The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 33: The Lock Down

We are having a lockdown because a new MC threatened to burn us down." And to take our woman."

Never is he going to touch you."

"I know that Dragon."

"I also know they won't be touching rain either."

"I walked with Dragon to our assigned room. We showered changed and went to bed. For once we fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows."

The next morning I was up early and went and helped cook to make breakfast."

'"Soon the table was set with all the food and people started getting a paper plate and plastic silverware. And putting food on their plates. I made a plate and walked over and sat next to Dragon."

"I want you to be aware of everything going on around you, Sara."

"We think the Skulls managed to slip someone into our club as a prospect."

"If you notice a prospect looking at you for too long let me know immediately."

"He may be the the mole."

"And I don't want him getting his hands on you."

"I do not want you hurt."

"I would hate to go crazy."

"I don't want you to ever see what I can truly be like."

"I am not afraid of you Dragon."

"If you want to rip someone's head off of him do it."

I don't care."

"I turned and looked over at our daughter."

"She is even more beautiful than before her wedding."

"I wonder if she is pregnant."

"I go busy cleaning up after breakfast and helping Cook to make mashed potatoes and pork chops."

"I smiled at Cook as he started to sing, Danny Boy."

"I love Danny boy."

"Soon the potatoes were on to boil and I made cherry pies for supper."

Soon all the pies were on the counter cooling off."

"I knew they could smell them cooking."

"I started to carry them out and put them on the bar once that was done I carried the salad out there and Cook walked out ringing the cowbell."

"The men came inside and got their food heading to the bar."

"Children and women were next."

I got my plate and carried it to where Dragon was sitting. I then got myself a pie and salad and walked back to Dragon. I moved my coffee, and sat the salad and pie down."

As we were all eating we heard shots being fired. We all hit the floor."

The men ran out with their guns and started to shoot back at them."

"Dragon grinned as four of their members were hit and fell off onto the ground.

"The members ran over to the gate opened it and went out still shooting and brought the members of the other MC into the gates."

"I am not sure what they did with them and I don't care."

"I just want peace. Why do all the new clubs want to fight with us older clubs."

"They seem to learn the hard way."

"But they do learn."

"I got back up and sat down and finished eating."

"I saw brothers looking at me."

"What I yelled. No one is shooting now so I can finish eating my good food. Everyone sits down and finishes eating. Now!" I yelled at them.

I finished then carried my items and threw them into the trash can. I went to the kitchen and got more coffee before walking into the bar."

Soon the Valkarie were washing tables down and putting things away like salt and pepper and butter."

I finished what I was doing and walked over to the valkyrie table."

We all sat talking and working on baby quilts."

We were having a good time."

I noticed a prospect just staring at Rain. I excused my self and went to find Dragon. I told him about the prospect and he followed me into the clubhouse.

"I pointed out the prospect and Dragon stared at him before taking his phone out and taking his picture."

"I hope he is not one of the moles."

"I like that prospect."

"I hope he isn't either."

Some of the valkyrie asked if Rain and I would sword fight."

"We agreed and walked to our bedrooms grabbing our swords. I noticed the Prospect followed us outside."

"I put one of my swords on a table and pulled the other out of its holder. I walked up and put my sword on the ground and looked at Rain nodding my head."

"We had been fighting for an hour when I made my move and Rain gave in knowing I had her."

I noticed the prospect out of the side of my eye. His face was white."

"I watched mother and daughter going at it. If I didn't know any better I would bet they wanted to kill each other."

"I sure do not want to mess with either of them and neither should the boss."

"These two are fighters for sure. Not to mention who their husbands are and Rain's father is Dragon."

"We would have two angry men coming for her."

"Not to mention every member here would go and get Sara."

Just then Psycho and Cindy walked into the room."

"Jesus H. Christ all their women are beautiful."

"No one is dumb enough to try and take Psycho's woman."

"The won't live very long."

"He will become a killing machine."

I am not sure we should be taking any of these woman. Even if we are not going to hurt them."

"In the end we will be the ones that get hurt. Even killed."

"That is not something I am looking forward to. But orders are orders."

"I thought I was being cool about it I didn't realize I had given myself away and they were watching me."

"I know if they catch me they will beat the shit out of me and send me back to the boss."

I stood up to walk outside. I looked around for a dark spot that no one would come and look for me. I called the boss and gave him a heads up."

"He said they will arrive tonight and send in the men to take the mother and daughter."

"I hung up the phone and stepped out of the dark and lit a cigerrate."

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