The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 6

Luna Kate was worried about her son, husband, and pack members. As she walked down the hallway to her husband’s office she was thinking about what the Elders had to say about the symptoms her son was showing since he rejected that wonderful girl, Lisa the pack head warriors daughter.

She also has observed and felt the anger between her son and his third in command. As she walked into her husband’s office and gave him a hug and kiss on his forehead she went to sit on the couch but, he pulled her onto his lap.

He laid his head back against his chair closing his eyes and signed. Luna Kate looked at her husband laying her head on his shoulder. She waited for him to speak. Alpha Larry stated he is thinking about sending his son to his brother’s pack in May. . Alpha Larry stated he would call his brother in a few days and explain the reasons why.

Luna Kathy asked when he was going to tell his son that he will be leaving and that if he wants to be an Alpha of a pack he will need to change and form his own pack. Alpha Larry stated that he will tell him after he talks to his brother and let him know he will have to follow his uncles rules and in May that he will turn the pack over to Alpha Larry.

Luna Kate looked down and said that is for the best and they can also travel to visit his brother until they decide where they want to live. He leaned forward to kiss her and told her “let’s go eat lunch”. Luna Kate stood up pulling her husband up and they left the office and walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

As they walked into the dining room they got in line to get their food. In this pack, they don’t cut in line just because they are the Alpha and Luna. The Luna also helps the omega’s cook, and when everyone is done eating they clean their own plates and put them away

They also assist with cleaning the pack house. Just as everyone was finishing their meal Lisa’s brothers walked into the dining room and asked for permission to leave the pack to visit their sister.

Alpha Gene growled and Mark his third in command stated that he can keep his growls to himself because soon he won’t be his second in command because he won’t be the Alpha of the pack

Alpha Gene told him to watch his mouth. Mark said why everyone knows what you did and they don’t even respect him anymore. Mark then said it is even sad that you rejected our sister thinking you can have any slut in your bed and now they don’t even want anything to do with you because you are Alpha in name only.

Nathan smirked at Alpha Gene and turned and followed his brothers out of the room. As they got home and entered the house they saw their mother sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. Nathan told her Alpha Larry gave permission to go and visit Lisa and they would be leaving in the morning.

Lisa’s brothers were taking their luggage to the car when Mark said maybe one of us will find our mates. Nathan stated he wants a mate but he doesn’t want his mate to be a slut. He wants a good girl.

Norman asked if one of their mates was a slut what are they going to do. Mark and Nathan snapped their heads around glaring at him and said accept them as a mate and then teach them they will not dress like sluts and put them under mom’s care and supervision.

Norman started laughing and said good luck with that. He bet their mates will give them a run for their money. Norman then jumped in the driver’s seat and yelled, let’s go it’s going to take two days to get to uncle Bill's house.

After 8 hours of driving they stopped for gas and to eat. As they entered the McDonalds there were a lot of girls there and Norman started smirking as they were receiving a lot of attention. They overhear two girls stated that they don’t grow boys like that where she lives.

Mark then heard one point at Nathan and said he can put his shoes under my bed any day. This made Mark laugh out loud. Nathan hit him on the back of his head and told him to order so they can eat and get out of there and go to the hotel. As they got their food and started to sit down a girl came up and asked if they were movie stars.

They all laughed and said no. She then said are you models. They again laughed and said no we are just normal boys. She then asked if they were new in town and they said nope, just driving through on our way to visit our baby sister. Her friends called her and as she was walking away she said lucky baby sister.

The boys finished eating and left. As they entered the hotel room they fell on the beds and went straight to sleep. Mark was woken up by Nathan throwing water on him. Mark jumped up and said what did you do that for. Nathan said we have been trying to get you up for over an hour.

It's time to get breakfast and hit the rood. They still had a day and a half before they got to the uncle’s pack and they want to put as many miles behind them as they can. Norman was quite and not talking much so Nathan asked him what was wrong. Norman said his wolf needs to run and hopes they can find a place where they can all run when they stop at the next motel.

Nathan stated he had made reservations where the hotel has a forest behind it and they will be able to let their wolf run then. In the meantime Mark and Norman closed their eyes to get some sleep before they take over driving.

Nathan pulled into the hotel parking lot 5 hours later and woke his brothers up. They decided to take their luggage into their room and go for a run. The boys walked into the forest and found a good spot to put their clothes before changing into their wolf

As they ran, chased each other and killed a deer they felt more like their self. Running back to change into their clothes they talked about how excited they were to see Lisa and get in some training with her. Norman stated well then let's get to our room and get some sleep. If we leave early enough we should get to Uncle Bill's pack by noon tomorrow.

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