The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 28

(Chapter song ‘Only Happy When It Rains' by Garbage)



I look at my phone for what feels like the hundredth time. The time feels like it's going backwards.

I stand at the edge of the field, watching the last afternoon training session of the week. Anna left this morning to take care of things at home. So, I'm stuck watching the clock. Being tortured until I can get out of here to spend my weekend with my baby.

Blade walks over after correcting a few recruits on their form. "You coming to the bar tonight?" He jabs my bicep.

"Uh...yeah...I have to text Anna first and see if she wants to, but I'm sure she will." I check my phone again.

He laughs. "You are so whipped."

"I'd rather be whipped than desperate," I chuckle and punch him back.

He shakes his head. "Hey, I love being free. I have a lot of loving to throw around." He winks.

I pull out my phone, yet again. "Ugh. Can we call this thing already. It's only fifteen minutes." I whine.

Blade sighs. "Fine, Romeo. Call it."

"Finally." I huff.

I rush down to the recruits. "Alright, recruits! It's Friday! We're calling it a little early! Hit the showers and have a great weekend!"

The recruits all jump up and sprint for the barracks. Hooting and hollering the whole way.

I jog back to Blade. "See ya Monday." I beam and slap him on the chest as I run for my room.

After my shower and I change, I text Anna.

YOU: Hey, gorgeous. Can you come out to play tonight?

ANNA: Is my strong Alpha looking for a cold beer?

This makes me smile at my phone.

YOU: Cold beer and a warm body. Think you could provide?

ANNA: Oh, you know I can.

YOU: Pick you up at 9?

ANNA: See you then, Alpha *kiss*

I drop my phone in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I leave my room whistling.


A little over an hour, I strut into the pack house. Anna’s back at home now and I feel kind of empty not having her here.

My mom just came out of the dining hall. "Sweetheart. How's was your week?"

I drop my bag by the door. "Brutal. Glad it's over." I give her a kiss on her cheek.

She folds her arms in front of her. "So. Any plans this weekend?"

I smile. "A few." I don't want to get into too much detail about Anna. Not while there's still so much for me and Anna to work out.

"Well, that's good." She smiles. "You staying for dinner?"

"Yeah. I'll have a quick bite." I glance upstairs. "Dad in his office?"

My mom nods.

"Thanks." I kiss her cheek again and run up the stairs to my dad.

I walk into my dad's office and he's on the phone. "Yes. Ok, Eric. That's perfect. Yes, we'll sit down and hash this all out." He motions me to sit. I take the chair across from him.

He hangs up the phone. I raise a brow. "What did Alpha Fredericks want?"

"Oh, he's just calling all the Alphas to smooth over the transition."

I lean back. Resting my head on my fingertips. " Is there any way we can prevent certain agents from being recruited?"

"Why would we do that?" He furrowed his brow.

I drop my arm. "Well, some of these agents have...track records. Not really something the security unit wants."

He leans back in his chair. "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain female border Agent, would it?"

I sit up and try to act casual. "No. No. Just curious. I'm going to be training these guys and I would really like to save myself some grief."

It's not a total lie. Some of these agents are real bad apples, but they're good at border. Not so much, when it comes to the unit.

He leans on his desk. "Not that I'm aware of. I know it'll be a bit of a pain in the ass for you, but we need the bodies. We need men and women who can fight. We really can't afford to be choosy right now."

I sigh and slump back.

"So. How are you making out with your border girl, anyway?" He eyes me.

“She’s adjusting well. Her trainings almost done.” I smile.

"Good. She seems nice and a good fighter. In time, maybe you should consider her."

I smile. "Maybe. Hey, dad. You ever hear of anyone getting a second mate after the first one’s gone?"

He scratches his temple. "Come to think of it, no, but I don't know anyone whose lost their first mate. It might be possible. Why do you ask?"

I stand up. "No reason. Just curious. Thanks, dad."

"No problem. Nice to see you home, son."

"Nice to be home after this week." I chuckle and leave his office to go freshen up for dinner.


I pull into Anna's driveway a little after 9. I skip up the porch and knock.

A few minutes later, she opens the door in tight, black jeans, heeled boots and a white tube top. Her hair is pulled up with wisps of hair framing her face.

My knees go weak and my eyes widen. "Damn, baby girl. Maybe we should stay in." I bite my lip.

She giggles. "No way. I'm dying for a beer."

I wrap my arms around her waist. "I'm dying for something else." I kiss her neck, making her laugh.

"Down boy." I push him off. "We got all weekend.

I lean in. "Not nearly long enough."

She smacks my arm. "Let's go."

I lead her down to the car and help her in and get in the driver's seat. I back out and rev the engine, tearing down the road to the bar.

We pull into the Falcon. We get out and head to the entrance. Eyes are already on Anna as we walk in. I'm on high alert.

The bar is jam packed and it's still early. I cruise up to the bar with Anna in tow and order two beers.

She leans to my ear. "I see Fiona. I'm going to say hi."

I lean to her ear. "Ok. Don't wander off on me."

"Don't get all possessive on me now." She warns.

I smile. "No promises."

I let her go and watch her walk to Fiona. I'm watching them talk when Zeke throws his arm around me and slaps my chest. "Hey, bud. You made it. Come on, we ordered a bunch of bottles."

"Hey. Yep. Be right there." I grab Anna's beer. "Anna!" I yell across the bar. She turns and I motion to our table by the dance floor.

She nods and holds up a finger saying she'll be a minute.

I nod to her and head to the table. Blade and Zeke are sitting in their usual spots with three rounds of beer on the table.

As I sit down, Blade leans over, motioning to the dance floor. "Get ‘em while their hot." He chuckles.

I punch his arm. "All yours, bud. I'm not interested."

"I don't know man. It's looking smoking hot out there." He chugs his beer.

Zekes eyes bug out as he raises his beer. "Hot damn!" Anna is heading this way. "I can't believe you got that gorgeous hottie." He laughs as he flutters his shirt at the collar.

I scowl at him.

"Relax. Just an observation." He throws his hands up.

She slips up to the table with Fiona just behind her. "Hey, Alphas."

We all nod.

Zeke eyes the girls up and down. "Having a good time?"

Fiona leans on the table. "We're going to the floor. You guys want to come?"

Zeke and Blade let out a resounding "No."

I look at Anna. "Go have fun."

Anna grabs her beer and lifts it to me and struts off to the dance floor.

I can't help but appreciate that perfect ass as she walks away.

"So, what do we think about this whole border thing?" I tip my beer back.

Zeke rubs his nape. "Don't know, but if I get any trouble from those idiots, I'll roll heads."

"Amen, brother." Blade fist bumps Zeke.

I set my beer down. "I'm not looking forward to it. I like the separation. Now we have to deal with border stuff too? It's stupid."

"I know. We have enough on our plate with Torrent. We don't need some border jerks fucking things up." Zeke ran his fingers through her hair.

I glance over at Anna and she's dancing away. Looking hotter then fuck. Then I see they've been joined by a bunch of dudes.

My eyes flash blue as my wolf gets agitated at the sight.

Blade sees it. "Relax dude. They're just dancing."

"Yeah. I don't like it." I sit and stew in my anger.

Blade claps my back. "You worry too much. You know who she's going home with." He drops a fresh beer in front of me and claps my back again.

I glance over again and one of the dudes is dancing in front of my Anna now. I slam my beer down "I'll be back."

Blade leans back in his chair. "Dude, don't start anything."

"I won't." I grit.

I walk up behind Anna and flash my eyes at the guy who looks at me wide eyed backing off. Anna turns around shocked. "What are you doing?"

I look at her. "Protecting what's mine."

"Well, cool it ok. We're just dancing." She put her hands in her hips.

I grab her head and pull her into my lips. I kiss her hard. Right there, in front of everyone on the dance floor. She melts into my body as my tongue dances with hers. I pull back nipping her lip. "Just remember who you're leaving here with." I warn.

She smirks. "Yes, Alpha."

I give her a hungry look and grab her ass and pull her hips into me. Then I let her go and step off the floor.

Zeke laughs. "Feel better?"

"No." I grumble. "I wanted to deck the guy."

Blade leans over. "Dude. You just kissed a recruit in front of half the recruitment center."

I rolled my bottle in my palms. "I know. My wolf needed to calm down or he would've murdered that guy." I turn my eyes to Anna and Fiona. All the guys seem to be keeping their distance for now.

Blade grabs his beer. "Well, I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass."

"I hope so, too." I blow out a breath.

We're shooting the shit about training when two guys walk up and stand in front of our table. Throwing out tough exteriors.

Blade side eyes them raising a brow. I lean back and cross my arms. Zeke throws an arm on the back of his chair as he turns to them.

They're big guys for sure.

One guy has his head shaved high on the sides and black hair. Tanned and ink on his neck. The other is a blonde and jacked. Ink on both arms.

Zeke eyes them. "Can we help you?

The shaved head guy spoke. "You're the Alphas for training, right?"

"Yeah. So, what." I take a swig of my beer.

He points to his chest. "I'm Rez and this is Felix. We're Anna's friends." He leans on the table. His eyes are hard. Staring right at me.

Blade growls. "You want to back up there, bud."

Rez turns his eyes to Blade, but doesn't move. "Saw your little exchange on the floor. Anna is someone you don't fuck with, you hear me?" He turned his eyes back to me.

I squint my eyes. "Last I checked, she didn't come with body guards."

"Well, considering how much damage you've done already, I feel obligated to make it clear where we stand." His eyes narrow and his head ticks.

I rise to my feet. "Anna's a big girl. She doesn't need you protecting her."

He smirks. "She doesn't need you either."

I start to step around the table when Zeke stands and puts a hand on my chest. I shoot daggers at Rez. "Hey, man. Guys just talking shit. Let it go.” He whispers in my ear.

Blade slowly stands. He's much bigger than them. "You better leave if you know what's good for you." His voice was deep, dark and growling.

I see Blade's head snap behind Felix and he steps back allowing Anna in between them. She looks around the table. The testosterone is so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Rez? Felix? What's going on?" She folds her arms.

Felix eyes her. "Anna. We're just having a friendly chat with your friends here."

Rez's jaw ticks. "Yeah. A friendly chat."

She turns to me. I'm still slightly pushing against Zeke. "River?"

I clench my jaw. "What they said." Was all I could get out.

She rubs her forehead. "Ok. Felix. Rez. You need to leave."

Rez turns to her. "I hope you know what you're doing." He motions his head to Felix. "Let's go."

Felix shoots us all glares and turns on his heels to join his friend and they disappear into the crowd.

I sit back down, still fuming. Trying to push my wolf back down. I grab a beer and chug half back. Anna steps in next to me and my hand grabs her waist. I pull her into my side. The feel of her calms me down quite a bit.

I put my bottle down. "Who were those guys?"

She waved it off. "Michael's friends. Border agents. I'm sure Michael's been venting everything to them and they feel a need to protect him and me."

I squeeze her waist. "Yeah, well. If they don't step off, I'm gonna hand their asses to them."

She smiles. "Big, tough guy now."

I hand her a beer. "When it comes to my baby girl, damn straight."

She takes a swig and sets her bottle down. "Well, if they're here, that means Michael is here somewhere, too. We should go before more buttons get pushed."

I nod. "I'll catch you guys later."

Zeke and Blade raise their bottles. "Have fun." Blade winks.

I stand, grabbing Anna's hand. "Plan on it."

We make a beeline for the door.

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