The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Dude Looks Like A Lady’ by Aerosmith)


I've been racking my brain for days, trying to remember the details of my encounter with the guy with the green eyes. The only way I'm going to find him is if I find that thing, I ripped off his neck.

I need to go back to the scene of the crime.

As I stand in the alley, grimacing at the faint image of my pathetic ass on the ground, I try to picture how it went down.

He beat me then, he won’t get a second chance.

Walking into the alley, I carefully search every inch for whatever I ripped from his neck.

It has to be here. I know it’s not an alcoholic memory.

I was about to give up when the sun made something sparkle by the dumpster. I squat down and look. I reach just under the lip of it and pick up what I was looking for.

It’s a long chain that looks silver, but it’s not. On the end is a weird ass pendent. It’s circle and has a red jewel in the center. I hold it in my palm and run my thumb over it as I inspect it. My mind flashes to a feeling of dread when I saw it.

A carved dragon twisting in a circle. It’s breathing fire around the jewel. I flip it over and there's a single letter 'A' inscribed on the back. I trace the letter with my finger then flip the pendent again.

"Dragon." I mutter to myself. If true, it confirms the underlying feeling of concern I’ve been feeling all week. I kept getting a sense that this guy was no ordinary trash bag. He certainly didn’t fit in with the rest of scum here. It also explains why he fights so well.

As my thoughts fill with foggy details, I'm interrupted by a tug on my arm.

"Spare change, brother?" I look to a disheveled man with his hand out. I stand, quickly shove the pendent in my pocket and pull out a few coins.

"Uh... sure..." I place the coins in his palm and walk off.

"Thanks!" He calls back to me.

I needed answers and I knew where to get them.

I hop on my bike and head for the downtown security building. A private extension of pack house security. It was our attempt to recover what we lost when the Unit took back their Border Units. It did help for a while, but they ended up losing due to the sheer number of criminals that came here.

I pull into the parking lot and park.

Walking into the lobby of the two story office building, I flash a charming smile at the receptionist, Cheryl.

Cheryl has one of my favorite woman features. Curly hair. She’s a blonde and totally hot. She definitely knows how to work that cute, little ass. I’ve had plenty of good times with her. I wonder if I can blow some steam off. It’s been awhile, I could definitely use it.

"Hey, cutie. How's it going?" I saunter up and lean on the counter. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I eye her like fresh meat.

She arches a brow as she glances at me. "When did you get back?"

She goes back to typing and seems a little upset. Is she mad at me?

I scratch my temple then place my hand on the edge of the counter. I! place my other hand on my hip and cross my feet. "Six months ago."

"No phone call. No text." She grumbles as she strikes the keys on the keyboard a little harder.

"I've been, you know, busy." I shrug with a smile.

She turns her chair to me and scowls. "You mean you've been stinking drunk." She turns back and her delicate fingers continue making keystrokes.

"Come on, you can't still be mad." I push off the counter and flop my hand to the side. “That was a million years ago.” I grin.

She twists her chair to me again. "You take me to a hotel. Order five hundred dollars worth of food and alcohol and leave. Never to be heard from again. Sticking me with the bill! Yes, I'm still mad!"

I cross my arms on the counter, rest my chin on them and smile my cutest smile. "I'm sorry, baby. Let me make it up you with dinner at my place."

She stands and my eyes follow her as she crosses her desk area to file some papers. “Don’t call me baby.”

She turns and bends over. My eyes go directly to her ass. I forgot how tight it was.

“Ok, Sexy.” I stand straight and grin as she spins around and glares at me.

She places a hand on her hip. "What do you want, Luke?" She takes her seat again.

"Is Terry in?" I stuff my hand in my pockets and feel the pendent.

"Yeah, I'll buzz you in. He's the third office on the left." She adjusts herself in her chair.

I walk over to the door to the back offices, grab the handle and it clicks, unlocking it. I swing it open and turn back to her.

"Is that a yes for dinner?" I smile

She folds her arms and narrows her eyes. "Not a chance in hell."

I tick my head quick. "Ok, then." I close the door and walk into the office building, strutting up the hallway as I go.

I get to the office with the name plate ‘Terry Flash’ on the door. I peer into the window and see him at his desk.

Terry is my dad's Delta. He helps here when he doesn't have pack business to do. He used to work as the Border Unit liaison, but now he's the pack house security contact. He’s also taking over for Blade since Blade is a full time trainer at Falcon Ridge now.

I watch him pour over papers, running his fingers through his golden blonde hair. He definitely has that security look wearing a white button down shirt, brown pants and a badge on his hip. He’s built, but not as much as I am. I chuckle and think, I use to make guys like him sweat in my younger years.

I give a quick knuckle rap on the glass. He looks up and waves me in.

I open the door and he smiles. "Hey, Luke. What brings you by? I thought you'd be gone already. Sorry I missed your send off."

I wave him down, sinking into a chair next to his desk. "I'm not going, now. You didn't miss much. Got blind drunk, struck out then got mugged." I lean on my knees and tap my fingers together.

"Sounds fun." He arches his brow. “Madison mentioned something about you being mugged. You, ok?”

“Yeah. I’m trying to piece it together, but I found something I think you can help with.” I reach into my pocket and pull out the pendent. "I pulled this from the neck of the guy that busted me. I was wondering if you could find out anything about it."

Terry took it, hung it from his fingers and the pendent twirled in front of his eyes. "Well, it's certainly unique. Dragon?"

I shrug. "I don't know, but if it was, I’m wondering why he didn’t just kill me? I also want to know what he’s doing here.”

He throws it down on his desk. "He could be just hiding out. Falcon Ridge broke the pack up good. Lone Dragons are everywhere now.”

“Nah. I feel like he has a reason he’s here. I don’t know how. Just a gut feeling.” I side eye him as I sit up.

“Well, leave it with me and I'll see what I can find. Should be about a week." He leans back in his chair.

"Thanks, man." I stand and shake his hand. "Hey, um, don't... tell anyone ok. I want to keep this hush until I know what I'm dealing with."

I want my payback and I don’t want anyone getting in my way. If he’s a Dragon, I’ll make it hurt even more before I put my 9mm between his eyes.

"Ok. If that's what you want." He says.

I open the door to his office. "Thanks. Um, give me a call. Will catch up over beer."

He chuckles. "Yeah, sure."

I leave the secured part of the building and avoid Cheryl at all cost.

I walk out to the parking lot and look around the street. If Red Rock is becoming a safe haven for Dragons, that’s even more reason to stay. I was fine with petty criminals, but Dragons don’t deserve to live.

I climb onto my bike. This Alpha won’t be letting Torrent survive.


Walking up the pack house steps, I’m staring at my phone.

I took a picture of the pendent and I can't stop thinking about what it could possibly mean.

My first thought was Dragon, of course, but his behavior didn’t match any Dragon I’ve ever come across. They’re usually not so mysterious. They love getting all up in your face with their self righteous dialogue, singing about how great Torrent was. Why is this guy different?

I also keep getting flashes of those green eyes. I see how angry they are, but my gut is telling me it isn’t total anger and it’s really starting to vex me.

Also, over the last day or two, those eyes are being followed by fire red hair. Again, not Dragon. All Dragons have white hair, unless he’s a rogue or a pack member they recruited.

Everything that I’ve been feeling is really having me wonder. Is there something about this guy that is making me want to get him alone? I think I’m starting to get weirded out here.

I close my phone and head in.

"Oh good, you're here." Bobby greets me at the door.

"What's up?" I hang up my jacket, kick off my boots and walk with him to the common room.

"You know how we've been looking for your attacker, right?" He stops, turns and crosses his arms.

"Yeah." I match his posture.

"We found something. It’s in my office.” He waves me to follow and we head to the office hall.

Finally. Hopefully, it’s better than what I got. The sooner I get this creep out of my head, the better.

He opens the door to his office and I follow in behind him, closing the door behind me. I’m hoping whatever Bobby has will reveal who this fucker is. I want first dibs.

He sits down at his desk, turns his laptop to me and I see a paused video.

"This is from a bar two doors down across the street. It's not very good, but it's interesting." He explains as he hits play.

And there it is. My ass getting kicked all over the fucking alley. After this is over, I’m destroying this and never speaking of it again.

I was right about the hood, boots and fighting skills. He was holding back, but I can see the skill. He kicks my gut and I cringe as I watch myself get manhandled like a fucking wimp.

My mind flashes as I lean closer to the video. This is where I…

My jaw goes slack as I watch myself pull the guys hood off…My eyes widen when I see long, fire red curls.

It slams back in my head. The feminine frame in the coat. The sounds she made as she threw her punches, the tanned skin, the full, pink lips. The gorgeous green eyes.

“Oh God…” I take deep breaths in and out and lean on my knees. “Thank fuck…” I pant as I hold my eyes and breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing it's a chick I’m following and not a dude.


I drop my hand and my mouth goes small. I shoot up straight and roll my head to Bobby. “I mean… I was drunk.”

“I know.” He smirks.

I point to him. “She’s stronger than she looks. That wouldn’t have happen if I wasn’t plastered.” I grit as I point to the video.

“So, your attacker is a girl.” He leans back and smiles.

“Yeah. So, what?” I cross my arms and scowl.

He laughs. “Relax, Luke. I’m not questioning your manhood.”

“Good because I was.” I say quietly as I lean down, rewind the video and press play again.

“What?” He arches a brow.

“Nothing.” I grin. “Now, it’s all coming back.”

I watch her drill my head again and again. Why didn’t she kill me? She was right there. No one would’ve stopped her. They certainly didn’t stop the fight. She seemed to hesitate when I pulled her hood off. Like she was caught off guard. I know I was. I tried to stop her from hitting me, but it was too late.

After I blacked out, she threw her hood up and exited the alley onto the sidewalk. I remember smelling the flowers when I was close. They were… um…

“Cherry blossoms.” I whisper.

“Excuse me?” Bobby asks.

“Nothing.” I glance up at him and press stop.

“Now that we have a better description, we can get the word out." Bobby turns his laptop back to him and starts pressing keys.

Shit. I don’t need the pack house security on her. I still want my piece.

Not that kind of piece! Geez, gutter brain much!

No. I still want payback without anyone getting in my way. If she’s a Dragon, I’m going to show her what I think of her infiltrating my pack.

I eye him as I lean on his desk. "Just... hold off on that.”

“Ok, why?” His brows cinch as he questions.

“Because… I don’t want to tip her off. I want her arrested at the very least and if you guys start hunting her down, she’ll run.” I motion a hand out to him.

“So, what? You’re going to hunt her?” He leans back in his chair.

“I’m a tracker, right?” I shrug as I turn for the door. “I guess I’ll track her down. Find out where she’s hiding out then call you guys.”

He narrows his eyes. "You sure?"

I rub my nape. “Yeah. We want to catch her, right? She looks professional. We need to outsmart her. Blasting out an APB is the last thing we should do and I work better alone."

“I just don’t think you should go after this person alone. She looks like a really good fighter.” He stands as I spin around and walk backwards.

“I can handle myself, Bobby. It’s just a girl. How bad could she be?” I smirk as I hit the door and grab the handle.

“She kicked your ass.” He grins and crosses his arms.

I throw a finger at him. “I was drunk!”

He laughs as I shake my head and open the door. “Send that video to my phone. I want to see if I remember anything else about her.”

He opens the laptop and sends the link. My phone pings and I open it.

“OK. Sent.” He tilts his head at me. “You ok? You’re kind of acting weird.

"Yeah. I'm just disturbed a girl busted my balls, that's all." I chuckle.

He grins "Don't worry, your secret’s safe with me."

"Thanks." I walk out, pull out my phone and open the link to the video. Zooming in on her crouched over me, I pause at a point where I can just make out the side of her cheek.

"Who are you?" I whisper as I touch her image.

"What are you doing right now?"

I look up to see Lucy strutting toward me. I quickly close my phone and put it in my pocket. "Uh... nothing. Why?"

"You were supposed to be in training an hour ago." She's dresses in sport clothes and eyeing me.

I slam the palm of my hand to my forehead. "Shit. Right. I forgot. Ok. Give my fifteen minutes." That’s right. I have to make two iron heads cry.

Leaving Lucy in the hall, I jump up the stairs to my room. I shuck my t-shirt and exchange it for a cut off tank then shed my jeans for sweats.

I hop down the stairs and meet Lucy in the hall leading to the pack house training room. "Let's go."

On the back left of the house, we have a private training room with a full weight room attached to it and outside, we have an outdoor sparring area.

Tyrone and Richie are big on combat training. They love to challenge me, but I haven't trained with them in years. When I joined the Unit at 17, I pretty much forgot how they fight. This should be fun.

One thing I do remember is they always go for the throat. Sink or swim type training.

When we walk in, Tyrone greets us with crossed arms. "Glad you could grace us with your presence." He says sarcastically.

"Whatever, Tyrone. Can we get this over with?" I kick out a leg, cross my arms and scowl.

"Sure." He smirks.

He sticks his forefinger and thumb in his mouth. The gym room fills with a loud whistle and six guys saunter out of the next room with weapons.

"It's over when these guys, don't get up." Tyrone thumbs over his shoulder and raises a brow to me.

He leaves the floor as the guys all line up, bouncing and gripping their weapons like they’re about to rob my ass.

"Wait, Tyrone..." I hold a hand out and start to take steps back as I keep a close eye on all of them. They stalk me in the giant circle I’m walking, with that look. You know, the 'I'm going to rip off your balls off' kind of look.

I continue to back up around the room with boxing ring hops. "We should start a little lighter, don't you think?" My voice is a little bit shaky as my brain starts mapping things out.

Tyrone laughs. "You wanna fight, so fight."

I don’t even get a chance to give a snarky comment back before the first guy comes at me with a bat.

He swings, I duck under him and deliver an upper cut to his jaw. He flies backwards, lands on his back and the bat bounces across the room.

Another guy jumps on my back, I elbow him in the ribs then spin around and jam my knee into his diaphragm. He doubles over and I bring a fist down on his head. He sprawls out on the floor.

The third guy comes in swinging. We exchange blows then I spin and throw up a high kick to his head. He also lands on his stomach.

The fourth guy grabs my shoulder, turns me and lands a left then a right to my head. I stumble back, shake my head and run at him, throwing punches to his face.

I punch him in the gut and he falls to his knees, coughing. I drop an elbow on his neck. Four down, two more to go

I’m breathing heavy and covered in sweat.

The fifth guy comes at me with a Bo staff. I back up and watch the long, thick stick carefully. He powers up with a growl and brings it down on me. At the last second, I jump in the air as he slams it down on the floor.

I land, grab the stick and yank him to me. His face meets my fist then I kick him the head. I steal it, shove the stick between his legs and break it over his junk. He practically cries as his hands cover his package and he falls to the floor in agony.

I proudly stand and admire my handy work when I hear…


I turn and my eyes widen. The sixth guy has a sword. He grins evilly as he swings it around his body.

I throw my hand out to sword guy and whip my head to Tyrone. "Fucking really?"

He grins and fist bumps Richie who’s joined the spectators who’ve come from the house to watch me suffer.

Sword guy runs at me, screaming, with the sword raised above his head.

“Shit!” I tuck to a roll and grab the broken Bo Staff from under buddy’s leg. He groans loud. I think I nailed him again.

“Sorry!” I yell to stick guy as I create a distance between me and sword guy.

He closes the gap and brings the sword down on me. I block each swing with my stick.

He's fast and not letting up. I have to back up as he swings.

I look back and he's cornering me on the wall. His sword embeds itself in my stick and he leans close. “Give.” He growls.

“I don’t give anything for free, buddy. You want this? Earn it!” I grit as I try and keep the sword out of my brain.

I let him fall forward as I drop and slide under his legs. I jump up and wrap my stick around his neck.

He's struggling to breathe as I pull back.

He fights me and tries to get the stick off.

“GO. TO. SLEEP!” I growl.

His feet start to slow and he eventually passes out. I let him go and he drops, bouncing off the floor.

I turn to the guys and throw my stick to the floor as I approach them.

I'm covered in sweat and blood.

Panting, I place my hands on my hips and eye my trainers. The six guys groan from various positions on the floor behind me.

I get close to Tyrone and smirk. "I guess training’s over. Might want to get more than the pack house pussies next time."

I back hand his chest, wipe the sweat from my forehead and turn for the door. The spectators clap as I throw out a two finger Unit salute and walk out.

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