The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 34

I entered the pack house of my best friends parents. They greeted me like a long-lost daughter. Tamika Elizabeth’s mother held me saying how could they do this to their baby girl? She said grandfather wants to see you when you are up to it. I said ok, I will go after I lay down for a bit.

Elizabeth’s father Dakota held me and said, better days are coming child. There is prophesy but grandfather will explain now I want you to go to your room and get some rest. We will wake you when grandfather gets it. I said ok but I don’t think I will get any sleep and walked to the room that has always been mine.

I was being shaken awake by Dad (Dakota) he said honey time to get up and come down and eat. Grandfather is here. I walked downstairs and saw grandfather sitting on the couch. He said come here, child.

I walked up to him and he stood up looking me over. He moved my hair aside and looked at my mark, I noticed he was smiling. I said What? Mom and dad came over and looked and so did Elizabeth’s brother and cousin. He said I knew it. The prophecy said young women would be rejected by bye her first mate, accepted by another who isn’t her second chance mate.

She will go through heartache and return to her best friend’s home to heal and find her true second chance mate. The second chance mate will try to fight the mating but will not be able to stay away from the young women. They will have arguments until finally one of them takes matters into their own hands. However, they cannot fight forever and will be joined as mates, and husband and wife.

I smiled and said, I don’t need any more men to fawn over me. I am done with men. Grandfather smiled and said, for now, then a friend of Elizabeth’s brother and cousins walked into the house. Mom introduced him as Adam.

I smiled and said hello and walked to sit by grandfather. He put his arm around me and said I forgot to tell you why we were looking at your mark. He said it’s not there. I grabbed my neck and said what?

I ran to the mirror and pulled my hair away from my neck and noticed my mate mark was gone. I looked at grandfather and said that is not possible. He said yes, yes, it is. He was not your mate and you have finally come home where you belong.

Grandfather then looked at Adam and said, see I told you your mate would come home. Adam walked over to me and said, stay away from me and walked out the door.

I yelled, gladly. I don’t want another asshole of a male in my life. The further you stay away from me the better. Preferable in the next state over and slammed the front door. Everyone looked at me and started laughing. I said anyone want to go riding and go to the pond and go swimming? Trever grinned and said why not let’s go.

As we arrived at the pond and were swimming and having fun, guess who showed up, Adam of course. He came into swim and talk to Trevor while I just swam towards land. As I got out of the water I felt eyes on me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Adam staring at me. I just continued to dry off and slid my shorts on over my swim bottoms. I grabbed a comb out of my pocket and started to comb my hair working my way up. I felt someone sit behind me and say give me the comb.

It was Elizabeth’s brother Martin. He started combing my hair until it was untangled and then he braided it putting it on top of my head. He whispered baby girl it’s been a long time since I did this for you.

I want to say how sorry I am that life has not been good for you. He said Elizabeth said you have cried a lot and I want you to remember, at night you know where I am if you need a shoulder to cry on. I smiled at him over my shoulder and he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

I leaned back on the blanket and Martin’s dog Spike came over and lay by my side. I watched Martin gather some wood and start a fire. As I watched the fire I started to drift off to sleep. I heard Adam say, so she is the prophecy?

The one who is supposed to be my mate? Martin said that’s what grandfather said. He then said how many times have you heard of a mating mark disappearing? He said never, until today.

I felt Martin sitting down then my head being lifted and laid back down on his lap. They all thought I was asleep and continued to talk. Trever said that if he ever saw either of those Alpha’s on this territory he was going to kick their asses.

I rolled over on my side my shirt raised up enough to show the mark on my back. I heard Adam say what is that pointing to my back. Martin said what are you talking about? He said she has a scar on her back. I had not noticed a scare on Lisa’s back earlier. I leaned over lifting her shirt.

I noticed a scare from her shoulder going down to her hip. I said that looks like a knife cut. I said wolf’s don’t scare unless and I stopped and Trevor said unless someone used silver with wolfbane.

I heard a growl and it appeared to come from three men. I then heard one of them get up and walkway for a few minutes. He came back and said, we need to find out about that scar. They all agreed they would discuss it with me later.

I sat up and said we should head back, mom and dad will be worried. The guys started laughing and said no they won’t your with us. My phone started ringing and as I got it out of my pocket and saw who it was I became angry.

As I answered it I heard Alpha Darwin screaming asking me where the hell I was and when was I coming home. I said who’s home because it isn’t yours. He yelled you’re my mate. I said really?

I thought by now you would have made Lori your mate. He said when I find you, you will be sorry you ever left my territory. I said I am safe and even if you did find me you are the one who will be sorry.

Trevor said let me guess, Alpha Darwin who seems to think you’re his mate? I said yes, and no. I believe he knew I really wasn’t his mate but for some reason, he just had to mark and mate me thinking he would get Alpha Larry’s pack.

I said after what he did to me that didn’t happen, I saw to that. I convinced Alpha Larry to step down and make his son Alpha of the pack even though he did reject me. And now that he has done that the Moon Goddess is pissed and getting her revenge on all mates that reject their mates.

You see Alpha Gene can choose a mate, mark her and make her his Luna, however, he will never have children. Anyone who has recently rejected their mates can’t get their rejected mate back. They can choose another to mark, mate with, and make their Luna but they cannot have pups.

Now the Elders are digging into transcripts for other prophecies. So they can start warning other Alpha’s so they can stop things like this from happening. But this is doing the opposite. They aren’t rejecting their mates but they aren’t marking them either.

I myself well I am done with that crap. I don’t feel like I can trust men anymore. It is like they think the grass is greener on the other side and it’s not. They aren’t giving their mates the chance to change into their wolfs before rejecting them.

Let me tell you if they don’t have a brother, cousin’s, or male friends to help them through the change it is a bitch. I thankfully had brothers who as you know will kill for me. I heard since I left Alpha Dawin’s pack he has lost a lot of pack members because of the slut Lori. Most of his pack members have become members of the Blue Moon Pack, Alpha Gene’s pack.

Martin, said baby girl I have to ask you something. I said that, knowing he was going to ask me about my back. He said how did you get the scare? I hung my head and said Alpha Gene and his girlfriend. He said your mate did that do you?

I said yes after I got my wolf and told him I was his mate and he rejected me. I said they caught me running in the woods, and made me turn back to human. They held me down and he cut me. He said you ever call me your mate again I will do that to your face.

That’s when I decided to ask Alpha Larry if I could leave his pack and go to Uncle Bill’s pack. He and Trevor looked at each other and said if that Alpha ever comes to our pack I owe him a beating. No one does that to a girl. Martin said let’s go back to the pack house. We got on our horses and rode off.

I looked at Adam from under my hair and saw he was angry. He didn’t say anything to me though. As we arrived at the pack house he said, stay away from me and walked away. I felt sad for some reason.

I never felt that way with Alpha Darwin or Alpha Gene. I went into the house and to my room. As I took pajamas to the bathroom to get into the shower I felt tears coming down my face. When I told her to stay away from me I felt like someone was squeezing my heart. I thought I need to have a drink and find a slut to work through my anger.

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