The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 8: The boys three days later

One of the members asked Raymond and Joe if I was alright as they had not seen or heard from me in three days."

"That's right I had been gone for three days and my family never noticed."

"It was not like them to not know where I am at any given minute of the day."

"How could they have started to forget about me?"

"I know my brothers love me."

"Joe looked at Raymond and said.; He is right. We have not seen or heard from Cindy in two days."

"I will go and see if she will open the door."

"I yelled Cindy's name and pounded on the door. Then I tested the door knob and opened the door. Her room was clean, the bed made but she was nowhere to be seen."

"I ran to the garage and noticed her car was gone. I ran across the street and told Raymond, Mom, and Dad she was gone."

"What the hell do you mean she is gone It is your boys's job to keep track of your sister."

"Sorry, Dad but we have not seen or heard from her in three days."

I was listening to Cindy's dad yell for her brother to find her and bring her home."

"I looked over to see what Psycho was thinking about her being gone."

"He didn't blink an eye."

'I walked over and looked Psycho in the eyes."

"Psycho if you don't snatch that girl up soon, I will and I will marry her."

"She would make a perfect Queen for my club I then turned and walked back over to the table. I sat back and watched Psycho's face between hooded eyelids."

"I grinned. Good, he is thinking now."

"I won't lie and went to her property and used the binoculars and watched her."

"I watched her walk out of the cabin with her long hair in a ponytail. Then she stretched and started running through the forest."

I had several members who had been in the service follow her. Several would come back gasping for air."

"What took you so long I asked my best runner. He is Indian. That girl just ran 20 miles and I barely kept up with her."

I don't know how she could run like that without stopping and taking a break."

"She didn't she just kept running as if it didn't phase her a bit."

"Doesn't surprise me I told him."

"Her dad trained her."

"She can easily run from someone and not get caught."

"I should say she can run further and longer than any soldier I know."

"I wonder what she is up to. I asked myself."

"I want to know if she leaves the cabin for town."

"I got the phone call one week later she was headed to town."

"I jumped on my bike with my VP and brother Raven."

"I found her in Wal-Mart. I called her name and she turned and looked at me with the coldest eyes I have ever seen."

"What do you want White Wolf?"

"Nothing just going to invite you to my clubhouse for dinner."

"What are you doing here Cindy?"

"That is none of your fucking business. White Wolf."

"Hey, I am just being friendly."

"Be friendly with some other woman. Stay away from me."

"Shit, I knew what she was doing."

"She is hardening her heart. Against all men."

"Cindy, I know what you are doing. Don't do it."

"If you think you know so much tell me just what am I doing?"

"You are building a wall around your heart."

"You are making yourself hate all men."

"Don't do that."

"And what if I am what is it to you?"

"My sister is doing the same thing."

"I don't want you to retreat it."

"Regret it? What do you know about what I have been through?"

"I noticed the bandage around her wrist."

"I grabbed her hand and told her she needed to stop cutting before things went too far."

"That is the problem, I tried to kill myself doing the death jump but I just had to be the only fucking one to live through it."

"Hell, I have to hide my razor blades where my brothers can't find them."

"And the one man that got to me after everything that happened to me just hates my guts."

"So if I can't have him fine. I will become the coldest bitch on earth, and the meanest one."

"You are too late in stopping that White Wolf."

"There is no man out there I am good enough for."

"Most of them walk away from me and don't even see me they act as if I don't exit."

"So why not grow a wall around my heart that no one can break free."

And become known as the Ice Queen."

I felt empathy for her."

"She loves Psycho and he won't even give her a chance."

"What about Psycho?"

"He hates my guts. I am not his type of woman. And he doesn't even want to talk to me let alone touch me."

"So Psycho will have to break through that cold heart."

"BY the time I am finished I won't even have a heart."

"I walked past him and then turned back and asked him what time dinner would be."

"I will be there White Wolf."

"I got back to the club and noticed Psycho's brother standing next to his bike."

"I told him about Cindy and the story with Psycho."

"I have to see this woman that has fallen for my hard-headed brother he told me."

"Killer. She is full of hate right now so don't take offence about anything she says."

"I am not that soft-hearted White Wolf and you know it."

"So this is also the woman that can run 20 miles without stopping to take a break?"

"Yes, she is."

"I arrived at White Wolf Club 30 minutes early. I turned my car off and walked into the club. I turned my head and walked over to his table. I know those bastards were staring at my ass."

"I pulled a chair out and sat down."

"Glad to see you could make it. To be truthful I didn't think you would come."

"I heard boots behind me and turned around and looked at the man standing behind me.

"Cindy this is Psycho's brother, killer."

"Killer this is Cindy. She loves your brother but he pushes her away."

"My brother is a fool I said as I walked around the table and pulled a chair out sitting down."

"I looked at her and noticed the sadness in her eyes."

"I also recognized the hate for men there as well."

"Psycho is fighting his feelings for her. And how would I know that you might ask?"

"Because I am fighting my feelings for her myself."

"My brother and I have the same taste in women. Almost. I like mine meek and mild. Psycho likes them wild, and mean enough to fight. And argue with him."

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