The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 59

(Chapter song ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ by AC/DC, ‘Love Me Like You Do' by Benny Martin)


"Babe! Just pick a damn date!"

He standsand glares at me as he flops his arms out to the sides.

I put my hands on my hips and scowl right back. They've all been harassing me for a date for the Luna ceremony and I just can't decide.

I wag a finger at him. "Don't get cross with me, Alpha. I just can't pick a date out of thin air."

He throws his hands up. "Why not?!"

"Because. I want it to be special. It has to mean something." I whine. I really want this to be perfect.

"Isn't the ceremony special enough?" He cinches his brows and crosses his arms.

I mirror his image. "No, Alpha. It's my only ceremony and I want it to be perfect! You should understand that." I scold.

"Do you guys seriously have to do this right now?" Lucy says as she fights off a Lycan who has her in a headlock.

She breaks apart from him and kicks him in the head, sending him to the floor then shoots him in the shoulder. He cries out and she scowls at both of us.

Luke turns and delivers a left hook to a Lycan who tried to grab him and he falls into three other men behind him. "Yes. We have to do this now. Moms on my case!"

My eyes widen as he's jumped and taken down behind a table. After wrestling, he gets the upper hand and shoots him. He stands up, fixes his leather jacket and flicks his eyes to me. “Alexi!”

I draw my weapon and fire at a Lycan who was running toward me and turn back to Luke. "Luke, I..." I get grabbed from behind and the gang member threatens to snap my neck.

“HEY!!” Luke jumps over the bar table, crosses the floor and rips the guy off me.

He grabs the man by the shirt in his fist and points a finger in the frightened man's face. "My mate was talking." He growls then punches him square in the jaw, sending the man crumbling to the floor.

I step over the unconscious man’s body. "Luke. I really can't decide."

He moves me to the middle of the bar floor as a man dove for me and landed on the floor. I aimed and fired into his back. I give Luke a confused look. “Please. I need more time.”

He aims his gun out to the left and fires at a gang member getting to his feet across the room. The man falls back to the floor. "How about the 15th?" He turns back to me.

I aim my gun to the right and fire at another member. I watch him fall then look at Luke. "We can't Sarah's baby shower is the 15th. Behind you."

He spins around and grabs the guy running at him. He holds him under his arms, snaps his back and throws him to the side. "Ok. The 22nd. On your six."

"I have a luncheon with Anna." I look over my shoulder and deliver a swift, rear kick to a Lycans chest. He flies back into the others behind him.

"What about next month?" Lucy chokes as she struggles with a Lycan who's wrestling with her. Luke lifts his gun and shoots the attacker. Lucy breathes a heavy breath as she lets go of him and he falls. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." He turns to me. "Well?" His head motions behind me.

I spin and shoot the last gang member and he falls on top of a couple of bodies on the floor. I turn back around smiling. "It's perfect."

His brow goes up. "Yeah? When?"

"The 23rd." I grin. I look around at the bar floor covered in groaning, bleeding Lycan gang members.

"Why that date?" He puts his gun in his holster and pulls out his phone to text Terry to tell him we need a cleanup at a bar on Main Street.

We head to the door, stepping over the unconscious shifters.

"It's my mother's birthday." I lower my head still smiling.

"Awe, babe. Come here." He hugs me and pulls me back. "Oh, you got a little blood on your cheek." He wipes it off with his shirt.

"You guys are so weird." Lucy scowls, fixing her hair.

We walk outside as Enforcer trucks pull up in front.

Terry gets out. "Well? How'd it go?"

Luke grins. "After much fighting, we finally have a date."

Terry claps my back. "Atta boy. I knew you two would work it out. So, when's the big day?"

I wrap my arms around Luke's waist as he wraps an arm around my neck. "The 23rd next month."

Terry nods. "Alright. I'll add it to my calendar." He turns to the Enforcers. "Alright, guys let's clean up this mess and contact the bar owner. I have a few questions for him."

"Yes, sir." One Enforcer says.

We walk to the bikes parked beside each other. I get on mine as he threads his fingers into my hair. "Meet you at home?" He smiles.

"Yes and no speeding." I warn, pointing a finger at him.

"Yes, dear." He kisses me and waves as I start my bike and head for a much-needed shower. Luke is on his bike not far behind.

Now that I have a date, this will be the best Luna ceremony in history.


We walk into the pack house as Luke reads a text from Terry. "Not bad." He starts, shrugging off his jacket to hang it. "Out of 20 Lycans, only 5 died. The rest are being processed and patched up. We keep this up and Red Rock will be clean in no time." He wraps his arms around my waist I wrap mine around his neck.

"I would love that. It would be nice to have a Luna ceremony and not worry about gang members disrupting it." I gaze into his eyes.

Lucy flops on the couch and thumps her boots on the coffee table. "I'd just be happy not to have to spend my time kicking bad guy ass every day." She leans her head back.

"Yeah, but at the least the pack is seeing results of the Enforcers. Crimes down all over the territory." Luke rakes his fingers through his hair as he slides up to the bar fridge to get a beer.

I look at my blood covered shirt. "Yes. Right. I'm going for a shower, then I have Luna business to attend to."

Luke points his beer at me. "Don't use up all the hot water this time."

"Once! I did it once!" I tilt my head with a hand on my hip.

"One time too many." He squints, sticking his tongue out.

"Ugh... You're such a child." I wave my arm at him, turning for the stairs.

"I love you." He grins.

I laugh. "I love you, too." And walk upstairs shaking my head.



"Hey, kids!... Josh, let's go!" I wave the boys all in from running around the open field of the park.

"Awe! Come on, Uncle Luke." Joshua stomps his feet as he and the other kids join the rest of us guys at the ceremony.

I look down at him when he gets close and place my hand on his shoulder. "Cool the attitude, dude. This is Aunt Alexi's special day and you won't be ruining it for her."

He looks down. "Okay." He mumbles.

"Good man." I clap his shoulder and look to the other boys. "Now, you kids go find your moms. Don't need you guys getting all messed up before the ceremony." I arch a brow.

"Okay." Joshua says. "Come on, guys." He waves at the kids and they run off between the white chairs set up in the park.

I walk up the aisle with my hands in the pockets of my tux. Bobby, Jayson, Terry, River, Kale, Cass and Deacon were all standing around at the altar.

"There he is." Bobby grins. "How ya doing, Alpha?"

"I thought I was gonna puke before the ball. This has got nothing on that. I'm gonna pass out." I slump in a chair.

Jayson laughs. "You can fight 20 guys without breaking a sweat, but you can't handle a little ceremony?"

I look up at him. "You try it." I grumble.

"Point taken." He drinks his beer.

Bobby sits down next to me. "Just focus on Alexi. It'll be fine."

"Yeah. Don't worry about the 200 plus people watching and waiting for you to fuck up." Kale smiles.

I groan and lean on my knees, holding my head.

Cass smacks Kale's chest. "Kale! Fuck, dude."

"What?" Kale looked around the group.

River sat on my other side. "Don't worry, man. We'll be right there with you, ok. Alexi isn't running this time. Just relax."

"Is everything OK over here?" Alpha Fredericks joins our circle.

"Uh, yeah... Just nervous." I lean back in the chair.

"Don't worry, son. I've done plenty of these ceremonies in my day and I haven't lost an Alpha yet." He chuckles as does everyone else.

I smile, but I'm still fucking nervous as hell.

He looks down the aisle and I look, too. Lucy is waving and giving the signal that people are arriving.

"Better go greet your guests, Alpha." Fredericks says with a nod.

We all seat everyone in the chairs. There's a lot of people. A lot I don't even know. Leave it to my mom to invite the entire territory.

Gavin walks over to me. "Ok, so the ceremony will be live streamed to the whole pack. We also put out a press release. Everyone will know that Alexi is their new Luna before the end of today."

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate it." I clap his back.

"Hey, it's my pleasure. You and Alexi are the best things that's happened to us in years. It's the least I can do to make sure this goes smoothly." He grins.

Fredericks slipped in between us. "Son, it's time."

I suck in a breath. "Ok. Let's rock." I walk up to the alter and stand with my boys. I look out to the crowd. I wave to my mom who's already crying.

The music starts and Lucy and Sarah walk out first with Chloe in her arms and Joshua in a tux walking with them. The women are all wearing lavender silk dresses that go to the grass. Chloe is wearing a white dress with lavender ribbons on it and a headband with a large lavender flower.

Everyone awes at them.

I fist bump Joshua as he stands beside me and the ladies stand on the left side of the alter.

Anna and Georgia are next wearing their silk dresses. River and Kale both growl at the same time and I laugh.

The music changes and I hold my breath. My eyes glue to the end of the aisle.

She walks across the backs of the chairs and stands at the end of the aisle and I died and went to heaven. I'm breathless. My knees feel weak. She's gorgeous. More beautiful than I ever could imagine.

Her hair is up in big red curls. Little lavender flowers dot her head. Her white dress is off the shoulder. It's tight at the top and flows out on the bottom. It's trimmed with lavender ribbons, bunches of silk, and dotted with pearls. She looks like a princess. She smiles a big smile when she sees me and I smile back. I can't believe she's mine.

The crowd stands and awes as she gracefully walks up the aisle to me.

The girls help her into the alter in front of me, and my mother pulls out the bottom of her dress to make it look pretty for pictures. She looks like she's about to cry already. I know I’m fighting it like mad.

I shake my head. "I can't believe how gorgeous you look." I whisper.

"You look handsome, too." She smiles, titling her head.

Alpha Fredericks stands behind us. "Shall we begin."

I take Alexi's hands in mine. I'm barely able to contain myself. I’m really missing my dad right now. I know he would have loved to see this.

Alpha Fredericks starts. "Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to one of the most precious traditions of the Shifter community. The Luna Ceremony."

Everyone claps as Fredericks pauses.

"Today, we commemorate the bond which was created by the Blue Moon not too long ago. A bond that not man or shifter can break. Today, we solidify that bond further and introduce the Luna as the Alpha’s lifelong partner here and in the stars above."

I can't help but stare into Alexi's eyes as Fredericks speaks.

"They will bind each other by blood and by mark. Here on this day, in front of all to witness." He continues.

Fredericks takes out a gold cup and a knife with a towel. He places it on a little table that’s between us.

"Now, to commemorate the bond, we offer the moon our blessings and our thanks."

He hands me the knife and Alexi's hand.

I look at her. "Deep breath." I whisper.

She cringes as I slit her palm. Fredericks holds her fist over the cup as drops of her blood drip into it.

He opens her hand and wipes the blood off with the towel until she heals.

He hands Alexi the knife and my hand. I cringe and turn my head. "Be gentle." I say loud.

The crowd laughs, and Alexi laughs, too. She slits my palm, and I drip my blood into the cup.

Fredericks picks up the cup and stirs it. "Two souls combined as one. Not by body, but by mark and Blood."

He sets the cup back down and pulls out a sheet. He drapes it over Alexi's dress and pins it in the back.

She's still smiling as I get ready to mark her again.

"The mark of the true bond will now take place."

Fredericks dips his finger into the blood and smears it on Alexis's mark.

"Alright, Luke. Place your mark. Try not to make a mess." He winks.

The crowd laughs again.

I call my canines and look at Alexi. "Ready?"

She nods. I hold her shoulders and sink my teeth in. She quietly yelps, but that was it.

This mark isn't as deep as our first mark.

I pull out my teeth and lick her wound.

"Alpha. You're shirt please."

I take off my jacket and hand it to Bobby. I take off my tie. Alexi bit her lip, so I go with it. I do a little dance as I unbutton my shirt, smirking.

"Luke." Fredericks warns with a chuckle.

"Sorry." I say as the crowd laughs again.

I pull down my shirt exposing my mark. Fredericks smears blood on it.

"Go ahead, Alexi."

Again, I cringe. "It's OK. I can't take it." Alexi laughs. "Stop." She smacks my arm.

I straighten up. She calls her canines and she sinks them into my mark. It's euphoric for sure, but nowhere near as good as the first mark.

She pulls her teeth out and licks my wound.

"The bond is complete. The souls bound by the moon will now travel this life as one. May your future be filled with much blessings and joy."

I stood looking at Alexi until Fredericks leans to me. "Luke. Kiss your Luna."

"Oh, right." My brows shoot up.

Alexi and everyone else laughs, yet again.

I slide my hand behind Alexis's head and pull her to me. Our lips move smoothly together. We both melted like there was no one else here.

Fredericks clears his throat and we break apart. "Might want to save some for later, Alpha." He chuckles.

The crowd erupts into cheers as Fredericks introduces us as Alpha and Luna Jackson.

I shake the hands of the guys as Alexi hugs the girls.

I take her hand run off down the aisle to the awaiting limo.



I was so overwhelmed. Our ceremony couldn't have gone more perfect.

Luke was the most gorgeous Alpha I had ever seen. My eyes barely left his sparkling hazel eyes during the whole event.

When we sealed our true bond, I knew I was with this man forever. Our wolves will be forever intertwined. Our souls bonded by a force so strong, the gods couldn't break it.

As I cuddle with Luke in the limo, I didn't want to go to our after party. I just wanted to bask in the love that we have for each other.

As he nuzzles my neck, whispering in my ear and giving me soft kisses, those thoughts of our future crossed my mind again and I truly believe they will come true as they are already.

We've come so far together. We've grown so much.

Me. The lost soul destroying the lives of others for what was found to be a lie. If I hadn't made the decision to spare him that day, I would never have known how big his heart truly was.

Luke. Luke was also lost. Not knowing where his responsibility as Alpha should begin. I believe he wouldn't have had the strength to take up his father's reign and become the great Alpha he is if our paths did not cross.

We taught each other to lean on one another for strength. That love is not a weakness we can't afford. It's the very foundation of our growth. It gives us the power to show the world that it's not our name that defines us, it's our actions. And although, we may stray from the path, we are defined by the courage to get back on that path. To stand tall and proud. As a couple.

As the great Alpha and Luna, we were always meant to be.

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