The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna (Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance Series Book 2)

The Lycan’s Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna: Chapter 88

Jacob’s POV

I felt the loss harder than I imagine, looking at the babies, I realize how much I need Rosario by my side while I do this. It saddens me that she won’t see them grow, she won’t be there for their milestones like watching and first words.

‘She will be watching over them, she died with love so the goddess received her soul,’ Says my inner Lycan.

My children are perfect, an unexpected blessing and I’m already so in love with them that is why I’ll always appreciate Rosario for this wonderful gift in my life.

I grab the phone from my pocket and capture a picture of all three of them sleeping and send it to my elder brother. His response is quick,

ERICKSON: Wow, congrats bro, they are adorable, and the mom? How is she?

JACOB: Didn’t make it

ERICKSON: I’m sorry. Funeral arrangments?

JACOB: Tomorrow at dawn, I’ll have her close where the kids can visit when they are older, also waiting for her brother to get here.

ERICKSON: Will be at your place in an hour.

Putting my phone away, I gaze at the babies in adoration, and my Lycan howls in happiness. Warm arms wrap around my waist and I turn around to kiss my beautiful mate,

‘Hmm,’ She moans in my mouth and immediately, the big guy down there starts to get excited but no, it’s not the right time. I cup her face, her eyes are red like she’s been crying.

‘Are you alright?’ I ask, she nods

‘I was putting the pictures I took of Rosa and her babies at the hospital in their rooms,’

‘How are you doing with all this?’


I hug her for a long time. I’m so delighted that she’s here with me. I kiss the top of her hair and we are pulled away when one of the babies cries. I pick up the little princess in my arms and Arya calls for a bottle.

‘Hi, my Rose,’ She is so perfect, her tiny hand is holding my thumb tightly and I kiss it. I sit in a rocking chair and cradle the baby as I feed her the milk.

The firstborn, Chadwick, decides to cry as well and before we know it, they are all crying and Arya and I are panicking.

The door opens before I can call one of the nannies and my brother walks in, next to him is Alpha Mary of Raven moon pack, carrying balloons and wrapped-up boxes.

‘Grab one, and pick a bottle, brother, Hello Alpha Mary,’ I smile. Erickson who has never held a baby is nervous.

‘I’ll help,’ Alpha Mary offers, getting the second baby and carefully placing him in my brother’s arms. I watch their exchange for a while and the way they look at each other shows that they are attracted to one another.  I knew that they were having some business together but since when have they become close? Arya and I share a glance before going back to feeding our babies.

‘They are so beautiful, congratulations, Alpha Jacob,’ Says Alpha Mary

‘Thank you,’

‘Princess Arya, I didn’t know you were expecting, we were together at the seminar and I didn’t even notice,’ She says, touching the baby’s hair.

Arya is looking at me, not knowing how to answer.

‘Um, I’m not their… biological mother,’

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ Alpha Mary squints her eyes but doesn’t comment. After feeding and putting the babies to sleep, we downstairs for dinner.

‘That was wild bro,’ Eric holds my shoulder ‘You know it will always be like this right?’

I know life is about to change for me but at least I’ve got you and Arya,’

I notice he doesn’t look at Arya and the two didn’t exchange a word since he was here. I glimpse back at Arya who is talking to the female Alpha at the other end of the room,

‘She’s going to be here a lot,’

‘I know and I’m happy for you, even if it’s Princess Arya Lavista,’

‘So you accept her as part of our family?’ I ask, he sighs and glances back at my mate and their eyes meet. He bows at Arya subtly and she nods, it’s like having a silent understanding and I shake my head.

‘Yes, I can’t come between two fated. Also, if she is here after the mess that went on in the babies’ common room, she has my respect… They all cry at once!’

We laugh and talk more about the babies.

‘By the way, the one you fed was Eric, ‘

‘You mean Erickson?’ He asks. I nod, I named him after him to honor him, for always being a good brother and friend to me.

‘Thank you,’

‘So what about you and Alpha Mary?’ I ask.

‘Nothing, we just happened to do some business together and we were together when I was coming here so she tugged along,’

‘Interesting, your new business partner comes with you,’

‘Okay fine, we enjoy each other’s company but I can’t commit right now so…’ He trails,

‘Guys, dinner,’ Calls Arya. We all sit down to eat and I’m pleased that there is no awkwardness. The conversation flaws naturally.

‘So you two are mates?’ Asks Alpha Mary.


‘I’m glad you didn’t give into your family’s warring and rejected each other. This is the beginning of a new era indeed, two powerhouses coming together in marriage,’

‘Well, I’m yet to tell my family but I will soon,’

I narrow my gaze on the plate as thoughts consume me, what happens if Arya is told to pick a side, I know how much she loves her family and especially her brother, will she stand by me if push comes to show?

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