The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 6

(Chapter song ‘Bad Intentions’ by Neoni)


My heavy boots thump on the pavement as I walk down the streets of Red Rock. I adjust the strap of my bag on my shoulder and pull my hood further over my face.

People glance at me, but generally pay me no mind.

It’s been a week since my encounter with the drunk Alpha. I still rub my hand as the feel of my fists hitting his face seem to haunt me.

I was surprised. Even in his horrid, drunken state, he put up a good fight. His style and form is impressive. His skills could possibly match mine if he could think straight. His discipline, on the other hand, could use work.

I probably should have killed him, but he’s not my target and seeing his drunken, hazel eyes proved to me that I would only waste my energy on him. I didn’t feel it was worth my time and the attention that would come after.

Still, the interruption he caused, put me at a loss of several days. I had to leave him with a parting gift of disapproval. If he got killed after my encounter, I’ll happily accept it. One last Alliance Alpha to worry about.

Besides. My true target is much bigger, in my mind, which was why I was in that alley in the first place.

I walk around people as they walk toward me. One thing I do like about this town is someone like me can blend right in. No one can suspect someone who’s just as seedy as they are.

My green eyes scan both sides of the street as I stroll up the walk. I have some time to kill before I collect what I’m waiting for.

The man I had on the ground was about to give up the location of something I needed badly. If it wasn't for the drunk, I would have gotten it out of him. Instead, I had to spend the next three days tracking him down again.

Finally, I found him and beat what I needed out of him.

I stop in a darkened doorway, step into the black and obsessively rub my knuckles as I watch people move through the downtown area.

I look down at my knuckles and think about how insane it is that I’m being irritated like this.

I certainly have appreciation for a handsome man, but there was something else I couldn’t put my finger on.

All his features were perfect. His rugged, tanned skin was flawless and his hair was so dark and silky, my fingers wanted to grip it.

When his golden brown eyes looked into mine, after ripping off my hood, I was surrounded with his masculine scent. It was a hint of musk and fresh leather. It hit my nose like a brick which shocked me considering he should have smelled like a brewery.

I chew my lip as I watch a group step out of a bar, laughing. I shouldn’t be enjoying this. This entire town is full of traitors, but it kind of reminds me of home. It’s a shame that these people are brainwashed to believe their heroes are actually such.

I lightly scratch at my neck. I lost something precious to me and I tried to find it, but couldn’t. It pains me that it’s gone.

I reach around and pull out a small piece of food from by bag. I slowly eat it in the dark as I watch a fight break out on the other side of the street. I chew slowly as I enjoy the entertainment.

My mind goes back to the fight I had with the Alpha. I still question the feelings I felt when I saw him.

It may have been a small bit of attraction, but I saw something in his eye. It almost looked familiar. I’ve seen that steady, honorable eye all through my life growing up. I almost smile when I think of it. It was nice to see something like that again. I haven’t seen it in so long.

I ball the wrapper in my hand, fix my bag and step into the light of the neon signs.

I continue pass the windows of music filled bars, pausing only long enough to bin the wrapper. I can’t continue to dwell on the eyes of the handsome drunk. My mission is more important than that.

I have a death to avenge. I've no time to keep obsessing over this male wolf.

My father commands it since it's his death I'm avenging. His strength pushes me forward, always. His power influences my decisions. My loyalty to him will make them all pay with their lives. One in particular, Anna Riker, will suffer greatly by my hand.

Draco Torrent was feared by all in the Northern Hemisphere and rightly so. He saw the evils. He meant to save the lost. He fought to reform the brainwashed. They brutally murdered him for it and I will fight to my death correcting that massive grievance.

I see a bus heading my way and I look up at the stop on the pole.

Its brakes squeal as it stops for me and my covered eyes watch the double doors open. I lift a boot to the steps and shove my hand in my pocket to grab a couple quid for the pay box. I climb onto the bus, drop the coins into the slot and lift my eyes to the driver. He smiles and tips his hat.

I turn down the aisle and walk among the sparse riders. They either stare or look away as I pass them. Some clutch their bags tighter.

I find an empty seat in the back, pull my pack off and sit at the window.

The bus pulls away and I watch the lights pass by.

I’ll ride this to the edge of town and meet with my contact. I hope he has what I need.

My entire mission banks on these small, ingenious inventions.

I pull my hood off and shake out my red ringlet curls. I stare at my reflection in the darkened window. I have to look away when I see the face of my mother. Adjusting myself in my seat, I try to forget that I’m alone in this cruel world. It won’t be for long. Once my mission is complete, I’ll pick up my fathers legacy where it left off. I will rule his kingdom like he did. With heart.

These Alliance monsters will never beat us down. I’ll see to that.


Squatting next to a small fire, I poke at it with a stick. After a trek through the woods surrounding Red Rock, I wait for my contact to bring me the package that will ensure all these Alphas stay dead.

I hear a twig snap and I stand. I reach into my pocket with a gloved hand and slowly pull out a set of silver knuckles. I hold my breath as a dark figure comes out of the night between the trees.

"Relax. It's just me."

I let out my breath and put my knuckles back in my pocket. Being a high level person of interest, one can’t be too careful.

A tall, well-built man with blonde hair, steps out of the dark and stops on the other side of the fire. He fixes his half ponytail and I stare at the large dragon tattoo on his forearm as he pulls his bag off his shoulder. My hand rests on my coat sleeve. Under it, is the place where mine should be, but I never received one.

"Did you get them?" I eye him carefully and cautiously. As much as I’m wanted by the Alliance, some of my own people wouldn’t mind me out of the way.

"Yeah." He opens his bag. "It wasn't easy. The place was more guarded than we thought."

He pulls out a metal box and hands it to me over the fire. "What do you want with those anyway?" He points to them and steps back.

I turn my back to him and open the box to reveal four rows of liquid silver nitrate bullets. I pull one out, hold it up in my forefinger and thumb in front of my eyes and stare at the grey liquid in the glass casing.

"Vengeance." I say quietly.

"You know, your father wouldn't want you doing this?" He says to my back.

I pull out my 9 mm gun, load the bullets into its clip and slam the clip in the bottom. I spin on my toes to face him.

Putting the rest in my inside pocket, I aim my weapon at him. He smirks and crosses his arms. He’s not threatened and I wouldn’t pull the trigger. I need these. I won’t waste them on an errand boy.

"My father was going to kill the Alliance. Just because they killed him first, doesn't mean that plan is dead." I click the safety and holster the gun.

"Alexi, going against the Alliance is suicide. They'll kill you before you get one shot." He shakes his head and places his hands on his hips.

I step around the fire and stand in front of him. He’s taller than me, but hardly intimidating. “Tell me. Are you a Dragon?”

“Yes.” He swallows as he answers.

“Do you mean to insult my fathers vision?” I study his blue eyes.

“Not at all.” He looks away, but side eyes me. I can smell his fear build.

“I suggest you quickly find your loyalty.” I snarl low.

He nods as he almost stands at attention for me. This one won’t challenge me. He doesn’t have what it takes.

“Don’t worry. I won’t die until I see the life drain from each and every one of their eyes." I turn and walk away. "Thanks for your help."

I walk into the dark as I leave him with my truth. My hatred is my shield. I trust only myself to complete this mission. If I have to, I'll shoot my way through the entire Alliance to get to Anna Riker. I refuse to die until she does first.

You may think I'm sick. Twisted, even, but I'm not. I loved my father. He was my life when my mother died. He taught me to be brave. His love taught me to be strong. He taught me the way of the Dragons.

He told me every day, that I was to be the first Alpha Female.

I was born to rule the world and he tried to give me that world. He built an entire empire in my honor and I mean to protect that.

I was taught discipline. I was shown how to be feared, but rule with honor in your soul. I was taught there is nothing more powerful than the truth and you must protect that at all costs.

My father also taught me that your only as powerful as the amount of blood spilled in your honor. To rule with loyalty, you must demand respect. Whoever comes before you must be forced to their knees and no matter what occurs, you must never show weakness.

My father was the idol of my eye and now he's gone. A year and a half and I still mourn. My pain will fuel my anger until the Alliance falls.


The moon drifts above my head through the stars as I sit on a rooftop in Red Rock.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I pull out a bullet and twist it between my fingers.

"This is for you father. I won't fail you." I watch the grey metal swirl in its casing and I tuck it back in my pocket. I rest my arms on my knees and listen to the noise of the town that doesn’t sleep.

As I went over my plan, my thoughts were interrupted by chocolate brown hair, solid muscles and golden eyes. I quickly give my head a shake and stand.

I walk to the edge of the rooftop, settle a foot on the ledge and look down at the street below.

Looking out on the town, I jump off the roof. Landing on a fire escape, I slide down the ladder.

I fix my unruly curls in my hood, pull it up over my head and join the street.

This Alpha keeps popping into my mind. It’s getting so bad, that I’m starting to develop a small desire to see him again and I certainly can’t have that.

I walk to a Porsche parked on the road.

Looking around, I pull out a small device that pops the lock. I get in, place the device in the ignition and the car roars to life. I throw it in gear and drive off.

Driving out of town, I head to the people who control this town. I need to settle a few things and move on. They helped me with resources, but I hate being in debt to anyone. I refuse to be tied to these animals.

After about an hour, I pull onto a winding road that cuts through the woods.

The car bounces along the rough road through the trees. It isn’t long before a barn, nestled in the trunks, comes into view.

A few glimpses of lights in the windows with shadows walking around, tells me they’re here. Good. The property opens up and I turn the car across the grass to where other cars are parked.

I get out and cautiously look around. I slowly walk to the bottom of the steps. As I climb them, the door opens and a large body steps out.

"Were you followed?" The deep voice demands.

I step onto the porch. "No." I glare as I push past the large, muscle-bound body.

"Did you get them?" The man follows behind me as my boots thump on the wood board flooring. The voices inside quiet as I enter the main room.


I stop and casually turn to face the one blue eye staring at me with criminal intent. Not a real threat to me, but it’s cute he tries. His other eye is covered in a black patch. "Yes, Ian. I got them."

He walks past me and sits at the roughshod table. His crew stands around the room in various places, trying to look as menacing as their leader. It’s not working.

"Show me." Ian demands as he motions to the table top.

I pull out the box and placed it in the middle of the table. "I've taken what I need. The rest is yours. If you want more, get them yourself."

I throw off my hood, shake my curls and cross my arms. My jaw ticks as he grabs the box.

He opens it and pulls out a bullet. "We'll need more. A lot more. Who's your contact?"

I arch a brow. "No. If we can get them, I'm sure the Lycans will have no problems."

He closes the box and gently places it on the table. "Alexi..." He stands, gives me a sly smile and walks around the table to me.

I face him and lift my chin. I’m accustom to men like Ian. I certainly know how to handle one.

My eyes flick from his eye to his hand as he slowly raises it to the side of my face. I meet his eyes and dare him to strike.

He, instead, roughly grabs my hair and pulls my head back. I clench my teeth as my hands wrap around his forearm.

He leans his face close to mine as his eye stares into mine. His lip curls behind a smirk. "I thought we were sharing."

"I don't share." I seethe as I fight with his grip on my hair.

He smiles at my retort, reaches into my coat and pulls out my gun. He raises it between our eyes, looks it over and puts the barrel under my chin. Again, a move I’m quite used to receiving at this point.

"Yes, you do." He leans in and runs his lips across mine. "Tell me... your contact." He mumbles on my lips.

My eyes lock with his and I feel his threat. I use it to my advantage because men who use sexual manipulation are weak in my eyes.

As I part my lips, making intentions to kiss him, I grab my gun, twist his arm and hit him with the butt end on his head.

He growls in agony as he holds his forehead and backs off.

I grab him, slam his chest into the table and bury the barrel of my weapon into the base of his neck.

His men move, but I press the gun further and shoot them a warning. They all put their hands up and back off. No honor among thieves.

He growls and fights as I lean to his ear. "I don't… share."

He squints his eye as he fights his dazed vision.

I find his eye. "Now. The terms of our arrangement were, I get you the bullets, you get me locations. Do you have them?"

"You know you're turning me on, right?" He stops fighting and smirks.

"Do you?!" I shove the gun into his neck and twist his arm. He cries out in pain as his crew stands back and watches.

"We have the location of the boot camp and all the private addresses you need." He winces at the pain.

I rip my hands off him and put my gun back in my coat. "Good. Send them to me.” I drop my phone on the table.

He opens his phone and sends me the link in his text.

I pick up my phone, open the file and look over the information.

"Her office and room number at the camp are in there, too. As well as a map of the area." Ian supplies. “You’ll have to figure out security on your own.”

“That won’t be a problem.” I close my phone and put it in my coat.

I turn to head for the door, but Ian grabs my arm. I scowl as I look from his hand to his eye.

"Where you going?" He questions.

I shrug his hand off. "We're done here."

I walk outside and head to my car.

Ian stands on the steps as I jog down them. "I wouldn't leave. You still need us."

I stop and look at him over my shoulder. "There is nothing on this planet that will ever make me need scum like you."

Ian puts his hands in his pockets. "Alexi, that really hurts. It cuts me deep, right here." He places his hand on his chest and he chuckles.

I shake my head, walk to my car and get in. Spinning the car around, I get out of there.

There's nothing I hate more than relying on gutter criminals. They have no honor. No conviction. They're just overall barbaric.

Unfortunately, when you're desperate, you must sink into the pit to get what you want. It’s the fall of a Dragon to have to stoop so low, but now I have it. The final piece of the plan. Anna Riker’s all known locations.

I must prepare myself.

As I watch the road and drive into the night, my mind has another flash.

This time it’s soft lips and powerful grip. I feel his strong arms wrap around me.

I shake my head again. I need to clear myself of this distraction.

The Alpha seems to be infecting me and I need him out.

I turn off a road and onto another to go to the one place I know that will remove these images from my mind.

I need to see Nash.

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