The Chosen One

Chapter 30

I sat in class Monday morning feeling exhausted. So much has changed in my life. First, I discover I have two mates then one rejects me. I meet an angel that claims he’s my guardian and fallen because he was in love with me. Then discover I’m an archangel and my parents hid me on earth away from some council that wants to kill me. Could my life get any more complicated? Maybe. Ever since we got news of the council three days ago I’ve been training extra hard. I’ve mastered most of the elements and can teleport, what I can’t do is reveal my wings. When Jacob brought this up I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t. He said they would be helpful in a fight, but sadly for us they won’t show themselves. Dylan mastered fire and air faster than I did. Jacob had joked that he was the real angel. Sadly though he still only knows how to shift into cats, guess old habits die hard.

“Have you spoken to my brother lately?” Lizzy asked pulling me out of my thoughts. The teacher was going on about something up front, but I had zoned out at the beginning of the lesson.

“Which one?” I asked her.

“Derek, I haven’t seen him all day.” She said.

“Maybe he just skipped...” Even as I said that I didn’t believe it, that’s just not like Derek.

“Yeah, but I didn’t see him leave this morning either.” She said.

I started to get a bad feeling, where was Derek? “Have you seen Blake?” I asked.

“Yeah he was...” She hesitated.

“He was what?” I pressed.

“Well he was with Zoey.” She flinched, as if the words hurt her to say. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Why didn’t you just say that?” I giggled. She looked at me in surprise.

“Because he’s your mate, I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.” She admitted.

I shook my head. “He was my mate. Dylan is my mate, I feel nothing for Blake.” I told her smiling. It’s so funny how nervous she was.

“Oh, I didn’t know how that went, I’ve never met anyone with more than one mate.” I can see how that would be awkward for her.

“Well maybe he saw Derek. We’ll ask him after class.” I suggested, she nodded.

“So, what’s it like with Dylan.” She wagged her eyebrows at me. I blushed.

“It’s nice.” I said.

“Is he big?” She widened her eyes at me.

“Lizzy! That’s none of your business.” My cheeks were flaming. I was not expecting that question. She broke out in laughter, causing the teacher to glare in our direction.

“Is there something you want to share with the class Lizzy?” She sneered.

“In fact there is Ms. Rain, those shoes so don’t go with that skirt.” I gaped at her in shock, before covering my mouth trying to keep in my laugh.

“To the office now!”


“There’s my little rebel.” I beamed as Lizzy walked up to Dylan’s car. We were in the school parking lot, we decided to wait for Lizzy to get out of detention. Most of the kids were gone, except the ones also leaving detention.

“Shut up, it’s your fault I was in trouble.” She grumbled. Cause I’m the one that told the teacher she didn’t match.

“Yeah right, my Ashley is a little angel.” Dylan told her smirking, while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his dumb joke. But couldn’t help the way my heart squeezed when he called me his.

“Are we going to look for Derek?” I asked, as we all climbed into Dylan’s car.

“Where would we even start looking? I asked around school earlier and no one has seen him. Did you ask Blake?” She asked me. I saw Dylan glance in my direction.

“I didn’t see him.” I shrugged.

“We need to stop at my house then.” Lizzy said, I agreed. Dylan drove us towards the pack house. This was my third time here, it was just how I remembered it. We all got out of the car and followed Lizzy up to the house. I was a little nervous with Dylan being with us. I knew for a fact Blake didn’t like him. Lizzy didn’t seem to mind though.

“Blake!” She yelled soon as we walked in. Hope no one else was here. I wanted to get in and out unnoticed.

“We’re in the living room.” I heard him call out. We followed Lizzy in the direction I assumed the living room was. Sat on the couch was Blake and Zoey, across from them was Jessica.

“What are they doing here?” He asked, glaring at Dylan and I. Zoey looked over at us, as she turned her head I could see a scar from my claws. She will always have a reminder of what happens when you touch what’s mine. I hadn’t seen her or Blake at school today.

“You’re going to pay for this.” She got up from the couch getting ready to attack me. I rolled my eyes, guess she hasn’t learned her lesson after all. With a flick of my hand I calmly had air hold her against the wall.

“We came here to talk and if you can’t handle that then you need to leave.” I stated calmly.

“She’s not going anywhere! She’s welcomed here, you aren’t.” Blake growled jumping up. Dylan quickly stepped in front of me. I didn’t understand why Blake was being so protective of Zoey, until I sniffed the air. They mated, she was now his mate.

“Blake you need to calm down! There are bigger issues. Haven’t you noticed Derek is missing?” Lizzy yelled frustrated.

Blake frowned at her before turning his glare back on us. “This is pack business, we can deal with it ourselves. They have no reason to be here.” He fumed. I don’t understand where all this anger is coming from.

“No reason to be here? Derek is my friend! I have every right to be concerned.” I glared at him. Well as much as I could from behind Dylan. I guess mating with Zoey turned Blake into a cold-hearted man just like her. I never expected him to act like this.

“You can be concerned away from this pack.” He snarled, taking a step forward.

“Watch it mutt, come any closer and I’ll have your mate concerned for you.” Dylan threatened. I guess he also realized they mated. Blake’s eyes snapped to him and I could see his wolf starting to take over.

“You challenging me?” He chuckled darkly. Dylan simply cocked an eyebrow at him. I knew if Dylan decided to challenge Blake he could easily win. He didn’t know Dylan was part angel now, and much stronger than him.

“Guys stop! We need to find Derek.” Lizzy cut in.

“Forget it Lizzy we’re leaving. No one here is thinking rational.” Dylan grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the door. I let him realizing he was right, Blake wasn’t going to help us find Derek or with anything else for that matter. As we opened the front door we both stopped, my eyes widened at the scene. In front of the house stood at least twenty pack wolves.

“Good luck getting out of here alive after hurting their Luna.” Blake’s cold voice said from behind us. I looked over at Dylan, seeing the glint of excitement in his eyes. Blake has no idea what he’s done.

All that could be heard was growling. I didn’t want to fight these wolves, I know they were only following their Alpha’s orders. I can’t believe Blake would do this to us or them. I turned back to look at him once again to see him glaring. He’s changed so much. He was nothing like the guy I met on my first day here. I’m glad I made the decision I did. Turning back around I looked at the wolves ready to attack us.

“Blake! Why are you doing this?” Lizzy came running to the door looking distressed. Blake blocked her before she could go any further, she glared at him.

“Stay out of this Lizzy.” He growled at her.

“You’re trying to hurt my friends.” She argued.

“If you help them then you’re no longer part of this pack.” He said to her. I saw her freeze as she looked over at us. I nodded at her, we can handle this, no need for her to get kicked out the pack. She sighed before turning and running back in the house. We walked down the porch until we were standing on the front lawn.

“You brought this on yourself.” I told Blake. I looked over at Dylan who was ready to fight. I took a step forward and they started growling even louder. “If you want us...then come and get us.” That’s when all hell broke loose

They charged at us from both sides. I felt my hair lift as I made a gust of wind go towards them. It knocked them several feet back, they looked confused for a minute, before charging again. I thought that would be enough of a warning.

Lost in my thoughts I didn’t realize that a wolf had snuck up on me from the side, it tackled me to the ground. I groaned as it snapped its jaws at me, spewing saliva all over my face. Using my right hand that wasn’t pinned, I summoned a fireball before smacking it to the side of its head. It let out a howl of agony before jumping off me. I rolled over onto my stomach to push myself up. Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, or even get to my feet properly another wolf was charging towards me.

I shot my hands out ready to defend myself when suddenly the wolf burst into flames. Dylan was standing there glaring at the pile of ashes. He looked so hot! My mate was so badass. Shaking myself out of my thoughts I quickly jumped to my feet as the wolves surrounded us again.

“I don’t want to kill them, some of these people have families.” I told Dylan as we stood back to back.

“They sure don’t have a problem with killing you.” He growled as a wolf charged him. He threw a fireball at the wolf, making him fall back. It’s clear they’re not going to win this battle so why are they still trying?

“They’re under orders Dylan they can’t help it.” I tried to get through to him.

“Then I can’t help what happens to them.” He stated coldly. I frowned.

Three wolves started towards me, I lifted my hands upwards. My favorite little roots came out embedding themselves into them. It wouldn’t kill them because they heal quick but after listening to Dylan I decided they weren’t going to stop no matter what. As much as I hated to do it, I needed to protect myself and Dylan. Twisting my hand around I squeezed it into a fist, ripping the wolves apart.

I felt the wind pick up, looking back over my shoulder I saw three tornadoes rip through a pack of five. Facing back around I threw out fireballs left and right hitting anything within my line of sight. Their numbers were going down fast. The ground was covered with dead bodies and I tried my hardest to not look at them. There were at least ten wolves left standing growling at us. Raising my hands, I prepared to take them out, when a voice stopped me.

“STOP!” A commanding voice rang out across the yard, all the wolves froze. Looking towards the front of the house I saw Blake’s dad standing there at the front gate, looking at Dylan and I in awe.

“No! Attack them!” Blake yelled out. The wolves started growling again but didn’t look ready to pounce.

“All of you return home now! Before you meet the same faith as the others.” His dad commanded. The wolves looked grateful as they quickly ran off.

We heard a growl from the front porch as Blake rushed down the steps. “How dare you stop them!” He shouted as the wolves left.

“Son you lost the battle! Look the fight was long over.” He waved his hands at the dead bodies.

Blake was breathing heavily as he realized his dad was right. We could’ve easily taken out those wolves just like the rest.

“What are you?” His dad addressed me. Now he suddenly takes an interest in me? Not long ago he looked over me like I didn’t even exist, while standing right in front of him.

“That’s none of your business.” Dylan answered for me. He turned his attention to him.

“My name is James.” He announced.

“No offense sir, but I honestly don’t care who you are, my mate and I are leaving.” Dylan stated, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Why are you two here?” He called out, as we started walking away.

“We just wanted help looking for your son.” I looked back over my shoulder at him.

“My son? Derek? Where is he?” He questioned.

“We don’t know! That’s why we came for help.” I told him. Dylan stopped walking once he realized I wasn’t going to ignore James. Much to his displeasure.

“We will help you look for him.” James said. Blake growled at this.

“We don’t need their help!”

“Shut up boy! Your brother is missing open your eyes.” James growled at him. They had a glaring match. From the corner of my eye I saw Dylan’s lip twitch upward. I elbowed him in his side. This was no laughing matter.

“Who are you?” His question was directed to Dylan this time. I guess he figured he was in charge of me.

“I’m Dylan, Alpha of the cat shifters.” He stated proudly. I grinned up at my mate.

“Well Dylan you mind stepping into my office? So we can figure this out?” James asked.

Dylan looked over at my smiling face before sighing. “Sure.”

The four of us started walking back towards the house. I cringed as I saw all the bodies on the ground. Blake growled for every dead body he walked by.

“Are you sure?” I asked Jacob. We were all currently sitting in the Alpha’s office. As we were discussing where Derek could possibly be Jacob barged in with upsetting news.

“Yes, you guys have checked his usual spots and couldn’t find him, right? It’s very obvious what’s happened here.” He said.

“Wait hold on, who is the council?” James asked, I sighed. Why couldn’t Jacob text me this? I don’t think the Alpha would be as friendly with us if he found out I’m the reason his son has been kidnapped.

“People that want Ashley. I guess they grabbed the most unprotected person they saw first.” Jacob informed him.

“See father we don’t need them! It’s her fault that he’s missing.” Blake snarled. He was so cranky these days, period maybe?

“I hate to agree with my son here, but he’s right. My boy is missing because of her, why should we help?” James asked.

“For one, you guys can’t get him back without her. So, if you refuse to help her then she refuses to help you. We could easily just disappear and let them keep Derek.” Dylan shrugged, I frowned at him. I hope he’s just bluffing, I’d never leave Derek knowing he’s in trouble because of me. The guilt would eat me alive.

“Point proven, we’ll help. But why do they want her?” I didn’t want to tell them I was an archangel, my own family didn’t even know.

“That doesn’t matter.” Dylan cut in.

“What? You’re going to work with these monsters?” Blake asked outraged. Monsters? He’s the one that sent 25 wolves to kill two people! And we’re the monsters? As if.

“Blake, go for a run,” James said, not even looking over at his son. Blake glared at everyone in the room before leaving, slamming the door behind him. “Sorry about my son.”

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked before I could stop myself. I didn’t want him to think that I thought his son was crazy. Even though that’s exactly what I thought.

James sighed, rubbing his hands down his face. “Since he rejected his mate and mated with someone that he doesn’t really like, it has driven his wolf mad. So, Blake fights for control over him daily.”

“Wow.” I felt a pang of guilt hit me. It’s my fault he’s like this.

“Don’t do that.” I looked over to see Dylan staring intently at me.

“Do what?”

“Blame yourself, he rejected you. He let his jealousy control him and for that he’s dealing with the consequences. It’s not your fault and never will be.” He told me seriously. I reached out wrapping my arms around him. He knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

“I love you.” I told him.

“I love you too.” He kissed the top of my head. I heard someone gag and looked behind me to see Jacob fake gagging. I rolled my eyes.

“Real mature Jacob.” I spoke, pulling out of Dylan’s embrace.

“When did this turn into a romance movie?” He asked.

“When your mom was bent-“Dylan started.

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” I cut him off glaring. He smirked at me.

“As you wish.”

“God you guys are so cute it’s gross.” Jacob disappeared out of the room. I heard someone clear their throat and jumped. I forgot James was here.

“I guess this meeting is over.” He said. I nodded, Dylan and I started making our way towards the door.


“How are we supposed to find them?” I asked Dylan as we lay on my bed. I had my head on his chest, making patterns on his hand.

“I don’t know, maybe we wait for them to find us. Give them a signal or something.” He said, twisting my hair around his finger.

“Should I walk around naked?” He growled at me, I giggled. “How do you think they found Derek? Maybe they’ll try to swap with us soon.”

“When is the last time you seen Derek?” He asked me.

I frowned before cringing. “I honestly can’t remember, I’ve been dealing with so much these last few days.”

“You guys barely hung out before, so of course you wouldn’t keep up with his whereabouts. But you’re also close enough to him to care about him, he was the perfect target.”

“Do you think he’s ok?” I asked softly.

“Yeah, the pack would know if he- if something happened to him.” He said, changing his words. I was glad he didn’t say it.

“Do you think they would tell me though? Both Alphas don’t like me very much.”

“I’m sure Lizzy would tell you. Now enough talk lets watch a movie, unless you want to do something else.” He said winking at me. I slapped his chest.

“I want to watch a scary movie.”

“Why? So you can hide behind me the whole time?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, how’d you know?” I replied sarcastically.

“I know everything.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Go make popcorn.” I pushed him towards the end of the bed. He chuckled before getting off the bed.

“Make sure you pick a good movie.”

“Make sure you don’t burn the popcorn.” I narrowed my eyes at him. He held his hands up in surrender.

“That was one time.”

“I can still taste the burntness.” I fake gagged. He chuckled before leaving the room. I got up to look over my movie options. As I was looking I heard footsteps behind me.

“That was fast, I hope you didn’t under cook it.” I commented without turning around. When I didn’t receive a response, I looked behind me. I felt a scream build up in my throat, the person in front of me shot forward covering my mouth.

“Ashley Parker, you’ve been summoned by the council.” Was the last thing I heard before I passed out. With one thought in my head. Was asking for popcorn the signal?

I groaned as I slowly start to waken. Why does my head feel like it was ran over by a truck?

“You’re finally up, thought my only company would be these four walls for another hour.” I heard a voice say. I cracked an eye open and saw Derek chained to a wall next to me. Both eyes shot open as I tried to go to him, only to be yanked back. I looked down at my arms and legs to see that I was also chained. I looked around the room noticing that there were no windows and only one door that was bolted shut and silver. Basically, there was no escaping.

“Derek! I’m so sorry this is all my fault.” I started crying.

“Hey shh shh this is no one’s fault.” He tried to calm me.

“It is! I’m assuming the council has us and they only took you because of me.”

“No, they took me because my mate ordered them too.” He told me sadly.

I looked at him in confusion. “You found your mate? And she had the council chain you? Why?” His mate must be someone really powerful if she can tell angels to kidnap a werewolf. From what Jacob told me angels didn’t like werewolves.

“She’s part of the council.” I felt my eyes widened at his confession. It was quiet for a while after that. My thoughts going a mile a minute. The council found me. What were they going to do with me? Will they ever let Derek go? I know one thing for sure, I wasn’t just going to sit around and wait.

“Where are we? How long have you been here?” I tried to move my arms again. The chains only reached so far.

“We’re in their dungeons I believe, I’ve been here for over a week now.” I felt guilt hit me as Derek told me this. He’s been missing for over a week and we only just noticed today? What kind of friends were we? His family was even worse.

“I’m sorry.” I told him.

“Its fine, I was hoping my mate would eventually let me go if I promised to never see her again,” He started sadly. “She told me this is where my kind belonged.”

“We’ll get out of here.” I promised him.

“That’s the thing, I don’t think I want to leave. I could’ve broken out plenty of times, but I think my wolf wants to stay close to his mate. Even if she doesn’t want us.”

“Derek we can’t stay here. Who says they won’t eventually kill us, you don’t know who these people are. They aren’t wolves like us, well mostly you.” I sighed.

“What do you mean? I knew something was off about my mate, but I just assumed she hadn’t shifted yet.” He frowned in confusion.

“They’re angels, and I’m also an angel.”

“Wow, just when I thought I knew all the supernatural. But what do they want with you? I know why I’m here.”

“My parents were archangels, making me the first-born archangel in ages, but they hid me on earth away from the council. They’ve been looking for me ever since.”

“So, they’re going to kill you? Maybe me as well.” He sighed. He looked so heartbroken that it made my heart hurt. It also made me think about Dylan. He probably was freaking out now, our nice movie night turned into me getting kidnapped.

“I don’t think your mate will kill you, it would kill her as well.” I told him.

“I don’t know, you should’ve seen the way she looked at me. There was no love there.” He told me sadly. I felt my heart break all over again at the tortured look on his face.

“Love takes time.”

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