The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter Epliogue Pt. 1

Be somebody nobody thought you could be.



Something has been poking me in the face for a while now, but I'm too lazy to acknowledge it at first. Groaning, however, the poking continued. I growl in irritation opening my eyes, even that was a task. Blinking and squinting furiously for my sleepy eyes to adjust, I search for whatever's responsible for disturbing my damn sleep. Wide forest-green eyes clashes with my deep silver ones in amusement along with mischief.

"Morning mommy, daddy says it's time for you two to wake up." Romano snickers.

Grabbing him, I shower his cute little face with kisses. "Momma, stop! We'll wake Mystic up,” the six-year-old scolds me after his giggling fit.

Sighing dramatically. "Okay, wanna give mommy a hand bambino[baby]?" I ask and his little head bobs up and down so fast I thought it was going to pop right out.

Smiling, giving him my hands, which he dutifully takes, helping me up--always mommy's little helper. Climbing on the bed, Romano crawls behind my back assisting me in a more comfortable sitting position with the pillows.

"Thanks, bambino, now go tell your daddy he's sleeping on the couch later tonight," I tell him and he runs out of the bedroom screaming the message on top of his lungs.

It doesn't take Tyler long to come barging in the room looking disheveled with a pout.

"I'm the one that's supposed to be pouting!" I yell since he should've woken me up much earlier. "I'm sorry," I mumbled a second after my outburst as my lips trembled and I started to cry afterward which led to a few small items in the room levitating.

Chuckling, Tyler plops down beside me, taking me into his arms. "It's okay beautiful. How're my two favorite women doing?" He questions, rubbing my exposed stomach.

"Well, I'm hungry and your daughter is ducking with my powers," I whined. I wasn't allowed to curse during my pregnancies, so I replaced the F's with D's. Well, most of the time that is.

"Just a few more weeks baby," he replied with a chuckle.

"Where's B?" I ask, referring to our other two-year-old son.

"He's with your dad and Anna," he informs me. Oh, they were here ugh which means, I overslept again.

"Oh, help me to the shower, then go make me breakfast. I'm hungry, " I ordered.

“Yes, alpha right away.” Tyler mockingly salutes, causing me to glare at his stupid grin. Bastard thinks it's easy, I'd like to see him carry a witch for eight months and see how funny it is. I huff to myself.


"Well look who decided to grace us with her presence," Luca’s annoying voice heavily says with sarcasm.

Why am I still friends with the prick?

"Alexis, control your f- I mean, control your damn husband," I turn and murmured to Alexis, quickly catching myself.

Jenny snickers beside Brandon, and I send her a nasty glare. Being pregnant does not make me a morning person. Hell, I'm moody all the time. Which makes me a total bitch majority of the time.

"I see someone's in a pissy mood," Brandon chips in.

“Is this gang up on Destiny day! Why the hell are you guys here anyway.” I grumble taking my seat at the table with much difficulty, I can hardly sit without assistance. "Ugh, I can't wait for you to get off my bladder, little one, and get out of me." I cooed at my stomach.

“We need to discuss the annual alpha gathering, Santos will be hosting this year's event. We offered our assistance, and we're wondering if you guys are taking part in anything.” Brandon says, getting to the point.

“I can't speak for Tyler, but I'm going to think about it,” I replied not in the mood to deal with the werewolf council since they're required to be there.

Breakfast is served and I attack it like the hungry animal I am. What can I say, ham, stew beef, and bacon looks mouthwatering any time of the day lately. I crave meat more than usual so much these days.

“Gosh, just because you're pregnant; doesn't mean to pig out.” A passing warrior murmured in disgust.

Taking a deep breath, I wipe my messy mouth—ease my slouching self upright in the chair. Rising my right hand, levitating him in the air, turning him around to face me. He seems about nineteen, staring at me wide-eyed with baby doe eyes, his mop of brown hair looks silky nice. He's a looker alright, one with a nasty attitude.

“Speak. Your. Mind. Pup,” I say getting into alpha mode making him pale. "The fear that's rolling off you, smells delicious. The next time you see a pregnant woman, you show some fucking respect, now get the hell out of my face before I crush you from the inside." I growl predatory.

"Y-y-yes A-a-alpha, I'm ss-sorry." He stutters embarrassingly scattering out of the room.

"Haha haha. I can't! Destiny that was so mean," Alexis retorts cracking up.

"Yea... Well, calling me a pig is worse." I exclaim, stabbing my food with the fork. Teenagers!

"Momma, look what Uncle Damon got me!" Romano comes screaming with a toothy grin, a proud gleam in his eyes.

"What did he give you bambino?" I ask sweetly glaring at my brother. Nothing good ever comes from his 'gifts'.

"Why don't you demonstrate it instead buddy," Damon says rather mischievously.

Eagerly, Romano throws a small, bouncing, white ball on the table. At first, nothing happens, leaving us confused.

"Sweetie, I don't -" Alexis was about to say something but an explosion of multi-colors decorates the entire breakfast table, including us.

Romano is a giggling mess and my idiot brother is on the ground cracking up along with the six-year-old.

"Damon, if you don't have this place cleaned up in exactly ten minutes. Ti farò puntare in quel volto che amate così tanto che avrai bisogno di chirurgia una volta che ho fatto con te [I'm going to punch you in that face you cherish so much, you're going to need surgery once I'm done with you]." I threaten making him pale.

Romano's little face scrunches up with a deep frown, probably trying to figure out what I said. While he understands the language, he only knows the basics.

"Sweetheart, do you want to help mommy and your sister get cleaned up?" I ask before he begins asking questions, he's so curious at times that I can't keep up.

"Yes! Daddy put me in charge, he said you're clumsy in the tub and not to let you fall." Romano says, proud of himself for reciting his soon-to-be-dead father's words as he leads me up the stairs carefully. The only thing I could do is chuckle.


The scent of fresh pine fills my senses, opening my eyes I see light green ones staring at me curiously. "Mommy's up!" B squeals out, no doubt up to no good.

"Did your brother teach you that trick, huh?!" I tickle the little boy, not stopping until he's in a coughing mess.

"Hi mommy," he says, his smile showing his little pearly white teeth.

"Hey my bell'uomo [handsome man]," I replied ruffling his dark brown curls making him pout. I stick my tongue out and he mimics my action, making me giggle. Looking at the clock I see it's reading at 8 pm. Gosh, I'm sleeping heavier and longer these days.

"Let's get you to bed buddy," Tyler says scooping up the giggling boy, throwing him over his shoulders.

"Night mommy!" He screams upside down and waves.

"Goodnight sweetheart!" I dramatically bow.

A tired-looking Tyler enters our room an hour later with a tray of food. "Here you go wifey," he teases bringing a fork full of steak to my mouth.

"You look incredibly tired baby," I mutter in concern at the dark circles around his eyes. "I'm sorry I'm not much help with the kids or the pack lately. And it doesn't help that I'm a complete hormonal bitch towards you," I honestly ramble on with guilt.

His soft lips kiss my saucy ones, shutting me up the moment his sinful tongue dives into my mouth exploring every corner of it.

"Don't ever say that you're not useful," he says cupping my chin, pecking my lips again. "You're bringing another life into this world and that's enough work for anyone, and I don't mind your hormones either." He says with a smile.

"Plus, remember when you thought we wouldn't have any of this?" He gestured to my stomach.

"You never gave up. Always said we'd have one and now we've got two and another on the way," I mumbled through blurry vision.

"You're the mother of my kids, the love of my life, and half of my soul. I love you beautiful, now and always." He declares kissing me passionately and I moan.

"Now and always," I repeat trying to be seductive and it works when a growls slips out of his mouth. Licking his lip, I smirk knowing full well what'll happen next. This is going to be a long night!


It's Brandon and Jenny's daughters' first birthday today, and we're all invited over. Tyler walks out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and I instantly drool as the water droplets slowly slide down his well-defined torso.

"Beautiful you're not getting any of this cock, you're still sore from last night's activity." Tyler chastises me and I pout in disappointment. Damn it!

"Help me into this dress, my feet hurt. I'm thinking of going bare," I retort with a frown.

Chuckling, Tyler zips shut the floral, off-shoulder dress with ease. "By the way, B has already left with your parents and Rome's downstairs with Michelangelo." My husband announces, hugging me from behind, caressing my stomach causing the baby to kick be he crouches down, kissing where he felt the movements.

"I can't wait to meet her," Tyler exclaimed, his handsome face stretching into a warm smile. He's excited about this baby ever since we found out it's a girl.

"Come on, we're going to be late," I replied, chuckling.


"Hi honey," Anna says, trying to hug me in greeting, keyword try.

"Hey mom," I responded. Yes, I said 'Mom' because she's been there for me over the years accepting me without a thought. "Where's B?" I questioned since I didn't see him with my dad who's making his way towards us.

"GRANDPA!" Romano screams as if he didn't see the man enough.

Rolling my eyes at the two, we embrace each other. "Hey Dad, where's B?" I ask him.

"He's with Dean,” He replies. “Ugh, when's my princess getting here?" He whines, rubbing my stomach like the man-child he is.

"Dad," I groan and Anna chuckles at my pouting father like seriously, he's already spoiling the boys rotten. I can only imagine what he'll do to Mystic.

“Aunt Desi!” I'm tackled gently into a hug.

“Hey buddy, it's been ages!” I exclaim hugging the rascal.

“I've only been away for two weeks Aunt Desi, Grandpa Blue's around back giving away cupcakes with icing!” He exclaimed, dragging me off to the back.

“Muffin! You look so gorgeous,” Blue says, hugging me. “Achilles, your mother's looking for you.” He whispered making Ace take off.

“What are you two up to?” I ask suspiciously and he shrugs. Hmmm, up to no good is more accurate. I thought to myself, grabbing a cupcake to snack on.


Laughter fills the playrooms along with a sea of happy conversations flowing around the backyard.

"Hey squirt, how's my niece doing?" German asks, taking a seat beside me.

"She's fine, you prick," I answered, sipping on my lemonade. German chuckles, lightly throwing his arms around me, and I immediately lay my head on his broad shoulders.

"You look tired,” German says matter of fact. “Not getting enough sleep?" He asks in concern.

"My feet hurt, that's all. Other than that, I'm doing good," I replied looking at the happy atmosphere that currently surrounds us with a smile.

I love this peace, we've earned it. After all, we've been through and what we've lost—this is more than deserving.

But I miss Grandma Sara so much.

After the battle, we found out Viktor was the only one after me. He was the only person behind the war. The council wasn't even aware of my true nature at first, they only knew I'm the product of a witch-were couple, not about being a hybrid. They dared to ask me to join them, which I declined. Well more like a growled out a 'Go fuck yourselves.

Like I'd ever work for those bastards. I thought to myself scoffing out loud at the very thought of it.

Viktor was as old as time itself, yet they were amazed I defeated not only him, but I brought down a coven so old and powerful like the Crystals. They feared I'd kill them next, which was very much tempting. So we came to an unbreakable deal.

The Blood Oath.

The blood oath of that magnitude is unheard of, but I ensured we made it. Witches were free to think and use the powers of their own free will, they didn't belong to any pack. Mixed couples were allowed to marry and have kids without looking over their shoulders. It's illegal to purchase, kidnap, or sell witches.

I also made them officially give back the Hawthorne Land that was stolen by the Hunter's in writing. I built a school along with housing homes on that land for any witch to join, whether it was to practice and control their powers. A place to call home or just to simply join the Hawthorne Coven to which I train them, with Simon's help of course. He's getting much older now but my students know better than to undermine him.

"Momma, is Mystic okay?" Rome asks, putting his ear to my stomach with a deep frown.

"Yes bambino, why? " I retort worriedly. Romano has a way of sensing when something's wrong and this pregnancy is the most difficult thus far—I'm barely in control of my powers and body at times. We don't know what power he possesses or even if he possesses any, but either way, we all love him.

He shrugs, "Her heartbeat echoes that's all." He explains, having a thing for heartbeats.

"She's doing fine bambino, " I reassure Rome and he beams. Damn, he's gonna make an excellent alpha and a good man just like his father someday.

Romano Darren Greyson showed signs of the alpha even before his mark appeared last year. He's my little miracle, I had him two years after the war. I was so surprised, I cried like a newborn. Once he became a bit older, we planned for another baby and B came along.

Alexander Luca Greyson came four years later. Now this little witch Mystic Sara Hawthorne, will join the bunch in a matter of weeks.

As for Brandon and Jenny, they hooked up after the war once she finally womaned up—telling Brandon he's her spirit spouse. Now they're parents of two beautiful kids. Shane Adrian Parker and little miss thing, Camela Destiny Silverstone. I'm so honored to be her godmother.

Luca and Alexis had confessed their love to me, which still is a surprise. But in all honesty, I admit, they're made for each other if you ask me. Two weirdos. They have a son Tyler Maurice Parker and Alexis is currently two months pregnant with their second child.

All in all, things were good and peaceful, not perfect but a stepping stone from where we were coming from. I never did shift again but it's okay. The one time as a wolf was worth it. The freedom of the beast, the wind gliding through my fur, and seeing the world clearer than before—is a memory I'll forever cherish. I still have my wolf and we remain as one, I just can't shift as regular werewolves do.

Feeling the urge to pee, I ease myself out of the chair to stand, only for my dress to get soaked in clear liquid—a puddle laying at my feet.

"TYLER, YOU FUCKING BASTARD! CALL MICKEY!" I screamed in pain as the first contraction hits me. We're never having sex again. I swear to myself as I get scooped up by German bridal style.


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