cultivate again. Your people aren’t the first nor will they be the last.”

“Do you even know why it took so long for someone to replace Eburacon.”

“Human matters do not interest me, I only need your race’s creativity to be my druid.”

“The mainlanders have come and forced their religion onto us. The people do not believe in you anymore.”

For the first time, the grand elm paused. It was suddenly doubting. “Become a bird and leave this place. I have no more to say.”

“Wait, I don’t know how to communicate with animals. you have to tell me more.”

The tree did not answer.

“Some god you are.” Una spat. But the tree stayed silent. After a moment passed Una grew tired of waiting and walked to the hole in the wall of leaves. She closed her eyes and pictured a beautiful white barn owl, she had always been fond of the bird. When she opened her eyes she still saw her toes at the edge of a long fall. She fell backward and scrambled from the ledge. She caught her breath and sat in bewilderment.

“I became the sheep no problem...” Una said. She closed her eyes and Imagined a sheep when she opened them again she was once again a sheep. The magic wasn’t the problem, she could still shift into a sheep.

She pondered the difference between the sheep and the owl. Sheep eat grass, and owls eat, mice? Una put a hoof up to her chin and tilted her head to the side. She closed her eyes and pictured the lazy cat who loafed in front of her home. The baker’s wife thought that cat was the cutest and always fed it at the same place, while the other cats had to work. There was another cat Una liked more, a sly tabby cat.

The tabby cat was shrewd and worked for her living, mice filled the meadow and threatened the crop, and this cat understood his duty. Most cats would find barely enough mice to quell their hunger, but this cat would bring extra corpses to town. Which earned him the affection of all the local businesses, in exchange, during the winters they would keep him warm. He boasted his strength and the other cats feared him, having seen enough of his fights to know they stood no chance. This cat had it figured out.

Una opened her eyes and she was a white feline. She meowed in delight, and arched her back, flicking her tail triumphantly. She understood how it worked now, and she closed her eyes once more. She may not be fond of this bird, but she understood the pest too well. She became a laughing gull and chuckled in glee. She waddled to the edged and laughed nervously. The village hadn’t moved any closer and the fall was still terrifying. She clamped her beak shut and jumped. The sun was rising and it was a beautiful sight. She squawked triumphantly as she floated in the sky.

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