The Chosen One

Chapter 7

I had just made it to the road when a car came barreling down the street. I jumped back just as the car came to a screeching halt. The window rolled down and a voice rang out.

“Hey you Ok?” The voice was male. Before I could even answer, the driver opened his door and stepped out. I watched as he walked around the car towards me. He was very good looking. I thought I was going to go blind just by looking at him. It should be illegal to look that hot. With his rough features and messy black hair. He waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked.

“Are you Ok?” He asked again, concern in his voice. I snapped out of my trance and started blushing. Here he is trying to help me while I’m just checking him out.

“Um, yeah?” It came out more as a question, he laughed.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

“No, I’m fine.” I said clearer this time. He used his fingers to push his hair back, but it just popped right back out of place. Making it look even messier.

“Good, why are you coming out of the woods anyways?” He asked curiously.

“No reason, why were you driving down the road like a psycho?” I asked him in return. He just shrugged.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t hit you, it’d be a shame to run down a pretty girl like yourself.” He peered at me through hooded eyes.

“Yes, very good, I should get going though.” Did he just call me pretty? Was he flirting with me? Oh man I need to get out of here. I took a step back in the direction I was originally going.

“Do you need a ride anywhere?”

“No?” Again, it came out as a question, what is wrong with me?

“You seem very confused, are you sure you’re Ok?”


Suddenly I started feeling light headed and couldn’t stop swaying on my feet. Before I could make sense of what was happening I passed out. The last thing I saw was the stranger catching me.

I woke up with a slight headache and no idea where I was. I sat up slowly and looked around, I was in a room, in a bed. OH MY GOSH! I’ve been teen-napped. Not bothering to spare the room another glance I jumped out the bed and ran for the door. I got there just as it opened. It smacked me in the face, knocking me on the floor. OUCH.

“I’m sorry are you Ok?” I looked up and saw the guy from the road standing in the doorway.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I live here.” Oh right.

“What am I doing here?” That’s the right question.

“You passed out when I was talking to you... and since I don’t know where you live I brought you here.”

“OH MY GOSH you teen-napped me!”

“I teen- what?” He asked confused.

“Teen-napped me, I mean I can’t say kidnapped cause I’m not a kid so....” I trailed off because he was staring at me funny. Then he burst out laughing. Usually kidnappers were more aggressive, not laughing. He needs to read the handbook again. “Are you done now?” I asked when he still hadn’t calmed down.

“Y-yes.” He started wiping imaginary tears from his eyes.

“Good, do you mind telling me your name?”

“Oh, yeah my name is Dylan and you are?”

“Ashley, how far are we from the road I passed out on?”

“Not that far.”

“Ok, do you mind taking me back?” I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to last in a room alone with him.

“Do you want something to drink before you go?” He asked me. I thought about it, I really should be heading home instead of hanging out with a stranger, a hot stranger. What if he drugs my drink or something?

“Sure.” Wasn’t one of my best decisions, but for some reason I trusted him. Even if we just met. I followed him as he leads me out the room and down a hall. “Do you live here by yourself?” I asked.

“No, me, my sister, and friend live here.”

“Where are they now?” I really didn’t want to be in the house while they’re here. I mean I just met Dylan, sure I trust him a little bit but that doesn’t mean I’ll feel safe with two more people around.

“Not here.” Was all he said. I guess that was a good enough answer for me. We turned the corner into what looked like the kitchen.

“Ok, I’m cool with that.” He walked to the refrigerator while I sat at a stool around the table.

“Is fruit punch Ok?”


“So, you want to tell me about yourself?” He asked

“There’s nothing to tell, plus I just met you.”

“All the more reason to tell me about yourself.” I decided to just tell him a few random things about me since I’m already at his house. How much worse can it get? Just as I opened my mouth to say something a phone started ringing, a second later I realized it was mine. I checked my pockets until I found it. The caller I.D said Lizzy.

“Hello?” I asked

“Where are you?” Her voice sounded frantic on the other end.

“I’m at Dylan’s.”

“Who is Dylan?” Stupid why did I say his name? Should’ve said the store.

“Um, someone I ran into.” I didn’t need to tell her that I ran more into his car than him. She would flip, it’s like having a second mom sometimes.

“Well I’m coming to get you, everybody has been worried sick about where you are. Blake can’t control his wolf he’s going crazy.” At the mention of Blake’s name I realized that I had forgotten all about him while hanging out with Dylan. Why would his wolf be going crazy though? Not like he cares about me.

“You don’t have to come get me Liz, I’ll ask Dylan to drop me off.” Dylan nodded when I looked over at him and went to grab his keys.

“Ok get here quick.” She snapped before hanging up. I looked up at Dylan.

“Can you take me to Lizzy’s house please? I’ll give you the address.” I asked very sweetly. Dylan rolled his eyes.

“Yeah come on.” When we got to his car Dylan opened the door for me. As I got in, our arms brushed against each other and we both froze. Sparks lit up my whole arm, the same sparks that came whenever I made contact with Blake. I looked up at Dylan, he was staring at me wide eyed. I quickly got in the car which snapped Dylan out of his daze. Oh my gosh this can’t be happening. I can’t have two mates!

We drove in silence for half the car ride, both lost in our own thoughts.

“Um.” I started but couldn’t think of anything to say to make this any less awkward.

“It’s Ok Ashley you don’t have to say anything.” He told me sighing.

“Instead of dropping me off at Lizzy house just take me home please.” I just want to go home, relax and think.


I gave him directions and a couple minutes later we arrived at my house. He pulled up in the drive way.

“Thanks for the ride.” My hand was on the doorknob getting ready to pull, before he stopped me.

“This is my number Ashley, when you’re ready to talk give me a call.” He says, handing me a piece of paper.

“Ok what’s the name of your pack?” Since we were mates he had to be a werewolf right? And I didn’t think he was part of Blakes pack since I never seen him at school. I also don’t remember anyone mentioning another pack, so I was curious.

“I know what you’re thinking but I’m not a werewolf.” He smiles at me sadly.

“Then what are you?” Just as he’s about to answer I’m yanked out of his car. I turned around to see Blake standing there, looking furious. Dylan jumped out of the car, he came around and snatched me out of Blakes grip.

“What the hell is wrong with you man?” He yells at Blake, while he checks to see if I’m hurt. Blake took a step closer.

“Get your hands off her!” He snarls, and I can tell his wolf is about to take over. I positioned myself so that I’m standing between them. I don’t know what has gotten into Blake, but I didn’t like it.

“Calm down.” I tell him while putting a hand on his chest. He relaxes a little but still glares at Dylan, he reached out and pulled me closer to him. I turned to face Dylan, he looks a little confused and angry about the situation.

“I’ll call you later, thanks for the ride.” I step towards him wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. Tingles go through my body and I don’t really want to let go, but I know Blake is watching so I take a step back.

“Bye Ashley.” Dylan walks around to the driver side of the car, he looked back at me once before getting in and pulling out of the driveway.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Blake as he follows me to the front door.

“Lizzy told me you were with some guy, I needed to make sure you were Ok.” Needed to make sure I was ok or get in my business? If someone told me he was with a girl I wouldn’t bother hunting him down.

“Well I’m fine so you can go now.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. I’m still mad at him about the secret mate thing, and plus I would like some time to myself.

He sighed “Ashley-” He starts but I cut him off.

“Blake we’ll talk about this another time, but right now I’m tired so please just leave.” He stares at me for a moment then walks away. I sighed walking in my house. I walked upstairs and flopped down on my bed still thinking about the impossible. How can I have two mates, and what is Dylan??

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