The Howl of Claim | COMPLETED

Chapter 18 | Ilaria

XVIII | F r e y a R u t h

Ilaria ( J o y f u l )

My wolf heaved because of the shortness of air in our lungs. It had been a while since we last shifted and also, our heat was near.

The word shakes me to the core.

We had also jumped from a really high area causing tiredness. We have been running for a while now and we desperately needed water to simmer the thirst down.

We still didn't stop. I knew if we did, Darius would get a hundred steps closer and me being me, I could not risk that. So even though we were on the verge of falling, I pushed my wolf to keep running.

We could not waste time in finding a river - it was cold anyway.

The snow was already thick under our paws and I doubted that more would fall tonight. The sun was hidden because of the large trees, only allowing a little shimmer of the sun.

I had no plans on stopping until I spotted a man - probably older than me, in his 20s maybe, Marco's age probably - who was hunched down.

He had a claw mark running down the length of his arm and blood-colored the snow red as it fell down his fingers.

I would've asked the man what happened but I was not going to shift in front of him. I already had enough guilt to hold me down.

It was a mere peck but then, lycans do take mates more seriously than werewolves.

I sniffed the air only to realize the man had no scent. He was definitely not a rogue but then who was he?

We cannot stop. We had to go.

I decided I would go around him but then he said something.

"Hello, Alpha Ruth. Nice seeing you here." My wolf froze. Excuse me?

His voice, I have heard it somewhere.

My head snapped in his direction and the man finally raised his head. He looked at my wolf mouth who had tongue hanging from the side, clearly giving the sign that we were parched.

"Here." The man pushed a bowl towards us which was filled with water. I was not that stupid to take out of a stranger's hand but the shiny clear water was too appealing.

I also realized that I had seen this man somewhere and also heard his voice. But where? My mind was completely blank.

My wolf whined in defeat but I did not allow her to drink.

"I promise there is nothing inside." I looked at the vessel once again and water called out to me. I just had to drink it.

And that was what I did. My wolf drank the water quite quickly, not caring about the man.

"I am Avalon by the way and Alpha Ruth, I must say, it was nice finally meeting you. We will meet again, shortly." I did not give his words any heed until the words actually settled in me.

It was nice finally meeting you.

We will meet again, shortly.

My wolf's head snapped up only to find the man disappeared into thin air. He was nowhere to be seen.

My heart ached as I gave more thought to it.

His words were old talk, now what mattered to me how did he disappear so fast - unless he was a very strong supernatural, And how in the world did he knew about me.

My wolf took a few steps to where he left his footsteps and blood and sniffed it. We again did not get any scent.

I shook my head. It was best if we carried on. We had other matters at hand.

And just like that, we continued our journey.

A lot of time passed by - I had no idea how much - when we had finally seen the border.

The happiness I felt at that moment was too much.

"Gamma, beta, I am here. At the border. Bring me something to cover with too." I ordered through the mind link.

"We are coming." I got a reply from my Beta as I crossed the border. My guards did not stop me and I knew the whole pack knew that I was back now because people started gathering.

I waited for my Beta and Gamma as my people watched me casually sitting down. Until they finally came and gave me a large cloth to cover me.

I shifted and had tightly covered myself with the cloth.

People around me gasped when they took in my sight. A realization hit me.

I probably had red lips and glowing skin, my hair had a shine to them and my voice had slightly changed as well. Symptoms of the heat of course.

A reason why Marco was staring at me with so much surprise.


"I know, can we not talk about it." It wasn't a question but an order and my Gamma immediately nodded.

People around us scattered but I could still hear them. They were talking about how I had found my mate, was going to go in heat, and was not going to be the Alpha anymore.


That is the main thing I cannot let happen. I cannot have my people thinking I would leave them. I would never!

"Let's go." I gritted under through my teeth and both my men nodded.

"So, how are you?" My beta asked and I glared at me.

"How do you think?" I snapped. I was annoyed suddenly. "Just, let's go and talk. I don't think we have much time left."

The moment we entered the packhouse, I had rushed to my room to get something for myself to pull on. I decided on a romper.

I spared myself a glance in the mirror and I was right, my cheeks were pink, my lips were red and even I found myself appealing.

Ignoring the enhancement in my appearance, I walked down to meet my Beta and Gamma who was waiting for me in the lounge.

I was told about everything. The identities of the females as well as the location they were missing from.

We guessed that the same group of supernatural who had been kidnapping other strong females had paid a visit here as well.

I know that something bothered my Gamma and Beta but they were not ready to discuss it with me. They feared something but they didn't find it important to share with me.

I could see it in their eyes.

But I let it slip by.

We had made changes in security. The females had been moved - since obviously they are the target - and a search party had been sent.

We were about to discuss even more when a commotion started outside. People had started screaming, running, and crying.

Just as we were about to stand up from our seats to go outside, the door of the entrance flew off its hinges.

And there stood an angry beast with golden eyes. Staring straight at me.

Oh boy, he was more than angry.


Okay . . . Well, that happened.


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