The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘No Rest For The Wicked’ by Lykke Li, ‘Into The Fire' by Disturbed)


I barely slept last night after Michael left.

His words played on my brain. They kept me awake thinking he could have real feelings for me. I’ve probably suspected. I’ve never seen him date anyone else. I’ve never even seen him flirt. I ignored it and did my own thing, but somewhere deep, I think I always knew what I’m thinking now. Michael wants a relationship. I can’t give him that. I can’t give anyone that. I’m not made for a commitment anymore. That ship sailed a long time ago.

As I sip my coffee to go, his words still haunt me the next morning.

It’s not that I don’t think we could work, it’s that I know it would be, like he said, pointless.

I mean his good looking, sweet. Obviously, cares. The sex is amazing. I turn to him more often than not, but I’m not made for love. I’m completely incapable of it. That was taken from me years ago and I’ll never get it back.

The station is buzzing as I walk in. People are talking about the Karver take down and I barely hear what they’re saying.

I’m so distracted by Michael’s round about confession, that I smack right into a hard body.

I look up and my eyes catch blue eyes. Deep, soft amazing blue eyes. My face falls and I swallow.

He tilts his head with a small smirk. “You ok?

I shake my head and smile. River lets out a little chuckle. "Yes! Yeah, Sorry." I feel my cheeks heat. “Oh, shit.” I look at his uniform shirt. I spilled coffee on it. I try to wipe it off. In the process, I get a glimpse at just how hard he is.

He grabs my hand and that warm feeling crawls up my arm again. “It’s fine. It’s just a training shirt. Don’t worry about it.” He smiles.

I walk around him and smile back. “You here for the brief?" I thumb over my shoulder.

"Yeah. I was just heading in." He motions to Drake's office.

I step to the side. “After you.” I hold my arm out.

He bows his head with a soft grin. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure, soldier boy.” I smirk.

I follow him to Drake’s office. I couldn’t help but check out his ass in the blue camo cargo pants he was wearing. Damn that’s tight.

See. I just can’t commit to Michael. There’s too many dogs to pet, if you know what I mean. Large, solid, sexy as hell dogs. I have no room in me for love. Only lust. Michael should understand that by now.

Drakes sitting behind his desk as we enter the room. I’m in agent mode now, so Michael is on the back burner. "Hey, boss, we have a plan?"

Drake's desk is covered in papers. "Agent. River. Come in. Have a seat."

We sunk ourselves into chairs at Drake's desk. I caught Rivers eyes as we got comfortable. A sly smile tugged at his lips before he faced Drake.

He shuffles things around. "So, our Night Flyers just got back. Intel says Karver will be at the Moonlight bar in Delwork at 10pm tonight."

He pulls out a map and turns it so we can see. "Riker, your teams will post here and here."

He points to different locations. "Alpha, the Ops leaders have given us three units. You'll lead. I want snipers here, here and here and you'll post with Riker here."

He stood up. "This has to be clean. By the book. The area is filled with civilians. I expect zero casualties. Wolves used as last resorts only. Silver bullet ammo will be given." He leaned on his desk and eyes me. "I want Karver alive, Riker. You understand?"

I slump back in my chair. "No promises." I grumble.

River looks at me with a raised brow. I return his stare with my attitude filled face.

Drake places his hands on his hips. "If we're successful, Karver will give us just what we need to get to Torrent. We can't fuck this up."

River looked at me. "Torrent?"

"The Alpha."

River sits up. “You found him? The Unit has been trying to identify him since the Dragons started their attacks.”

I tick my head. “It’s amazing what you can get out of a guy just by breaking a few fingers.” I arch a brow and smile.

His brows raise and his face falls.

I chew my lip to try and stifle my smile.

“Yes, well, questionable ethics aside, we found him.” Drake nods.

“I’ll inform the unit leaders.” River says in serious tone.

“Let’s get this take down done and we'll talk.” Drake eyes him. "Ok. Assemble your teams. Keep all mind links open. I want status reports every 25 minutes. Go." He sat back down at his desk as River and I got up and left.

River walked beside me up the aisle and rubbed his nape. "This is it." He glances at me.

"Yeah." I breath. I’m itching for this, but I’m nervous at the same time. I’ve waited a long time for an opportunity like this. So many things can go wrong. I can’t lose this time.

He grabs my arm and turns me to face him. "Hey, you got this. We'll nail this fucker to the ground." The corner of his mouth ticked up.

I give a half smile. "Let's get going." I tap his elbow and head for the deployment area outside.

We assembled our teams and loaded the trucks.

I sit on the bench and check my weapon. Two hours from now, we will be posted in front of the Moonlight bar waiting to move in on Karver.


The street is silent save for the music from the bar. A few citizens have walked by. Some couples out for an evening walk. We held ourselves until they were out of the area.

River and I are posted in a dark alley beside the entrance. I’m leaning on the brick wall with my hand on my holster. I’m hyping myself up for the shoot out I know is coming.

River leans a hand on the wall beside my head. “I’ll say it again, you got this.” He leans to me slightly. “Get your head in the game. No doubts. No nerves.” He shakes his head as he talks.

I almost feel like a kid heading out to bat. It’s weird. I haven’t had this feeling since…

I nod and glance into his eyes. “I am. Don’t worry.”

He points in my face. “Good. Remember, my men are out there too.”

I squint at him. “Don’t worry, soldier boy. Your precious pawns won’t be getting in my way.”

He narrows his eyes at me and pushes off the wall.

He stands in the alley in front of me. His eyes cloud over with a white haze as he presses a couple fingers to his temple.

River creates an open mind link and links his teams. ‘Ops 1. Any movement?’

‘No sir.’ The leading contact responds

‘Ops 2. Zeke see anything?’ He looks to the top of the building across the street.

‘Nothing yet, Big dog.’ Zeke responds in my head.

‘Ops 5. Blade How's it going?’

‘All quiet...Wait...Big dog, we got a line of black baddies headed your way.’ Blade responds.

Rivers eyes change back to blue and he stalks silently to the edge of the building. He quickly peeks around the corner. After a beat, he turns to me and shoves me down the alley with a finger to his lips. He taps the side of his head.

‘Can't let them scent us.’ He links my mind.

I nod in agreement.

‘Blade, I need numbers.’

‘Looks like 15 body guards. A woman. Damn, a hot one too. Boys got taste...’


‘Sorry...Yep. There he is. The star has arrived. They're entering the building. You and Fox are not made. I repeat you're in the clear.’

‘Ok. Snipers. Hope you got those marks. Those are your only targets. You get me?’

‘Yes, sir.’

I look to the rooftops as soldiers line up with guns resting on the edge.

He nods to me signaling to take over the link.

I blow out a nervous breath. ‘Alpha team. Complete stealth. Get in position. Beta, move in on the rear.’

I stand at the edge of the building. ‘No one enters until I give the word.’

I draw my weapon and crouch with River following up behind.

I meet his eyes and he nods. We round the corner of the building and keep low under the front window of the bar.

I turn with the my back to the wall. In a flash, I lift up to the sill, speed count and duck back down. ‘Karver’s at a table with the hottie. Six guards behind him. There’s three civilians at the bar and five at the back at the tables. Engage only when clear.’ I order.

I get one last approval nod from River and click the safety off my gun.

I slide along the brick to the door, silently put my hand on the handle and connect eyes with Alpha team behind the black cars.

'1...2...’ I send out a silent prayer and twist the know slowly until it can’t turn anymore.

“THREE!” I yell as throw the door open.

“BORDER! EVERYONE ON THE FUCKING FLOOR NOW!!" I growl loud as I aim my weapon into the room. River is right behind me with Alpha steam yelling and ordering behind me rifles drawn.

Beta team busted through the back door. “ON THE FLOOR! HIT THE FUCKING WOOD!!” They yell, throwing people to the floor and ushering the patrons out the back door.

The men behind Karver pull their guns.


I dive for a table, grab the edge and flip it putting it between me and the bullets. River and five other agents, dive behind the bar.

Beta team took on heavy fire and were forced out the back door.

I shot a guy in the head just as I catch Karver running to the back with a bunch of his men providing him cover.

River exchanged a volley of rounds. His head whipped to my location. He almost looked scared.

“KARVER’S IN THE BACK! COVER ME!” I yell to him.

“NO! YOU STAY PUT! THAT'S AN ORDER, AGENT!” He points and yells back. His face turned serious and kind of angry.

I scowl at him and duck out from my table. I run through the bullets to the kitchen. I felt one slice through my rider’s jacket. Damn it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see River jump the bar and rush the men. He started to exchange blow as the shoot out continued.

He grabs a man by the throat and slams into a table, breaking it with the guys back.

I get to the entrance of the kitchen and it’s like time slows right down. My eyes meet Karver’s behind the wall of Dragon goons and his mouth turns to an evil smirk.

My mind goes blank. I raise my weapon and start firing at him, blindly. I’m in a zone and don’t care that his men are firing at me too.

Karver throws man after man at me and I waste bullets in their hearts. I’m pushing on him when he draws his own weapon. He shoots and I feel the bullet whizz through my hair. My face is stone. He’s dead in my eyes and I don’t care if I go with him. It’s the fate I deserve.


I barely hear River call my name as Karver got to the back door of the kitchen. I’m shooting round after round. Karver is ducking and throwing things at me as I stalk closer.

I saw blood. I was in a trance. I just kept firing until Karver pushed the door open and ran out.

"FUCK!" I yell as I turn and shove myself past River. I run as fast as I can out of the bar and to the direction Karver went.


I don’t look back. I can’t. He’s not getting away. I’m huffing breaths and my legs are burning. I dropped my spent clip and click in a fresh one. I could barely make Karver out in the shadows as he ducked into an abandoned building.

I kicked open the door he went into and walked in with my weapon at the ready.

"IT’S OVER KARVER!" I step, cautiously, across the dirty concrete floor. My voice echoes off the walls. My eyes scan the room with my gun sight in my field of vision.

I take note of the sounds of breezes blowing through broken windows, a bird flies off somewhere. Water dripping on the floor. I listen for anything that doesn’t belong.

My boots hitting the floor, bounce around to my ears. My footfalls almost match my heart beat. Slow and steady. My eyes are trained on every dark shadow. Any movement, makes me spin and take aim.

I step through a door to a larger part of the warehouse. It’s empty except for some machinery and work tables.

“I'M BRINGING YOU IN, KARVER, IN PIECES IF I HAVE TO!” I spin around and walk backwards then turn back around. I stop dead in my tracks and aim my gun with determination.

I stare into the ice blue eyes in front of me. My lip curls in a snarl and a growl brews in my rib cage.

"I don't think so, Doll." Karver comes out of the shadow I caught him in, dragging someone with in front of him.

My eyes take a minute to adjust and my brain takes a second longer to register that it’s River he’s holding hostage.

No. Not again.

Karver has his claws in digging into River's neck and his silver bullet gun to his brain. "One move, Anna and your little puppy here get silver poisoning." He sneers and ticks his head. He’s hiding behind River who’s arched back on him and sweating.

I swallow hard and try to keep my head straight. I grit my teeth. "Let him go, Karver." I growl my words as I take a step closer.

"Ah. Ah. That’s far enough, doll." He clenched as he shoves the barrel into River’s temple, pushing his head to the side. I see River wince, but he’s holding it together.

I take a second to assess. River is ok. His face is bloody. Karver must have jumped him. I don’t see any other blood on him.

River's mouth is small and his eyes are wild. He's gritting his teeth as Karver digs his claws deeper into his neck. Blood starts to trickle down his neck.

"Do it, Riker." He grits. I can see the slight tremble in his hands. "Do it.”

Karver laughs. It echoes throughout the warehouse and more birds fly off. "She won't do it. We've been here before. Haven't we, pretty Anna. You couldn't do it then, and you won't do it now." He taunts.

I look into River’s eyes. He’s telling me to shoot. My chest tightens. I can’t. Not again. Please, God. Why do this to me again?...

"Do it, Anna. Fucking shoot him!"

I hitch a breath as a tear falls. My eyes flick between David and Karver.

“I can’t.” I choke out a whisper.

Karver grins evilly. “Yes. Shoot me, doll and I’ll just throw your boy here, in the path of that bullet.” He peeks at me from behind David’s head.

“Please.” I hitch. “I…”

“SHOOT HIM, ANNA!” David screams once more.

Karver twists the silver laced rope around David’s neck, pulling him back and making him choke.

“Drop your weapon, doll. It’s your only choice here.” Karver hisses.

I look at David. He shakes his head no. I sniff back the tears and raise my hands. “Let him go.”

I drop my weapon and kick it away. I see David’s eyes close in defeat.

Karver grins. “So glad you came to your senses, doll.”

Before I could react, he pushed David forward, put the barrel to the back of his head and pulled the trigger.




River's yell snapped me out of my memory. The wells in my eyes crested and fell down my heated cheeks.

I scrunched my face, shook my head and got my bearings. I sucked in a breath. “Last time, Karver. Let him go.”

"Come on, Anna. You know how this plays out. I get away and you get another dead lover. Drop your weapon." Karver grinned an evil, murderous grin.

River shook his head no. "Shoot...him." He mouthed.

I look between River and Karver. My mind is spinning. My body’s shaking. I can barely see the sight as I relive my nightmare. The birth of my hell.

I let out a little cry as I try to keep it together.

River nods. “I trust you.” His eyes were so honest.

I tilt my head with pain all over my face. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

I hesitate and then fire my weapon.

The bullet rockets through the air and I watch blood splatter from the hole in Rivers chest. I hear Karver scream as they both fall backwards.

I stand and cry. My gun falls to the floor.

River took my bullet just to the right of his heart, but it was a perfect shot.

The bullet traveled through Rivers chest into Karver. It was slowed enough that the silver was now embedded in him. He’s down. We got him.

I hear River groan and I snap out of my grief. I wipe my face off and run to his side. I skid to a stop and fall to my knees. He’s whining and gasping for air. Fuck. I pierced his fucking lung.

“River! River, I’m getting help. Please…hang on.” I grab his cheeks and stare into his eyes.

I open a link. ‘This is Agent Riker. I need medics and back up to an abandoned warehouse on the East Side of 4th street. Ping for exact location.”

I grab River’s head. His breath is shallow. I place my forehead on his. “I’m so sorry. Please, hang on…” I hitch.

As I try to keep River calm, Drake jumps on the link. ‘Anna. Where’s Karver?”

‘He's down too.’ I respond as I move River’s bangs out of his face.

I take off my jacket and my t shirt. He struggles a scream as I roll him over and place my shirt on the exit hole. “Just stay with me, Blake. Stay with me…” I look at Karver who’d now passed out.

I start to cry again. “I got you, you fucking bastard.”

I turn back to River and keep him awake long enough for the medics.

It not long that I hear whoops and hollers from outside the building as our teams flood the area.

I watch as the team rolls in with equipment and forensics.


I turn back to River and give a little smike. “The medic are here.” I nod.

“Good…job.” He struggles.

I nod. “Save your strength. Once we get the flaked silver out of your wound, then you can congratulate me.” I hold his cheek as I whisper to him.

He gives me a weak smile then his eyes start to droop. His head falls to the side. I frantically tap his cheek. "River? River...Stay awake! Wake up! River?...”

The medics start to set up around us.

I sit by his head as they cut his shirt open.

It’s weird. The sharp, dank warehouse seemed to soften as I cleaned the blood off his forehead with my thumb. I run my fingers through his sweaty, dirty hair and down his face.

I suck in my top lip as I study him up close. My heart pained to see him like this, but at least he was alive. A small tear ran down my cheek as I stroked his bottom lip with my thumb.

I don't know what I was feeling, but I knew River was something. Something my mind was having trouble grappling with. I'll just push it down for now. We did what we set out to do.

We got Karver. That's all I can focus on right now.

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